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宋城演艺(300144):总体符合预期,本部稍显疲累.公司2016年收入26.44亿元(+56.1%)、净利9.02亿元(+43.1%).剔除政府补助等非经常性损益后净利8.87亿元(+39.9%),进一步剔除六间房贡献(2.35亿元),原主业扣非净利6.52亿元、增长20.5%.年报显示,公司从宁乡项目获得收入1.17亿元,基于60%左右净利率假设测得公司传统主业增长约8%.公司总体业绩符合预期.  相似文献   

2019年CERNET网络运行平稳、安全。CERNET主干网网络平均可用率99.991%,延时合格率100%,丢包率合格率100%。2019年CERNET主干网总流量比2018年增加了23.5G;国内互联互通总流量比2018年增加了17.5G;国际互联总流量比2018年增加了1.1G。教育网服务质量得到改善,完成了为各类高等院校提供便捷高质量的网络服务的目标。  相似文献   

传闻1 优博讯的智能支付终端产品去年在俄罗斯的销售大幅增长. 求证:属实. 近日,有投资者咨询优博讯(300531):"请问公司的智能支付终端去年在俄罗斯等国家的营收大幅上涨属实吗?有报道称俄罗斯在被禁用visa和master后要推广银联,是否有进一步开拓公司业务的空间?"  相似文献   

本期股市动态30指数收于1095点,较上期上涨0.56%.同期上证综指下跌0.35%,创业板指下跌0.51%.成分股中,中国国旅、国轩高科、保利地产等个股涨幅靠前.中国国航、中国平安、深圳机场涨幅靠后. 本期成分股重大事项及评论: 保利地产(600048):9月7日,公司公布8月份销售简报.公司8月份实现签约面积157.53万平方米,同比增长41.53%;实现签约金额229.88亿元,同比增长57.53%.1-8月累计实现签约面积1345.55万平方米,同比增长31.08%,实现签约金额1861.66亿元,同比增长35.53%.  相似文献   

Structural equation modelling is used to measure the existence of a response style (in particular, acquiescence) behind three balanced Likert scales measuring different concepts in a questionnaire for student evaluation of teaching in higher education. Exploration with one sample (n = 1125) and confirmation in a second sample (n = 710) from a different population (different students, different courses) shows the existence of a common factor behind these scales. However, the weak correlation with the variable ‘sum of agreements’ does not support the idea of acquiescence in student evaluation of teaching. Instead, the common factor could be interpreted as a halo factor influencing different scales in the questionnaire. The implications of this exploratory study for future research on acquiescence in student evaluations of teaching are discussed.  相似文献   

本文从试卷结构、试题特点等方面对2018年新课标Ⅱ卷物理试题进行详细分析,归纳试题特点,总结命题规律,进而对2019年高考备考提出建议。  相似文献   

主要运用录像观察法、数理统计法等研究方法.以2019年西班牙国家德比皇家马德里对战巴塞罗那的比赛为研究对象,对比赛过程中两队后卫球员防守技术进行数理统计和观察分析,找出两队比赛过程中后卫球员分别在不同时间、不同地域位置所运用防守技术的特点、优点以及不足.同时通过双方后卫球员所运用的铲球技术、断球技术、抢球技术等防守技术成功率的对比,得出双方球员在防守技术上的差异与不同,以找出对方防守相对薄弱的区域,赢得比赛的胜利.  相似文献   

国家统计局公布了2013年全国房地产市场运行情况。1~12月累计销售面积同比增长17.3%,实现8.14万亿销售规模,再创历史新高。全国房地产开发投资86013亿元,同比增长19.2%:新开工面积201208万平方米,增长13.5%。  相似文献   

<正>和往年一样,2018年中考结束后,各地中考作文题目再度引发围观。在一张张语文中考试卷上,这些作文题目就像一朵朵鲜花,相约六月,竞相开放,争奇斗艳,令人赏心悦目。下面,就让我们走近这些花朵,进行观赏,分析它们各自的特点,找出其中的规律,研究未来的命题趋势,备战2019年中考。一、题型多样,各有特色1.命题作文一枝独秀。近年来,命题作文逐渐成为中考作文的主流,稳坐第一宝  相似文献   

高考是选拔性考试,是以考生的解题能力高低论英雄,解题能力高,考分就高,所以高考备考最终目标是提高学生的解题能力.通过对2018年全国数学高考II卷试题特点进行评析,对2019年高考备考提出几点建议,希望起到抛砖引玉之功效.  相似文献   

This article is based on research undertaken between 2009 and 2012 into the former Labour government's extremely ambitious ‘Building Schools for the Future’ (BSF) Programme and its withdrawal by the Coalition government. The project, which utilises analysis of policy documents, case studies in six local authorities (LA) and semi‐structured interviews with national and local policy actors, is being funded by Roehampton's Centre for Educational Research in Equalities, Policy and Pedagogy and the British Academy (SG100363). The focus of this article is the implications for social justice of BSF and its subsequent withdrawal. The structure of the article comprises an introduction to BSF and a summary of some of the main issues arising from it. We then move on to explore the social justice dimension of BSF as it is expressed in LA documents and in relation to the social policy aspirations of the former Labour government. In July 2010 the Coalition government discontinued the BSF programme and we track events and policy from that time, particularly focussing on the radical shift away from Labour's transformational and communitarian agenda in favour of criteria based on efficiency and value‐for‐money. We present data from our interviews with local actors on the equality and social justice impacts of this re‐orientation of policy. We conclude by arguing against the view that Labour abandoned social justice suggesting that BSF was one of a number of policies through which equality was pursued, albeit by stealth.  相似文献   

从今年前7个月的数据看,拉动经济的三驾马车都显得乏力,但固定资产投资增速降至5.5%的历史新低背景下,唯独房地产开发投资增速还超过10%。按照国内规律,房地产销售增速要领先于房地产投资增速大概半年,然而这一波房地产周期中,商品房销售增速已经下行了一年半时间,而房地产投资增速却不断走出新高,房地产销售领先投资的规律为何失灵了?本文依据房地产的结构变化,来预判房地产投资的未来趋势。  相似文献   

The Dearing Report on higher education in the UK places itself in the context of 'he learning society' It notes a world of change and unpredictability and looks to higher education to assist in the development of the 'nation's people' so as 'to sustain a competitive economy'. To this end, the Report places significance upon 'learning'and the need for learners to be 'enthused' However, the Report also places a heavy emphasis on the need to develop a range of 'skills' thereby falling back onto assumptions of stability – of situations and human responses – which an unpredictable world denies. The Report offers a view of higher education 'in' a learning society, responding to given and understood parameters of change. It could, instead, have offered a vision of higher education developing human dispositions capable of creatively helping to generate an uncertain but reflexive world. That would have been a higher education 'or'a learning society.  相似文献   

The identification and dissemination of ‘good practice’ has for years been a central part of the Government's strategy for radical change of the education system. ‘Good practice’, however, is no longer good enough, nor is ‘best practice’. The requirement now for post‐compulsory education and training (from which all our examples are taken) is nothing less than ‘excellent practice for all’. This article critically examines these highly significant shifts in the rhetoric of policy, finds them wanting and argues that we need to face up to the complexities involved in deciding not only what is ‘excellent practice’ but also in working through all the stages which would be needed to transmit it throughout the sector. In particular, recent documents from the Quality Improvement Agency and the Learning and Skills Council on the pursuit of excellence are critically appraised. The views of those practitioners who are part of the authors' project in the Economic and Social Research Council's Teaching and Learning Research Programme are also explained in relation to ‘good practice’. The authors attempt to explain the frenetic activity of politicians and policy makers in this sector, and end by moving from critique to construction by considering what can be rescued from the inherently contestable notion of ‘good practice’, and, in doing so, draw heavily on the work of Robin Alexander.  相似文献   

2018年高考英语(全国Ⅱ卷)试题仍然坚持"以稳为主,稳中求新"的命题思路,以考查考生"关键能力"和"学科核心素养"为主要目标,落实立德树人的根本任务,体现基础性、综合性和应用性的考查要求。试卷在考试形式、卷面结构、考试要求等方面与2017年基本保持一致。  相似文献   

<正>《武汉职业技术学院学报》是经国家新闻出版总署批准、湖北省教育厅主管、武汉职业技术学院主办、国内外公开发行的刊物(CN 42-1669/Z,ISSN1671-931X),是RCCSE核心期刊、高职高专核心期刊、湖北省优秀期刊,并被《中国期刊网》、《中国期刊全文数据库》、《中文科技期刊数据库》、《万方数据——数字化期刊群》和《中国核心期刊(遴选)数据库》收录。本刊为双月刊,每期120页码,逢双月出刊。  相似文献   

时间过得真快,转眼间就到了2018年。现在地球已经变了样。人们的环保意识已经增强,在哪里都可以看见“绿色的海洋”。今天,16年前的乌市实验学校四年级(1)班全体同学聚会,  相似文献   

这是一个科技高速发达的时代,我已28岁了,在一家克隆技术公司工作。这几天,克隆实验室里张灯结彩,因为第二个地球已被我们成功地克隆在了离火星不远的地方。领导邀请了成千上万的人去新地球参加庆祝晚会。  相似文献   

<正>《武汉职业技术学院学报》是经国家新闻出版总署批准、湖北省教育厅主管、武汉职业技术学院主办、国内外公开发行的刊物(CN 42-1669/Z,ISSN1671-931X),是RCCSE核心期刊、高职高专核心期刊、湖北省优秀期刊,并被《中国期刊网》、《中国期刊全文数据库》、《中文科技期刊数据库》、《万方数据——数字化期刊群》和《中国核心期刊(遴选)数据库》收录。本刊  相似文献   

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