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王甦晨 《双语学习》2007,(4M):107-109
从理性和感性的方面探讨了英文广告的语言特征。广告语言的感染力从理性方面看有三个特征:指令性、指称性、说服性,而社交性、表义性、煽动性则为广告语言的感性感染力的主要特征。  相似文献   

感性诉求广告主要以情取胜,相比较平实质朴的理性广告语言,感性广告语言更具有艺术感染力与感召力。本文讲述了广告文案中应用感性诉求方式的必要性、应注意的问题及其趋势。  相似文献   

通过中西方广告语言中的情感诉求、理性诉求、道义诉求等三个方面的论述及广告语言修辞中诉求手段的运用,分析了修辞劝说机制在中西方广告语言中的差异,明确了广告语中运用修辞劝说机制能增强语言的艺术性和感染力,从而更好地实现广告的价值。  相似文献   

通过中西方广告语言中的情感诉求、理性诉求、道义诉求等三个方面的论述及广告语言修辞中诉求手段的运用,分析了修辞劝说机制在中西方广告语言中的差异,明确了广告语中运用修辞劝说机制能增强语言的艺术性和感染力,从而更好地实现广告的价值。  相似文献   

广告是一门艺术,亦是一门学问。广告语丰富多彩,具有浓郁的生活气息和强大的感染力。它不仅可以引发读者对商品产生兴趣,而且可以增强广告的鼓动性、说服性,也让人欣赏到广告语言的魅力。随着时代的发展,广告英语也增添了新的内容,如立意新颖、创意独特、画面优美,定位准确等诸多元素,构成统一的完美性。有人把主题比作广告的灵魂,那么,广告语就是广告中画龙点睛中的点"睛",是整个广告的神来之笔。因此,在翻译时如何从语言、修辞等方面体现广告语的精妙之处,成为广告翻译的难点。  相似文献   

体育教师的感染力指的是教师通过形体动作以及相应的语言讲解,在教学示范中持续感染学生能力.它是一种很直观的教学方法,是集语言讲解和肢体语言的所共同形成的感染力的总和.本文通过从有声语言和体态语言两个方面体现教师的感染力,进而阐述在体育舞蹈教学中,教师的感染力对教学效果以及人才的培养起着重要的作用.  相似文献   

本文从有声语言和体态语言两个方面对教师的感染力进行研究,进而阐述在形体课教学中教师的感染力对教学效果以及人才的培养起着重要的作用。  相似文献   

语言象似性研究是国内外语言学界关注的焦点之一,但对广告英语的象似性研究还很薄弱。广告英语的象似性主要表现在语音象似性、数量象似性、顺序象似性和对称象似性等方面。在广告语言中灵活运用象似性理论,可以有效提高广告的吸引力和感染力,增强广告的宣传效应。  相似文献   

董令 《邢台学院学报》2012,(3):100-101,104
纪录片《Wild China》综合运用了理性和感性两种语言,既流畅隽永又生动自然,具有较高的艺术感染力。  相似文献   

在小学语文课堂上,语言要素承担着传递教学信息、表达语文情感的重要教学任务。关注语言知识的多元化应用,以情感、文化引导学生参与学习,才能使小学生感受到中华语言文化的独特魅力,对语文课程产生更为浓厚的人文探索热情。为在小学语文教学中增强语言的感染力,现从语言感染力的直观概念、教学影响等角度展开论述,分析增强语言感染力的相关元素,思考借由教学活动提升学生语言素质的最佳方法。  相似文献   

Previous research has examined the use of classroom fear and efficacy appeals from a student perspective, but little is known about teachers’ views towards fear and efficacy appeals. In this preliminary study, we conducted a survey of 234 secondary school teachers. Results showed that teachers held mixed views towards the use of fear appeals and their domain knowledge of fear appeals, but more homogenous views about efficacy appeals, reassuring messages and domain knowledge of efficacy appeals. There were no differences in the endorsement of fear and efficacy appeals from teachers of differing school general certificate of secondary education performance, however, teachers reported students to be less efficacious from schools whose performance is deemed to be ‘under average’. There were no differences in the endorsement of fear appeals or domain knowledge of fear appeals between novice and experienced teachers. These findings provide a first step in examining fear and efficacy appeals from a teacher perspective.  相似文献   

闽台两地有深远的历史渊源和密切的文化联系。民间故事作为闽台文化的独特载体,通过丰富的民间想象体现出闽台两地民众共同的审美取向和情感诉求。特别是在济世救困的想象中体现了共同的崇儒精神、在开拓家园的想象中展现了相似的拼搏性格、在行侠仗义的想象中传达了相近的英雄情结、在神灵保护的想象中演绎了相通的民间信仰。这些相同或相通的民间想象,都与两岸人民的生活实践、心理经验和精神追求分不开,是在两岸密切的血缘和史缘关系中形成的共同的心理经验,在两岸相通的文缘和神缘关系中形成的共同的审美追求,在两岸相近的地缘关系中形成的共同的性格取向。闽台民间故事熔铸了中华民族文化的历史纵深感,演绎出两岸民众血浓于水的民族情感,对闽台民间故事相通性的考察和揭示,可以更好地认识和把握两岸民众共同的审美取向和情感诉求,对进一步密切两岸同胞的血肉联系,在两岸民众的情感沟通和共鸣中促进交流和发展都具有独特的意义和价值。  相似文献   

The present study investigated whether fear appeals used prior to a test increased self-reported test anxiety and had a detrimental effect on test scores. Forty primary school pupils were instructed for one week under a low threat condition under which no fear appeals were made and another week under a high threat condition in which fear appeals were made salient. An end-of-week test was given in both conditions. Pupils reported an increase in test anxiety related worrisome thoughts and autonomic reactions under the high threat condition, but not in off-task behaviours. Test scores were lower under the high threat condition, but were not attributable to the increases in test anxiety related thoughts and autonomic reactions. This study adds weight to the argument that fear appeals are a damaging classroom strategy, but the mechanism by which fear appeals are reducing test scores is not yet clear.  相似文献   

Fear appeals are messages that focus on avoiding the negative consequences of failure. They are often used by teachers as a motivational tactic prior to high-stakes examinations. In this study, we examined whether 566 secondary school students, from 26 different classes, approaching high-stakes examinations appraised fear appeals as threatening or challenging. Multilevel regression analyses showed that an increased frequency of student-reported (but not teacher-reported) fear appeals were experienced as a threat, when focused on avoiding negative consequences and as a challenge, when focused on the timing of forthcoming examinations. Threat experience was associated with lower student-reported academic self-efficacy, higher attainment value and higher extrinsic value. Challenge experience was associated with higher student-reported attainment value and higher extrinsic value. Results show that students differ in the way that they experience fear appeals. Fear appeals should be conveyed with caution, especially if students have low academic self-efficacy.  相似文献   

A person-centered approach was employed to investigate how students' evaluation of perceived teacher utility value messages, i.e., fear appeals, as a threat and as a challenge, combined within individuals and how these combinations related to student engagement. Two studies were conducted with students in their final two years of secondary education. Empirically distinct clusters emerged at two time points in the academic year. Evaluating the message in the fear appeal at a higher level of challenge than threat was beneficial. Unexpectedly, high threat was associated with high engagement, as long as high challenge was also present, however, this combination was also related to high emotional disaffection. Moderate threat combined with moderate challenge had the most detrimental relationship with student engagement. Educational interventions should aim to increase the likelihood of a challenge evaluation.  相似文献   

本文从广告创意、广告艺术与广告文化的融合、影视与广告的融合等方面探索了现代广告的发展新趋势,认为广告由原来的理性的传播工具向着感性的艺术工具的方向发展,即注重感性的诉求,追求唯美的广告画面,能够给消费者带来归属感;同时也努力通过影视对大众的消费模式进行引导以直接促进产品的销售.  相似文献   

从辛亥革命到1927年国民党取得全国性政权,是百年报刊民主话语言说最充分也是其变数最大的时期.其政治诉求主要体现在捍卫共和、民主立宪、反对专制统治等焦点问题上.中国共产党成立后,在党领导的报刊上,对政治的诉求,则表现在反对帝国主义、封建主义和官僚资本主义的反动统治及对建立劳动人民当家作主的新的社会制度的向往,新民主主义现代化的思想在此时开始萌发.此时期报刊民主话语的思想启蒙诉求成就最为突出,对数千年封建文化的全面而深刻的批判,对现代思想价值理念的悉心的传播,构成此一时期报刊话语最为绚丽的特色.中国共产党对民众进行思想启蒙的武器是马克思列宁主义的学说,从而形成在中国现代化历史进程中报刊民主话语思想启蒙诉求的一个崭新的话域.  相似文献   

随着《国家中长期教育改革和发展规划纲要(2010—2020年)》的颁布,开放大学的筹建被提上日程,办学自主权是其中关键的一项。从理论和现实看,国家开放大学和省级开放大学在办学自主权上都有自身的诉求,也均有其合理性,科学构建国家开放大学和省级开放大学的办学自主权,明确权利和义务,才能形成系统改革合力,实现共同的目标。  相似文献   

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