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In their seminal article, Guiso et al. (2008) uncover a positive relationship between several measures of gender equality and the math gender gap (which tends to favor boys) by exploiting cross-sectional variation in PISA test scores from 39 countries - the majority of which belong to the OECD - at a given year (2003). Using five waves of PISA data spanning the period 2003-2015 and exploiting variation both across- and within-countries, we find that the positive association between the female-male gender gap in math test scores and several measures of gender equality vanishes in OECD countries once we account for country fixed effects. Interestingly, our analysis also uncovers a positive and statistically significant association between the math gender gap and several gender equality indicators for countries in the bottom quartile of per capita GDP. This association is robust to controlling for country-level time-invariant unobserved heterogeneity.  相似文献   

A study of 148 primary school teachers and 4867 Grade 4 pupils in Hong Kong found no support for the proposal that boys learn to read better when taught by men teachers. In fact, it was found that both boys and girls learnt better when taught by women. Responses to a teacher questionnaire indicate significant differences in the preferred patterns of teaching favoured by male and female teachers. Responses from men teachers suggest they are more authoritarian, prefer to control pupils' learning, engage pupils in whole-class reading and like to read passages aloud while pupils follow the text. Responses from women teachers suggest they prefer to teach reading in groups, to group pupils according to reading ability, set tasks that suit pupils' stage of learning, allocate more time for pupils to read books and use the school library and encourage pupils to discover for themselves the meaning of new vocabulary encountered in text. The implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper examines gender differences related to Information and Communication Technology (ICT) literacy using two valid and internally consistent measures with eighth grade students (N = 1,513) from Florida public schools. The results of t test statistical analyses, which examined only gender differences in demonstrated and perceived ICT skills, indicate significant differences in all areas in favor of females. Females had higher factor scores in perception measures for Frequency of Computer Use, Perceived ICT Skills, and Attitudes toward Computers. In addition, female students had significantly higher scores on all six sections from the Student Tool for Technology Literacy, a performance-based assessment. These results counter many empirical research studies that show males generally perform better with ICT skills and have overall better attitudes toward computers than their female counterparts. However, when adding predictors to the model and using multilevel modeling statistical methods, findings indicate that gender was no longer significant. These findings question the importance of the gender differences related to ICT skills that were found with previous statistical examinations. Using more advanced statistical methods to answer research questions pertaining to ICT skills is important in order to determine which factors have the greatest potential for intervention programs that focus on developing equitable ICT skills and career choices for all students.  相似文献   

From a constructivist perspective, learners construct viable knowledge rather than acquire representations of truth. The warrants of authority, coherence, and empirical evidence are identified as means by which the viability of knowledge claims can be established by learners. In this interpretive study, we examined which warrants were invoked by Grade 8 science classroom participants in their daily interactions, and whether these were linked to particular teaching referents. We found that when the teacher embraced a content exposure referent at the expense of constructivism, the warrant of authority dominated interactions. The students' alternative conceptions and mental models were not explored appropriately. Instead, students most frequently were expected to accept the voice of authority uncritically. By such actions students were restrained from meaningful learning. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. J Res Sci Teach 34: 223–238, 1997.  相似文献   

Many studies examine student self-concept during compulsory schooling but few have explored the self-concept of students in higher educational settings. The current study examined self-concept by faculty and gender among higher education students in New Zealand. Participants were 929 undergraduate students from a large New Zealand university. The results showed some differences in verbal and maths self-concept by faculty. Generally, students in faculties teaching subjects more reliant on maths skills had higher maths self-concept than those in faculties where facility in verbal skills was important. The opposite results were found for verbal self-concept. No overall gender differences were found for general, academic, verbal and maths self-concept although a statistically significant difference was found for problem-solving self-concept. This finding suggests students’ choice of faculty may be based on perceptions of their skills and capabilities in the various fields, irrespective of gender.  相似文献   

We report the development and piloting of an evaluative instrument and process for monitoring the environmental literacy (EL) of undergraduate students in one large research-led university in New Zealand. The instrument addresses knowledge, affect and competencies in the general area of EL in line with this institution’s adoption of EL as a graduate attribute (or in a US context, a general-education learning outcome, and something to be fostered throughout a student’s education). The instrument and associated processes were designed to fit within conventional institutional mechanisms that manage student feedback on the quality of teaching. The instrument was tested with more than 600 students from more than eight programmes over the course of a year and its use stressed that students were anonymous within the survey. We conclude that evaluating (or in a US context, assessing) the extent to which students acquire EL is an achievable objective and is a reasonable expectation for any higher education institution that claims to foster this attribute.  相似文献   

Recent studies of treatment procedures for hyperactivity, with special focus on methylphenidate treatment, are reviewed from the perspective of three central questions: What is the effect of the treatment? What is the cost of the treatment? Why does the treatment work? The problems in answering the questions satisfactorily are presented.  相似文献   

《Assessing Writing》2000,7(1):79-90
This article explores the implications of a sociocultural perspective on learning for the study of teacher response. From such a perspective, knowledge is seen neither as something that can be handed down ready made, nor something that can be constructed by individuals on their own. Rather, it is viewed as being socially constructed in interactive processes, and in school, intimately wedded to the activities in which teachers and students engage. Both students and teachers are seen as contributing to the interaction and thus, to the social process of knowledge construction. Yet in the literature on teacher response, the pervasive focus has been on what teachers say and do. Less attention has been paid to the students' perspective and role in the process — to how they react to, and what sense they make of, their teachers' comments. Lack of attention to the student's perspective limits the conclusions that can be drawn from research on teacher response. Three of the articles in the present issue are reviewed in light of this limitation.  相似文献   


This study examined the role of teacher expectations in the emerging gender gaps in reading and mathematics in the first year of schooling. Therefore, we first investigated whether boys and girls differ in their vulnerability to teacher expectancy effects. Second, we analysed whether gender-specific effects of teacher expectations contribute to gender achievement gaps. Our analyses were based on 1,025 first-grade students in Germany. Among the majority of the students, boys and girls did not differ in their vulnerability to teacher expectancy effects. Further analyses examined a subgroup of students who were targets of relatively strong teacher expectation bias and who showed unexpectedly high or low achievement gains. In this specific subgroup, girls’ mathematics achievement was more adversely affected by negatively biased expectations and benefitted less from positive bias than boys’ achievement. Mediation analyses revealed that teacher expectation bias did not substantially contribute to gender gaps in reading or mathematics.  相似文献   

Adam Skalski 《Resonance》2008,13(2):181-190
One. Mathematics is the language of nature. Two. Everything around us can be represented and understood through numbers. Three. If you graph these numbers, patterns emerge.  相似文献   

Boyce N 《New scientist (1971)》2000,167(2246):36-39

Using one cohort of 7235 middle school students in Beijing, China, we examined the evolution of the gender achievement gap in middle school. Our study found a more significant female dominance than in U.S. studies: even though boys gradually caught up during middle school, especially in Math and Science, and the gender achievement gap decreased over the distribution of test scores, girls outperformed boys throughout primary and middle school and in each quartile of the performance distribution. As well, girls had a more positive school experience than boys, and boys had a higher dropout rate by the end of middle school. Despite significant gender differences in various important characteristics that have explained the gender achievement gap in the U.S., in our study, primary school test scores seemed to be the only significant source of the gender achievement gap at the end of middle school, indicating the importance of early intervention.  相似文献   

We investigate the male–female gap in principal compensation in state and national data: detailed longitudinal personnel records from Missouri and repeated cross-sections from the nationally representative Schools and Staffing Survey (SASS). In both data sets, we estimate substantively important compensation gaps for school leaders. In Missouri, female principals make approximately $1,450 less annually than their male colleagues with similar characteristics, including experience level and degree attainment, leading the same school in different years. Gaps are present in both base salary and extra duty salary, and are only partially explained by career paths or workplace sorting. SASS analyses show that women make about $1,000 less than men nationally, on average, a gap that even grows larger once accounting for individual and workplace characteristics, teacher-supplied effectiveness ratings, and reported hours worked. The presence of these residual gaps after accounting for many supply-side explanations may signal gender discrimination in school principal compensation.  相似文献   

Ultrasonography(US) and the new applications US elastography(USE) and contrast-enhanced US(CEUS) are used in the screening of thyroid nodules,for which fine-needle aspiration biopsy(FNAB) is the best single diagnostic test.The aim of the study was to compare the sensitivity,specificity,positive predictive value(PPV),and accuracy of the four examinations in nodules with cytological and histological diagnoses.The study used data from US,FNAB,USE(elasticity(ELX 2/1) index),and CEUS(Peak index and time to peak(TTP) index) evaluated in 73 thyroid nodules in 63 consecutive patients likely to undergo surgery.Cytological-histological correlation was available for 38 nodules.No correlation emerged between nodule size and cytological results.A significant(P=0.03) positive correlation between cumulative US findings and cytological results was found.In addition,significant correlations between cumulative US findings and cytology(P=0.02) and between cumulative US findings and histology(P<0.0001) were found.US showed the best specificity and PPV,and FNAB the best sensitivity.There was no significant difference in the ELX 2/1 index,Peak index,or TTP index among nodules subdivided according to cytological scores.No significant correlation was found between ELX 2/1 index,Peak index,and TTP index,on the one hand,and nodule size,US cumulative findings,cytology,and histology on the other hand.The sensitivity of the ELX 2/1 index was high,but its specificity was very low.The accuracy and PPV of USE were lower than those of the other procedures.Only the correlation between Peak index and cumulative US findings reached a value close to significance.Our ultimate aim is to minimise unnecessary thyroidectomy.US and FNAB continue to play a central diagnostic role.The use of a US score showed high specificity and PPV.The specificity of FNAB was low in this selected series because of the numbers of indeterminate cytological responses.USE and CEUS are innovative techniques that need to be standardized.The ELX 2/1 index,Peak index,and TTP index seem to be unrelated to histology.The best statistical data on USE and CEUS concerned their sensitivity and PPV,respectively.At present,USE and CEUS are too time-consuming and of limited utility in selecting patients for surgery.  相似文献   

The focus of this research is to explore the educational outcomes of low-cost private schools (LCPSs) against public schools in Pakistan and whether they have any significant impact in correcting for the prevailing gender biases in the education system. In an attempt to advance the literature on the experience and outcomes of LCPSs and particularly on female students in Pakistan, this research has employed a rigorous quantitative approach by using various statistical tests to build up suitable econometric models. The findings show that boys are more likely to attend LCPSs than girls which further widens the gender imbalances in educational institutes. However, the research also reveals, if given a chance to attend LCPSs, female students academically outperform the male counterparts. The research further point to the fact that educated parents chose LCPS and father’s level of education has stronger impact on the choice of schooling.  相似文献   

Orthographic knowledge is one of several contributors to developing literacy skills. However, our understanding of how orthographic knowledge contributes to both spelling and reading is incomplete due to a lack of consistency in defining and measuring orthographic knowledge. The goal of the present study was to empirically test whether or not orthographic knowledge could be construed as a multi-dimensional construct that contributes to reading and spelling skill in school-aged children. Using regression analyses, the current study supports the conceptualization of orthographic knowledge as a multi-dimensional construct, consisting of both word specific and general orthographic knowledge. For school-aged children, both types of orthographic knowledge make separate and unique contributions to both reading and spelling, over and above the contributions of phonological skills. Results illustrate the importance of orthographic knowledge to developing literacy skills.  相似文献   

How much students feel at home in school predicts academic outcomes. In view of the gender achievement gap, it is worth examining the gendered pattern of this school belonging. Studies on school belonging, however, have barely acknowledged possible obstructive effects of traditional gender role attitudes of individual students and student cultures. This study examines the relationship between gender role attitudes and a sense of school belonging among a sample of 6380 students from 59 Flemish schools at the start of their secondary education. The results of multilevel analyses indicate that boys show less sense of school belonging than girls, as do students with more traditional beliefs about gender roles. Moreover, student attitudes related to gender roles are strongly shared at the school level, so that we can speak of a gender role student culture. Students enrolled in more traditional gender role student cultures reveal less school belonging.  相似文献   

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