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位涛 《中学教育》2022,19(1):63-73,112
科学教育的前提是对科学本身和个体成长的认识:科学的发展为其提供了内容、方向和基本理念,个体成长的内在规律则制约着其起点、方式和价值目标。"科学"是指引人认识和理解自身以及周遭世界的一种方式,科学教育要培养个体正确地处理自身与世界关系的基本能力和态度,这也关涉个体如何"成人"和更"好"生活的问题。由此,我们需要回到个体"成人"的内在秩序来重新梳理科学教育的展开理路,以认识自然(求真)和追寻美善生活(求善)为基本维度,以理性的完善为中心,引导个体以科学的方式和精神进入"科学的世界",实现其内在成长。  相似文献   

Given that the subject department is recognised by subject specialist teachers as the central and immediate unit of organization in secondary schools it is surprising that so little attention has been paid by researchers to the leadership dynamics within science departments. The leadership dynamics within the science departments of two contrasting school contexts were explored dialectically in this study. The structure ∣ agency and individual∣collective dialectics guided our interpretation of data from lesson observations, interviews and questionnaire responses, especially as they related to teachers' preparation of units of work (i.e., planned curriculum). As well as recognising thin coherence in teachers' responses we identify contradictions in teachers' perceived and enacted leadership roles, and perceptions of influences on curriculum planning and teaming within the two science departments. Throughout the article we disrupt traditional individualistic leadership discourses and suggest possibilities for more widespread application of an individual | collective leadership dialectic in school science departments.  相似文献   

Individual and Sociocultural Views of Learning in Science Education   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
Leach  John  Scott  Phil 《Science & Education》2003,12(1):91-113
In this paper we consider how theories of learning can inform the practice of scienceteaching in formal settings. We describe two broad strands of learning theory that havebeen drawn upon in science education, namely individual and sociocultural views. Weshow how aspects of both views can usefully inform our understanding of teaching andlearning science in formal settings. A perspective on science learning in formal settingsis presented which draws on and develops features of both individual and socioculturalviews, and the implications of this perspective on science learning for research and practice are discussed. The paper concludes with reflections on some of the recent critiques of so-called `constructivist views of learning' in the light of the perspective developed.  相似文献   

Dr Alec Webster, educational psychologist, is currently research fellow in the Professional Development Unit, Clwyd; Judith Jones, special needs teacher, is head of Learning Support Services, Cheshire. They report an exploration of 'new paradigm' methods by the Queensferry Psychological Service in collaboration with the science department of a Clwyd high school.  相似文献   

This study explored how preservice teachers grew in their understanding of inquiry science through conducting an in-depth individual inquiry investigation in their science methods course. Elementary preservice teachers’ understanding about inquiry investigations, their attitudes towards the assignment, and their views towards using individual inquiry investigations in their own classrooms were studied through written reflections, science notebook writings, and researcher field notes. After conducting an out-of-class inquiry investigation based on their own questions and design, the preservice teachers demonstrated a variety of strengths in their understandings of inquiry-based teaching, their attitudes towards doing science, and their projected use of inquiry in their own classrooms. Weak areas included forming researchable questions and superficial experimental design.  相似文献   

计算机支持的协作学习(CSCL)是教育技术研究的重要领域,也是学习科学的一个重要分支。它主要关注的是在计算机的支持下人们是如何在一起进行学习的。计算机和网络技术在协作学习中的应用促进了CSCL的快速发展,目前CSCL已经发展成为一个跨学科的研究领域。不同领域背景的专家从心理学、教育学、人类学、社会学、传播学、教育技术学和学习科学等视角来研究CSCL。CSCL中主要关注的问题是协作学习的本质和计算机是如何支持与促进协作学习的。和个体学习相比,协作学习更具有社会属性,其主要目标是协商意义和建构知识。信息技术介入到协作学习中,改变了学习的方式和形态,同时也产生了许多新的问题。在计算机支持的小组学习环境中,小组学习的过程究竟发展了哪些情况,学习者之间是如何利用技术工具来共同协商意义和建构知识的,信息技术和协作学习之间的相互关系如何,以及研究小组协作学习的理论基础和主要方法都是CSCL领域所关注的问题。美国Drexel大学信息科学学院的Gerry Stahl教授是致力于CSCL研究的知名专家,他是《国际计算机支持的协作学习期刊(International Journal of Computer-Supported Co...  相似文献   

Two studies are reported that used multiple measures of creativity to investigate creativity differences and correlates in arts and science students. The first study examined Divergent Thinking fluency, Self-Rated Creativity and Creative Achievement in matched groups of Art and Science students. Arts students scored higher than Science students on two of the three measures. Regression analysis indicated that the educational domain demographic variable was the most consistent predictor of all three measures of creativity. The second study compared natural science, social science and arts students on two performance and two preference measures of creativity, whilst controlling for the effects of general intelligence. Results indicated only Self-Rated Creativity displayed significant group differences, with the regression analysis suggesting a stronger role of personality variables. The differences between the groups and implications for the measurement of creativity are considered.  相似文献   

Efforts have been made to promote children's interest in science, but little is known about how children's interest in science relates to other characteristics, such as science‐specific curiosity, domain‐general epistemic curiosity, and verbal intelligence. The current study examines how these factors relate to individual differences in children's self‐reported interest in science topics. Children 7‐ to 10‐years‐old (n = 91) rated their interest in science and non‐science topics and completed measures of science‐specific curiosity, domain‐general epistemic curiosity, and verbal intelligence. An additional 94 7‐ to 10‐year‐olds rated their interest in science and non‐science topics and completed the science‐specific curiosity measure. The results suggest that individual differences in children's science interest relate most strongly to scientific curiosity, and specifically to the drive to seek out information and new experiences.  相似文献   

加强理工科院校青年教师自我职业生涯管理,是学校改革和发展的客观要求,是保证教学质量的前提,也是青年教师自我发展的需要。目前,职业生涯目标模糊、职业归属感缺失、角色定位不准、自我管理观念淡薄、人际关系紧张、职业忠诚度偏低等成为当下青年教师自我职业生涯管理的制约因素,对此提出提升青年教师自我职业生涯管理能力的对策。  相似文献   

从马克思主义关于生产力根本标准观点和三大社会形态理论可以逻辑地得出这样的结论:当代社会主义可以而且应当部分地容纳私营经济。社会主义革命和建设的经验教训也充分证明了这一结论的正确性。  相似文献   

“个性化教育”被引入中国已有二十多年,虽然一直没有明确的含义,但其本身并不算是新鲜话题.个性化教育并不是一种单纯的教育方法,而是一个多元的教育系统,本文主要论述个性化教育系统的四大要素——“个性化的前提”“个性化的目标”“个性化的过程”和“个性化的结果”,并阐述这四大要素之间的关系.  相似文献   

莱因霍尔德·尼布尔是美国最杰出的基督教神学家,也是新正统神学的代表人物.由于他与卡尔·巴特、爱弥尔·布鲁纳等人的共同努力,使以保罗、奥古斯丁、马丁·路德等为主要代表的基督教传统教义在一个充满危机的时代得以重新阐明,并能够与当代的先进知识分子对话.尼布尔本人所倡导的基督教现实主义是美国基督教伦理学的主导潮流,活动于这一时期的政治哲学家、伦理学家以及致力于正义实践的社会活动家无不深受此运动的影响.坚持个人道德和群体道德的严格区分是尼布尔对基督教伦理学的一大贡献,也是基督教现实主义的基本主张.这一区分标志着尼布尔与自由主义神学的分裂,也成为尼布尔批驳自由主义、和平主义等学说的理论依据.  相似文献   

单纯个体"你",正在通过网路的巨大传播力量而显得日益重要,以至于《时代周刊》把"你"选为2006年度人物。这意味着个体参与文化构建时代的来临,也在传播方面开辟了新的途径。简单地看,对个人的重视应该从网络中走入现实世界,每一个个体都兼具传播者和受众的双重身份,一个凸显个人价值的新时代就此展开。  相似文献   

《论语》一书记载着孔子及其弟子的言行,是儒家最重要的经典著作之一。当代中国人的正义观念,部分源于《论语》中孔子所构建的以仁为德性基础,以义为德性内容,以礼为德性目标和规范的君子人格。当代中国和谐社会建设的一个重要内容是实现社会的公平正义,对于个体而言,公民的正义品质作为一种底线道德,是公民追求其他崇高道德理想的基础,同时个体的正义能弥补制度由于缺漏和滞后造成的弊病,因此,个体正义对于构建和谐社会有着重要意义。  相似文献   

在上个世纪90年代的文学景观中,新生代作家以个人化写作的叙事方式,表现他们对于小说与“存在”关系的理解。他们以在边缘处叙述的写作姿态,固定式内聚焦的视角,在强烈的带有个体经验与个体记忆的主观化色彩浓厚的故事中,从特定角度对当下社会和当下个体的生命真实和存在真实进行了多方位的描述和表现,言说了自我对现实的思考,完成了对文学与现实关系的理解。  相似文献   

张萍 《教育导刊》2001,(15):16-18
在教育学中,个性是个体在其自身条件和环境的影响下,通过社会实践形成和发展起来的使其成为他自己而不是别人的心理特性的综合。个性教育则可以相应地理解为以发展学生的个性为目标的教育。在日常生活中,人们虽然已经逐渐认识到了个性在个体发展、社会发展中的重要性,但对“个性”本身的认识却是模糊的。实际上,“个性”是一个中性概念,既包括积极的健全的个性,又包括消极的缺失的个性。教育中要培养的当然不是消极个性,而是积极个性。那么,这些“积极个性”又是什么呢?或说个性教育的培养目标是什么呢?这个问题如果能够得到正确的解答,不仅有利于纠正人们对个性的误解.而且能够增强个性教育实施过程中的针对性与可操作性。  相似文献   

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