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在现代艺术设计中,电脑作为辅助工具与其它传统创作工具相比有着独特的优势,因此广泛运用在设计类专业学科中。图案作为艺术设计基础课程,在传统的教学中,主要以手绘形式创作图形,很少使用电脑工具。为了跟上社会发展的步伐,拓宽图案创作手段与形式,在图案教学中,应合理运用电脑工具,推进图案教学改革。  相似文献   

This research examines the effects of a reciprocal teaching intervention aimed at providing high school students. with a repertoire of strategies to integrate text and visual aid information (graphs, diagrams) while learning in science. Experimental subjects received an hour of instruction each week for 7 weeks using SLIC (Summarise, Link, Image, Check) strategies to integrate the written word with the visual aid while Controls were taught under normal class teaching methods using the same materials. Post test ANOVA’s with Treatment (Experimental, Control) and Reading Ability (Average, Below average) as the factors showed superior recall of details by average ability students in the Experimental group but no significant differences in main idea recall nor on comprehension questions. All Experimental students included a graph in their recalls and they also significantly included more linking information in their texts on the graphs. The quality of their recall graphs was superior to those of the Control group. The results of a far transfer test showed no effects of training on transfer. Implications for future research and for teaching are discussed.  相似文献   

电传动机车控制课程注重电路功能分析,电路控制过程复杂,电路图结构多样,特别是涉及到电路控制的操作实验,由于受到实验设备和实验环境的影响,部分实验通常无法开设,很多理论知识难以直观理解。该自主学习平台采用多样的教学表现形式,如Flash动画编程、三维动画、实验现场视频录像等,对实验课程中的电路进行动态仿真,制作具有交互性并配有教师原声讲解的实验电路,模拟实验教学环境,实现了在线练习、电路图自测练习及与教师的交流互动等,增加了学生对理论知识的感性认识,对提高实验教学质量有显著效果。  相似文献   

针对“电气控制技术”课程的不同内容,提出了不同的具体教学方法。  相似文献   

The teaching of basic electricity uses many circuit diagrams. We present in this paper several experiments which show that no specific teaching about the decoding and understanding of the graphical information contained in these diagrams in made in class. On the contrary teaching reinforces the role of certain types of diagrams (canonical ones) which contribute to the organisation of students’ knowledge in the, form of prototypes. Thus diagrams become autonomous objects unrelated to concepts of electricity they are representing. We will present some experiments in the area of learning about electricity which aim at changing the usual classroom practices. They take into account the naive conceptions of students. Within this framework, graphical representations are used as a support for learning concepts of electricity.  相似文献   

高分子物理的教学过程有众多的晦涩概念,其中高分子链的构象是贯穿整个高分子物理知识体系的一条主线,然而构象的理解较为困难。基于多年的教学经验,让学生作为高分子链中的链段,形象化的讲述高分子物理的构象概念,并通过多个实验让学生理解高分子中构象的异同点。按照构象的教学主线,介绍形象化教学的实施过程以及如何加强学生的自主学习能力。  相似文献   

Conclusion The interpretation of scientific diagrams has been characterised as a complex process. This contrasts sharply with an apparently widespread view among producers and users of resources for science teaching that they are generally unproblematic and that their meaning is usually quite transparent. The continued currency of this view is a matter of concern, especially when resources for learning in science are now so heavily based on pictorial presentation. It is likely that students who are new to scientific diagrams as a pictorial genre will look at them in a manner that is quite different from the way they are seen by their teachers. What seems to a teacher to be a straightforward and clearly presented depiction of a scientific concept, process or structure may be a mysterious and impenetrable abstraction to a student. Whereas the teacher is able to identify readily the elements of a diagram and link them into a coherent, meaningful whole, the student may misunderstand what it is that is depicted and how the depicted entitles are related. A critical factor underlying such differences appears to be the extent and nature of the mental representation of student and teacher. Both of these aspects of the mental representation of scientific diagrams would probably have to be addressed if there are to be improvements in the development of students' diagram interpretation skills. It does not seem sufficient merely to give students a huge diet of diagrams and assume that the necessary reading skills are either present or will develop by themselves. Rather, a deliberate programme designed to develop well structured mental representations of scientific diagrams should accompany efforts to build up an extensive knowledge base about this highly specialised form of visual display. Such a programme should be accompanied by instruction that develops appropriate processing strategies that allow students to gain maximum value from the diagrams they encounter.  相似文献   

This study examined the effectiveness of instruction focused on teaching students with learning disabilities (LD) to solve 1- and 2-step word problems of varying types. Three students with LD in Grade 8 participated in the study. During the treatment, students received instruction in diagram generation and a strategy that incorporates diagrams as a part of the procedure to solve word problems. The results indicated that all students improved in the number of diagrams they used and in their ability to generate diagrams. Their word problem solving performance increased. Moreover, the students generated and used diagrams to solve other types of problems. Overall, the students were very satisfied with the instruction and would continue to use the diagrams and the strategy to solve word problems in other classroom settings.  相似文献   

Cognitive theory suggests that a key to expert performance lies in the internal organization of the expert's knowledge. The authors contend that the type of technical illustration used during instruction influences knowledge organization and greatly impacts students' understanding of the content. This paper describes an experimental study that tested the impact of one type of conceptual illustration on students' understanding of the structure, function, and behavior of complex technical systems. The results show that supplementing traditional technical instruction with functional flow diagrams can improve overall system understanding. The functional flow diagrams were also found to be an effective instructional aid for enhancing students' conceptual understanding of the causal behavior of systems. In addition, the use of the functional flow diagram was found to significantly improve the subjects' ability to construct conceptual models that were similar to those of an expert. The implications of using conceptual diagrams for technical instruction are discussed and recommendations for future research in this area are provided.  相似文献   

论文阐述了通过精品教学模具的设计和制造全过程,使学生掌握了利用Pro/E、MasterCAM等软件对产品进行设计和制造分析的技术,锻炼了利用加工中心实现产品加工的能力,提高了他们的综合素质,达到了大学生创新训练目的.  相似文献   

现行的大学德育课内容结构体系、教学方法与培养跨世纪人才的目标存在着相当大的差距,以培养跨世纪人才为目标,以提高整个民族素质为宗旨,大胆提出大学德育课的改革设想。建议整个德育课知识内容结构要以共产主义《伦理学》为主线,安排一定的法制教育、形势教育为内容,形成德育课自己的体系。改革德育教学结构,把着眼点放在实践上,改变教师成份,进行教学方法改革,发挥学生主动性。  相似文献   

宏观经济学是普通高校经管类各专业的基础理论课,对解决中国宏观经济问题具有重要的参考价值和指导意义.它以国民收入决定为主线,借助数学模型来解析宏观经济现象,并提出各种政策建议.因其理论抽象,图形复杂,内容晦涩难懂,要求教师在教学过程中,改革教学方法,采用讲授为主,启发法、案例法等其他教学方法为辅的教学模式,在教学手段上,要寻求PPT课件和板书的完美结合,以提高教学效果.  相似文献   

高校法学教育有两种模式:理论性教育和实践性教育,这两种模式均在我国高校进行不同程度地实施,也取得了一定的效果。宁波高校通过模拟法庭、法律诊所和法律援助等方法对法学实践性教育进行探索和改革。但整体来看,我国高校法学实践性教育还存在诸多问题,还需要从提高认识、提供实验场所、补充案例来源、建设"双师"型队伍和改革教育内容及教育方式等方面来完善法学实践性教育。  相似文献   

"以直代曲"是高等数学中基本认知策略,这里以定积分概念的教学为例,详谈以教为主的教学系统设计的全过程。  相似文献   

校本教研是一种学习、工作和研究三位一体的学校活动和教师行为,从工作方式、研究内容和工作条件等多元化视角来研究是一种趋势,就农村中学教师而言,如何因地制宜地开展校本教研,探索特色化专业发展道路问题等需要讨论,以期在条件相对落后的农村中学尽快提高教师的教学水平和教学效果。  相似文献   

随着当今信息技术的迅猛发展,利用计算机进行考试题库的管理作为计算机辅助教育的一个重要分支和重要环节,是实现院校教学改革,提高学校教学质量的有效方法。  相似文献   

大量符合各种感知觉特点的教具是盲校直观教学实践的基础。触觉教具是盲校直观教学的重点,教师应理解各种类型触觉教具的直观层次。盲校教师在制作、使用触觉教具时,不应受视觉规律的主导。多感官教具的效果通常较好,计算机多媒体教具对盲生只是听觉教具,并不适应盲童缺乏事物客观表象的特点。语言在直观教学中有重要的辅助作用,但是,把抽象的语言作为直观的一种方式值得商榷。  相似文献   

Assessment results are used to investigate relations between performance on a fraction number line estimation task and a circular area model estimation task for students with LD in Grades 6–8. Results indicate that students’ abilities to represent fractions on number lines and on circular area models are distinct skills. In addition, accurate fraction magnitude estimation using number lines was more strongly related to other fractions skills (e.g., fraction magnitude comparison) than accurate fraction magnitude estimation using circular area models. Our findings call for greater integration of the number line into early fractions instruction, and highlight the importance of explicitly teaching students to make connections between different visual representations of fractions. Implications for research and practice are presented.  相似文献   

立德树人是教育的根本任务,团队精神是每名大学生必须具备的品质.团队精神的核心是协同合作、优势互补.在课程思政的背景下,以团队精神为主线开展德育对大学生的培养具有重要意义.根据人才培养需求,结合计算机网络课程的基本情况确定教学目标,以团队精神作为课程思政内容的主线进行教学设计,优化教学内容,选择合适的教学方法,通过理论和...  相似文献   

In introducing pupils to directed numbers, the number line is often used as an intuitive model. The C.S.M.S. project, however, recommended that for the teaching of integer subtraction the number line should be abandoned. Here an alternative model is set up and presented to children. Their response over three lessons is described and their learning is assessed in a post-test. Their response and performance is compared to that of a similar group of children learning through a number line model. The two models are compared from practical and theoretical viewpoints.  相似文献   

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