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真人秀节目《极限挑战》开创了剧情化的节目模式,本文从剧情化的角度,从叙事情境、戏剧冲突、人物关系设置三个元素对《极限挑战》进行分析,探讨真人秀节目如何有效把握真实和戏剧性的情节设置路径,为剧情式真人秀节目制作提供借鉴。  相似文献   

我国真人秀节目起步较晚,且多以引进海外版权为主,虽然如今已经开始了对原创节目的探索,但一些问题,如同质化严重、情景设置较为老套、缺乏新意等仍层出不穷,导致许多新推出的真人秀节目没有引起多大反响。因此,真人秀节目如何合理运用戏剧性的情境设置,使节目的纪实性与趣味性结合起来,是提高节目质量,引发受众兴趣的关键之所在。  相似文献   

2015年1月,广东卫视推出节目《你会怎么做》,每期选取特定议题,根据议题设置场景,观察不同情境下不同人群对设定议题的反应.在公共场所设置场景后,演员扮演争议情景中的角色,节目组在隐蔽处安置摄像装备,拍摄记录不知情的被观察者对争议情景的反应.节目制作者号称以360度全方位隐藏拍摄的方式来观察普通人的真实反应,宣称该节目为完全真实拍摄,并于后期公开了部分未经剪辑的原始素材,①以此来回应观众对节目真实性的质疑.  相似文献   

《了不起的挑战》是央视联合韩国MBC电视台和灿星制作,在原版韩国国民综艺《无限挑战》的基础上,共同升级打造的一档大型明星户外体验励志真人秀节目。节目在开播后,迅速引来各方关注,本文试图探讨节目的情境设置以及升级后的节目特色,以为今后本土化原创性真人秀节目的发展提供启示。  相似文献   

近些年,全国许多城市电台都相继推出了一种在夜晚播出,情感氛围浓郁,幽雅宁静,交流感强,使受众获得精神安慰和享受的节目类型。这类节目一般都是直接关照平常人生活中的甜、酸、苦、辣,所以使听众感到十分亲切。我们把这类节目称为情境类节目。本文将就广播情境类节目突出画面感以增强可听性这一问题展开论述。一、情境类节目的主要构成因素“情”和“境”以及二者的辩证关系。情境类节目中的“情”是节目所要表达的某种情感。在一档节目中,它可以是一元的,只谈一种情感,一个主题,也可以是多元的,几种情感并存,而且有着有机的联系。但是在编辑、主持节目时,如果只是泛泛谈论种种情感,哪怕主持人的情绪再  相似文献   

李薇 《视听》2023,(5):112-115
音乐旅行纪实节目《边走边唱》以“游吟大地,边走边唱”为立意,探索人文内涵,打破“规定情境”的设置,实现多维空间建构,并基于受众的情感需求与心理认同,唤醒了受众的审美意识,实现了情感的共振与共鸣,也实现了人与人、人与自然的美好连接。  相似文献   

电视真人秀节目又被称为“真人电视”,是指“参与者在特定的情境中,为了预先给定的目的,按照特定的规则所进行的竞争行为的真实记录与艺术加工的一种电视娱乐节目形态”.①时至今日,以《奔跑吧兄弟》和《了不起的挑战》等为代表,形成了当下中国电视真人秀节目的火爆局面. 电视真人秀的节目形态一般包括志愿者游戏化的参与、真实与虚构的结合、竞技规则与挑战行为等特征.其真实与虚构的结合,体现电视节目娱乐化的趋势和公众对电视娱乐内容的需求,其中“真实”主要包括参与者、竞争行为和真实记录,特定的情境、既定的目标、艺术化的加工处理体现的是虚构的成分.电视真人秀节目开启了全民娱乐的时代,也成为当今无可争议的收视率王牌.  相似文献   

继肥皂剧、历史剧、情境喜剧、综艺晚会等节目相继盛极而衰,智能竞赛类节目又成为电视台的“新宠”。以中央电视台“幸运52”、“开心词典”两档强势节目的火爆成功为龙头,一系列大大小小的竞赛类节目,“满汉全席”、“超级挑战”、“十万个为什么”、“挑战主持人”等竞相涌现。放眼看去,无论是游戏类节目还是智力竞赛类节目,似乎不与“竞  相似文献   

档案文化情境是受众获得和强化身份认同的重要途径,因此探索档案文化情境中受众身份认同的建构过程具有重要意义。文章以CAPS理论为研究框架,通过对哔哩哔哩网站《档案》节目弹幕文本进行扎根理论分析,探索了档案文化节目受众身份认同的建构机理,并构建了档案文化节目受众身份认同建构的理论模型。研究结果表明,档案节目受众身份认同涉及认知、情感、行为三个维度,总体上遵循“档案文化情境—认知情感单元—行为反应”的建构路径。  相似文献   

电视新闻节目如何设置主持形式是关系到节目外在形态的一个关键因素,不同的设置方法会带来不同的节目形态以及相应的传播效果.目前在电视新闻节目的主持人设置上常用的就是双人主持和单人主持,本文将就着两种方式各自的利弊作一简要分析.  相似文献   

采用Visual studio.NET 开发平台,使用C#程序设计语言以及XML知识描述和数据存储,对网络专题知识组织和知识元自动抽取系统进行开发设计。对该系统的文本信息预处理、快速汉字结合自增长分词、词频全文精确统计等重要功能的设计与实现进行了深入研究。  相似文献   

Shows blending humor and information are on the rise, and many such shows incorporate live studio audiences. Using two separate experimental studies, we test whether audience laughter on humorous political talk shows affects audience perceptions. We find that the effects of audience laughter depend on context, boosting perceptions of host and program credibility when a host is unknown, while reminding viewers of the comedic intentions and appeal of a known comedic host. If humor allows the hosts of comedic political talk shows more freedom to pointedly question their guests without turning off viewers, it may better engage and inform audiences.  相似文献   

从出版产业政策调整、出版产业转型和出版单位创意策划能力不足三个方面回顾了出版工作室兴起的产业背景,分析了出版工作室的四项基本职能,重点论述了出版工作室发展对我国出版产业链建设所具有的三个方面的重要意义.  相似文献   


The investigation of materials found in Bacon's studio is reported. The contents of the studio are examined and interpreted to identify the materials and colours most favoured by Bacon, and the range of media used. A small number of colours appear to have been heavily used. Some objects used as tools in the painting process are also investigated and explain textures seen in paint in his works. Samples of selected materials from the studio are analysed to identify the components of paints (pigments, extenders, and binders) used by Bacon. This investigation is part of a wider project examining his materials and techniques. The analytical information obtained here from the studio helps to clarify the statements made by Bacon in interviews regarding his use of materials and is proving useful in the identification of materials in his paintings, in order to help with the conservation and authentication of his works.  相似文献   

The opportunity to relocate the Oregon State University (OSU) undergrad Writing Center to OSU's Valley Library and reformat the services utilizing a studio model provided an ideal opportunity to study student seating habits to inform future furniture purchases. The exploratory study revealed an unexpected finding that students working at small tables or working alone were more likely to engage with studio peer consultants (studio services) than those students working at large tables or working in a group. Students using Studio services and sitting alone were also more likely to be working at small tables. The findings suggest that intentional furnishing decisions can support higher student engagement with the desired consultative activity, especially in spaces like OSUs Undergrad Research & Writing Studio that are purpose-designed but allow students the freedom to engage in other learning or downtime activities. This study begins to fill a gap in the literature related to student use of studio-type spaces for writing and research support.  相似文献   

The current study examines how a politician's “active” or “passive” nonverbal behavior can influence recipients' perception of his/her image in TV talk shows. In addition, the effects of different host and studio audience reaction shots towards the politician were analyzed. To do so, an experiment with a 2 × 3 × 3 factorial design was conducted (n = 356). The stimulus material was produced in a TV studio. The results indicate a clear influence of a politician's nonverbal behavior style and the TV host's nonverbal reactions on the recipients' image-perception.  相似文献   

《Journalism Practice》2013,7(4):517-532
This paper examines a news genre that is designed for the enactment of interpretive journalism: the live studio correspondent commentary on Swedish news. We trace how the role of expert commentator/interpreter of events has evolved during a 30-year period with a focus on the relation between interaction and surrounding context. How is the expert interpreter role multimodally achieved, and how do technologies enable or constrain the enactment of an expert identity in these dialogues? As we discuss our results, also basing our argument on other studies of the same interactional phenomena, we will propose that the existence of this particular news format can be related to an ongoing power struggle between journalists and politicians. We see these interactions as providing journalism with a perhaps yet underestimated powerful resource in the framing of news, and argue that they should not be written off as merely supplying lightweight, gossipy comments about politics in a glossy studio environment.  相似文献   

都市圈研究是目前区域经济领域研究的一个热点。为了有效支持都市圈研究,提出建设都市圈研究基础信息平台的方案。平台综合利用元数据、XML、定制模板和.NET与MATLAB混合编程等技术实现从数据源抽取数据、表达与存取多维统计数据、动态增添统计指标项、支持在线计算研究成果等功能模块。通过初步试运行,表明该平台能有效地支持都市圈领域的研究和决策。  相似文献   

使用Visual Studio.NET开发平台,C#程序设计语言,采用XML网页元数据描述框架,对网络专题知识库系统进行设计开发。对该系统的HTML网页元数据采集与XML文件生成、知识点挖掘、网络专题知识XML文件与关系型数据库快速转换等关键技术进行研究与实现。  相似文献   

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