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体育教师教学效能感量表的建构   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
马勇占 《体育科学》2005,25(3):47-51
在问卷调查的基础上 ,通过对Bandura自我效能理论和Tschannen -Moran教师自我效能整合模型的分析 ,采用探索性因素分析和验证性因素分析方法 ,建构体育教师教学效能感量表。结果表明 ,体育教师教学效能感为 4因素相关结构 ,即由课堂管理、教材呈现清晰度、师生互动和教学策略与技巧应用 4个维度构成 ;体育教师教学效能感 4因素相关模型不存在识别问题 ,并与实际资料拟合较好 ;该量表具有较好的内部一致性及稳定性 ,其信度符合要求  相似文献   

The purposes of this study were to examine the test-retest reliability of the PACER 20-m, multistage shuttle run and to examine the equivalence reliability of the mile run/walk and PACER from both a criterion-referenced and norm-referenced framework. All fourth- and fifth-grade children (N = 266) from one public school were administered two trials of the PACER and one trial of the mile run/walk (mean age = 10.5 ± 0.5 years). The percent of boys that passed the PACER (68%) was similar to the percent of boys that passed the mile run/walk (66%); however, the percent of girls that passed the PACER (96%) far exceeded the percent of girls that passed the mile run/walk (65%). Criterion-referenced reliability was estimated with proportion of agreement (Pa) and modified kappa (Kq) using FITNESSGRAM® (Cooper Institute for Aerobics Research, 1992) standards. Pa = .97 (Kq = .94) for girls and Pa = .82 (Kq = .65) for boys. The high level of agreement for girls was found because of the low criterion-referenced standards, which allowed 99 of 104 girls to pass both trials of the PACER. Criterion-referenced equivalence reliability of the mile run/walk and PACER was moderate for boys (Pa = .83, Kq = .65) and low for girls (Pa = .66, Kq = .33). The low level of classification agreement for girls was also explained by the low standards for the PACER for this age group. Thirty-four percent of the girls that passed the PACER failed the mile run/walk. Norm-referenced test-retest reliability of the PACER was estimated with an intraclass correlation (Rxx) from a one-way analysis of variance model. Reliability estimates were high for two trials (Rxx = .89 for boys and Rxx = .89 for girls) and acceptable for one trial (Rxx = .80 for boys and Rxx = .79 for girls). Pearson correlations between the mile run/walk and PACER were moderate (-.59≤r≤-.67). The moderate correlations between the mile run/walk and PACER and the low criterion-referenced...  相似文献   

为了提高我国体育博士生培养的质量,该文运用文献资料法与调查访问法,介绍了美国有关体育学科博士研究生培养的评估和排行工作,并对其进行了适当的分析和研究,以期为我国体育学科博士研究生培养的持续健康发展提供参考与借鉴。  相似文献   

杭州地区中小学体育教师工作满意度的现状调查与分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
何秀珍  杨军 《浙江体育科学》2006,28(6):81-83,94
工作满意度是工作者依据一定的评价标准,对工作各个构面满意与否的一种态度和情感体验。人们对工作满意度的关心出自对工作者的身心健康和工作绩效的考虑。开展杭州地区中小学体育教师工作满意度的研究,不仅可以扩大工作满意度的研究范围,丰富学校管理心理学的研究成果,而且有助于教育管理工作者明确杭州地区中小学体育教师工作满意度的评价指标,增强学校管理工作的针对性和有效性。通过对工作满意度的概念、理论、测评量表以及教师工作满意度研究现状进行述评,采用经过信度检验的自编体育教师工作满意度问卷,对杭州地区中小学体育教师工作满意度的评价指标和现状进行了初步探讨。  相似文献   

论体育课程改革与体育教师观念变革   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
程毅 《体育与科学》2006,27(1):95-96,24
在体育课程改革中,体育教师是关键。体育课程的实施,处处都要依靠教师。没有合格的教师,学制、课程改来改去都是枉然的。所以加强体育师资队伍建设是课程改革能见成效的保证。  相似文献   

为了更好的调动南京高校体育教师的工作积极性、更好地完成体育教学工作,通过问卷调查和访谈的形式,经统计发现,高校体育教师对工作基本满意,满意度与教师的年龄、教龄存在着显著差异。建议体育教师努力提高自身的思想及业务修养的同时,高校体育分管领导在舆论上加强宣传,工作上给予关心和支持。  相似文献   

通过方便抽样法选取浙江省5所高校704名大学生为研究参与者,采用横向调查设计和结构公式建模方法,检验跨理论模型各结构之间及其与身体活动之间的关系。研究结果表明,自我效能和变化阶段在变化过程与身体活动之间扮演着完全中介角色。该结果与自我效能理论和计划行为理论的预测结果相一致。变化过程可经由3条路径对身体活动产生显著的间接影响,第1条路径为变化过程→自我效能→身体活动,这条路径的中介强度最大,约占总效应的一半;第2条路径为变化过程→自我效能→变化阶段→身体活动,此路径的中介强度为28.3%;第3条路径为变化过程→变化阶段→身体活动,该路径的中介强度为19.7%。这一结果提示跨理论模型各结构之间的关系是相互关联的,共同组成了跨理论的整体模式,基于跨理论模型的干预研究不仅要考虑到模型内部各结构之间的关系,也要将整个模式作为干预的目标,只有这样才可能对跨理论模型干预措施的有效性做出正确判断。  相似文献   

从当代美、日两国体育院系发展看我国体育专业教育改革   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
市场经济改革在不断深入,息化社会在向我们走来。面对即将到来的21世纪,我国体育院系都在积极探索改革之路,以培养21世纪我国社会所需的体育专门人才。对一些高等教育发达国家的体育院系当前的改革进行研究无疑有着重要的现实意义。本文通过对市场经济高度发达的美国、日本体育院系80年代以来的改革进行比较研究,希望从中探寻到一些有价值的改革思路,以推进我国高等体育专业教育的改革。1研究方法1.1文献资料法。(1)笔者于1995—1996年在日本筑波大学研修期间,利用该大学的Internet系统查阅了美国教育部…  相似文献   

论新课程标准下体育教师角色的嬗变   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
《体育与健康课程标准》颁布试行以后,引发了体育教师角色的转变。本文运用文献资料法、专家访谈法,对《体育与健康教学大纲》、《体育与健康课程标准》进行了研究,经过归纳分析,在加深理解新课程标准的基础上,对新形势下体育教师的角色定位及实现机制进行了深入的探讨,以求推动我国课程改革的进行。  相似文献   

对香港、广州、北京、上海、福州、苏州在职中学体育教师进行问卷调查,对未来体育教师应具备的能力,以及在校学习课程的模式进行分析比较结果显示,香港和内地在职中学体育教师对未来体育教师能力培养及知识结构认识上有很多相同之处,然而由于两地在教育体制等方面的差异,对能力及知识结构重要性的排序存在差异。  相似文献   


Background: Physical education (PE) can be considered the centrepiece of school physical literacy (PL) programs, but ineffective lessons or an absence of PE across the public primary school system has raised concern. This study aimed to evaluate the implementation, acceptability and impact of teacher delivery of PE as part of a multicomponent Physical Education Physical Literacy (PEPL) approach, designed to improve classroom teachers’ provision of PE and PL opportunities within a cluster of suburban primary schools.

Method: Within a pragmatic randomised cluster-based trial with mixed methods, a PEPL coach was appointed to seven schools for one school year, with another seven schools continuing their usual practice as the control group. The coach’s role was to support and professionally develop classroom teachers to teach PE and to create opportunities that develop PL inside and outside the school environment. Focusing on Grade 5 teachers, the implementation, acceptability and teacher impact were assessed using direct observations of PE teaching style, a daily log kept by the coach and interviews with principals and teachers.

Results: The PEPL coach visited each school on average once a week for the 33 available weeks of the school year. There were several positive effects for teachers and schools. With no classroom teacher initially taking PE or classroom physical activity breaks, all seven teachers regularly introduced a PE lesson and activity breaks into their weekly schedule. PE class instructional time increased (intervention; +4.8 vs. control; ?3.5 min/lesson; β?=?1.69; SE?=?0.76; p?=?.05), with lessons of greater duration (intervention; +8.6 vs. control +1.9 min/lesson; β?=?1.14, SE?=?0.58, p?=?.05) and moderate and vigorous physical activity increased 5.7 min in intervention classes (p?<?.05). The PEPL coach introduced regular physical activities before and after school and linked the schools with a national sports coaching scheme. Interviews indicated that the PEPL approach was both valued and well-accepted by staff, that classroom teacher confidence to teach PE increased and that principals perceived a shift toward a school ‘culture’ of physical activity.

Conclusions: Well-received by classroom teachers and principals, the PEPL approach resulted in classroom teachers introducing both PE and activity breaks into their weekly teaching program and schools were linked to external sport coaching programs. These effects suggest that the PEPL approach enhanced opportunities for the development of physical literacy in this suburban primary school setting.

Trial registration: Australian New Zealand Clinical Trials Registry identifier: ACTRN12615000066583.  相似文献   

我国普通高校体育教师科研现状及对策   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
陶于  周兵 《体育与科学》2001,22(6):30-32
本文运用文献资料、访问调查等方法,对普通高校138名经常从事科研工作的体育教师,从学术研究成果的类别,及从事科研工作的目的等内容进行了调研;结果表明:138名普通高校体育教师中大多数从事体育科研的主要目的是职称晋升与上岗需要,导致了研究方向杂乱、科研成果水平偏低等现实问题.  相似文献   

PurposeThe study was to examine county-level associations of physical activity with coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) cases and deaths, per 100,000 county residents.MethodsData were collected from publicly available data sources for 3142 counties and equivalents, including the District of Columbia. Subjective health ratings, percentage uninsured, percentage unemployed, median household income, percentage female residents, percentage White residents, percentage of residents 65 years of age or older, and rural designation served as controls.ResultsThe two-level random intercept regression showed that physical activity rates at the county level were statistically and negatively associated with COVID-19 cases and deaths. Additional analyses showed that physical activity rates moderated the relationship between cases and deaths, such that the relationship was strongest when physical activity rates were low.ConclusionThe results presented here offer empirical evidence of the benefits of county-level physical activity during a pandemic. Implications for public health and physical activity provision are discussed.  相似文献   

以中国东部沿海的浙江省和美国中北部的爱荷华州这两个经济、教育实力相对较为接近地区的青少年作为研究对象,把影响这两个地区青少年参与体育活动的因素作为研究内容,对影响两国青少年参加体育活动的因素及异同进行比较分析.  相似文献   

美国最佳体适能教育计划及其对我国体育课程改革的启示   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
本文通过文献综述,对20世纪90年代以来在美国学校体育中有着广泛影响的最佳体适能教育计划的思想基础和目标、该计划产生的社会背号、课程特点和基本教学内容、课程模式及其评价思想和方法等进行了综合分析和研究,指出其终身化、个体化和健康化的思想对我国体育课程改革很有借鉴意义,并提出了建设性的建议。  相似文献   

本研究旨在探讨高校体育教师面对不同授课对象时,价值取向对课程决策的影响.教育价值取向是本研究的理论基础.本研究主要解决三个问题:在体育课中,教师对学生的学习目标和期望是什么?为什么教师重视这些目标?学生对项目目标和期望的理解程度如何?数据收集来源于课堂观察、课后访谈以及价值取向问卷量表,数据分析运用持续比较的方式进行....  相似文献   

处于潜在危机中的美国田径运动   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
回顾20世纪世界田径运动的发展,自30年代以后的大半个世纪里,美国在田径运动各类项目上一直处于超级大国的霸主地位。80年代以后局面发生变化,在一枝独秀之下出现了群芳争艳的景象。美国田径优势项目逐减少,其最据优势的短跨和跳跃类项目也已处于危机之中。人们从20世纪最后一次世界大赛-27届奥会田径比赛中已经看到端倪。  相似文献   

基础教育体育课程改革的深入发展,促进体育教师专业发展成为学校体育界关注体育教师专业发展的主流趋势和热点问题,但我国学校体育学术界对如何才能实现体育教师专业发展的最大化原点这一关键性的问题或许缺乏更深层次的思考。基于此,文章运用文献资料法、专家访谈法、逻辑分析法等研究方法对体育教师专业发展的原点问题——教育哲学观的必要性和形成的策略与路径进行哲学层面的思考。研究结果表明体育教师专业发展最大化的原点是教育哲学观的养成,它是决定体育教师专业发展能否最大化的核心要素,其形成的策略与路径主要有:学校要鼓励体育教师追求个人的教育哲学观;体育教师个人要主动在实践中不断探究,自修、研读哲学著作,不断提升自身的教育哲学素养等。旨在为体育教师专业发展的最大化提供哲学视角层次的理论依据和实践操作策略。  相似文献   

运用词频分析、共词分析和社会网络分析等研究方法,借助社会网络分析软件Ucinet和绘图软件Netdraw,对<美国体育教育评论>1896-1929年的高频关键词进行科学知识图谱绘制.结果显示:现代体育科学形成之初,科学思想、科学精神和科学方法深入人心;体育教育的研究对象日益明确,研究方法的多学科特征不断加强,研究成果数量逐渐增加,研究不断深入;运动生理学、运动心理学、人体运动学、体育史学及人体测量学等学科的发展,促进了美国体育教育理论体系的建立;体育教育研究由重实践向重学术研究转移,实践与学术研究从分离走向初步融合.  相似文献   

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