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当前,高校两课教学在讲授法的认识上存在着两种极端:过于偏重讲授法,以致出现满堂灌的现象;全面否定讲授法。笔者认为,正确认识、改善和运用讲授法,才是提高课堂教学效率,走出"两课"讲授法"两极"误区的关键之所在。  相似文献   

"讲授法"是教师运用口头语言对学生系统传授知识的一种方法,也是中小学课堂教学中运用最广泛的教学模式。由于一些教师不恰当地运用"讲授法",使"讲授法"受到了广泛的指责与怀疑。本文着重阐述了在新课程改革背景下,中小学课堂教学中有效运用"讲授法"的原则、方法及实践体会。  相似文献   

在新课改中,"讲授法"遭到前所未有的质疑和挑战,某些场合甚至谈"讲"色变。很多人认为讲授法是导致满堂灌和填鸭式教学的主要原因,传统的讲授法已经过时。但笔者却认为,讲授法本身与填鸭式教学并无必然联系,而是有些教师不分条件、不分场合地误用了讲授法。思想政治课运用讲授法应该注意条件和要求,回归讲授法真谛,焕发思想政治课活力。  相似文献   

在教学方法体系中,讲授法是最古老且生命力最顽强的一种方法.教学目标的基础性、教学内容的科学性、教学关系的主体间性、教学手段的建构性,构成了讲授法的坚守之道;但在教学实践中还存在着将"讲授法"与"启发式"背道而驰、讲授法与"学习中心课堂"不能同日而语的主观主义倾向;讲授法的返本开新要以促进学生思维能力发展为出发点,以课堂教学的基质要素为建构点,以教师的语言素质为支撑点.  相似文献   

讲授法是每个人所熟悉的一种教学方法,它被广泛应用于中小学的课堂教学中。然而,实践中存在着对讲授法的误解与误用:用"讲是为了不讲"来全盘否定讲授法,在教学中一味的求多、求快而忽视了讲授的真正意义,或者干脆把讲授法等同于"注入式教学"。面对种种误会,尤其是在课改的背景下,正确的"讲授观"显得尤为重要。  相似文献   

谢青青  刘国营 《考试周刊》2014,(24):121-122
目前新课程理念"深入人心",课堂教学方式变得多样化。对于传统课堂中的"讲授法",作者结合毛主席的"十条讲授法"运用于地理课堂,对地理课堂如何"讲"给出了独到的见解。  相似文献   

目前有不少人对讲授法提出了一些质疑而倡导探究教学法等.然而,不管是过去的教学实践还是现在的教学实践,讲授法一直是教师开展课堂教学活动最主要的教学方法之一.其主要原因在于其他教学方法手段不能不和讲授法结合,并由讲授法起主导作用.这样,"教师如何‘讲’好"就成为教学实践中一个现实的问题,而如何评价教师是否"讲"得好则更是一  相似文献   

刘娟 《成才之路》2012,(22):76-76
随着教学改革不断深入,把课堂还给学生的呼声越来越高,传统的"讲授法"教学被批得体无完肤。教师要从客观实际出发,重视讲授法教学的可取之处。教无定法,教师应根据教学内容、学情分析等因素选用适当的教学方法。  相似文献   

"教学有法,教无定法,贵在得法",只有讲授法结合教学目标,教学内容,教学对象的实际情况,与其他教学方法有机整合,灵活应用,讲授法才能在新课标下重放异彩。  相似文献   

李海林 《上海教育》2012,(26):48-49
如果这堂课的教学目标就是让学生学习如何完成一项活动,最好的办法就是直接让学生做这项活动。"做"既是教学内容,也是教学方法。讲授法与活动法,各有所长,各有所短。但是不管是讲授法,还是活动法,都有一个基本的标准,就是要让学生学到知识。在使用讲授法的时候,教师讲授的内容就是知识,因此讲授与知识的关系,相对  相似文献   

中国古代有着丰富的教学心理思想,从现代教学心理学角度对其进行分析和总结,对于继承和发扬我国古代优秀教学思想、促进教学心理研究的本土化,推进现代教学改革具有重要意义。本文从学习价值、学习动力、学习策略、教师品质、学生观、教学策略六个方面分析了我国古代的教学心理思想,探讨了古代教学心理思想对现代教学和研究的启示。  相似文献   

This study explored the extent to which kindergarten and first grade teachers provided individualized reading instruction to struggling readers during a unique one‐on‐one reading instruction task. Three outcomes of teachers’ instructional strategies were captured: code‐focused strategies, meaning‐focused strategies, and level of challenge. Child skills in decoding and vocabulary/oral language as well as teacher qualifications of education, experience, and knowledge of reading were examined in relation to the three instructional strategies. Multilevel analyses showed relationships between child skills and reading instructional strategies, with teachers generally using code‐focused and meaning‐focused strategies, as well as an appropriate level of challenge, with children who struggled less with early reading. Although teacher education was not associated with any of the reading instructional strategies, teacher experience and knowledge of reading was associated with meaning‐based instruction and the level of challenge provided to struggling readers.  相似文献   

Past research on cognition has demonstrated that cognitive learning strategies used to complement instruction can have beneficial effects on memory and subsequent achievement. The utilization of microcomputer technology to deliver instructional content to students provides an optimum environment to examine the instructional effectiveness of embedded instructional strategies. The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of an imagery cue and an attention directing strategy within a context of a microcomputer learning environment that provided both self-paced and externally paced instruction. Achievement was measured on five different tests designed to measure different educational objectives. One hundred eighty freshman students were randomly assigned to one of nine treatment groups. The results of the study indicate that embedding an imagery cue and an attention directing strategy in an instructional sequence increases student achievement. A combination of the two embedded strategies was also effective in improving students’ achievement; however, the combining of the two strategies did not have a cumulative effect. It was also determined that the effectiveness of the embedded strategies was dependent on whether the instruction was self-paced or externally paced.  相似文献   

五星教学模式对课程教学改革的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文分析了五星教学模式产生的背景和宗旨,指出课程与教学改革要重视教学技术、使学习理论和教学理论的相容、聚焦分类教学策略、博采众家之长、潜心比较研究.  相似文献   

This study examined how 498 elementary and secondary educators use student response systems in their instruction. The teachers all completed an online questionnaire designed to learn about their goals for using response systems, the instructional strategies they employ when using the system, and the perceived effects of response systems. Participants in the study tended to use similar instructional strategies when using the technology as have been reported in higher education. These include posing questions to check for student understanding and diagnose student difficulties, sharing a display of student responses for all to see, asking students to discuss or rethink answers, and using feedback from responses to adjust instruction. A latent class analysis of the data yielded four profiles of teacher use based on frequency of use and breadth of instructional strategies employed. Teachers who used the technology most frequently and who employed broadest array of strategies were more likely to have received professional development in instructional strategies and to perceive the technology as more effective with students.  相似文献   

Many journal articles detail recommendations to naturally integrate literacy instruction into content-area classes, particularly science, claiming that such instructional practices will support both literacy and content-knowledge acquisition. This begs the question, are the literacy strategies recommended for content-area instruction founded in established educational theories? The purpose of the current study is to examine the implicit and explicit theories driving science disciplinary literacy instruction. Theories assist in organizing and advancing research in a systematic manner. Information on the status of theory is essential to both practitioners (who are implementing strategies) and researchers (who are making recommendations for classroom instruction). Our study revealed that in science literacy, vocabulary instructional practices are frequently supported with Schema and Dual-Coding theories. Articles also frequently used theories grounded in social dynamics, including social constructionism and sociocultural perspective, to support literacy instruction. However, recommendations for other aspects of instructional practices in science literacy are generally not well-grounded in major reading theories.  相似文献   

This paper describes ID Expert, an intelligent computer-based multimedia interactive instructional development and delivery system. This paper illustrates the following features of this system: Instructional design principles can be built into reusable instructional strategy computer algorithms (instructional transaction shells). This feature significantly reduces the programming task and insures more effective instructional strategies than often results when a strategy must be rebuilt for every lesson or course. A decoupled knowledge base makes it possible, at the click of a button, to attach or unattach a given knowledge object to a reusable preprogrammed instructional strategy. This feature significantly reduces the instructional development effort. Instructional strategies specified by parameters makes it possible, at the click of a button, to change an instructional strategy. This feature significantly reduces the effort required for designing or redesigning a lesson or course. Instructional strategies specified by parameters makes it possible to design multiple strategies for a given course or lesson and makes it possible, at the click of a button, to change from one strategy to another. When implemented for modification during instruction, based on student performance, this feature makes possible adaptive instruction.  相似文献   

This article discusses what is not known about instruction of preschoolers with disabilities. Knowledge gaps exist in four areas: the content of the curriculum, the procedures used to individualize instruction, the instructional procedures designed to ensure acquisition, and the strategies used to ensure skill use or generalization. Barriers to generating such knowledge include the fragmentation that results from specialization, the inadequacy of the data base, and the lack of training in instruction and research design and analysis. Solutions include training programs for early childhood special educators in the analysis, application, and design of research in instruction and curriculum, as well as the publication of multiple replications and refinements of instructional strategies.  相似文献   

The purpose of this exploratory and small‐scale study was to examine the instructional effects of different chunking strategies used to complement animated instruction in terms of facilitating achievement of higher order learning objectives. Eighty‐five students were randomly assigned to three treatment groups: animated program instruction, simple visual‐text (static images and verbal explanation) chunked animated program instruction and the animated complex visual‐text chunked program instruction. The difference between simple and complex chunked instructions is the content. Simple chunks only deal with one content area while the complex chunks explain two or more related content areas. Students interacted with their respective web‐based instructional treatments and completed four criterion measures. Results (ANOVA) indicated that significant differences in achievement were found to exist in facilitating higher order learning objectives when chunking strategies were specifically designed and positioned to complement the animated instruction. Results also indicated that complex chunking is more effective in reducing the cognitive load present in an animated instructional environment, and that students need prerequisite knowledge before being able to profit from animated instruction designed to facilitate higher order learning outcomes.  相似文献   

This article describes a process for customizing instruction for students with profound multiple disabilities that has been used to design instructional programs and maximize the attainment of functional outcomes for students. The process focuses on collaborative teamwork and problem solving to design and implement instructional programs by ensuring that the 5 components of the process are included. Team members determine (a) prepositioning handling procedures; (b) overall body positioning for instruction; (c) hand, arm, and head positioning; (d) instructional adaptations and materials; and (e) handling procedures to combine with systematic instructional strategies.  相似文献   

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