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企业财务预警系统是指以企业财务信息化为基础,对企业经营管理活动中的潜在风险进行实时监控的机制。建立功能健全的财务预警系统可以及时发现企业财务管理中存在的问题并预先向经营管理者发出警告,有效预防和化解可能出现的财务危机,保障企业经营活动健康发展。  相似文献   

大学生心理健康问题的重要性日益凸显,受到全社会的高度重视。建立完善的预警机制、及时的干预机制,能有效地减少大学生突发心理问题。预警机制主要包括全体筛查、四级预警;干预机制主要包括宣传干预、教育干预、活动干预、咨询干预等。  相似文献   

随着网络时代的发展,高校作为一个开放性的文化组织,集中了大批的有知识、有思想的青年学生,尤其是95后青年的加入,更让这个集体在充满朝气与机遇的同时,也面临着诸多来自于网络的危机与挑战。因此,如何客观而又辩证地去分析高校学生危机事件的处理过程,建立行之有效的危机预警机制,对于保障高校教育教学的有序开展有着重要的意义。  相似文献   

从网络预警系统的概念入手提出了在高校思想政治工作中引入网络预警系统的问题,分析了网络预警系统的作用,探讨了正确发挥网络预警系统功能的手段和措施。  相似文献   

现代高等学校是一个人员聚集的场所,一些由人为或自然因素引起的突发事件在这样的环境下会迅速扩散,从而导致无法估计的后果。为了有效降低突发事件的负面影响,高等学校需建立相应的应急管理机制以解决这一系列问题。  相似文献   

The concept of early screening and response to intervention has been recognised as key to success in literacy. In this article, an implementation model, which combined a published screening test with a free open access short‐term intervention, was piloted and evaluated over several years. Significant improvements in risk levels for literacy difficulties were identified following a series of 12‐week interventions for 1 hour weekly, split into three small group sessions. In phase 1a, 54% of 224 children were no longer ‘at risk’, and in Phase 1b, 51% of 151 children were no longer ‘at risk’, with evidence for transfer to reading over time. In phase 2a, the approach included whole class screening, (670 children, 25% risk at pre‐test reduced to ‘no‐risk’ in 17.4%). In Phase 2b, targeted support was provided for 306 children in reception, year 1 and year 2. After the intervention, 57% of these children were no longer ‘at‐risk’, with reception children making greatest progress. The model has successfully impacted on greater awareness of ALN and approaches to intervention in the teachers involved. Interviews with users indicated a high level of satisfaction and the approach has been recommended for wider application, following further research.  相似文献   

高校突发性事件预警机制研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
市场经济快速发展给高等教育发展带来了前所未有的机遇和挑战,但在快速发展的同时,校内外诸多不可控或不可预知的因素引发的突发性事件给师生的身心健康、学校财产造成危害,破坏了正常教学秩序。为了预防和减少突发性事件的发生,控制、减轻和消除其带来的危害,应加强高校突发性事件预警机制的研究,建立行之有效的预警系统。  相似文献   

依据实际监测结果,对穆棱河水系鸡西段水体污染进行了理论分析,提出水体污染的规划控制途径,为城市建设和环境保护提供依据.  相似文献   

We established a hydrodynamic model to simulate the pollutant transport and decay process in the case of a pollution incident in the sections of the Yangtze and the Jialing passing through the city area of Chongqing. The Boussinesq assumptions and the Navier-Stokes equations of incompressible fluid were applied to setting up the pollutant diffusion equations and the equations for the decay process. E. coli was taken as the example pollutant, and chloride dosage, light, temperature and ultraviolet intensity were considered in the equations for bacterial decay process. The calculated values of the fluid velocities in the two rivers agree well with corresponding measured results, indicating an ideal accuracy of the model. In simulation, the concentration of E. coli in water was assumed to be zero before the accident. The upriver boundary velocity was ?1.35 m/s for the Jialing flow and 1.75 m/s for the Yangtze flow, and the downriver boundary was water depth set at 0. Simulation results show that the bacteria are transported downstream along the riverbank. A long and narrow pollutant belt develops at 12 h after the start of the accident ascribed to the quick longitudinal transfer. After the pollution sources are cut off, the pollutant concentration decreases slowly, mostly by advection and diffusion, suggesting inadequate self-purification ability of the rivers and the necessity of effective decontaminating measures in the case of a pollution incident. The model can be a useful tool for understanding the polluting situations of an improper discharge incident and evaluating the effects of decontaminating measures for the water body of the Three Gorges Reservoir.  相似文献   

随着极端气候频繁出现造成的一系列城市水管理问题,以及由此引起的安全隐患,已经摆在中原经济区的经济建设和社会发展日益突出的位置.通过转变水管理观念,在认真分析城市水管理存在问题、明确水管理系统性特征的基础上,必须构建水务一体化的水管理体系,才能确保中原经济区的水安全和经济社会的可持续发展.  相似文献   

针对当前污染源信息管理系统中普遍存在的信息共享不足、空间分析处理能力匮乏、可视化能力不强及数据管理混乱的问题,设计并实现了一个基于WebGIS的城市污染源信息管理系统。详细阐述了系统的实现目标、体系结构、功能设计和数据库设计;介绍了系统实现的技术路线,并以定位查询为例,展示了系统客户端异步更新的实现方法。  相似文献   

Mathematical learning difficulties can originate at an early age. However, research on young children’s math development, especially those who are at risk, is in its early stages. The current study is the first to examine the effects of an activity with an educational e-book on emergent math with 52 preschoolers at risk for learning disability (ALD). The effects on their emergent vocabulary of the e-book intervention was also tested. The findings revealed that following the intervention, children in the experimental e-book group improved both their vocabulary and early math skills as compared to the control group who engaged in their regular preschool activities. The implications of these results are discussed.  相似文献   

高校"一校多区"办学模式的出现,使多校区的大学生日常管理应急机制建设显得更为重要,构成了多校区高校管理的主要内容。同时,"一校多区"学生管理应急机制建设面临新的发展趋势,也给高校管理工作者提出了新的要求。  相似文献   


In Finland, early childhood education and care (ECEC) is traditionally publicly provided. However, private ECEC provision has increased during the past decade, largely as a result of financial support from the public sector. Drawing on qualitative interviews with municipal decision-makers, this article identifies three frames within which publicly subsidised private ECEC provision and marketisation are rationalised: the pragmatic frame, the government frame and the choice frame. The results show that even though market logics and tendencies seem to have gained a strong foothold in local policies, there is a keen interest in universalism and maintaining public control over local ECEC provision.  相似文献   

水污染控制工程是为环境工程专业的硕士研究生开设的专业学位课,本文介绍了该课程的课堂教学研究与实践。  相似文献   

经济管理类实验教学管理与评价体系探讨   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
随着教育理念、教学方式方法的改变,经济管理类实验教学在越来越多的院校的经济管理专业中进行,然而对经济管理实验课程的管理和评价并未受到应有的重视.该文对美国研究型大学的经济管理类实验教学的特点和经验进行了归纳总结,阐述了经济管理类实验教学的作用和地位,进而系统分析了当前经济管理实验教学管理与评估中存在的各类问题,提出了构建实验课程管理制度和评价体系的相关建议,以期对经济管理类实验教学发展有所裨益.  相似文献   

浅谈加强高校信息化专业队伍建设和管理   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
高校信息化专业队伍是指在高等学校信息化建设、发展和管理中,承担着重要职能的信息化专职技术队伍。本文分析了高校信息化专业队伍建设的必要性,提出了加强高校信息化专业队伍建设和管理的具体措施。  相似文献   

为解决目前实验教学数据管理与分析工作所面临的问题,设计了一种新型实验教学数据管理与分析系统。该系统具备了全面的实验教学相关数据管理功能,同时借助SQL Server的商业智能工具,实现了相关主题数据的高效统计与分析功能,对系统的体系结构、功能组成、典型数据管理功能设计以及数据统计与分析模型设计等进行了详细说明。实际应用案例表明,该系统实现了实验教学管理工作的数字化、网络化以及智能化,可提高管理效率以及对管理决策具有积极的辅助作用。  相似文献   

Australia is one of the world leaders in water management. The country meets the challenge of water shortage with established integrated water management in which rainwater is taken as a too precious resource to be just drained off. In Australia, rainwater is extensively harvested and polished to provide cheaper supply for potable and non-potable domestic uses, irrigation, landscaping, refilling aquifers and other uses. Implementing dual management over the quantity and quality of storm water and practicing water sensitive urban design (WSUD) in urban areas effectively control non-point-source pollution of waterways by pollutants carried with runoffs, reduce the discharge of rainwater and thus protect properties and lives from damage by floods. These achievements are attributed to constant reinforcement by govenments from federal to local levels in policy, financial, legal and educational aspects, and also to the lasting efforts of professional communities and water industry in developing requisite techniques, demonstrating the benefits and fostering public credence of rainwater reuse. The successful rainwater management practices in Australia suggest rainwater harvesting can be a complimentary means for the South-to-North Water Transfer Scheme to solve the water shortage in China's northern regions, and thus release to a degree the pressure on the Yangtze water resources. Best management practices of rainwater can be an effective controlling strategy for flooding and non-point-source water pollution of waterways. Such in-site source control initiatives have particular significance to protecting slow waterways of weak selfpurification ability, like the Three Gorges Reservior.  相似文献   

针对学校开设的实验类选修课设计、研发的实验类选修课信息管理系统,搭载于学校实验中心(室)实验教学信息管理平台。根据学校实验中心(室)的特点与性质,论述了管理系统的总体需求、框架结构、体系构成与功能设计、性能要求等具体内容。经过实践,有效地提高了管理效率,有力地促进了实验教学工作。  相似文献   

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