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利用相关量表对高职生的学习动机、学业自我概念和自我概念进行测量统计分析,探讨研究了高职生自我概念、学业自我概念和学习动机与学业成绩的关系,并对学习动机、自我概念对学业成绩的影响进行了探讨。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine factors predictive of college students' academic stress. Three hundred seven undergraduate students (179 men, 128 women) participated in the study. Results indicated that female college students had higher academic stress than did male college students. Bivariate correlations and multiple regression analyses revealed that life satisfaction, locus of control, and gender were significant predictors of academic stress. Directions for future research and implications for counselors are discussed.  相似文献   

本课题用当前盛行的两种量表:国内学者马惠霞编著的《大学生一般学业情绪量表》和加拿大心理学家Robert J.Valleran编著的《大学生学习动机量表》,对大学生自我决定动机的特点与大学生学业情绪的特点进行了研究,并对大学生自我决定、学业情绪和学习成绩的相关性进行了分析。  相似文献   

People high in learned resourcefulness are purported to be better than others at controlling their negative emotions and managing stressful tasks. We hypothesised that highly resourceful students would be more effective than others at protecting themselves from the adverse effects of academic stress, and not allowing that stress to impact their grades. A sample of 141 first-year undergraduate students completed measures of academic stress and learned resourcefulness. Their first-year grade point averages were obtained from university records. Analyses revealed that academic stress was negatively associated with academic performance. As expected, this negative association was moderated by learned resourcefulness. High academic stress adversely impacted the grades of low resourceful students but had no effect on high resourceful students. We discuss the implications of these findings for improving academic performance.  相似文献   

This article examines the relationship between marijuana use and anxiety symptoms among college students, with a secondary focus on marijuana use and grade point average (GPA). A secondary analysis was conducted on data obtained from the American College Health Association–National College Health Assessment. Results indicated that marijuana use was negatively associated with GPA among students with current anxiety and no formal treatment. The relationships between these variables may be more complex than previously thought.  相似文献   

采用成就动机量表、高校学生干部量化考核表,探讨高校学生干部成就动机与工作量化和学业成绩的关系。结果发现:高校学生干部成就动机与工作量化和学业成绩显著正相关;留任学生干部成就动机和工作量化显著高于不留任学生干部;高校学生干部的成就动机与工作量化无性别差异;来自农村的学生干部的成就动机和工作量化显著高于来自城镇的学生干部。  相似文献   

This qualitative study focuses on capturing students' understanding two visualizations often utilized by learning analytics-based educational technologies: bar graphs, and line graphs. It is framed by Achievement Goal Theory—a prominent theory of students' academic motivation—and utilizes interviews (n = 60) to investigate how students at risk of college failure interpret visualizations of their potential academic achievement. Findings suggest that visualizations only containing information about students themselves (i.e., self-focused affordances) evoked statements centered on mastering material. Visualizations containing information about students and a class average (i.e., comparative information), on the other hand, evoked responses that disheartened students and/or made them feel accountable to do better. Findings from this study suggest the following guidelines for designing visualizations for learning analytics-based educational technologies: (1) Never assume that more information is better; (2) anticipate and mitigate against potential misinterpretations—or harmful alternative interpretations—of visualizations; and (3) always suggest a way for students to improve. These guidelines help mitigate against potential unintended consequences to motivation introduced by visualizations used in learning analytics-based educational technologies. (Keywords: motivation, visualizations, learning analytics, Achievement Goal Theory, college students, educational technologies)  相似文献   

We studied the effects of academic performance, motivation, and social connectedness on third-year retention, transfer, and dropout behavior. To accommodate the three outcome categories and nesting of data within institutions, we fit a hierarchical multinomial logistic regression path model with first-year academic performance as a mediating effect. Our sample included 6,872 students representing 23 four-year universities and colleges. This work expands the current state of persistence research by (1) considering the effects of motivation and social connectedness on college persistence beyond the first year of college, (2) testing whether the effects of motivation and social connectedness on third-year retention and transfer are direct, indirect, or both, and (3) testing whether the effects of academic performance, motivation, and social connectedness are different for retention and transfer. We found that academic performance has large effects on likelihood of retention and transfer; academic self-discipline, pre-college academic performance, and pre-college educational development have indirect effects on retention and transfer; and college commitment and social connectedness have direct effects on retention. Academic self-discipline led to greater first-year academic performance, which suppressed its effect on retention and transfer. Practical and theoretical implications of these findings and directions for future research are discussed. A previous version of this paper was presented at the 2nd Annual National Symposium on Student Retention, Albuquerque, New Mexico, October 2006.  相似文献   

In contemporary psychology more within-group examinations of psychological phenomena are needed, especially in ethnic minority populations. This paper presents the findings of three separate studies of the relationship of GPA and gender to motivation, all of which are within ethnic group comparisons. One study is conducted with African-Americans, the second with Hispanic-Americans, and the third with Euro-Americans. The instruments used are the Assessment of Academic Self-Concept and Motivation and Assessment of Personal Agency Beliefs. Both measures provide a goal-focused, multidimensional, and comprehensive assessment of motivation. MANOVAs and subsequent ANOVAs are presented for each ethnic group. The findings reveal significant within-group differences that also vary from one ethnic group to another.  相似文献   

本研究采用知觉压力量表(CPSS)、生活满意度指数A量表(LSIA)、简易应付量表对253名幼儿教师进行了调查研究,探讨幼儿教师的生活满意度、应对方式与知觉压力之间的关系。结果表明:不同年龄、婚姻状态的幼儿教师其知觉压力、生活满意度水平具有明显的差异;生活满意度与积极的应对方式对幼儿教师的知觉压力水平具有显著的负向预测作用;积极应对方式在生活满意度与知觉压力水平之间起部分中介作用。因而,提高生活满意度,采用积极的应对方式能够降低幼儿教师的知觉压力水平。  相似文献   

采用问卷调查法,对400名高考学生的心理健康与应对方式的特点及其关系进行考察。结果表明:(1)高考学生在强迫、焦虑、学习压力感、适应不良和情绪波动性5个因子上都普遍存在轻度的心理健康问题,且应届生学习压力显著大于复读生;(2)对于应届高考学生来说,男生的学习压力显著高于女生;对于复读生来说,男生的心理不平衡显著高于女生;(3)在压抑维度上,应届生和复读生存在显著差异,复读生高于应届生;(4)高考学生的心理健康与消极应对方式呈显著正相关。  相似文献   

This study extended Dweck's model of achievement motivation to the collegiate level, and it is the first to apply this model to nontraditional students. We examined the relationship between goal orientations and academic performance in 262 undergraduate students grouped by nontraditional vs. traditional status. Although both groups rated themselves higher on learning goals than on performance goals, non-traditional students endorsed learning goals even more strongly than their traditional peers. Goal orientations were a better predictor of academic success than student status. Consistent with Dweck's model, a learning goal orientation was positively related to successful academic performance for both groups. The relationship between performance goals and academic success was less straightforward, but students who rated both goal orientations as relatively weak had the lowest cumulative GPAs. Traditional and nontraditional students differed on variables that were inversely related to academic performance. Less successful traditional students endorsed irrational beliefs (a possible index of learned helplessness), while less successful nontraditional students worked more hours at a paid job.  相似文献   

This study aims to identify sources of stress and consequent stress levels in university academic staff, to identify the coping strategies used by staff, and to examine the relationship between stress levels and job satisfaction. The study sample, consisting of 414 (305 males and 109 females) academic staff, was asked two open‐ended questions which invited them to specify the five main causes of stress in their lives in general and at work. The Life Stress Scale (LSS) was used to assess academics’ stress levels. A coping strategies list was used to identify the strategies used by academic staff during stressful periods. Two questions were asked to assess the level of satisfaction felt by academics with their jobs. The results indicated that academic staff rate work as the most significant cause of stress in their lives (74%) and conducting research (40.3%) was the main cause of stress at work. Results showed also that 74.1% and 10.4% of the academic staff fall into the moderate and serious stress categories respectively, and that there were no significant differences between males and females in stress levels. There were significant differences between the four academic rank groups in stress levels, with lecturers as the most stressed group. The results also indicated that academic staff use a wide range of coping strategies. A negative significant correlation between stress and job satisfaction (r= – 0.444) was found, indicating an inverse relationship between stress level and satisfaction.  相似文献   

为探讨医药大学生学习动机和学业成绩的相关性,使用学习动机量表,对河北医科大学的140名学生进行了问卷调查,并以专业课考试成绩为研究内容,数据结果在SAS(V8)分析统计系统进行典型相关分析。结果显示,持有工具性动机的大学生的成绩最高(M=15.3500);高动机的学生比低动机的学生获得的学业成绩更高。由此得出结论:医药大学生学习动机和学科成绩之间存在显著相关,应对学生的学习动机加以引导。  相似文献   

Self-Efficacy,Stress, and Academic Success in College   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This paper investigates the joint effects of academic self-efficacy and stress on the academic performance of 107 nontraditional, largely immigrant and minority, college freshmen at a large urban commuter institution. We developed a survey instrument to measure the level of academic self-efficacy and perceived stress associated with 27 college-related tasks. Both scales have high reliability, and they are moderately negatively correlated. We estimated structural equation models to assess the relative importance of stress and self-efficacy in predicting three academic performance outcomes: first-year college GPA, the number of accumulated credits, and college retention after the first year. The results suggest that academic self-efficacy is a more robust and consistent predictor than stress of academic success.  相似文献   

该研究采用问卷调查的实证研究方法,从城乡、性别、年级和英语高低分等多变量的角度出发,探讨了扩招背景下高职高专学生在英语学习中的归因、自我效能、成就动机等非智力因素与英语成绩的关系,并建立相关因果关系模型予以证实。研究结果表明:学习动机、成就归因、学习效能感与英语成绩之间是相互联系和相互影响的,三者直接或间接影响个体的英语成绩。  相似文献   

This study investigates Braxton and Hargens’ (1996, Variations among academic disciplines: Analytical frameworks and research. Higher Education: Handbook of Theory and Research. Vol. XI, pp. 1–45) assertion of the profound and extensive effects of academic discipline as it might pertain to administrative work. Academic deans in research and doctoral institutions nationwide were surveyed to investigate the relationship between academic discipline and cognitive complexity in their administrative behavior. A bivariate regression showed that being from an applied field was a significant predictor while the influence of consensus was not significant. Discipline effects waned when other predictors were added, suggesting that when other factors are considered, the extent to which one is exposed to their particular disciplinary paradigms becomes more important than mere affiliation with a discipline. Split sample analyses demonstrated variable influence structures. Findings indicate that the effects of discipline cannot be discounted in framing studies of administrators’ perceptions of their leadership context and the behavior which necessarily flows from those perceptions.  相似文献   

陆一 《教育研究》2021,42(9):81-92
通过对高等教育大众化历程的结构分析,揭示学业竞争大众化现象的形成,以及近20年间高考功能的应势之变.高等教育大众化之前,由于存在前置的社会性分流,作为英才选拔"指挥棒"的考试不至于成为大众上学的"紧箍咒"."报名率"超过50%意味着前置的社会性分流消失——高考竞争大众化,这是当前高考改革的深层动因.因此,改革成败取决于能否恰当地为学业竞争设置边界,扭转教育系统在急剧扩张中因无序扩容而造成"一"遏制"多"、"平凡"遏制"拔尖"的双重压抑局面.若能建起兼容"英才选拔纵向分层"和"大众升学多元适配"两种功能定位的考试升学系统,将能够实现中国教育治理能力的跃升.  相似文献   

In this study, the authors examined the role that emotional intelligence plays in moderating the relationship between academic stress and coping self‐efficacy among a sample of 125 Hispanic 1st‐year college students enrolled at a medium‐size, southern Hispanic‐serving institution. Results of a 2‐stage hierarchical multiple regression analysis indicated that emotional intelligence was a significant moderator in the relationship for the students surveyed. Implications for counseling Hispanic 1st‐year college students and directions for future research are suggested.  相似文献   

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