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《韩非子》一书反映了战国末期的语言特点,是汉语史研究不可多得的珍贵语料。在对《韩非子》疑问句穷尽调查后发现,其疑问句几乎都是由疑问词来发问的。疑问词包括疑问代词、疑问副词和疑问语气词;疑问句可分为特指问句、是非问句、选择问句、正反问句、反问句和测度问句六大类型。  相似文献   

韩非(前280?-233)是战国末期的一位最伟大的思想家,是法家思想的集大成者.他的著作<韩非子>共有五十五篇,<说难>是他后期的作品.①<说难>一文,是先秦散文中不可多得的一篇奇文.它的奇,表现在它的形式和内容上.  相似文献   

韩非子是先秦法家思想的集大成者,他在论证自己思想体系时,大量引用历史故事、神化传说、民间典故改编成寓言故事,起到了加强文章气势和表现力的作用。本文从他寓言的表现力角度,说明正是寓言的表现力使韩非子的观点跨越时空,积淀为民族智慧。  相似文献   

凡有国而后亡之,有身而后殃之,不可渭能有其国,能保其身。夫能有其国,必能安其社稷;能保其身,必能终其犬年;  相似文献   

万乘之患,大臣太重;千乘之患,左右太信:此人主之所公患也。且人臣有大罪,人主有大失,臣主之利相与异者也。  相似文献   

《韩非子》的文学研究中叙事研究是一大亮点,然而从论法的角度进行叙事学研究却无人问津。文章将从叙事论法的角度切入文本研究,并且将之分为三个板块:第一是《韩非子》论法的叙事语境;第二是《韩非子》的审美叙事和艺术论法;第三是《韩非子》论法叙事中对诸子思想的继承。  相似文献   

《韩非子》共有谚语约120则,按题材内容大致可分为生活经验、政治经验和生产经验三类,以前两类为主。这些谚语集中体现出韩非子的法制思想、戒备思想及善于纳谏等思想。《韩非子》引谚常用比喻、对比、排比等修辞手法,以增强其说服力和表现力,具有独特的语言、文献和思想价值;有多则谚语被选入中学或大学语文教材,此研究对语文教学亦有启发。  相似文献   

古之人目短于自见,故以镜观面;智短于自知,故以道正己。故镜无见疵之罪,道无明过之怨。  相似文献   

韩非集先秦法家思想之大成。《韩非子》中为了宣传法治思想而对当时具有广泛影响的儒家思想进行了尖锐的批评讽刺,作为儒家思想代表人物的孔子在《韩非子》寓言中被多次提及并发生了异化。儒家的贤者圣人被塑造为:站在法家对立面,受法家批驳的孔子;既有儒家性格,又大力宣扬法家思想的孔子;直接以法家面目出现,代法家立言的孔子。异化的孔子是一个假托的虚拟性历史人物,是韩非宣扬法家思想和政治追求的承载物。  相似文献   

询问义动词“问”在《论语》、《孟子》和《韩非子》中 ,与其所问事件及对象的组合形式有 6种 ,但只有“问 事件”“问 对象”和“问 对象 事件”三种形式沿用至今。这是询问义动词“问”的语义特征作用的结果  相似文献   

This study investigated the possible effects of first language (L1) orthographic characteristics on word recognition in English as a second language (ESL). Case alternation was used to examine the impact of visually distorted words of different types on fluent ESL readers' word recognition in naming. Visual distortion of word shape (i.e., cAsE aLtErNaTiOn) was utilized because, although visually distorted words have lost word-shape cues, they preserve the cue value of words (i.e., spelling patterns). It, therefore, was hypothesized that if one is sensitive to alphabetic orthography, or if one's inner mechanism of processing an alphabetic word is efficient, then the visual disruption of word-shape cues should not affect one's sensitivity to sequences of letters in words. In other words, this study focused on the magnitude of the effect of case alternation in word recognition as an index of the sensitivity to alphabetic words. Results showed that the magnitude of the case alternation effect in a naming task was significantly larger for the ESL participants whose L1 is not alphabetic (i.e., Chinese and Japanese) than the ESL participants whose L1 is alphabetic (i.e., Iranians -- Persian as L1). This result seems to indicate that the Persian speakers, due to the facilitating influence of their L1 orthography, were less influenced by case alternation than the Chinese and Japanese speakers, whose L1 orthographies are not alphabetic. This finding suggests that the first language orthographic features affect the orthographic coding mechanisms (i.e., word recognition mechanisms) in a second language.  相似文献   

汉语个体量词产生的机制与动因   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文认为汉语个体量词产生的时间是殷代后期,其产生的最根本机制是“名+数+量”这一。格式。个体量词产生的动因有认知、语言范畴化和韵律三方面。  相似文献   

词义认知的目的是为了理解语言,理解语言是为了更好地进行交际。本文主要从两个方面来论述词义认知在语言交际中的作用,一是对于汉语成语的词义认知方面,应该既把握住句子的句式和语法结构,还要把握好语境,避免望文生义。在对汉语四字格认知时,切记不能生搬硬套地,要把握好词与词之间的关系。二是对于话语交际中的词义认知方面应跨越文化差异,充分把握好原话语的精神境界。最终本文意在说明词义认知在语言交际中的重要性。  相似文献   

汉语构词研究与语言信息处理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
汉语构词研究与中文信息处理关系密切,同时中文信息处理对汉语构词研究也提出了更高更进一步的要求。  相似文献   

论教师话语的最佳效能   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
教师话语(TeacherTalk)是指教师在课堂上为组织和从事教学所使用的语言。其质量直接关系到教学的效果。教师课堂语言是特定交际环境下的信息传播行为。该行为的过程和价值依赖于“话语对象”的参与和一定的“语境”而实现。因此本文研究的着眼点就不是“言之所述”,而是“言之所为”和“言后之果”,亦即信息交流的效能问题。一、话语内容的信息效度  根据笔者随堂听课的观察记录和大学英语界近年来的会议与研究论文的报告,目前,大学英语教师话语一般占课堂教学时间的65%至90%(赵晓红)。就外语课的特点而言,这个比率显然是太高了…  相似文献   

政治价值观是政治思想的基础和前提.韩非子政治价值观的形成与其个人经历、学术传承,以及他对其他学派思想的批判吸收和对历史、现实的考察密切相关.从根本上说,韩非子的政治价值观即“尊君而强国”,他一系列的政治主张都是围绕这个核心展开的.  相似文献   

提出了一种基于单词分类的神经网络语言模型,以解决归一化问题。实验方法为,在基础翻译系统中加入模型参数,然后利用开发集调整参数,再对测试集进行翻译,对比加入模型参数前后的翻译质量以及训练模型和翻译过程所需时间。实验结果表明,在保证归一化的前提下,该模型的性能优于Vaswani等人的模型,且翻译质量与Vaswani等人的模型相当。  相似文献   

This study used a within-subjects design to explore two instructional conditions for developing vocabulary in second-grade Spanish-speaking English learners (ELs)—extended instruction and embedded instruction implemented during shared interactive reading. Words assigned to the extended condition were directly taught using a multifaceted approach that included visuals, bilingual definitions, examples, spelling, and partner-talk about the words’ meaning. Words assigned to the embedded condition were taught solely through brief definitions to embedded text, writing activities, and songs. In the control condition students heard the target words read aloud during shared interactive reading but without definitions or direct instruction. The study also explored the interaction between instructional condition and word type. Four types of words—abstract cognates, abstract noncognates, concrete cognates, and concrete noncognates—were randomly assigned to each condition. Nine teachers in four schools and 187 second-grade ELs participated in this within-subjects intervention, which took place in transitional bilingual classrooms. Findings indicated that across all word types, both extended and embedded instruction were more effective than the control condition in helping ELs acquire vocabulary. Findings also indicated that extended instruction was more effective then embedded instruction for all word types except concrete cognates suggesting that these young Spanish-speaking ELs were advantaged by word knowledge in their home language. Finally, while embedded instruction was less effective than extended instruction, it was much more effective than a control condition. Embedded instruction takes significantly less preparation and instructional time than extended instruction, offering teachers a practical way to teach more vocabulary to ELs.  相似文献   

Yang  Shuyi 《Reading and writing》2021,34(5):1273-1293
Reading and Writing - Language-specific features necessitate certain processes and skills in reading. The visually unmarked between-word boundaries in written Chinese render it critical that...  相似文献   

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