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This article reports an analysis of 44 prospective middle school mathematics teachers’ pre-existing knowledge of rigid geometric transformations, specifically the geometric translations. The main data source for this study was the participants’ responses to the tasks that were presented during semi-structured clinical interviews. The findings of the study revealed that prospective teachers had difficulties recognizing, describing, executing, and representing geometric translations. The results indicated that teacher candidates held various views about the geometric translations: (1) translation as rotational motion, (2) translation as translational motion, and (3) translation as mapping. The results further revealed various interpretations of the vector that defines translations: (1) vector as a force, (2) vector as a line of symmetry, (3) vector as a direction indicator, and (4) vector as a displacement. Although many of the teacher candidates interviewed knew that a vector has a magnitude and a direction, this knowledge did not generally lead them to conclude that vectors define translations.  相似文献   

This report shares a study that explored the perceptions pre-service teachers have of middle school students. Participants were asked to complete the Adjective Checklist (ACL) by endorsing the words they considered most characteristic of a typical middle school student. Items most frequently endorsed indicated a predominantly negative perception (e.g. “awkward”, “confused” and “emotional”). Implications for pre-service teacher training are discussed.  相似文献   

In this article, we report on the use of a teacher profiling instrument with 62 middle school teachers at the start of a 3-year professional learning programme. The instrument was designed to assess the aspects of teachers’ knowledge identified by Shulman (1987) refined by Ball et al. (2008) and extended to include teachers’ confidence to use and teach various topics in the middle school mathematics curriculum and their beliefs about mathematics teaching and learning. Based on a hierarchical coding of items, the application of the partial credit Rasch model revealed that the profile items were measuring a single underlying construct and suggested that the various facets of teacher knowledge develop together. We describe the characteristics of four levels of the hierarchical construct measuring teacher knowledge and understanding for teaching mathematics in the middle years of schooling, and discuss the unique affordances of a holistic view of teacher knowledge in contrast to considerations of multiple knowledge categories.  相似文献   

Modeling is a major topic of interest in mathematics education. However, the field’s definition of models is diverse. Less is known about what teachers identify as mathematical models, even though it is teachers who ultimately enact modeling activities in the classroom. In this study, we asked nine middle school teachers with a variety of academic backgrounds and teaching experience to collect data related to one familiar physical phenomenon, cooling liquid. We then asked each participant to construct a model of that phenomenon, describe why it was a model, and identify whether a variety of artifacts representing the phenomenon also counted as models during a semi-structured interview. We sought to identify: what do mathematics teachers attend to when describing what constitutes a model? And, how do their attentions shift as they engage in different activities related to models? Using content analysis, we documented what features and purposes teachers attended to when describing a mathematical model. When constructing their own model, they focused on the visual form of the model and what quantitative information it should include. When deciding whether particular representational artifacts constituted models, they focused on how the representations reflected the system under study, and what purposes those representations could serve in further understanding that system. These findings suggest teachers may have multiple understandings of models, which are active at different times and reflect different perspectives. This has implications for research, teacher education, and professional development.  相似文献   

Middle school students have been pervasively described in the research literature as exhibiting disaffection, disengagement, and a lack of interest in mathematics classrooms. This study investigated this notion empirically using students’ own voice on their wishes for mathematics learning to see if they characterise themselves in this way in their self-reports. Over 3500 Australian middle school students responded to a free-format prompt and reported diverse but overwhelmingly positive aspirations related to intrinsic motivational features inherent in their disposition and to extrinsic factors in their environment, such as the learning context and activities provided. Evidence of all four goal orientations was found in the students’ responses but most noticeably for the productive mastery-approach orientation. When these students described what they wish for in their mathematics classrooms, they mentioned challenging work, interesting work, and opportunities to collaborate.  相似文献   

This study explored Israeli elementary school mathematics teachers’ perceptions of their professional needs, with the purpose of developing in-service training courses which cater to these needs. Eighty-four teachers responded to the questionnaire and were interviewed. The results indicate that the respondents’ main needs are associated with strengthening their didactical knowledge capability of dealing with emotional aspects that relate to pupils’ learning of mathematics. Although most of the respondents lack formal mathematics education, they attribute less importance to their need to enhance knowledge in the field. In light of Israeli pupils’ relatively low attainments in mathematics, the authors believe that the education system should require teachers to expand their mathematics knowledge and that only teachers with appropriate knowledge will be permitted to teach the discipline.  相似文献   

Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education - This study examined elementary and secondary prospective teachers’ (PTs’) abilities to analyze a classroom lesson in order to make claims...  相似文献   

Using algebraic habits of mind as a framework, and focusing on thinking about functions and how they work, we examined the relationship between 18 pre-service middle school teachers’ ability to use the features of the algebraic thinking (AT) habit of mind “Building Rules to Represent Functions” and their ability to recognize and interpret the features of the same AT habit of mind in middle school students. We assessed the pre-service teachers’ own ability to use the AT habit of mind Building Rules to Represent Functions by examining their solutions to algebra-based tasks in a semester-long mathematics content course. We assessed the pre-service teachers’ ability to recognize and interpret students’ facility with the AT habit of mind Building Rules to Represent Functions by analyzing their interpretations of students’ written solutions to algebra-based tasks and their ability to plan and analyze AT interviews of middle school students during a concurrent field-based education course. The data revealed that the pre-service teachers had a limited ability to recognize the full richness of algebra-based tasks’ potential to elicit the features of Building Rules to Represent Functions in students. The pre-service teachers’ own overall AT ability to Build Rules to Represent Functions was related to their ability to recognize the overall ability of students to Build Rules to Represent Functions, as exhibited during one-on-one interviews, but not to their ability to recognize the overall ability to Build Rules to Represent Functions exhibited exclusively in students’ written work. Implications for mathematics teacher education are discussed.  相似文献   

Research into the experiences of casual relief teachers (CRTs) (substitute or supply teachers) across Australia and internationally has reported feelings of marginalisation among participants. These findings are concerning when one considers that students might be in the care of CRTs for an equivalent of 1 year or more throughout their schooling. When CRTs describe such feelings there is a suggestion that they do not feel a part of the community of practice in which they work. Accordingly, their opportunities for professional learning are often compromised, which has implications for their ability to maintain pedagogical knowledge and skills. This study used cluster sampling survey data to offer insights into professional challenges faced by CRTs. The discussion examines the self-determined skills of 59 Australian CRTs and the way schooling is organised that may leave them feeling excluded rather than members of what should be their “communities of practice.”  相似文献   


Noticing is a skill that is not overtly observable yet is consequential to effective mathematics instruction. Researchers have found that prospective and practicing teachers can learn to notice, but little focus has been given to those who teach teachers to notice. The purpose of the study was to characterize mathematics teacher educators’ noticing and their ability to interpret students’ thinking and connect interpretations to evidence. Participants in the study included 16 mathematics teacher educators who took part in a course designed to support noticing. Results indicate the mathematics teacher educators noticed at varying degrees and improved their noticing and incidence of connections between interpretations and evidence. Findings indicated that 19% of participants had no shift in their noticing because they were at the highest level of noticing to begin with (Robust with Strong Evidence), which was considered advanced noticing. Twenty-five percent of the participants did not shift in their noticing at all and remained at Limited, which is considered an intermediate level of noticing. The remaining 56% of the participants improved their noticing. The results of the study reveal that at the end of the course a majority of the participants were able to connect interpretations with evidence. These findings are important because they describe mathematics teacher educators’ interpretations and evidence as they notice.


This study explores six Vietnamese, English as a Foreign Language (EFL) teachers’ reflections on their experiences of English language learning during the early 1980s to the late 1990s. Data collected in narrative interviews with the participating teachers revealed a wide range of issues that arose during their EFL learning, central to which was the prevalence of grammar-focused practices in all EFL classes. From their perspectives as EFL teachers today, the participants see their learning experience as a way of learning to teach. In particular, they pinpoint the negative aspects of language teaching at that time in the hope that their teaching practice today will not repeat the same mistakes. However, they also reflect on positive aspects, especially their influential teachers, to inform their teaching. Based on the findings, the study suggests that language teachers’ experience of language learning should be considered part of reflective teaching as well as of teachers’ trajectories of learning to teach.  相似文献   

Prospective secondary mathematics teachers’ pedagogical knowledge for teaching the estimation of length measurements was investigated by examining their personal benchmarks for measurement estimation. Benchmarks for measurement estimation are the meaningful representations of units that serve to increase one’s understanding of measurement and one’s ability to estimate measurements. Data included electronic journal responses, observation and verbal data, and work samples. Thematic analysis revealed that prospective teachers possessed various benchmarks for measurement estimation that enabled them to estimate length measurements, but these benchmarks for measurement estimation were not evident in participants’ pedagogical knowledge for teaching the estimation of length measurements. Participants’ pedagogical knowledge for teaching the estimation of length measurements was instead based on the belief that hands-on activities were the only way to teach the estimation of length measurements.  相似文献   

This study developed a questionnaire composed of teaching-behavior items obtained from pioneering empirical studies, for measuring students’ perspectives on effective mathematics teaching. The questionnaire was used to survey 4514 high school students in Taiwan, where Western innovative mathematics instruction has been promoted since a curriculum reform in 1993. Exploratory factor analysis revealed factors contributing to how teachers should handle teaching materials, use representations and teaching methods, and guide problem solving. Ten factors were identified. Seven are rooted in traditional Chinese educational culture (e.g., detailed illustration in teaching problem solving), and three were influenced by Western culture (e.g., student active-learning activities in teaching methods). The findings show that teaching behaviors that either require a considerable amount of time or minimize use of time are relatively less favored, including learning in small groups or through games in the student active-learning activities factor and only providing important steps in the speedy lecture factor.  相似文献   

Current reform efforts call for an emphasis on the use of representation in the mathematics classroom across levels and topics. The aim of the study was to examine teachers’ conceptions of representation as a process in doing mathematics, and their perspectives on the role of representations in the teaching and learning of mathematics at the middle-school level. Interviews with middle school mathematics teachers suggest that teachers use representations in varied ways in their own mathematical work and have developed working definitions of the term primarily as a product in problem solving. However, teachers’ conception of representation as a process and a mathematical practice appears to be less developed, and, as a result, representations may have a peripheral role in their instruction as well. Further, the data suggested that representation is viewed as a topic of study rather than as a general process, and as a goal for the learning of only a minority of the students—the high-performing ones. Implications for mathematics teacher education, prospective and practicing, are discussed.  相似文献   

Reading and Writing - We examined the influence of teachers’ use of instructional time on students’ learning within the context of a randomized controlled trial investigating the...  相似文献   

This study explores prospective teachers’ skills of attending, interpreting and responding to content-specific characteristics of mathematics instruction in classroom videos. Prospective teachers analyzed the mathematics instruction of two teachers through four video clips and proposed alternative instructional ways to support the teaching and learning of mathematics. The results indicated that as prospective teachers examined the teachers’ instructional practices, they increased their level of attending and interpretation to content-specific aspects of instruction rather than focusing on generic dimensions of the instruction. When they watched and compared different characteristics of teachers’ mathematics instruction, they provided more detailed and mathematical instructional suggestions.  相似文献   

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