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指示语是语用学的一个重要部分,人称指示语以人称代词为主要表现形式,标记语言活动中的参与主体和话语本身的关系。从语用学的角度对比分析英汉两种语言第二人称指示语用法的异同及其产生的语用效果,对语言交际具有重要意义。  相似文献   

一、指示语 语用学是以语境为中心,考察语言的言外之意。从狭义角度“语用学研究指示语,即一些在语境中才能确定所指对象的词语或结构”。Levinson认为,指示现象被认为是“语言和语境之间关系的最明显、最直接的语言反映”。指示语不能单用语义学的真假条件来衡量,它的意义只有结合语境才能得到恰当的解释。  相似文献   

语用翻译理论指出译者要基于对原文的深刻理解基础上,译出原文作者的意图,译者要根据译语读者对世界的认知,译出原文的语用功能,使目的语读者易于理解与接受。指示语是语用学研究的一个重要内容,它反映了话语和语境之间的差异。指示语在语用翻译研究中占有重要位置。由于汉、英两种语言在指示语运用上存在着差异,为使译入语读者易于理解,翻译中有时要进行指示语转换。从语用翻译角度简单对比汉、英两种语言文化的指示语,并重点以社会指示语为例探讨语用翻译很有必要。  相似文献   

本文运用语用学中指示语的知识,从语法、照应关系和语言语境的角度来探讨话语指示语的功能和使用。使用话语指示语要考虑句子结构、照应关系和上下文语境等因素,才能确切理解其话语意义。  相似文献   

指示语的使用有很强的语境依赖性,并在特定语境下具有人际语用功能。本文概述了指示语的界定,分析了其语用移情特征,结合真实语料从人称,空间,时间,和社交方面探讨了指示语的语用移情功能,以拓展我们对指示语的多维探究。  相似文献   

本文主要集中研究云南电视台新闻语言中关于人和物的空间位置的表述,即空间指示语及其语用功能。通过语料发现云南电视台新闻谈及新闻事件及对象时的优选手法是近指。除了表示近指和远指,在特定语境中,其也可以表示主观感情的指称。  相似文献   

文章分析、探讨了维吾尔语复数第一人称指示语“biz”的语用内涵,可以帮助听者了解掌握传达者的弦外之音,从而更好地理解并运用指示语,更好地实现语言的交际目的.  相似文献   

对指示语理解不恰当会产生言语曲解现象。本文从语用学角度对汉语曲解现象进行初步探讨。  相似文献   

本从方位参照点的转移和对空间实际距离的反常指标两个方面探讨了方位指标语指示用法中存在的语用异常现象,并分析了这些现象的原因和语用意义,进而指出英汉远近指示词翻译中出现的不对等问题源于心理距离对两种语言不同程序的影响。  相似文献   

英语语言中指示语的使用与理解具有很强的语境依赖性,并且在特定语境下它们还具有丰富的人际功能,而非仅仅被用于传递信息.借用维索尔论(1999)从语用功能综观论的角度提出的语言使用的顺应论理论,本文从顺应论角度出发,探讨英语语言中指示语的语用移情问题,即语言使用者如何通过选择指示语来表达语用移情.  相似文献   

词的内涵意义是基于概念之上的意义,它总能引发出一种甚至多种联想:同一个词的内涵意义因人、因时、因文化而异,有的甚至大相径庭。因此,要准确地把握词的内涵意义需结合多种因素。另一方面,词的内涵意义的表现方式也复杂多样,而最常见的是与一些修辞手段的结合,从而取得特殊的修辞效果。  相似文献   

谈词义的模糊性问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
模糊语言学研究在我国方兴未艾,有一些问题尚待解决,本基于查德的模糊集合论,提出模糊词义的定义,即词的标志范圈界限不明确,并从主客体与语言符号三方互动、词义的本质、语言与思堆的关系、言语交际的需要几方面进一步分析词义模糊性的产生原因。  相似文献   

词义的民族性是指词义中所融进的民族个性.词义的民族性主要体现在:不同语言中的“特有词“体现了不同民族的特有社会文化与民族心理文化;反映同一客观事物的词语,在不同的语言中会因不同民族的文化因素,社会习俗而产生不同的意义内容和表达形式;表达同一类现实现象的词义在不同的语言中各有自己的派生和引申历程,呈现出不同的民族特点;色彩词、数词、动植物的象征义、比喻义无不渗透着民族的文化心理,蕴涵着各民族丰富而深刻的文化风情.  相似文献   

陆恩 《绥化学院学报》2006,26(2):140-143
本文首先从语义学的角度简要分析了汉字“好”的概念意义。然后重点探讨作为话语标记语的“好”的语用功能。作者认为“好”至少有下面几种语用功能:(1)表示评价;(2)表示从一个话题转到另一个话题;(3)表示一个活动或一段谈话的结束;(4)表示赞同或接受对方说的话;等等。  相似文献   

张涛 《教育教学论坛》2014,(46):266-268
古今字,是传统训诂学的术语,它反映的是同字异义的现象。研究古今字,有利于深入理解汉语词义的发展,并且能够更好地理解古代典籍中字词的意思。本文将重点讨论词义引申造成古字与今字的变化,同时也指出简化字的一点弊端。了解古今字有利于我们更好地把握古代汉语。  相似文献   

Automatic processing of word meaning was studied in bilingual children and children in various stages of second-language acquisition in 2 experiments. A picture-word interference task was used. The children named outlined pictures as rapidly as possible while attempting to ignore distractor words printed inside the pictures' borders. For children proficient in the 2 languages (Experiment 1), the printed distractors interfered with naming on both intralingual trials, for which the distractor and naming language were the same, and on interlingual trials, for which they were different. The pattern of interference across 6 levels of name-distractor relation was similar for the intralingual and interlingual conditions and indicated that at least part of the interference occurred at a semantic level. For children who were in various phases of learning a second language (Experiment 2), second-language words were automatically processed to the level of meaning early in the course of second-language reading instruction. As was found for the more proficient groups, both the pattern and the amount of interlingual interference matched that for intralingual interference. The results question whether an "input switch" operates for bilingual word processing.  相似文献   

在日语中,被动意义除了用最常用的形式“れる·られる”结构表示之外,同时存在着大量能够表示被动意义的自动词句,是日语学习者的一个学习难点.本文拟以“含被动意义的自动词”为研究对象,探讨这些自动词句的结构及语义特征,以及教学中应注意的事项.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to explore the influence of reading comprehension on the acquisition of word meanings from context and to compare it to the effects of local context characteristics, such as proximity and directness of context clues. The study also examined the effects of prior topic and enabling concept knowledge. Sixth-grade students were pretested on their knowledge of target vocabulary from two expository passages appropriate for their grade and reading level. The students were then familiarized with selected main concepts from one passage and, subsequently, read both experimental passages. Half of the target words appeared in an informative context, while the rest appeared in an less-informative context. A comprehension test and a vocabulary posttest followed the reading of each passage. Hierarchical Regression analyses indicated that reading comprehension level and prior main concept knowledge facilitated vocabulary learning from context. In comparison, the effect of presence or absence of informative context clues was not significant. These findings, underline the need for a reconceptualization of context to take into account the mental representation that readers construct in addition to the printed text that surrounds an unfamiliar word.  相似文献   

The conceptual basis for referential word meaning in children with autism   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The purpose of this study was to examine the nature of the representation of substantive word meanings in children with autism. The subjects included 3 groups of autistic, mentally retarded, and normal children, who were matched on verbal mental age. The subjects participated in 2 experiments investigating their comprehension of words for basic level and superordinate level categories. The 3 groups were equivalent in their performance in both experiments. They also showed the same patterns of overextension and underextension errors that were related to a prototype representation of the underlying concepts. These findings suggest that semantic knowledge for concrete objects is represented and organized in similar ways in autistic, retarded, and normal children and that previous findings on cognitive deficits in autistic children are more likely related to their inability to use cognitive representations in an appropriate and flexible manner.  相似文献   

从英汉词义变迁的角度出发,通过对英汉两种语言各自词义变迁的分析,以历时的方法,就词义变迁的结果、原因、途径进行介绍,再进行英汉词义变迁的比较,最后得出结论.  相似文献   

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