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莫高窟第207窟为回鹘时期重修的洞窟。通过参考相关佛典及图像,文章认为第207窟南、北壁说法图的内容均为释迦佛鹿野苑初说法。对图像各部分内容进行分析后,可发现这两铺初说法图中的图像元素不仅与新疆柏孜克里克石窟初说法作品十分相似,还可以从龟兹石窟群追溯至犍陀罗地区同题材作品。第207窟保存了敦煌石窟中目前已知绘制时间最晚的、仅见的通壁初说法图。第207窟的配置内容也蕴含了大乘与部派思想兼备的佛理。  相似文献   

"目揵连,我念往昔,于无量无边诸世尊所,种诸善根,乃至求阿耨多罗三藐三菩提。目楗连,我念往昔,作转轮圣王,身值三十亿佛,皆同一号,号释迦如来……"——《佛本行集经》中的释迦如来圣光"师尊,你说得靠谱吗?怎么这么久还没动静?"寒夜里,雪域之巅,站着一个稚童和一个老人。听到抱怨,老人笑了:"靠谱不靠谱,再等会儿就知道了!"突然,夜空里光芒绽放,无数金光凝化成的花朵,纷纷扬扬飘落而下。它们带来勃勃生机,即便是干枯贫瘠的土  相似文献   

(一) 就佛教来说,佛陀释尊和后来的释迦如来的教义是相同的,但不能忘记菩萨的教义,大乘佛教中,菩萨教要比佛的教法饶舌得多。作为人间的佛陀是逐渐被理想化了的抽象面貌,佛教的教义,是释尊在前半生修行中得出的实践理论。  相似文献   

通过对吐蕃时期《恶趣经》相关图像和文献进行研究,得出以下结论:其一,卫藏、川青藏交界地带以及敦煌发现的吐蕃时期普明大日如来、释迦形大日如来以及毗沙门天王像,其图像特征基本与《恶趣经》中相关记载一致,推测与《恶趣经》相关;其二,《韦协》《贤者喜宴》等文献皆记载吐蕃王室修建桑耶寺时造普明大日如来像,利用四天王占卜,并造四天王像,以及在葬仪中利用恶趣清净曼荼罗等,说明吐蕃时期《恶趣经》在吐蕃腹心地带流行。  相似文献   

敦煌石窟中书写藏汉文字的T形榜子颇具时代特征,榆林窟第25窟八大菩萨曼荼罗造像中的T形榜子更具研究价值,有三个方面的问题需作研究:1.为什么榆林第25窟T形榜子仅出现在八大菩萨曼荼罗造像中?2.为什么该T形榜子中未写藏文?3.为什么主尊T形榜子中汉文题名清净法身卢舍那佛,而与主尊本身的大日如来形象不合?  相似文献   

20世纪以来,针对中国佛教如来藏、本觉思想的批判已经形成一股风潮,其中,内学院吕澂与日本"批判佛教"是批判最为彻底的两个代表.吕澂归宗瑜伽唯识学,将受如来藏、本觉思想影响的中国佛教诸经论统统判为"伪经伪论";日本"批判佛教"则认为如来藏、本觉思想带有一种"基体论"、"实体论"倾向,因而是反佛教精神的"非佛教".回应批判,不仅需要在义理层面论证如来藏、本觉思想的"合法性",也需要将义理之辨与立场、方法论以及现代性的反省结合起来.同时,以"批判"为契机的中国佛学自身反省也应该成为回应批判的一个重要组成部分.  相似文献   

春天是四季的开始,正月是春天的开始,元旦是正月的开始.无论夏历、公历,月各有端,岁各有初.岁初是除旧更新的时段,是运筹大计的日子,是普天同庆的佳节,是一年赛程的起点. 宋代力主改革的宰相王安石诗:"爆竹声中一岁除,春风送暖入屠苏.千门万户瞳瞳日,总把新桃换旧符."古代岁初辞旧布新,当今亦然.元旦的朝阳,送来一年火红的开端,也给人们送来殷切期盼.期盼一年的赛程,一年的奋争,一年的业绩,伴与红日,一同燃烧,一同升温,一同崛起,一同高攀. 岁初,是时光的节奏,是岁月的接力,是一年的起步.岁之初,有展望,有梦想,有期待,有召唤.看重岁初,珍爱岁初,善用岁初,把握岁初,已是进取者的惯性.  相似文献   

水能载舟,亦能覆舟。这是古人的比喻。把政权比作舟,把广大的百姓比作水, 水能维系一个政权,也能推翻一个政权。历代开明的君主不敢忘记。《华严经》上说: “净心水器,莫不影显;常现在前,但破器浊心之众生,不见如来法身之影像。”清净的水器,永远会映现出物体的影像,但是破器皿,污浊的心,则无法显其事物本来的面目。为什么呢?清净的水好像一面镜子,当然可以影显万物;而破了的水器无法盛水, 污浊的心,也看不到自己的面容,自然也就见不到自己的本性了。  相似文献   

本文集中讨论了两个问题:一是河南省巩义市慈云禅寺发展的兴衰历史,阐明其在中国佛教发展史上应占的重要地位。二是介绍本寺现存的《释迦如来双足灵相图》,分析此留传来的历史缘由,认为其图是由唐朝敕使王玄策二使印度时,于唐太宗贞观二十三年(649年)带回,从而纠正传统的玄类法师带回此图的说法。  相似文献   

犍陀罗弥勒菩萨像的几个问题上原和著蔡伟堂译前言我不是陀罗艺术专家。但是,试想就陀罗佛教艺术中,特别是图像学研究中的弥勒菩萨像问题,不揣冒昧,在此提出新的问题。在探讨我国佛教初传时代与释迦如来像同时盛行的弥勒菩萨像的源流,并追溯朝鲜、中国、西域这条佛教...  相似文献   

This paper highlights patterns in school enrollment indicators that affect the efficiency and effectiveness of education systems in a set of low-income countries: those that have expanded access quickly in the last decade or two, but have not yet absorbed that expansion efficiently. Although the patterns in these indicators are observable in the first few years of schooling, they could constitute a cause of low learning outcomes at the end of primary school. The data show strong empirical relationships between an early primary enrollment bulge, low levels of pre-primary participation, and poor performance on early grade cognitive skills. This work does not attribute causal precedence to these patterns but instead argues that the indicators are reflections of each other, constituting a “knot” of issues undermining the foundations of the affected education systems. The article presents some of the cost implications and suggests that many countries are already paying for pre-primary education without realizing it.  相似文献   

This paper will discuss the analysis of the first stages of data gathering in an ethnographic research project designed to investigate the changing perspectives of beginning teachers. In November, 1986, four graduands of a B. Ed. programme of preparation for secondary teachers were interviewed. Follow-up interviews and classroom observations were conducted in February, 1987 in their third week of practice — three in state co-educational high schools and one in a private all-girls’ school. The investigation focused on the young teachers’ perspectives on teaching; on the origins of those perspectives; on their perceptions of the institutional contexts of their particular schools; and on their reactions to the world of practice. Beginning analysis suggests mixed patterns of stability and instability in teachers’ perspectives in practice, and mixed patterns of acceptance of and resistance to the institutional and systemic contexts in which these young teachers found themselves.  相似文献   

Mother-child interaction in the first year of life   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

This study focused on the nature of interpersonal understanding in 4- and 5-year-olds. Early childhood constitutes a critical transition period during which children become able to understand their own and others’ “inner world” as it relates to actions. A neo-Piagetian theoretical and analytic framework was used to study children’s understandings of interpersonal dynamics in the classroom context and their conceptions of roles and intentions of peers and teachers. Forty-two children responded to eight tasks that were designed to elicit their conceptions of peer and teacher intentions. These tasks were in the form of picture stories focused on nurturance, care, protection, and teaching events, followed by a semi-structured interview. Children also engaged in the “classroom model activity”; this activity focused on children’s understandings of their own and others’ social relationships and activities in the classroom. Hierarchical regression analyses showed level of understanding of others’ intentions to be a significant predictor of ability to analyze classroom experiences, and increased prediction with the addition of an interaction term for intentional understanding and use of verbs of intention.  相似文献   

我国处在社会主义初级阶段的特殊历史时期,尤其是正处在由计划经济体制向市场经济体制转型时期,新旧观念交织,道德很容易失范,现实中青少年违法犯罪现象有增无减,德育的重要性更加突出.中国共产党第十六届六中全会提出构建社会主义核心价值体系,使德育的重要性以政治的高度提上了议事日程.青年时期处于人一生中的思想形成阶段,学生的可塑性、模仿性很强,"蓬生麻中,不扶而直:白纱在砚,与之俱黑."这样,学校加强学生的德育工作意义更显重大.  相似文献   

European Journal of Psychology of Education - Problem solving followed by explicit instruction, as suggested by productive failure and several other instructional theories, indicates long-term...  相似文献   

The development of visual expectations in the first year   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The development of expectations was investigated by using the Visual Expectations Procedure. In Experiment 1, 128 infants aged 6-, 9-, and 12-months-old saw two 40-trial sequences of a videotaped mechanical toy appearing in various locations. The sequences represented an alternation pattern (i.e., ABAB) or a complex pivot pattern (i.e., ABCBABCB). In Experiment 2, 76 infants aged 4-, 8-, and 12-months-old saw either a left-right alternation or a top-bottom alternation. Reaction time improved and the percentage of anticipations increased between 6 and 9 months in Experiment 1 and between 4 and 8 months in Experiment 2 but not thereafter. Anticipations for the pivot sequence and for younger infants on both sequences were often incorrect (i.e., gaze shifts occurred before stimulus onset but were not directed toward the upcoming stimulus). We conclude that young infants have expectations that reflect some degree of general or procedural knowledge, but it is not clear that this behavior implies specific, articulated expectations about upcoming events.  相似文献   

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