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This paper considers a number of explanations promoted by governments over the last two decades to explain Britain's economic decline. It is argued that the explanations are only partially based in economic realities and are contrived to legitimise broader agendas for policy initiatives. The inadequacy of the education and training system emerges as a recurrent theme and has, as a consequence, been subjected to considerable change. However, other explanations for economic decline have been offered: lack of enterprise, lack of flexibility in the workforce and lack of competitiveness. These explanations are examined for their coherence and continuity and for their implications for education and training.  相似文献   

“三个代表”重要思想既是我们党面向新世纪的政治宣言和加强自身建设的行动纲领,也是各项事业的行动指南,它对当前教育事业的改革与发展具有十分重要和深远的指导意义。教师要按照“三个代表”要求认识我国教育事业的任务和使命,努力做“三个代表”思想的忠诚实践者。  相似文献   

1949年至1956年期间,我党对个体经济的政策由允许其存在和发展、引导其走合作化道路逐步演变为对其实现社会主义改造。重新回顾这段演变历史,探析其演变的历史原因,总结经验教训,对我们更好地理解当今对个体经济在社会中的科学定位不无裨益。  相似文献   

成人教育肩负着建设人力资源强国的历史使命,而成人教育的健康运行需要政策法规的支撑。当前,原有的调整成人教育的政策、规章、规范已显得力不从心,政策缺乏普遍的约束力。作者依据成人教育的现实,对健全成人教育政策法规提出几点想法。力图为当今成人教育政策法规的制定提供参考。  相似文献   

六朝时期,南方经济得以较大程度的开发,农、工、商都有了前所未有的发展,其中一个最重要的原因是六朝政府实施了较合时宜的宏观调控政策,表现为对农业生产要素的增加、对豪族势力的妥协与限制和发展商业贸易的政策。  相似文献   

关于高校"形势与政策"课改革的思考   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
“形势与政策”是我国高校大学生思想政治教育的必修课。本根据中宣部、教育部《关于进一步加强形势与政策教育的通知》的要求,分析了“形势与政策”课教学的现状与存在的问题,探讨了在新形势下深化“形势与政策”课改革应遵循的原则,增强“形势与政策”教育有效性的具体方法。  相似文献   

International Review of Education - Adult learning remains an important component of educational systems in countries all over the world, particularly because it seeks to explain how adults obtain...  相似文献   

对"专升本"政策调整的思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
用限制专升本通道、以堵代疏的方式来规范专升本教育并不能从根本上解决 "专升本"存在的一些问题,理智的态度应是"疏导"而不是"堵塞",即应在提高政策制定的科学化、民主化水平的基础上,既要对现行的"专升本"制度进行改良,克服其问题与不足;又要在时机成熟的条件下,积极探讨其替代或部分替代方案.  相似文献   

This study used a sample of 551 children surveyed yearly from ages 6 to 13 to examine the longitudinal associations among early behavior, middle-childhood peer rejection and friendedness, and early-adolescent depressive symptoms, loneliness, and delinquency. The study tested a sequential mediation hypothesis in which (a) behavior problems in the early school years are associated with middle-childhood peer rejection and (b) rejection, in turn, leads to lower friendedness and subsequently higher adolescent internalizing--but not externalizing--problems. Results supported this sequential mediation model for internalizing outcomes and revealed an additional path from early disruptiveness to loneliness via peer rejection alone. No evidence of sequential mediation was observed for delinquency.  相似文献   

当代世界经济的发展具有与以往不同的趋势,对此我们应采取治内与开放相结合;用体制创新促进结构调整;加强区域合作,形成区域联盟;积极参与经济全球化,同时积极参与国际经济协调等等。  相似文献   

Educational Assessment, Evaluation and Accountability - Large-scale externally mandated exit exams are common in many education systems. Exit exams are considered medium stakes when exam scores are...  相似文献   

A survey of 108 large universities indicated that median new black freshmen enrollment has increased nationally to 5% in Fall 1972, from 4% in 1971 and 1970 and 3% in 1969. Open admission for all students was employed by 16% of the schools in 1972 compared to 12% in 1971. Schools were generally employing fewer selection variables in 1972 than previously. Schools with special programs for blacks were down to 54% in 1972 from 60% in 1971, although more special programs for American Indian and Spanish speaking students existed (14% in 1972, 8% in 1971), while private universities cut back considerably in all special programs. Results are discussed in terms of literature on minority admissions and current social trends.This study was sponsored and partially funded by Commission IX (Assessment for Student Development) of the American College Personnel Association. Portions of this study were presented at the American College Personnel Association Convention in Cleveland, April 6, 1973.  相似文献   

新经济下对泰罗"经济人"假设的再认识   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
学术界普遍认为:泰罗的科学管理是以纯粹的"古典经济人"为其人性假设.这种看法其实是对泰罗的误解.泰罗的"经济人"假设体现了物质刺激与精神刺激,外在刺激与内在刺激的结合;制度管理与文化管理,刚性管理与柔性管理的统一;硬环境与软环境,有形环境与无形环境的融合,蕴含了丰富的"社会人"、"自我实现人"的思想,本质上已区别于以往时代的"古典经济人",成为"新经济人".  相似文献   

"05方案"实施后,各高校的形势与政策教育教学取得了一定的实效,但仍有一些不尽人意之处.为进一步增强我国高校形势与政策教育教学实效性,文章从提高思想认识、强化师资队伍建设、加强教学研究、规范教学管理、拓展社会实践和完善网络教育等方面进行了探讨.  相似文献   

海阔凭鱼跃,天高任鸟飞,中国企业"走出去"天地广阔。中国企业"走出去"战略,是中国经济和企业自身发展的需要,也是顺应经济全球化的要求,是适应经济全球化趋势的现实选择。中国企业实施"走出去"战略的关键是要引导人们树立国际化经营意识、培育"走出去"的战略意识。  相似文献   

"三下乡"即科技、文化、卫生三下乡,是一项暑期大学生社会实践活动[1]。"三下乡"活动是推动农村经济和文化建设,提高大学生认识水平、综合素质的重要渠道,同时也是促进农科大学教学改革和提高教育质量的有力手段。实践证明",三下乡"活动是一种"多赢"式的社会实践活动,这无疑对与"三农"问题有着紧密联系的农科大学生和农科大学来说有着重大意义。  相似文献   

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