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本文拟从技师学院的性质、培养目标、师资队伍、教学模式与教学方法几个方面研讨技师学院的发展问题。一、技师学院的性质与培养目标从我省职业教育的发展现状看,技师学院作为职业教育培训的高层次阵地,是建立在办学条件较为优良的高级技校之上的非学历教育的职业培训机构,而又与高级技校同体异构。所谓同体,是指技师学院之校牌是高级技工学校加挂上去的,它的基础就是高级技校,故它的本体与高级技校同一。所谓异构,是指技师学院的招生对象、报考条件、培养目标和所设置的专业、师资、设备、教学计划、教学大纲等,因其自身的特点又区别于包括…  相似文献   

《关于加强高等学历继续教育广告发布管理的通知》明确指出"不得混淆技师学院,以及专修学院、研修学院等非学历高等教育机构与开展学历教育高校的性质区别".这对于澄清社会各界认识,打击假借高等学历教育机构名义违规招生乱象,维护学生合法权益,具有重要意义.  相似文献   

在市场经济和高等教育大众化条件下,现行技师学院法律制度存在法律位阶低、高等教育属性法律规定不明确、行政管理体制不畅、现有教师职称评定制度不利于师资队伍建设、办学经费无明确法律保障、无平等高招权和毕业生无大专以上学历等方面问题。基于此,应制定和修改完善有关技师学院的法律法规。  相似文献   

近年来,随州技师学院(以下简称学院)在不断探索多元办学的实践中,着力推动"四个对接",构建"四位一体"的办学模式,走出了一条学历教育和职业培训融合发展的路子,形成学历教育就业、升学两出口,职业培训多层次、联百企,技能鉴定全覆盖,就业指导促创业的特色。为了满足社会对技能人才的需要,通过多年实践,学院构建了集技师、高级技师、中级技师、技能高考、短期培训、成人高等教育函授和技师函授于一体  相似文献   

为加快高技能人才培养的步伐,举办技师学院,通过系统正规的教育与培训培养技师或高级技师,是我国经济和社会发展的需要,是落实《国家高技能人才培训工程》的重要举措,是终身学习的需要。但就目前技工教育生存与发展环境而言,技师培养教育中所面临的许多问题,不是学校乃至技工教育本身可以解决的,而是教育与社会的双元问题。一、技师学院的本质属性的把握技师学院是技工学校或高级技工学校的较高办学层次,培养的人才规格应是高技能人才(技师或高级技师)。因此,技师学院应属于高等职业教育范畴。一方面它应具备高等教育的基本属性,遵循高等教…  相似文献   

俞永生 《中国培训》2003,(10):47-47
技师学院在广东省刚刚兴起,从社会经济发展的角度看,从这一层面的人才需求量看,其发展空间应该很大,其发展前景应该很好。但目前苦于没有办学经验,技师学院尚处在“有名无实”阶段,处于摸索时期,很多问题值得探讨,笔者认为以下问题需要考虑:一、技师学院的定位与培养目标技师学院的定位应该明晰,否则极易走偏方向。笔者认为,首先,技师学院不是学历教育,不承担学历教育的任务,来技师学院求学的学生不是为学历而来。一般的来说,进入技师学院学习的人,已有较高的学历(专科或以上),有较多的工作经历、实践经验和较强的操作能力。这是技师学院区…  相似文献   

技工教育是培养技术工人的主阵地,为适应经济社会发展的要求,各地纷纷组建技术学院,目前以培养技师和高级技师为主要目的,属非学历教育。文章介绍了技师学院的性质、特点、面临的问题与对策建议。  相似文献   

2008年1月,随州市人民政府决定在随州市高级技工学校的基础上,整合其他三所公办学校组建随州技师学院,为正处级事业单位,隶属随州市人社局管理。2012年6月,湖北省人民政府批复设立随州技师学院,是一所集高级技师、技师、高级工、中级工、短期培训、技能高考、高等教育函授于一体的职业院校。学院占地260亩,建筑面积10.5万平方米,教职员工420人,其中省级金牌校长3人,省级金牌教师16人,高级职称115人,"双师型"教师180人,常年平均在校学生5000人以上,学院对接地方经  相似文献   

从技师学院数学教学的现状出发,本文探讨了技师学院生源文化素质低的问题,分析了技师学院数学教学现状,提出了相应的教学改革思路。  相似文献   

正山西交通技师学院,创建于1964年,隶属于山西省交通运输厅,是一所集技师培养、中高级技工教育、中专教育、成人高等教育、职业技术培训、职业技能鉴定为一体的中等职业院校。办学50年来,为社会培养各类中高级技能人才万余名,被誉为山西交通行业的"黄埔军校"。学院是教育部、人社部、财政部确定的"国家中  相似文献   


In the rapid development of Chinese higher vocational education, large gaps have appeared in the scale of development and resource generation among the provinces, among regions in the provinces, and among higher education institutions in the provinces. Balanced regional development and provincial-level coordination have become policy focal points, but a discussion of the relationship between the two has been lacking in the academic world. Based on 2009 data on vocational colleges in China, the quantitative analysis in this paper shows that there is a tension between the governance models of higher vocational education and balanced development of vocational colleges within provinces. Research findings show that school affiliation is related to the ability to attract public funding, appropriations for public schools are significantly higher than for private schools, and tuition for private schools is significantly higher than for public schools; school affiliation is related to output, and the new student registration rate and number of cooperating enterprises is higher for public schools than private schools; and there is a significant positive correlation between the ratio of prefecture-level city schools and the average number of cooperating enterprises for schools in a province, and a significant positive correlation between the ratio of private schools and the average tuition of schools in a province. This paper suggests that to achieve the dual objectives of balance and development, provincial-level governments should adjust their administrations and financing for higher vocational education and decentralize their authority to local governments, in order to build a diverse and flexible new model for higher vocational education governance.  相似文献   

现代信息技术的发展及独具特色的高职教育体系,使高职院校理应成为培养预备技师的摇篮。创新预备技术培养模式,需要从培养目标、培养体系、培养手段、人才评价模式等方面入手,使预备教师的培养制度化、规模化、规范化、科学化。  相似文献   

"办学特色"是在长期办学过程中积淀形成的治学方略、办学观念、教育模式等多方面的综合体现,"特色办学"则成为强校之路、高水平发展之路和可持续发展之路,对于高职院校提升办学层次、办学水平,完善发展模式,实现跨越式发展,领跑同层次、同类型的学校具有核心推动作用。对近10年我国高职院校办学特色研究进行回顾和梳理,并针对存在的主要问题进行探究和反思,提出创建办学特色的有效路径和对策,以期能对我国高职院校办学特色的深入研究和探索有所裨益。  相似文献   

杨波 《天津教育》2021,(3):157-158
中小学年龄段的学生,还没有形成良好的世界观、人生观与价值观,其逻辑思维能力以及综合能力的发展也不够健全。因此,学校应有效加强对中小学教育教学策略的重视,积极更新中小学教育的管理理念,建立科学有效的教育思想,结合先进的教学手段,摒弃传统落后的教育模式,实现对中小学教育策略的创新,从而满足当今中小学生的学习需求,调动中小学生学习的积极性与热情。本文就中小学教育策略进行探讨与分析,以供参考。  相似文献   

In a globalized world, universities face challenges adapting to changing environmental pressures and expectations of legitimacy. Studies on the topic have tended to focus on universities in North America and Europe, while Chinese universities have received less attention, perhaps due to their status as latecomers to global higher education. Based on institutional theory and resource dependence theory, this study examines the development process of two schools with different characteristics in a prestigious public Chinese university. Based on document and interview analyses, the findings indicate that both schools advocate internationalization as a development strategy but for different reasons. In response to the changing environment, one school continues to conform to the institutional environment; meanwhile, the other is competing in the task environment while also adhering to the university’s and the state’s norms, beliefs, demands and expectations. Based on the analysis, this article recommends that Chinese policymakers allow proactive schools willing to further their positioning in national and global higher education systems to have more autonomy and leeway in developing themselves.  相似文献   

高校作为培养高级人才的重要基地,其师资力量起着举足轻重的作用。随着知识更新的加快,教师需要不断变更其知识结构才能更好的为高校服务,因此高校对教师进行人力资本投资是必要的也是必须的。然而人才市场的放开又使人力资本投资风险日益增加。于是,使一些高校陷入了一种两难境地:不投资,教师素质难以提高,影响学校进一步发展;投资后,教师容易流失,投资不但没有收益,而且还损失其投资成本。因此如何才能既使高校教师获得预期的培训效果,又使高校的投资获得回报是众多高校关注的一个焦点。通过本文的模型推导得出:高校应该也必须为其教师进行人力资本投资,但投资额需要有一定的限制。  相似文献   


This paper considers the role that schools have in determining whether school leavers participate in higher education or not. It examines the association between schools and university participation using a unique dataset of 3 cohorts of all young people leaving maintained schools in Wales. School “effects” are identified, even after controlling for individual-level factors, such as their prior attainment, socioeconomic circumstances, ethnicity, and special educational needs. Schools appear to have a particular “effect” on the likelihood that a young person enters an elite university. However, the findings suggest the concept of a school “effect” on higher education participation is not straightforward – schools appear to have different levels of effectiveness depending on the gender of the young people and the nature of their higher education participation. These findings are considered within the policy contexts of school effectiveness and widening access to higher education.  相似文献   

韩国重视学校德育,尤其是中小学阶段的道德教育,把德育作为塑造民族灵魂的重要渠道。韩国的学校德育以弘扬民族精神为核心,深受中华儒家思想的影响,并在发展过程中形成了自身的特色。文章对韩国中小学的道德教育理论与实践进行了分析和评价,希望能够给我国中小学道德教育的发展带来些许启示。  相似文献   

Governmental reforms since the early 1990s have acted as a push factor for starting new schools in Sweden and have created options for pupils to choose a school irrespective of municipal borders. This study highlights the upper secondary school system in small municipalities in northern Sweden since the late 1990s. The analysis shows that the reforms led to more schools, and thereby also to more competition in recruiting pupils both within and across municipal borders. When the cohorts started declining, the vulnerability of the school structure became obvious. The competition generated higher costs per capita and fewer available programs in small municipalities. Furthermore, it was noted that fewer pupils attending schools in small municipalities completed their education compared to those in larger municipalities.  相似文献   

目前,我国中职升高职缺乏直接升学渠道,高职出现招生难现象,制约中高职的进一步发展。建立中职与高职的有效衔接,是职业教育体系完善和提高职业教育质量的关键,即拓宽中职毕业生继续学习的通道,又增强职业教育的吸引力。从中高职衔接的现实意义入手,分析中高职不衔接的主要表现,进而进行相应的对策研究。  相似文献   

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