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利用LOGO语言的特点,给出一个仅含100来个语句的LOGO程序,它运行时,键入某个函数表达式,程序可立即生成相应的函数图象。这有利于借助直观学习函数,易于理解,便于举一反三,LOGO语言,是设计计算机辅助教学程序的重要语言。  相似文献   

LOGO语言是目前我国小学信息技术教育阶段所学习的程序设计语言,是一种图形化的语言,借助"海龟"在界面上的运动,使学生直观地看到程序的运行过程和运行结果.  相似文献   

LOGO语言是一种适合于青少年学生和初学者学习的绘图式程序设计语言,LOGO语言具有较强的针对性,对于小学生来说LOGO主要用于"图画"绘画和创作,它里面有一个绘画能手——小海龟,小海龟本领高强,会画画、会计算,多才多艺。本文就我校《校本课程剪纸艺术与信息技术整合研究》校本课程整合研究实践中,论述如何应用"LOGO"程序设计语言的特点、编程思想和策略等融入到剪纸创新设计当中,让信息技术给学生的剪纸设计插上创新的翅膀,从而实现为学生们搭建起一个个性化、多元化、交互式的剪纸创新设计学习和实践的大舞台,达到信息技术学习和剪纸设计创作学习的双丰收。  相似文献   

LOGO语言是一种与自然语言非常接近的编程语言.是一种适合中小学生和初学者学习的程序设计语言.它采用儿童十分喜欢的积木拼图方式。通过海龟绘图来学习编制程序的一般方法,培养学生的逻辑思维和创造才能。《江苏省义务教育信息技术课程指导纲要(试行)》指出,希望借助LOGO语言的学习,向小学生渗透程序设计思想。发展小学生的程序设...  相似文献   

<正>信息技术与学科怎样结合呢?我校选择了LOGO语言辅助中学数学这一实验课题。因为LOGO语言是一种很适合于青少年学生学习的程序设计语言,它采用儿童十分喜欢的搭积木拼图方式,通过海龟绘图来学习编制程序的一般方法。有力地提高了学生的学习自主性和创造性,能较好地培养学生的逻辑思维和  相似文献   

一、问题的提出 面对现代信息社会的飞速发展,我深感数学常规教学方法和教学手段必须改革。1984年我开始在教学之余学习计算机,先后使用过LASER310、APPLEⅡ、中华学习机、PC、SUN286等机型,并在BASIC、MIT、LOGO、PC LOGO、APPLE汉字LOGO、中华机汉字LOGO(北大张万增开发)等语言环境下试着编写辅助中学数学教学的程序,探索用计算机  相似文献   

认为LOGO语言的教学以培养学生的学习兴趣为主,着重学生素质的教育,在具体的教学过程中,主要是以下几点:一、采用循序渐进的教学方法;二、把LOGO语言的教学分为三个部分,即基本图形公式的学习、重复套重复图形功分析和过程形式的学习;三、在LOGO语言教学中还要注意对现代化教学设备的利用,通过多种教学手段以提高学生的学习兴趣;四、上机课的教学在LOGO语言的教学占有重要的地位,计算机是一门实践性很强的学科,因此要注重学生动手能力的培养.  相似文献   

LOGO语言从上世纪80年代进入我国中小学信息技术教学,之后逐渐冷落和消退,这和我们教学中偏向程序语言的命令、结构、语法有着一定的关系。LOGO语言的创始人Papert博士提出,学习LOGO语言的重要性不在于掌握语言命令本身,而在于整个过程和数学的学习是相互促进的。本文从课堂教学实例入手,展现了LOGO语言教学和数学学习整合的过程,并对当前中小学信息技术程序语言教学存在的一些问题作了分析和探讨。  相似文献   

LOGO语言在中国经历了近30年的发展,近几年在小学教学得到了进一步发展。本文对于LOGO语言的发展历史进行了回顾,对不同发展阶段的版本进行分析。在对历史、对不同版本的分析中,通过对现在与过去的分析找到了LOGO语言中经历多年而不变的基础内容,在发展的不同版本中找到了发展的方向与规律,从而阐述了现在LOGO语言教学中的三个要点:重新定位、强调探究、促进综合学习。  相似文献   

LOGO语言是美国麻省理工学院人工智能实验室专为青少年设计的编程语言,除了具有很强的绘图功能以外,还具有计算、字表处理等多种功能。LOGO语言是一种易学、易懂、易于掌握的结构化程序设计语言,它并不是强制性地向学生灌输知识,而是使学生在掌握了为数极少的LOGO原始命令后,在发现和探索中学习,通过操纵屏幕上的海龟来学习编写程序。学习LOGO语言有助于少年儿童认知能力的发展,促进了学生空间想象能力的发展,并获得解决问题的能力。  相似文献   

This article describes a three-phase program for training special education teachers to teach Logo and artificial intelligence. Logo is derived from the LISP computer language and is relatively simple to learn and use, and it is argued that these factors make it an ideal tool for classroom experimentation in basic artificial intelligence concepts. The program trains teachers to develop simple demonstrations of artificial intelligence using Logo. The material that the teachers learn to teach is suitable as an advanced level topic for intermediate- through secondary-level students enrolled in computer competency or similar courses. The material emphasizes problem-solving and thinking skills using a nonverbal expressive medium (Logo), thus it is deemed especially appropriate for hearing-impaired children. It is also sufficiently challenging for academically talented children, whether hearing or deaf. Although the notion of teachers as programmers is controversial, Logo is relatively easy to learn, has direct implications for education, and has been found to be an excellent tool for empowerment-for both teachers and children.  相似文献   

A Logo intervention was implemented to improve the language and problem-solving skills of four young mainstreamed children with developmental disabilities. To ensure that the children had a clear concept of Logo, a specially designed scope and sequence curriculum, with instructional aids, was developed. The children were tested in language and cognitive processing and gain scores were analysed after the intervention. While there were no statistically supportable conclusions attesting to the benefit of Logo in language and problem-solving, a qualitative assessment of gains supported the value of the project.  相似文献   

Instruction in the Logo programming language proceeds amid increasing concern about its educational value. Proponents claim that Logo-based instruction increases intelligence, whereas critics contend that children learn little about Logo or about anything else during such instruction. Reasoned argument about the pitfalls and prospects of Logo in the classroom requires a common interpretive framework, which is often obscured by the distinct conceptions of intelligence held by proponents and critics. Accordingly, the implications of two different root metaphors of intelligence for the study of Logo-based learning are traced. Development of ideal educational practices and outcomes for Logo learning within each framework follows, with a selected review of research to support some conjectures and refute others. This presentation includes discussion of weak versus strong problem-solving methods, transfer, "powerful ideas," and discovery-based learning. The article concludes with a partition of cognition into cognitive, metacognitive, and epistemic levels, and it relates these to Logo as a strategy for developing thinking.  相似文献   

In this case study, a group of nine 4th grade children were introduced to the Logo programming language during three 90-minute sessions over a four-week period. They attended a private university-based laboratory school serving students with various learning disabilities. This project demonstrated that a classic version of Logo captured the students’ interest. It was a viable source of interactive challenge and problem-solving experience that provided students with a great deal of pride, intrinsic reward, enjoyment, and sense of ownership of learning. The process of overcoming obstacles while programming with Logo may be especially beneficial for students with mild disabilities.  相似文献   

In his book Mindstorms (1980) Papert discusses Turtle Geometry as ego-syntonic or fitting the ways of thinking of the child as a geometric knowledge builder. The van Hiele theory (Wirzup, 1976) looks at geometric knowledge building as occuring through a necessary sequence of levels. Thus if Turtle Geometry is ego-syntonic it would seem that one could apply these van Hiele levels to better describe and understand this form of geometry. It is the first purpose of this paper to provide such an analysis.Using Logo to do Turtle Geometry requires that a child (or learner at any level) do geometry through the deliberate use of language. Thus one ought also to be able to relate theoretically levels of language use to Turtle Geometry. It is a second purpose of this paper to relate a language use framework suggested by the work of Frye (1982) to the language activities of Turtle Geometry.  相似文献   

This paper describes an investigation into how the use of Logo affects children's basic knowledge of angle. It shows that teachers should not assume that unstructured use of Logo with a minimum of teacher intervention will have a beneficial effect on children's knowledge of angle and how it is measured. It appears to be the case that children make erroneous adjustments to their conceptual knowledge of angle in order to accommodate the results of an acquired procedural interaction with the computer.  相似文献   

This paper describes and presents the findings of a study which aimed to trace the development of pupils' use and understanding of algebraic ideas within a Logo programming context relating this to their use and understanding of similar ideas within a non-computational context. The research consisted predominantly of a three year longitudinal case study of four pairs of pupils (aged 11–14) programming in Logo during their normal school mathematics lessons. The data included video recordings of all the case study pulils' Logo sessions, and individually presented Logo and algebra structured interviews. The overall conclusion of this research is that Logo experience does enhance pupils' understanding of algebraic ideas, but the links which pupils make between Logo and algebra depend very much on the nature and extent of their Logo experience.  相似文献   

Formal mathematical methods remain, for most high school students, mysterious, artificial and not a part of their regular intuitive thinking. The authors develop some themes that could lead to a radically new approach. According to this thesis, the teaching of programming languages as a regular part of academic progress can contribute effectively to reduce formal barriers. This education can also be used to enable pupils to access an accurate understanding of some key mathematical concepts. In the field of heuristic knowledge for technical problem solving, experience of programming is no less valuable: it lends itself to promote a discussion of relations between formal procedures and the comprehension of intuitive problem solving and provides examples for the development of heuristic precepts (formulating a plan, subdividing the complexities, etc.). The knowledge gained in programming can also be used for the discussion of concepts and problems of classical mathematics. Finally, it can also facilitate the expansion of mathematical culture to topics in biological and physical sciences, linguistics, etc. The authors describe a programming language called ‘Logo’ adapted to objectify an enduring framework of mathematical experimentation.  相似文献   

Action research is a form of professional inquiry in which the teacher's role is seen as key to educational improvement. This paper describes methodologies developed by the Logo Action Research Collaborative – a national network linking 100 teachers at nine sites – that facilitate and support collaborative inquiry by teachers into their own teaching practices, in order to understand, improve, develop, and incorporate new forms of student assessment, teaching methods, and curriculum. The project focused on the Logo computer language, a powerful learning environment for problem‐solving and mathematical inquiry. The authors provide background information on action research as an evolving discipline. They identify three phases of a year‐long action research cycle, and describe key strategies developed by the project to support teachers in taking on a research frame of mind, identifying areas of concern, and undertaking and completing action research projects. The paper includes several illustrative examples of action research investigations undertaken by teachers, and demonstrates the benefits to the students and teachers involved. It closes by making a case for the potential contribution of action research to current educational reform initiatives and school restructuring.  相似文献   

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