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在我国现行环境保护法律制度中,环境影响评价制度和排污收费制度是两个基本制度,它们与“三同时”制度、许可证制度和经济刺激制度等构成了我国环境与资源管理的基本法律制度。从我国环境评价制度、排污收费制度的实践过程来看,其局限性制约了实际效果,有待于完善。  相似文献   

加强终身教育制度创新是构建终身教育体系的基础。非正式制度作为制度体系中不可或缺的一个方面,在终身教育制度创新过程中有着不可替代的作用。在创新终身教育制度的过程中,坚持正确的制度创新原则,科学设计制度创新的路径,完善正式制度的建设和营造发展终身教育的氛围,对促进终身教育发展具有十分重要的作用。  相似文献   

宪法环境保护制度是指宪法中关于环境保护的制度。作为宪法的一项基本制度,环境保护制度应从宪法层面明确概念,因此,通过在与环境保护紧密联系的相关概念的比较分析中科学确立宪法环境保护制度概念,对于宪法的丰富完善、环境保护、经济社会可持续发展等都具有非常重要的理论意义和实践意义。  相似文献   

制度是一种稀缺性资源。制度正义是对这种稀缺性资源安排、运作和分配的公正性、公平性和合理性的评价。制度特性是制度所具有的独特功能与特征,体现在强制性、有序性、有效性和缺陷性等方面,本文从制度的特性方面探讨制度正义形成与实现。  相似文献   

中小民营企业融资难的制度障碍与制度创新   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中小民营企业的融资难,表面上是融资渠道狭窄,根本原因是融资制度的障碍.因此,应从制度创新入手解决中小民营企业融资困境,为他们融资提供制度上的保障.政府应该在创新信用担保制度、资本市场制度、政府管理制度等方面为其融资营造良好的制度环境.  相似文献   

我国远程教育存在制度缺失现象,即制度供给不足、制度执行力欠缺、制度文化尚未形成。必须加强远程教育根本制度、基本制度、具体制度三个层面的制度建设。整体规划和营造远程教育的制度文化,是远程教育战线领导者、管理者、研究者以及全体工作者的一项长期的战略性任务。  相似文献   

高校如何搞好制度建设   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在当前的国际国内大环境中,要办好一所大学,更需要有完善的制度.高校搞好制度建设,不仅要坚持科学制定制度、注重制度创新、形成制度体系,而且要抓好制度的执行和落实,实现自觉与监督相结合.  相似文献   

制度变迁与国家助学贷款的制度选择   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
制度变迁分为强制性制度变迁和诱致性制度变迁,这两种方式各有利弊。只有交替运用这两种制度变迁方式,才能保证制度及时、准确的供给。目前,中国国家助学贷款的制度选择是强制性制度变迁,虽然后期诱致性的特征有所加强,仍然无法解决制度供给不足的问题。在新的国家助学贷款的制度选择中,应选择强制性制度变迁和诱致性制度变迁的结合,以解决急需的制度需求,使新的国家助学贷款制度供给与需求实现动态平衡。  相似文献   

制度伦理具有规范、协调、创新、导向和评价功能.背离制度伦理所导致的制度缺失、制度僵化、制度异化和制度失灵不仅是当今高等教育发展中许多"失谐"现象的主要根源,也是构建和谐高等教育面临的主要挑战.从制度公正、制度平等和制度自由采进行制度伦理建设是有效解决高等教育发展"失谐"的重要途径.因此,制度伦理价值诉求中的制度公正、制度平等和制度自由应当成为和谐高等教育制度建构的价值向度.  相似文献   

教学管理工作是高等院校管理工作的中心环节,各高校在推进自身教学管理制度创新的过程中,应当基于制度分析理论,充分反思与借鉴现有制度,以观念创新为主导推进教学管理制度变迁,建立完善的教学管理制度体系,提高教学管理制度的合法性,营造健康有序的制度环境,从而提高教学管理制度的合理性和有效性,为高校办学活动的顺利开展和教师教学工作的有序进行塑造一个健康和谐的制度背景。  相似文献   

The proposal to dismantle the entire educational establishment in favor of an informal, unstructured, student-motivated educational activity is described as a utopian fantasy. The chief emphasis is on the impracticality of the proposal, its disregard of the institutional basis of all social functions, and the unrealistic expectations of voluntary educational effort on a scale that matches the social determination that all citizens be literate. The material advancement of Western countries is attributed to general education of the population, with industrialization as a parallel achievement, each requiring the other to fulfill the social purpose. Schools are servants of the social will, not agencies of revolution. They reflect the dominant philosophy and respond to demands and aspirations of the society in which they exist. The weaknesses of education arise from moribund concepts of scholarship, and will be corrected by the integration of knowledge and its transmission in terms of the needs and responses of persons, both as individuals and as members of a society.
Résumé On soutient que la proposition de remplacer l'établissement éducationnel entier par une activité éducationnelle qui est informelle, non structurée, et motivée par les étudiants est une fantaisie utopique. L'auteur souligne l'impraticabilité du projet, son insouciance à l'égard de la base institutionelle de toute fonction sociale, et l'expectative non réaliste d'un effort éducatif volontaire qui correspondra à la détermination sociale que tout individu sache lire et ecrire. L'avancement matériel des pays occidentaux est attribué à l'éducation générale de la population, l'industrialisation étant un accomplissement parallèle; chacun nécessite l'autre pour accomplir le dessein social. Les écoles sont les serviteurs de la volonté sociale, et non des agences de révolution. Elles reflètent la philosophie courante et répondent aux demandes et aux aspirations de la société dans laquelle elles existent. Les faiblesses de l'éducation proviennent des concepts moribonds de la science, et seront corrigées par l'intégration de la science, et sa transmission à l'égard des besoins et des réponses des personnes, tant qu'individus et tant que membres d'une société.

All opinions and attitudes expressed in this article are personal.  相似文献   

隋朝富裕的问题,理论界有许多不同的观点,作者于认为除隋朝人口的发展、地面积扩大、受益北周的财富--等之外,其隋朝富裕的主要原因就是建立和推行与当时生产力发展水平适应的土地制度.  相似文献   

According to Mooney (1993), the proportion of tenured faculty has shrunk as the overall size of the professoriate has expanded. However, this expansion has not included African American and other faculty of color. Professional and personal isolation, lack of supportive collegiality, and unique challenges in establishing research records are among factors contributing to the shortage of African Americans initiated and accepted into the professoriate (Bowen & Schuster, 1986; Lopez, 1991; Sorcinelli & Billings, 1992). Consequently, the revolving door syndrome experienced by many faculty of color (Blackwell, 1988) is sustained by such factors. Additionally, according to Lagowski (1992) the requirements of a research culture are basically incompatible with the demands of undergraduate teaching (p. 42). This paper provides a review of the status of African American females in academe, describes career success at teaching and research institutions, presents dynamics of transition from teaching to research institutions, and offers coping strategies useful during transition.Myra Womble is an assistant professor of business education in the Department of Occupational Studies at the University of Georgia. She received her B.S. in Business Education; her M.A. in Vocational Education; and her Ed.D. in Training and Development. Dr. Womble's most recent research activities include examining career development and school-to-work transition issues relative to students economically, socially, and academically at-risk.  相似文献   

Student engagement is important to further and higher education institutions: it is understood to be a proxy for quality teaching and governments attach a proportion of funding to student retention and completion. Many institutions are taking part in student engagement surveys, using the data generated to initiate changes to policies and practice. This article presents an overview of literature on student engagement and quality teaching. It then briefly describes three projects in one institution in New Zealand that were designed to improve teaching and student engagement, and outlines key findings from them. The projects are then related to four of Chalmers’ five levels of quality teaching and Leach and Zepke’s six perspectives on engagement, enabling some conclusions about what Massey University is doing successfully and what more it could do to enhance student engagement. It is suggested that other institutions could use this different approach to review their current pedagogy and student engagement strategies.  相似文献   

战略联盟:作为企业组织关系中的制度创新,已成为现代企业强化其竞争优势的重要手段。本阐述了战略联盟的基本思想,动因和理论基础,结合中国实际,提出了一些相关建议。  相似文献   

Rarely has a demand regarding school been so persistently repeated through history as the demand that school be related to life. From Seneca to our day this demand has been stressed with variations, never with complete success. Evan our era, characterized by rapid and profound changes in the whole of social life, has not been spared the renewed postulation of this task: school is not only expected to establish a balance between itself and life, it is also expected to hasten social changes. Teachers, politicians and futurologists of all kinds compete in attempting to envisage a type of school which would satisfy this centuries-old aspiration. The essence of the question lies in the fact that school is an institution which originated at the time of the invention of written characters, extracting a certain strata of people who could engage in science and the arts beyond the sphere of productive labour. To this day, school has retained some basic characteristics of this origin. Many of our contemporaries would be surprised if we told them that there was a time when schools did not exist and that perhaps in the far-off future they will cease to exist. Marshall McLuhan has already announced the end of the era of written letters and books, and consequently the disappearance of school in the traditional form to which we are accustomed. Dr. Franković is a former director of the Yugoslav Institute for Educational Research and has served as president of the Yugoslav Union of Pedagogic Societies.  相似文献   

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