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   Tangtsinia* S. C. Chen, a monotypic genus, is discovered in southeastern Szechuan in China.  It possesses a rather ordinary monocotyledonous habit, namely with a short rhizome, non-thickend annual stem with scattered, spiral-arranged leaves and a terminal inflorescence.  Its habit somewhat similar to that of some very  primitive  genera,  viz. Apostasia, Tropidia, Cephalanthera and Selenipedilum, is  of much  morphological and phylogenetic interest.      The primitive and significant floral features consist chiefly in the erect, hardly twisted flower with nearly regular perianth and a unilocular ovary, in the column composed of a terminal stigma and five small projections, in an erect anther with four naked pollinia, and in the absence of the rostellum.  Of special interest is the occurrence of five small projections in the upper part of the column, and this is, however, a unique instance in the family, including the Apostasieae.  Among the five projections three are larger and opposite to the petals respectively.  Of these the two lateral ones bear a strong resem- blance in texture to the two auricles in the Orchideae and some members of the Limo- dorinae, which P. Vermeulen considered not as staminodia, but as appendages of the single fertile stamen as usually seen in Allium.  In the case of Tangtsinia, there exists the third projection which, being situated in the front of the column and thus opposite to the median petal  (lip), shows no difference both in appearance and texture from the other two.  These three projections are at equal distance  around  the  terminal  stigma.   In view of these facts they can be no other organ than staminodia, representing the three stamens of the inner whorl. And the other two smaller projections are also staminodia which together with the single fertile stamen represent the outer whorl of three stamens. Now it is safe to say that the two auricles existing in Cephalanthera, Epipactis and the Orchideae are, in fact, also staminodia, representing the two lateral stamens of the in- ner whorl.  In consequence, there is fairly good reason to believe that the column in Orchidaceae has developed from the union of six stamens and a central style, and this is in agreement with the conclusion drawn by Swamy from vascular anatomy of orchid flowers.  Furthermore it is also an interesting fact that the pollen grains in this genus, like those of Cephalanthera, Pogonia (sensu stricto), Aphyllorchis and some species of the Vanillinae, are single, while in the vast majority of the Orchidoideae they are united into tetrads.  This feature, as well as the texture of pollen grains, is of considerable significance in the classification and phylogeny of Orchidaceae.      On the basis of its morphological characters mentioned above, the present genus is evidently one of the most primitive types in the  subfamily  Orchidoideae.   It bears a strong resemblance both in habit and floral features to Cephalanthera, especially C. falcata (Thunb.) Bl. The relationship between these two genera is apparently much closer to each other than to any of other existing primitive orchids.  In addition, the similarity in some of significant floral characters between Tangtsinia and the saprophytic Aphyllorchis, especi- ally in the nearly regular perianth and a subterminal stigma  of  A. simplex  Tang  et Wang, indicates their close relationship.  It is  quite possible  that  Cephalanthera  and Aphyllorchis are derived from Tangtsinia or Tangtsinia-like  ancestor.  Thus, Tangtsinia is here placed as the most primitive genus in the  Limodorinae.  Furthermore  this  new genus likewise shows more or less close affinity to Neottia, probably through N. gaudis- sarti Hand.-Mzt., in which the flowers consist of nearly regular perianth and a very primitive column with a terminal stigma and without the rostellum.  On the other hand, in comparing Tangtsinia with the Apostasieae, there occurs also some similarity, but a closer investigation of their ovaries, perianthes, stigmas and some other features indicates that there is little evidence of close or direct relationship  between these  two  taxa, al- though both are the ancestral types in this large family. The probable relationships be- tween Tangtsinia and its allies may be diagrammed as follows:      With regard to the pollination, Tangiorchis is found to be self-pollinated. In the great majority of cases, its flowers do not open at all, and none of which has been seen to be visited by any insects.  It is interesting to note that in almost all nearly faded flowers examined by the writer the bases of the pollinia together with the base of the anther have become attached to the stigma of the same flower,  and  thus  self-pollination has taken place.  This type of pollination might be comparable with that of Cephalanthera dama- sonia Druce.      Finally the writer should say something about its geographical distribution. This mo- notypic genus is confined to Gin-fu-shan (Mt. Gin-fu) and its adjacent region in Nan- chuan District of southeastern Szechuan, where it occurs at scattered points within an area of no more than 250 square km. at an altitude between 700-2100 m. In view of its mor- phology, pollination and geographical distribution, Tangtsinia might be an ancestral relic of the family Orchidaceae and would give a possible clue as to the origin of this complicatedfamily.  相似文献   

  The column is the most characteristic part of an orchid flower.  It is considered to be formed by the union of stamens with a central style and stigma.  In the Apo- stasieae, for example, the column is rather primitive in the stamens and style only partially united, whereas in the majority of higher orchids it becomes more advanced through a eomplete union of them into a single organ.  Within the family, indeed, the column structure is greatly diversified and of great taxonomic significance.   It is interesting to note that a great range of diversity of column structure is bund in Neottia (sensu lato), a small but widespread genus consisting of 14 species, about two thirds of which, however, are of local occurance and seem to be little known to many botanists.  In some speeies of this genus we find a very primitive column structure which is quite unique in the family, while in the others it is much more complicated.  In all, five types of their column structure can be distinguished as fol-   lows: (1) column rather longer; anther erect with a short filament attached to the back of the column near the apex; stigma terminal; neither clinandrium nor rostel- lure; (f. 2, 4)  (2) as the preceding, 'except for the stigma more or less curved fore- ward and filament longer; (f. 6, 8)  (3) column rather longer with a clinandrium at its summit, upon which a sessile and incumbent anther sits; rostellum large, hori- zontally projecting out over the concave stigma situated in the front of the column; (f. 10, 13, 15, 17)  (4) as the preceding, except, for the anther and rostellum almost erect, and the stigma more or less bilabiate; (f. 19,21)  (5) column very short; an- ther and rostellum erect; stigma lamellate, erect; reflexed and almost clasping the rostellum. (f.,2g) In these .five types, with the exception of the first one in which the labellum (the median petal) is very similar to the lateral: petals, they all possess zygomorphic perianth with labellum bilobed or entire which is quite different from the two lateral petals.       Here, we see a great change in the column structure from one form with stamen and style not fully united to another form  in  which  they  have been well fused. Speaking strictly, these are two sorts of entirely  different column structure. The former one, represented by (1) and (2) as stated above, is, in fact, an incomplete or s very primitive column in having a terminal stigma and an erect stamen with its free filament attached to the back of the column; and the absence of clinandrium and rostellum.  Furthermore, there exists on the back of the column a thick ridge with its upper end joined to the filament, with which it is of the same texture and appearance.  In Neottia pantlingii (=Arohineottia pantlingii) the free filament is even rather longer than the ridge, (f. 6) while in the other three species (f. 2, 4, 8) they are shorter.  It is in my opinion the lower part of the filament adnate to the compound style or column.  This is another fact of interest perhaps not occuring in any other living orchids.  On the other hand, the latter one, represented by (3), (4) and (5), is a more advanced column structure, in which a higher level of specialisa- tion with well-developed clinandrium and rostellum is reached.  The stigma becomes shallow depressed on the anterior side of the column, or sometimes in the form of so- mewhat a bilabiate lip projecting out before or under the long rostellum.  This is apparently a complete column both in structure and function quite different from the former and, contrarily, much like that of Listera.       Basing upon the facts just mentioned, we may subdivided Neottia (sensu lato) into two distinct genera, with two and three sections respectively.  They are as fol- lows:       1. Archineottia S. C. Chen, gen. nov.       (1)  Sect. Archineottia             1) A. gaudissartii (Hand.-Mzt.) S. C. Chen, comb. nov. (China)             2) A. microglottis (Duthie) S. C. Chen, comb. nov. (India)        (2)  Sect. Furciila S. C. Chen, sect. nov.             3) A. pantlingii (W. W. Smith) S. C. Chen, comb. nov. (Sikkim)             4) A. smithiana (Schltr.) S. C. Chen, comb. nov. (China)       2. Neottia Guett.        (1)  Sect.   Listeroides   S.C. Chen, sect. nov.             1) N. listeroides (L.) Rchb. f. (China, Sikkim, Kashmir)               2) N. camtschatea (L.) Rchb. f, (China, Soviet Union)             3) N. megalochila S. C. Chen, nom. nov. (China)             4) N. inayatii (I)uthie) Schltr. (Pakistan, Kashmir)             5) N. tenii Schltr; (China)       (2)  Sect. Neottia             6) N. papilligera Schltr. (Chinas: Japan, Korea, Soviet Union, Sikkim)             7) N. nidus-avis (L.) L. C. Rich. (Europe, Iran, Western Siberia)             8) N. brevilabris Tang et Wang: (China)       (3)  Sect. Hologlossa S. C. Chen, sect. nov.             9) N. acuminata Schltr. (China, Japan, Korea, Soviet Union, Sikkim)      Inperfeetly known species:       10) N. ussuriensis   (Kom. et Nevski) S6o (Soviet Union)      Thus, the subtribe Neottiinae are composed of four genera, namely, Diplandror- chis, Archineottia, Neottia and Listera.  The new genus Archineottia, as one of the most primitive genera in the family, is of great interest from a phylogenetic point of view.  It shows dose similarity to Diplandrorchis and Neottia in habit, but sharply distinct from them in column structure.  These genera, as indicated By some authors, also show affinity in some respects with the  subtribe  Limodorinae,  especially  to Tangtsinia and Sinorchis, the other two quite primitive genera in the family.  There is, indeed, a great need of further study of these interesting or relic genera and this, I think, would go a long way towards solving the problems concerning the origin ofthe Orchidaceae.  相似文献   

 本文从兰科植物中一些属于中国-喜马拉雅植物亚区和中国-日本植物亚区典型分布属(或亚属的地理分布格局的研究,提出此两个植物亚区在我国四川省境内是以峨眉山和岷江为其分界,及这条线的走向是从南坪(九寨沟),松潘(黄龙寺)、茂汶、灌县(光光山)、宝兴、二郎山(天全以西)、峨眉山、石棉、西昌、德昌、米易至攀枝花市。  相似文献   

  A new psilophytic plant, Hsüa robusta, is found in the Xujiachong Formation  (Emsian) of the Lower Devonian from the Qüjing (= Kütsing) district of Yunnan,  China.  This plant is tentatively referred to the Cooksoniaceae of Rhyniales.       Hsüa gen. nov.       Type species: Hsüa robusta (Li et Cai) C. S. Li.       Diagnosis:  Plants erect and then creeping. Main axes dividing pseudomonopodial- ly and bearing dichotomous lateral branches which somewhat differentiate into vegeta, tire and fertile ones, with dichotomous root-like and rhizophore-like appendages.  Spo- rangia terminal, round to reniform or wide reniform, dehiscing along distal margin into two equal halves.  Spores homosporous, trilete.  Stomata anomocytic.  Protostele cen- trarch.       Hsüia robusta (Li et Cai) C. S. Li, comb. nov.       Cooksonia zhanyiensis Li et Cai, Acta Geologica Sinica, 52 (1) 1978, p. 10, pl. II, fig. 6.——Taeniocrada robusta Li et Cai,ib. p. 10, pl. II, fig. 7—14.       Diagnosis:  Characters same as in generic diagnosis. Main axes 6—10 mm wide and at least 24 cm long, with vascular strands 1.2—2.4 mm acr  oss.  Fertile branches 3—4 times equally or unequally dichotomous, 10—1.5 mm in width and up to 11 cm in length, possessing a vascular bundle of 0.5 mm in its greatest diameter.  Branches circinately coiled in apical regions.  Axial tubercles, root-like and rhizophore— like appendages aris- ing from the main axes usually anterior to the lateral branches. Axial tubercle round with a diameter of 2.2—2.4 mm, having a vascular bundle about l mm across.  Root- like branches 3 times bifurcate, 1—0.3 mm wide and up to 1.5 cm long, with a vascular bundle about 0.1 mm across.  Rhizophore-like appendages forked, 3—1.7 mm in width, possessing a vascular bundle of 0.7 mm in its greatest diameter. Root-like protuberances sometimes arising from rhilzophore-like branches.   Epidermal cells of axes generally elongate, measuring 60—290μby 25—60 μ.  Stomata mainly fusiform, 90—110 μ long and 50—60μ wide, consisting of a pair of guard cells enclosing a pore 6—15μ  in length and 1—3μ  in width.  Cuticle of guard cells quite thick.  Stomatal density about 5 per mm2.  Sporangia 0.8—4.2 mm high, 1.0—8.2 mm across, usually having a dehiscent distal border which measures 50—100μ broad.  Demarcation between sporangium and its stalk quite clear.  Epidermal cells of basal part of sporangial walls elongate, about 100 μ long and 30μ wide, but those of distal part isodiametrally polygonal, about 50μ in diame- ter.  Stomata, radially arranged scattering over sporangial walls, generally round about 50μ in diameter and 50 per sporangium.  Spores round, 18—36μ (average 27μ) indiameter, and smooth.  Tracheids of protoxylem about 10μ across; those of metaxylem about 30μ across, with scalariform thickening.      This plant is similar to Renalia hueberi Gensel in general morphology, but differs from the latter in possessing root-like and rhizophore-like branches.      The generic name is derived from Prof.  Hsü Jen.     This paper is a thesis for M. Sc.  相似文献   

本文首次记载了对分布于峨眉山的凤仙花属Impatiens 12种植物的种子表面显微结构的观察, 并分析了种子表面形态在该属种水平上的分类价值及可能的系统学意义。种皮表层细胞特化、排列方 式、隆起状态、种脊上近合点端的突起、种子末端附属物的有无及其形态等性状被视为凤仙花属种子表 面的主要特征。依据这些性状12种凤仙花种子形态分为两种类型:1.种子表面光滑,无明显大、小细胞 分化。如白花凤仙I.wilsoni可能具3沟花粉凤仙花的种子形态的特点。2.表面粗糙,有明显大、小细 胞的分化及不同程度的细胞隆起,并呈现出多种特异形态.这代表了以一年生草本,4沟花粉为特点的 凤仙花种子形态特征。种子特征与植物体习性、花形态及花粉形态相关,在一定程度上反映了属内类群的分化,因而在凤仙花科、属的分类和系统研究中是不可忽视的性状。  相似文献   

  本文用不同的化学方法分析研究了唇形科(Labiatae)鼠尾草属(Salvia)79 种植物根的二萜醌类化合物,其中38种植物含该类化合物。经查阅文献并联系 它们的外部形态(具能育雄蕊2,并呈丁字形等)、根部的组织构造和地理分布的 特点,我们初步认为:鼠尾草属(Salvia)从野芝麻亚科(Lamioideae)中分出,成立 鼠尾草亚科(salviodeae)比较合适:二萜醌类化合物可以反映鼠尾草属植物的 亲缘关系,并能作为种的化学分类特征;有些种需在组、系的归属上作适当的调整。  相似文献   

 本文收集了国内外栝楼属Trichosanthes 31种1变种,在光学显微镜和扫描电镜下,进行了花粉粒形态的比较观察。该属花粉粒为3孔沟型,外壁表面纹饰可分为四个类型,即:疣状或皱波状(小苞组),粗网状(大苞组),细网状或光滑(叶苞组),近光滑或皱波状(王瓜组)。这四个类型的划分与植物形态分类基本一致,可作为分组及分种的依据之一。花粉特征支持将叶苞组分为叶苞亚组和柔毛亚组,如叶苞亚组有明显的沟,而柔毛亚组没有。  相似文献   

本文收集了国内曼陀罗属(Datura L.)  11个不同的生态型,在光学显微镜和扫描电镜下,进行了花粉粒形态的比较观察。该属花粉粒均为球形或稍扁,具3孔沟型。花粉粒外壁表面的纹饰可作为分属、分组、分种的依据之一。可分为三个类型,与植物形态分类基本一 致,即:具皱波-细网状纹饰(曼陀罗组); 具网状条纹或条纹,条脊表面有细颗粒或粗糙(洋金花组); 具条纹,条脊表面有蚕体状环纹及细颗粒(木本曼陀罗组)。种以下的变种或栽培变种,花粉粒的形态特征不足以作为分类的依据。  相似文献   

一个原始的苔类的目——藻苔目在中国的发现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
 1961, a Japanese specimen of liverworts was named as Takakia lepidozioides by Hattori and Inoue and they treated it to establish a new order Takakiales.  1963, “Le- pidozia ceratophylla” was determined by Grolle as the second  species  of Takakia. Hitherto, they were found in Japan, Malaysia, Nepal, Sikkim, Aleutian Island and the Queen Charlotte Islands separately.  1980, 1982, Wang Mei-zhi collected Takakia lepi- dozioides in the forest ground of Abies delavaya in Bomi and Zayii, Xizang. According to it's features, it is apparet that Takakialens is the most primitive one in liverworts,perhaps it could be treated as a kind of “living fossil”.  相似文献   

本文采用光学显微镜和扫描电镜对茶藨子属Ribes L. 植物19种、2变种的花粉形态进行了观 察。根据本属植物的花粉,在内萌发孔周围有一外萌发孔,有别于广义的虎耳草科Saxifragaceae(s. lato各类群的特点,结合本属其它形态特征,作者支持将茶藨子属独立为科的意见。从观察材料看,可 将其归之为4个花粉类型:即醋栗型(Grossularia-type)、茶藨子型(Ribes-type)、拟醋栗型(Grossu- larioidestype)和单性花茶藨子型(Berisia-type),这正好与分类学家根据形态划分的4个亚属相吻合, 而且它们之间存在着密切的联系,是一个不可分割的自然群。据此,作者认为过去划分的亚属是合理的,醋栗类群不独立成属,似更自然。  相似文献   

以新型有机无机复混肥、常用复混肥、有机肥和烤烟专用肥为供试肥料进行大田试验,试验结果表明:施用新型有机无机复混肥的处理烤烟烟株生长速度快,烟叶叶片厚度适中;产量、产值和中上等烟比例均以施用新型有机无机复混肥的处理最高,烟叶化学成分较为协调。而且,施用新型有机无机复混肥后有利于土壤N,P,K矿化,提高了有效养分含量。  相似文献   

   The present paper is an attempt to make a taxonomic study of the little known orchid genus Holcoglossum, as well as a comparison of the genus with its allies, such as Vanda, Papilionanthe, Ascolabium, Ascocentrum, Aěrides, Neofinetia and Saccola- bium.      Holcoglossum was established by Schlechter in 1919 (Orchideologiae Sino-Japoni- cae Prodromus) as a monotypic genus, based upon Saccolabium quasipinifolium Hayata. Five years later he published another true Holcoglossum as Aěrides flavescens, which was referred by Tang et Wang to Saccolabium in 1951.  Further investigation of this genus was by Garay in 1972 who added two species, H. kimballiana and V. rupestris (synonymy of Aěrides flavescens), but considered Neofinetia, a quite different taxon, to be congeneric.  It is shown that the demarcation of Holcoglossum remains cofused. During the course of our study, the species of Holcoglossum and its allied genera are carefully examined, we come to the conclusion that Ho lcoglossum is a distinct genus. It is characterized by the short stem; fleshy terete or subterete, sulcate above leaves, with their apex acute and non-lobed; thickening or keeled costa on the back of sepals, 3-lobed lip, with erect sidelobes, paralled to the column; slender and recurved spur; footless column usually with prominent wings; 2 notched pollinia attached to linear stipe which is tapered toward the base.  In addition to Ascolabium, it differs from Vanda, Papilionanthe, Ascocentrum, Aěrides, Neofinetia and Saccolabium by its terete or subterete leaves on their ventral side with a furrow, from Papilionanthe by lacking footless column, from Ascolabium by sepals and spur characters, from Ascocentrum by slender and recurred spur, from Aěrides by the absence of a column-foot and the appearance of spur, from Neofinetia by stipe tapered toward the base, from Saccolabi-um by both aspects of the vegetative organs and the flowers.  相似文献   

 对中国云南产的兰科新种玲珑兜兰Paphiopedilum microchilum Z.J.Liu et S.C.Chen作了描述和绘图,并简要地讨论了它与彩云兜兰Paph.wardii Summerh.的亲缘关系。  相似文献   

对中国兰科植物新种云南巾唇兰Pennilabium yunnanense S.C.Chen&Y.B.Luo作了 描述和绘图。该新种与P.acuminatum(Ridley)Holttum较为接近,区别点在于具较小的花朵 ,直径仅3cm;花瓣白色且上面有深紫色斑点,以及唇瓣侧裂片顶端有流苏。  相似文献   

在吸取各学派对被子植物原始类群界定的基础上,根据八纲系统,提出被子植物原始类群有60科的新见解,并以分子系统学提出的狭义的基部类群32科为对比,进行了植物地理学研究。以科为性状,以Takhtajan 划分的世界植物区系的“区”为OTU,UPGMA分析显示:(1)东亚区确是一个十分特殊的区,它既与北美东、西部(北美大西洋区、马德雷区)有密切关系,但更接近印度支那区;(2)环太平洋的4个地区集中了较多的原始被子植物的科,它们是东亚地区,北美东部和西部地区,部分热带亚洲、澳大利亚东部和西南太平洋岛屿地区,中、南美热带地区。这种分布格局显然和被子植物起源地与扩散以及太平洋的形成历史有关。  相似文献   

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