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随着电子文件逐步取代传统纸质文件的使用,传统的档案管理理论在指导电子文件管理时显现出明显的不足.为此,档案学界围绕着文件生周期理论和文件连续体理论对电子文件管理要求的适应性展开激烈的争论.本文从分析文件生命周期理论和文件连续体理论内涵开始,比较两种理论的异同点,并结合国内学者关于二者关系研究具有代表性的观点来阐述笔者对于这两种理论的认识.  相似文献   

文件生命周期理论与文件中心二者存在内在联系,这种联系不是必然的,是对文件运动这一客观规律的体现.文件生命周期理论是理论层面的阐述,文件中心是实践层面的展示,仅仅用产生先后来表述它们之间的关系不甚妥当.  相似文献   

文件生命周期理论和文件连续体理论是档案学重要理论,也是当前我国档案学界颇具争议的话题,科学认识这两种理论.有利于促其合理建设和健康发展.本文从客观地评价"两论"的历史地位、全面地认识"两论"的价值、辩证地把握"两论"的关系、发展地看待"两论"的未来四个方面论述了这一观点.  相似文献   

文件生命周期理论与文件连续体理论研究现状评析   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
近些年来,我国档案学术界非常重视文件生命周期理论与文件连续体理论的综合性研究。综观学者们的理论文章,不论其视角、观点、立论如何,可以说,每一篇文章都给读者打开了一个新思想和新知识的窗户,使读者受益匪浅,也反映了档案界活跃的学术气氛。笔者不揣冒昧,就这一问题的研究现状谈一点个人浅见,意在交流和讨教。  相似文献   

1940年,美国档案学者布鲁克斯最早提出了“文件生命周期”概念。文件生命周期理论是对文件到档案运动过程和规律的客观描述和科学抽象,是指导文件到档案全过程管理的基本理论。当然,文件生命周期理论主要是针对传统的纸质文件和档案而提出的。但是,随着电子文件时代的到来,电子文件的生命周期对传统的文件生命周期理论产生了重大的影响。笔  相似文献   

文件中心与文件生命周期理论,是目前档案界议论较多的话题,二者的关系如何,档案界可谓是仁者见仁,智者见智.笔者对争议的有些观点不敢苟同,在此想谈谈自己粗浅的见解.  相似文献   

本文从文件生命周期理论在电子文件时代的适应性问题入手,探讨了文件生命周期理论和文件连续体理论在电子文件文件管理上存在的互补性特征,并对两种理论的侧重点做了详细的分析,指出两种理论在电子文件时代存在着极大的相关和互补特点,二者可以取长补短,兼容发展。  相似文献   

文件生命周期理论与文件连续体理论关系研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
本文首先简要评介了我国档案学者在文件生命周期理论与文件连续体理论关系研究上的4种观点取代论、补充论、兼容论与互补论。然后从基础与应用、宏观与微观、指导与被指导3个方面分析并阐述了文件生命周期理论与文件连续体理论的辩证关系。  相似文献   

本文以电子时代的出现为背景,分析了文件生命周期理论和文件连续体理论的提出背景,分析了当前学术界对这两种理论的争论焦点,最后指出了在电子时代文件生命周期理论仍具有强大的生命力,依然适用.  相似文献   

关宏玉 《云南档案》2009,(11):16-18
电子文件时代的到来,让文件生命周期理论面临诸多挑战,文件连续体理论的发展与成熟便是其中之一。鉴于目前档案学界对于二者关系的诸多看法,本文拟将两种理论存在与发展的理想状态理解为一种共存、共建、共同完善的"共生"状态,并就这种状态存在的必要性与必然性进行了初步探讨。  相似文献   

[This corrects the article on p. 111 in vol. 87.].  相似文献   

In this article the authors present a study of the use of documents by a small group of art conservators in the Philippines. Documents are important for these conservators, but not just, or even primarily, for their role as memory devices. Also important are the functions they play in creating a sense of professional identity, for mediating the tensions created by a bureaucratically structured workplace and an occupation traditionally organised around notions of craftsmanship, and as creators of persuasive evidence for clients.  相似文献   

This article, based upon a presentation delivered at Simmons College in March 1995, offers the perspective of the former Acting Archivist of the United States on the internationalization of archival management, change, archival education and preparation for the future.Editor's Note: Contrary to the usual policy of the journal, we decided to reprint Dr. Peterson s Samuel Lazerow Memorial Lecture delivered at Simmons College, Boston, Massachusetts, March 14, 1995, with minimal copy editing. The paper provides a unique and important perspective and does offer insights into preparation for the future.  相似文献   

Memory, justice and the public record   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
After WWII, there were approximately 10,000 children with Norwegian mothers and German fathers in Norway. In the late 1980s, these ??war children??s?? fate became a topic of public debate, when accusations of maltreatment and harassment were made public. A research project organised by the Norwegian Research Council in 1998 concluded that the children had been subject to harassment and illegally deprived of some of their basic civilian rights between 1945 and 1955. Then, in 2006, Norwegian parliament approved a special reparation system for war children, in which the size of the compensation was made dependent on the documentation that each individual might bring forth. After 2 years of this system??s functioning, it is evident that only a small percentage of the war children have been able to produce the necessary evidence. In this article, I will explore the roles that social memory and archival records may have played in constructing the war children as a social group, why the individual war child??s life tends to be poorly documented in public records, and why the reparation system privileges public records as evidence. Finally, I will discuss the archivist??s position as the intermediary between the records and the individuals seeking justice, how archivists should respond to such calls for justice and what they might do to create a more inclusive memory of the past.  相似文献   

澳门特别行政区隆重举行回归祖国三周年庆祝活动,马万祺、何厚铧亲切会见祖国内地档案工作者,中国第一历史档案馆珍贵档案参展引起社会轰动……  相似文献   

李兆明 《北京档案》2002,(12):18-19
一、构成文件价值的诸种因素 文件因为需要反映客观事物,必然受到客观因素的影响;文件是由人制作的,又必然受到一定的主观因素影响.文件本来就是反映社会组织或个人的意志与愿望,是主观见之于客观的一种社会事物,人们难免要将自己的感情、意志,甚至主观偏见带到文件中去.然而,人们制作文件应当尽可能多地反映客观事物原貌,力求文件价值的客观性.严重缺乏客观性的文件,由于与事实相背离,文件信息难以为人们所认同与接受,文件的价值也就难以完成社会实现.  相似文献   

一、案情介绍 原告:湖南省芷江侗族自治县新店坪镇水上村二组 被告:湖南省芷江侗族自治县档案局 案由:1998年国家重点工程株州到六盘水铁路复线施工需要租用1.82亩的坡地,有1万元的土地补偿费.芷江县新店坪镇水上村两个组围绕这笔土地征用费的归属发生了争执.在多次调节未果的情况下,县镇两级政府决定将补偿费暂存镇国土办,待找到可靠证据再作裁定.  相似文献   

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