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G840.7 9801362球类运动会奇数队循环赛编排方法改革探讨[刊,中,B]/谯宏//北京高校体育.-1997(1).-56-58(MYL)球类运动//循环赛//编排//改革//运动会//奇数队本文通过对传统,常用的奇数队单循环赛编排方法的分析,阐述了五队以上的奇数队参赛编排方法上存在较大的机会不均等现象,探讨了原因及改革方法.  相似文献   

奇数队单循环一队一天两场比赛的编排方法贾方业,宋萍篮球竞赛组织编排,是顺利完成篮球比赛工作的关键。根据篮球比赛要求,情况的差异,在篮球竞赛组织编排工作中也会出现不同的编排方法。现介绍一种在单循环的篮球比赛中奇数队一天一队打两场比赛的编排方法。现以7个...  相似文献   

目前全国各地对球类比赛大都采用单循环制。关于单循环比赛轮次表的编排,全国体育院、系教材编审委员会、篮球编写组一九八二年三月编写的《体育院、系教材——篮球》408页中说:“不论参加比赛队数是偶数还是奇数,一律按偶数编排,如果是奇数,可以加一个‘0’号使之成为偶数,碰到‘0’的队就轮空一次”。全国各体育院、系都采用此教材,各地举办的各项球类比赛多数采用此方法。但我认为单循环比赛轮次表的编排,参加队数是奇数应与偶数编排方法有所不同。如果参加队数是奇数,用加“0”的方法变成偶数排列,在实际工作中遇到困难问题很多。如参加队在场地、  相似文献   

在奇数单循环逆时针(顺时针)轮转法编排中,发现有的队(人)老是和上一轮休息的队(人)在比赛,各队(人)在一、二场比赛场次不等,导致该队(人)不合比较与研究:  相似文献   

在我国的球类、比赛中通常采用的单循环的编排方法,基本上是固定左上角,逆转一个位置产生下一轮次的比赛秩序。这种编排无论参赛队数多少,都能保证一二队在最后一轮相遇。当参赛队数为奇数时,末位补“0”,以同样方法进行编排。这种编排方法的最大缺点就是倒数第二个队总是被轮空队“跟踪追击”。这种编排方法大家都比较熟悉,故轮次表从略。  相似文献   

从参赛者机会均等的角度出发,对传统的编排方法进行分析,指出其中存在“对阵轮空”机会不平等(奇数队)、“场地利用和主客身份安排”不平等等缺陷,进而提出了改进办法:用“右上角号码固定”代替“传统的左上角号码固定”,并在此基础上给出各种情况下的最终结果,以便在实践中直接参照使用。  相似文献   

单循环赛编排法的改进与对比分析研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
基于单循环赛的公平、公正与合理性原则,本文在贝格尔编排法的基础上进行改进和创新,提出了一种新的编排法。分别给出了奇数队和偶数队的比赛赛程。通过比较分析得出,该编排法更能体现比赛的公平与合理性。从而为竞赛编排提供了一种简单而快捷的编排工具。  相似文献   

奇数参赛者循环比赛秩序编排的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
体育竞赛日程编排,常用循环赛制,当比赛参加者是奇数时,按照常规循环赛编排竞赛秩序,其中有一个队会陷入严重不公平的境地,这个队将连续好几轮与上轮轮空、以逸待劳的队比赛,这有悖体育竞赛组织者的初衷.如果稍加改革,即可避免这种问题,使体育比赛健康发展.  相似文献   

一、单淘法 比赛队(或队员)按编排好的比赛秩序表进行比赛,胜者进入下一轮的比赛,败者即失去比赛的资格,被淘汰,这种比赛方法称为单淘汰赛。  相似文献   

随着门球运动的发展,近年来出现了单人赛、双人赛、三人赛等多种赛式。其中单人赛和双人赛,只是参赛队员的数量有差异,其它方面都与正常比赛基本相同。唯有三人赛,全称是“三方单打门球赛”,与正常比赛差异很大。它不是双方对垒,而是三足鼎立。这就给执裁裁判和编排记录工作带来诸多不便和新的课题。现就三方单打门球赛的编排和记录工作,谈点个人看法。一、编排。三方单打是由三个队(人)打一场球,我以为9个队(人)为一组最合适。所以,理想的参赛队(人)数应该是9的倍数,如9、27、36……为最好。其具体编排方法如下:先将九个队按顺序填入正方形…  相似文献   

The relative age effect in youth soccer across Europe   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
The potential asymmetries in the birth-date distributions of youth soccer players across ten European countries (2175 age citations) were considered. First, we examined the birth-dates of players representing national youth teams in international competitions. Second, the birth-dates of players representing professional club teams in international youth tournaments were analysed. Kolmogorov-Smirnov tests were used to assess differences between observed and expected birth-date distributions. Regression analyses were employed to examine the relationship between month of birth and number of players in the different samples. The results showed an over-representation of players born in the first quarter of the selection year (from January to March) for all the national youth selections at the under-15 (U-15), U-16, U-17 and U-18 age categories, as well as for the UEFA U-16 tournaments and Meridian Cup. Players with a greater relative age are more likely to be identified as "talented" because of the likely physical advantages they have over their "younger" peers. Some options for reducing the relative age effect are offered.  相似文献   

Young adult soccer players often encounter difficulty progressing from youth competition to being regularly selected for high-level, open-age competition. In an attempt to increase the playing opportunities of semi-professional and amateur under-21 players in first teams, the Royal Belgian Football Association required national division teams to include at least two players younger than 21 in their match selection (under-21 rule). Over four seasons, the following variables were analysed across 2138 semi-professional and amateur soccer players aged 16?–?39 years: (1) the number of times a player was selected to be in the first team squad; (2) the number of times a player was selected to play in the starting line-up; and (3) the number of minutes played. Chi-square analysis demonstrated that second and third division teams had complied with the new selection regulations. However, two-way analysis of variance of individual player data revealed no increase in the number of playing minutes in the under-21 group. It would appear that many teams had complied with the new regulations by selecting young players as substitutes. The results highlight the difficulties that talented young soccer players experience progressing from youth to senior competition. We conclude that the rule imposed by the Royal Belgian Football Association has failed to improve the playing opportunities of young adult soccer players. Alternative strategies for increasing playing opportunities for young talented players are required.  相似文献   

Young adult soccer players often encounter difficulty progressing from youth competition to being regularly selected for high-level, open-age competition. In an attempt to increase the playing opportunities of semi-professional and amateur under-21 players in first teams, the Royal Belgian Football Association required national division teams to include at least two players younger than 21 in their match selection (under-21 rule). Over four seasons, the following variables were analysed across 2138 semi-professional and amateur soccer players aged 16-39 years: (1) the number of times a player was selected to be in the first team squad; (2) the number of times a player was selected to play in the starting line-up; and (3) the number of minutes played. Chi-square analysis demonstrated that second and third division teams had complied with the new selection regulations. However, two-way analysis of variance of individual player data revealed no increase in the number of playing minutes in the under-21 group. It would appear that many teams had complied with the new regulations by selecting young players as substitutes. The results highlight the difficulties that talented young soccer players experience progressing from youth to senior competition. We conclude that the rule imposed by the Royal Belgian Football Association has failed to improve the playing opportunities of young adult soccer players. Alternative strategies for increasing playing opportunities for young talented players are required.  相似文献   

从全国第11届冬运会冰壶比赛看我国冰壶运动发展现状   总被引:6,自引:4,他引:2  
郭旭茂 《冰雪运动》2008,30(4):53-56
采用文献资料调研、数理统计、调查等方法,对参加全国第11届冬运会各参赛队情况进行调研,结果显示:我国冰壶运动整体水平提升较快,冰壶运动员年龄普遍较小,技战术有待提高,队伍逐步成熟,进军冬奥会前景光明。现阶段还存在参赛队伍较少,队伍分布不合理;运动员在心理上不稳定,对细腻壶的处理能力不强;比赛中打法单一,不能针对对手的技、战术特点来合理对待;训练场地不规范等问题。提出了请进来,走出去,组织国家队到世界冰壶强国去学习、训练和比赛;加强冰壶运动科研力度,培养冰壶运动的科研团队等建议。  相似文献   

中国优秀女子足球运动员比赛能力现状的研究   总被引:9,自引:3,他引:6  
对中国13个优秀女子足球队(包括国家队)及8个外国队的比赛进行了研究,临场技、战术统计指标33项.研究结果显示,我国优秀女子足球队运动员在比赛中全场40.9%~54.4%的时间在跑动.跑、走、停3者比例为1∶1.7∶0.28,运动员整场比赛活动距离平均为5 128 m.国内、外女子足球队在采用基本阵型上比较接近.阵地进攻是各队采用的主要打法,中路进攻突破运用次数最多,成功率最高的是边路进攻,进攻手段中传切配合效果最佳.快速对抗情况下传球技术运用质量较高.无论是快速、慢速、原地情况下接球,非对抗接球的次数都明显高于对抗中接球次数.快速情况下抢球的次数明显高于慢速、原地情况下抢球次数.中前场是运用传球、接球、抢球技术最多的场区.  相似文献   


Optimizing collective behaviour helps to increase performance in mutual tasks. In team sports settings, the small-sided games (SSG) have been used as key context tools to stress out the players’ awareness about their in-game required behaviours. Research has mostly described these behaviours when confronting teams have the same number of players, disregarding the frequent situations of low and high inequality. This study compared the players’ positioning dynamics when manipulating the number of opponents and teammates during professional and amateur football SSG. The participants played 4v3, 4v5 and 4v7 games, where one team was confronted with low-superiority, low- and high-inferiority situations, and their opponents with low-, medium- and high-cooperation situations. Positional data were used to calculate effective playing space and distances from each player to team centroid, opponent team centroid and nearest opponent. Outcomes suggested that increasing the number of opponents in professional teams resulted in moderate/large decrease in approximate entropy (ApEn) values to both distance to team and opponent team centroid (i.e., the variables present higher regularity/predictability pattern). In low-cooperation game scenarios, the ApEn in amateurs’ tactical variables presented a moderate/large increase. The professional teams presented an increase in the distance to nearest opponent with the increase of the cooperation level. Increasing the number of opponents was effective to overemphasise the need to use local information in the positioning decision-making process from professionals. Conversely, amateur still rely on external informational feedback. Increasing the cooperation promoted more regularity in spatial organisation in amateurs and emphasise their players’ local perceptions.  相似文献   


The aim of this study was to identify within-season differences in basketball players' game-related statistics according to team quality and playing time. The sample comprised 5309 records from 198 players in the Spanish professional basketball league (2007–2008). Factor analysis with principal components was applied to the game-related statistics gathered from the official box-scores, which limited the analysis to five factors (free-throws, 2-point field-goals, 3-point field-goals, passes, and errors) and two variables (defensive and offensive rebounds). A two-step cluster analysis classified the teams as stronger (69±8 winning percentage), intermediate (43±5 winning percentage), and weaker teams (32±5 winning percentage); individual players were classified based on playing time as important players (28±4 min) or less important players (16±4 min). Seasonal variation was analysed monthly in eight periods. A mixed linear model was applied to identify the effects of team quality and playing time within the months of the season on the previously identified factors and game-related statistics. No significant effect of season period was observed. A team quality effect was identified, with stronger teams being superior in terms of 2-point field-goals and passes. The weaker teams were the worst at defensive rebounding (stronger teams: 0.17±0.05; intermediate teams: 0.17±0.06; weaker teams: 0.15±0.03; P=0.001). While playing time was significant in almost all variables, errors were the most important factor when contrasting important and less important players, with fewer errors being made by important players. The trends identified can help coaches and players to create performance profiles according to team quality and playing time. However, these performance profiles appear to be independent of season period.  相似文献   

为我国青年女排及女排后备队伍的科学训练提供相关专项身体素质的资料,就参加2008年3月全国青年女排集训的8支女排后备队伍运动员的专项素质测试成绩进行数据统计与分析研究,并与我国甲A女排专项素质数据进行比较。结果表明:我国女排后备队伍运动员的专项素质与甲A女排存在一定的差距,女排后备队伍各队之间身体素质呈显著性差异,网上高度对女排后备队伍竞技能力起决定性作用。  相似文献   

节奏谋略在现代排球比赛中的运用   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
赵子建  李杰 《体育学刊》2002,9(4):116-117
高水平的排球比赛不仅是运动员综合实力的对抗,更是教练员谋略巧妙运用的较量。在当今参赛球队实力水平日趋均衡的情况下,正确运用节奏谋略,利用节奏制胜将成为现代排球竞赛的主导趋向。  相似文献   

Comparative judgments abound in sports. Fans and pundits bandy about which of two players or teams is bigger, faster, stronger, more talented, less injury prone, more reliable, safer to bet on, riskier to trade for, and so on. Arguably, of most interest are judgments of a coarser type: which of two players or teams is, all-things-considered, just plain better? Conventionally, it is accepted that such comparisons can be appropriately captured and expressed by sports rankings. Rankings play an important role in sports arguably because of the conventional acceptance that rankings capture and express all-things-considered relations between the ranked teams or players. Standard ranking practices rely on a number of widely held assumptions. I discuss three of the most important and argue that at least one of them must be false. If this is right, the strong and growing commitment to using rankings to determine participation in tournaments and the awarding of championships is mistaken. At the least, given the conventional wisdom about rankings, my argument provides good reasons to be skeptical that any particular ranking ‘gets it right’. At the limit, it suggests that our most basic assumptions about all-things-considered athletic quality are wrong.  相似文献   

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