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介绍了基于饱和理论渗流分析的基本理论和基本方法,并将此理论应用于工程实际,以杨庄水库除险加固工程为例,对坝体现状进行不同工况下的渗流分析,以此为坝体防渗加固方案提供依据。并对防渗加固后的情况模拟进行渗流分析,说明加固后渗流控制情况较好。  相似文献   

2005年,河南内黄县三杨庄出土了西汉晚期到东汉初期的庭院、田垄遗迹和大铁犁等,田垄是汉代的代田形式,大铁犁正是耕作代田的工具。以前有人复制汉代大铁犁进行试耕,其结果与三杨庄的汉代的田垄形式和宽度正相吻合。而《盐铁论.水旱篇》所说的"大器"就是包括三杨庄这样的大铁犁在内的全铁犁。"大器"不单是从器形的大小来说的,也针对当时农户胜任牛耕的经济条件(主要是牛)。汉政府实行盐铁官营政策,铁官所属铁工场的生产计划往往不顾及广大农民的农耕条件,生产相对过剩了,这因此成为《盐铁论》所述贤良攻击官方铸器"不给民用"的依据。  相似文献   

2017年对奎河杨庄断面进行水样采集,选取高锰酸盐、氨氮和溶解氧指标进行特征分析,采用单因子指数法、综合污染指数法和污染损害率法对水质进行综合评价.结果表明:奎河杨庄断面pH为7.14~7.59,水体整体呈现弱碱性;高锰酸盐含量为3.04~5.23mg/L,氨氮含量为0.85~3.29mg/L,溶解氧含量为2.90~9...  相似文献   

三杨庄汉代聚落位于魏郡管辖的黄河河滩地内,遗址的形成与西汉中期以后日益严重的河患有密切关系。新莽始建国三年(11年)的"河决魏郡"后,王莽出于保护"元城冢墓"的一己之私等原因,在河决之后,并未及时加以治理,致使黄河在三杨庄汉代聚落所在区域长期泛滥。三杨庄汉代聚落周围的民堤在经受长期的洪水冲击之后,逐渐失去抵御功能,最终洪水得以侵入遗址所在区域。洪水侵入过程是缓慢,因此,三杨庄汉代聚落被逐渐淹没,得以完整地被埋藏在淤泥、淤沙之中。  相似文献   

武陟沁河堤长67km,堤防多系粘土,自1985年以来,先后在杨庄改道新左右堤,右岸马蓬东小虹等堤段出现裂缝,总长9.8km,占武陟沁河堤长度的七分之一,给防洪安全带来了极大的威胁。为了探索裂缝成因,消除裂缝险点,自1986年以来,对武陟沁河杨庄新右堤进行了处理实践,现介绍如下:  相似文献   

从彰武南海水库工程现状出发,依据国家有关供水成本的规定,对两水库供水成本进行了测算.  相似文献   

三杨庄汉代庭院具有多学科丰富的信息和重大的研究价值.经过国内考古学、历史学、古建筑学、科技史学、农业史学等领域的专家考证,大家一致公认,内黄三杨庄汉代聚落遗址的发现,首次再现了汉代农村的真实景象;首次揭示了反映汉代中下层民众生产、生活状况的庭院与生活环境.同时,也为汉代黄河治理和河道变迁等黄河水文史方面的研究提供了新的考古资料.  相似文献   

水库调洪计算是水库设计和防洪调度的基本理论依据。水库调洪计算的课堂教学效果决定学生的理解和掌握程度,本文从规划和运行两个阶段,对水库调洪的作用、调洪计算的任务、调洪计算的基础理论、调洪计算的方法和调洪计算结果的表达等几个方面对水库调洪计算进行了讲解,并以实例介绍了迭代法进行水库调洪计算的具体步骤,对调洪计算在水库规划和管理运行中的重要作用进行了阐述。  相似文献   

作为一种民间传统文化,梅花拳随着时代和环境的变化而不断地发生着变迁,也遭遇到当代中国经济和社会的巨大变化给它带来的巨大冲击。河北广宗县核桃园乡杨庄是梅花拳的一个重要传承地,杨庄村民长久以来一直习练梅花拳,形成了一种悠久的武术文化传统。本文以实地调查所获资料为基础,描述了杨庄梅花拳文化传统的形成、传承方式及其历史变迁,同时着重关注了梅花拳在当下所遭遇到的冲击和挑战。  相似文献   

“三软”煤层沿空掘巷施工一直是矿井生产的难点。采用传统支护的巷道在后期回采过程中存在变形大、维护困难等弊端。本文主要介绍杨庄煤矿沿空掘巷锚带网支护的参数设计,并对其支护效果进行了分析与观测。  相似文献   

This study examined the effects of race of examiner and type of reinforcement upon the WISC-R performance of lower-class black children. A total of 120 black males were selected and assigned to either a white or black examiner to form two groups. Within each group, children were given no reinforcement, tangible reinforcement, traditional social reinforcement, or culturally relevant social reinforcement after each correct response. Children given tangible rewards, regardless of race of examiner, obtained significantly higher scores than did children given no reinforcement or children given traditional social reinforcement. Also, children given culturally relevant social reinforcement by a black examiner obtained significantly higher scores than did children given culturally relevant reinforcement by the white examiner.  相似文献   

In order to research the bond properties between corroded reinforcement bars and concrete, reinforcement bars with different diameters and different types and concrete with different strength levels were treated specially with all soaking and impressed current method, and the bond properties were measured with the pull-out test. The comparative analysis of the bond properties of corroded reinforcement bars was carried out. The results showed that the types of reinforcement bars and concrete had great influence on the bond strength. The corrosion and volume expansion of reinforcement bars made concrete in tensile condition, which tended to produce cracks in parallel reinforced direction. The typical bond failure of plain reinforcement bars was pull-out, while the typical bond failure of ribbed reinforcement bars was split. The bond strength between corroded reinforcement bars and concrete increased with the increase of concrete strength. The bond strength of plain and ribbed reinforcement bars showed a decreasing trend after the first increase with the increase of the extent of corrosion. Through the test, the coefficients of the bond strength of plain and ribbed reinforcement bars were given, respectively.  相似文献   

In two experiments, two groups of rats were trained in a navigation task according to either a continuous or a partial schedule of reinforcement. In Experiment 1, animals that were given continuous reinforcement extinguished the spatial response of approaching the goal location more readily than animals given partial reinforcement—a partial reinforcement extinction effect. In Experiment 2, after partially or continuously reinforced training, animals were trained in a new task that made use of the same reinforcer according to a continuous reinforcement schedule. Animals initially given partial reinforcement performed better in the novel task than did rats initially given continuous reinforcement. These results replicate, in the spatial domain, well-known partial reinforcement phenomena typically observed in the context of Pavlovian and instrumental conditioning, suggesting that similar principles govern spatial and associative learning. The results reported support the notion that salience modulation processes play a key role in determining partial reinforcement effects.  相似文献   

This study examined the effects of different types of reinforcement on the performance of black males who had been diagnosed as being mildly mentally retarded, using the WISC-R. After each correct response, participants were given no reinforcement, a candy reward, traditional social reinforcement, or culturally relevant social reinforcement. Children given tangible or culturally relevant rewards obtained significantly higher scores than did children given either no reinforcement or traditional social reinforcement.  相似文献   

The effects of schedule of reinforcement (partial vs. consistent) and delay of reward (0 to 20 sec) on running in rats were examined in two investigations. The effects of delay depended upon schedule of reinforcement; acquisition speed decreased as delay increased under consistent reinforcement, a common finding, while acquisition speed was independent of delay under partial reinforcement, a new finding. The partial-reinforcement acquisition effect or PRAE is defined as faster acquisition speed under partial than under consistent reinforcement. Because running speed was independent of delay under partial reinforcement, but decreased as delay increased under consistent reinforcement, the PRAE increased as delay of reinforcement increased.  相似文献   

Two experiments evaluated history effects on induced and operant variability. College students typed three-digit sequences on a computer keyboard. Sequence variability was induced (by no reinforcement or variation- independent reinforcement) or reinforced (by variation- or repetition-dependent reinforcement). Conditions with induced and operant variability were presented according to a reverse between-groups design. In Experiment 1, we examined transitions from the variation or repetition contingencies to no reinforcement, and vice versa. In Experiment 2, the variation or repetition contingencies were followed or preceded by variation-independent reinforcement. The results showed that (1) a history of no reinforcement impaired operant variability learning; (2) induced variability levels were higher and lower after a history of reinforcement for variation and repetition, respectively; (3) repetition was more easily disrupted by no reinforcement and independent reinforcement than was variation; and (4) response variability and stability were a function of past and current reinforcement conditions. These results indicate that reinforcement history influences both induced and operant variability levels.  相似文献   

Four groups of 10 rats each were given six acquisition trials (Phase 1) under continuous reinforcement (CR), partial reinforcement (PR), constant delay (CD), or partial delay of reinforcement (PD) conditions. In Phase 2, all Ss were given 18 nonreinforced trials, followed by 12 continuously reinforced trials in Phase 3. In Phase 4, all Ss were given 12 more extinction trials. A constant 24-h ITI was observed throughout the experiment. A strong partial reinforcement extinction effect (PREE) was obtained in both Phases 2 and 4. Only a temporary partial delay of reinforcement effect (PDRE) was observed, which was restricted to the first nine trials of the first extinction phase. No constant delay of reinforcement effect (CDRE) was observed in either extinction phase. The results were discussed in terms of both frustration and sequential theories.  相似文献   

The degree of stereotypy in the movement patterns of 3 pigeons during noncontingent and contingent periodic food reinforcement was quantified by analyzing the distribution of turning angles, and by using information and Fourier analyses. The results indicated that (1) movement patterns were less stereotyped during noncontingent than during contingent reinforcement, (2) a reversal to noncontingent reinforcement resulted in a degree of stereotypy comparable to that during the first phase of noncontingent reinforcement, (3) movement patterns were maximally stereotyped immediately after food withdrawal and generally became less stereotyped as reinforcement approached, regardless of whether reinforcement was noncontingent or contingent, and (4) higher frequency movements generally accounted for more variance in the movements during contingent than during noncontingent reinforcement. Greater stereotypy in the movements during contingent reinforcement was likely due to a greater probability that similar movements were reinforced during contingent reinforcement. Momentary changes in the stereotypy of the movements within the interfood interval might reflect changes in the level of arousal.  相似文献   

To investigate the seismic behavior of specially shaped column joints with X-shaped reinforcement,two groups of specimens with or without X-shaped reinforcement in joint core region were tested under constant axial compression load and low reversed cyclic loading,which imitated low to moderate earthquake force.The seismic behavior of specially shaped column joints with X-shaped reinforcement in terms of bearing capacity,displacement,ductility,hysteretic curve,stiffness degradation and energy dissipation was studied and compared to that without Xshaped reinforcement in joint core region.With the damage estimation model,the accumulated damage was analyzed.The shearing capacity formula of specially shaped column joints reinforced by X-shaped reinforcement was proposed with a simple form.The test results show that X-shaped reinforcement is an effective measure for improving the seismic behavior of specially shaped column joints including deformation behavior,ductility and hysteretic characteristic.All specimens were damaged with gradual stiffness degeneration.In addition,X-shaped reinforcement in the joint core region is an effective way to lighten the degree of cumulated damage.The good seismic performance obtained from the specially shaped column joint with X-shaped reinforcement can be used in engineering applications.The test value is higher than the calculated value,which indicates that the formula is safe for the design of specially shaped column joints.  相似文献   

Control of pigeons’ keypecking by a stimulus-reinforcer contingency was investigated in the context of a four-component multiple schedule. In each of three experiments, pigeons were exposed to a schedule consisting of two two-component sequences. Discriminative stimuli identifying each sequence were present only in Component 1, which was 4, 6, or 8 sec in duration, while reinforcers could be earned only in Component 2 (30 sec in duration). Control by a stimulus-reinforcer contingency was sought during Component 1 by arranging a differential relation between Component 1 cues and schedule of reinforcement in Component 2. In Experiment 1, rate of keypecking during Component 1 varied with the presence and absence of a stimulus-reinforcer contingency. When a contingency was introduced, rate of keypecking increased during the Component 1 cue associated with the availability of reinforcement in Component 2. In Experiment 2, the stimulus-reinforcer contingency was manipulated parametrically by varying the correlation between Component 1 cues and Component 2 schedules of reinforcement. Responding in Component 1 varied as a function of strength of the stimulus-reinforcer contingency. The relatively high rates of Component 1 responding observed in Experiments 1 and 2 pose difficulties for conceptions of stimulus-reinforcer control based on probability of reinforcement. In these two experiments, the stimulus-associated probabilities of reinforcement in Component 1 were invariant at zero. An alternate dimension of stimulus-reinforcer control was explored in Experiment 3, in which Component 1 cues were differentially associated with delay to reinforcement in Component 2, while probability of reinforcement was held constant across components. When the stimulus-reinforcer contingency was in force, rate of responding in Component 1 varied inversely with delay to reinforcement in Component 2. In a quantitative analysis of data from Experiments 2 and 3, relative rate of responding during Component 1 was strongly correlated with two measures of relative delay to reinforcement.  相似文献   

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