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和人们一般的理解不同,技术作为教师培训内容在美国并不是什么新鲜事。自20世纪初,老师就已经开始在他们的教学中掌握技术媒体的应用技能了。本文中,我们先回顾一下美国教师教育培训的内容演化过程以及技术培训的方法熏探索它从20世纪20年代到21世纪初期的发展变化。从中我们明显地发现,20世纪80年代计算机技术的普及对这种演化过程产生了很大的影响,受这种影响,导致出现了两种完全不同类型的教育技术岗前培训课程并存的状况:一类是在各种传统媒体和以计算机为基础的媒体之间寻求一种平衡;另一类则主要以计算机为中心。虽然我们还不太清楚教…  相似文献   

教师是知识权威的核心代表,教师智慧经历着时代的历练。本文从古今中外的教育理念入手,分析历史演变中教师智慧的发展,阐述教师智慧从道德之路到智慧之路的历史演变与发展,同时阐述了教师智慧的内涵、教育价值的取向,以及教师智慧的历史使命。  相似文献   

澳大利亚基础教育教师教育的发展及其特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
澳大利亚教师教育经过萌芽发展、曲折发展、复苏变革和稳步发展四个阶段,目前已经形成了完整健全的基础教育教师教育体系,在国际上树立了一个起步晚、发展快、质量高、有特色的典型.澳大利亚基础教育教师教育在管理体制上呈现出从"州权分立"到"联邦集权、州权下放、学院自治"的特点;在学位授予制度上呈现出学位逐渐统一和专业划分更细的特点;在培养模式上呈现出根据社会需求调整培养思路的特点;在实习制度上呈现出形式多样化和理论与实践紧密结合的特点.  相似文献   

近代中国师范教育课程的发展,经历了“萌芽发展时期”、“初步发展时期”、“曲折发展时期”和“复苏发展时期”。是一个从无到有,逐步发展的过程。总体上观察,发展还是主流和主线。课程目标由政治为纲转为兼顾国家社会个人,课程设置由单一转为多样,课程实施由只重知识传授转为知识、技能与实践结合,课程评价由完全忽视转为渐趋完善。为现代师范教育课程建设的改革和发展奠定了坚实有力的科学基础。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to describe the experiences of Hispanic faculty involved in physical education teacher education programs at predominantly White colleges and universities in the United States. The study was positioned in the theoretical framework of organizational socialization. Participants were Hispanic (n = 6) faculty from various kinesiology-based programs in tenure-track positions at institutions of higher education in the United States. Data were collected via semi-structured interviews and transcribed, triangulated, and analyzed with constant comparative procedures. We uncovered the following themes: (a) underrepresented, (b) socialized, and (c) cultured and determined. The study’s findings magnify the need for faculty and administrators to heighten their awareness and implement strategies to improve the organizational socialization of Hispanic faculty, particularly at predominantly White doctoral-granting colleges and universities. This means, for instance, identifying strategies to recruit, prepare, retain, and mentor Hispanic faculty at such institutions.  相似文献   

我国高等师范教育历时百年 ,从其教育体制的演变过程看 ,大致经历了三个阶段 ,即 :“定向型”高等师范教育体制的初建 ,“混合型”高师体制模式的出现及发展 ,“定向型”高等师范教育体制的回归。2 0世纪末 ,“定向型”高师体制又有向“混合型”发展的趋势。这一发展轨迹与世界师范教育体制发展线索——单一“定向型”向非“定向型”发展不尽一致。本文试图对这一问题进行原因剖析 ,并对我国将要进行的高等师范教育改革提出思考和建议。  相似文献   

This paper discusses the history of Internetbased videoconferencing (IVC) within the teacher education program at a large Midwestern university. It explains ways this technology has been used to expand interactions with students and professionals in a wide variety of settings and thereby increase depth, diversity, and effectiveness of preservice teacher education. Partners include P-12 schools, practicum sites, and other universities. The article focuses on real-time interactions among two or more locations in which at least one of the sites involves a larger space and/or a large group of participants. Scenarios of successful videoconferencing are included along with lessons learned. Practical guidelines for building collaborations, establishing technical connections, preparing for and running videoconferencing sessions, and maintaining communications are provided.  相似文献   

More than ever before, our nation needs teachers who are not only motivated to teach but who are also properly educated, trained, and prepared for the many challenges that are facing our nation's K-12 public schools. The education departments and schools at our colleges and universities cannot continue to do business as usual—they need to adjust their teacher preparation programs to effectively support the changing times, and to provide our future teachers with a realistic and rigorous education. There is little or no disagreement among educators, social scientists, or anyone else for that matter, that great schools are the product of great teachers. It makes sense, therefore, to create a world-class teacher education and training program.  相似文献   


The status of the environmental education component of preservice teacher education programs is unknown nationally. This study surveyed 715 institutions of teacher education using a mail questionnaire. The response rate was approximately 63%. The results indicate that most schools have few requirements related to environmental education, and in the majority of schools environmental education is not institutionalized.  相似文献   

我国教师教育专业设置研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文在借鉴发达国家教师教育专业设置经验的基础上指出,在高等教育学科谱系中增加教师教育二级学科,在此学科下根据不同的教育层次来设置宏观的教师教育专业,在这个宏观布局下再根据教学科目来设置微观的教师教育专业或方向。  相似文献   

To what extent can a large-scale national teacher-enhancement project help science teachers employ new pedagogical methods in the science classroom? In this study, data from 13 high school physics teachers who taught 23 classes with 401 students were examined to determine the extent to which a teacher-enhancement project can alter teachers’ pedagogy. Three groups of teachers were examined: experienced users of the new pedagogy, beginning users of the new pedagogy, and a group of comparison teachers who used traditional instructional methods. Results suggest the reform effort can increase the extent to which teachers engage students in experiments and use alternative assessment methods; however, helping teachers use constructivist discussion methods and discuss the nature of scientific inquiry appears to be more difficult. The implications for inservice teacher education are discussed.  相似文献   

从安徽省近现代教师教育(师范教育)重要活动的文献资料入手,将教师教育发展的历史演变大致划分为清末、民国、新中国成立、改革开放和世纪之交时期几个阶段。主要经验在于:学习需求是教师教育的内在动力,保障机制是教师教育的外部条件。为未来中小学教师教育提供有益启示:正确把握好教师教育与社会发展的关系、教师教育与基础教育改革的关系、教师教育与教师专业成长的关系、地方教师教育与省外教师教育的关系。  相似文献   

中西教师文化的历史演变   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
张宁娟 《教师教育研究》2006,18(2):38-43,57
在文化领域中,教师文化作为一种亚文化,与以传统文化为主要内容的主文化有着密不可分的联系。不同文化传统影响下的教师文化具有不同的演变轨迹和发展特征。圣贤文化、官僚文化和公仆文化依次是中国教师文化发展的历史轨迹,而西方教师文化的演变轨迹则依次表现为教仆文化、僧侣文化和专家文化。它们体现了文化比较中的殊相特征。在中西教师文化不同的演变历程中,也存在着一致性,即教师文化与历史发展、教师形象和教师知识的关系具有文化比较中的共相性。  相似文献   

Documentation of children’s projects is advantageous to their learning process and is also a good method for student teachers to observe the process of learning. Documentation panels are a unique way to help student teachers understand how children learn. Completing a panel requires a student teacher to think through a process. Teachers must learn how to ask appropriate questions that reveal the progress of the project and then reflect the information onto a panel that preserves the growth of the child’s thinking. Panels are an effective way to help student teachers convey their knowledge about young children and appropriate methods of teaching.  相似文献   


Teacher education programs have been tasked with the responsibility to develop educators who can successfully infuse technology into their teaching. Despite standards-based expectations, a plethora of technology infusion opportunities, and the importance of faculty roles as models and teachers, physical education teacher education (PETE) programs have yet to demonstrate current expectations for teaching with and about educational technology. In this article, the authors provide a glimpse into the educational technology requirements, challenges, and strategies for teacher education/PETE programs. The authors suggest a call to action among PETE programs to address the issues that prevent PETE graduates from entering their teaching careers less than equipped to effectively use technology to enhance teaching and learning.  相似文献   

澳大利亚教师教育方案是培养本国学前、小学和中学教师的课程方案,类似于我国师范院校的教学计划。该国职前教师教育方案有五种培养模式,单学位和双学位为两种主要模式,此外还有其他三种模式。单学位模式适用于学前和小学教师的培养,双学位模式适用于中学教师的培养。该国教师教育方案的特点是结构清晰、种类多样、形式灵活、受到各级政府的重视;随着社会的发展而不断更新。  相似文献   

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