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关于应用型本科院校师资队伍建设若干问题的思考   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
应用型本科院校的人才培养工作的特殊性决定了其教师队伍的特殊性。对照应用型人才培养的需要,应用型本科院校的师资队伍建设存在着观念认识不到住、队伍结构不合理等五大问题。相应的策略是,树立“学校发展,教师为本”观念;科学制订师资队伍建设规划;实行差别聘任制;继续完善教师考评体系及相应的激励措施;加快人事代理制度和社会保障制度建设,确保教师能进能出等。  相似文献   

当前,高职院校的师资队伍建设的重点是“双师型”师资队伍建设、教师的学历提升和教学改革与科研水平的提高;文章对宁波职业技术学院现有的师资状况作了分析,提出了提升师资队伍水平的措施;并对师资队伍建设的成果作了概括。  相似文献   

目前,职业技术教育师资队伍还存在着许多问题。就汽车技术专业来说,比较突出问题是专业课教师严重缺乏,即使是本专业毕业的教师,也具有一定理论知识,但在实际操作能力方面比较欠缺;缺乏对教育学和心理学的研究,不能很好地把知识传授给学生;现有专业教师的专业知识跟不上时代的发展。因此,从事汽车技术教育工作的各级部门、各位教师必须采取积极的措施,尽快扭转这种局面,为尽快建立起一支强大的专业师资队伍献计献策。  相似文献   

目前关于“双师型”师资队伍建设的措施及办法的研究已经具有相当的水平,达成了一定的共识,应该真正将这些研究成果付诸实践,用这些研究成果指导实际工作,尽快完善师资队伍建设的管理制度,使师资队伍建设实行制度化管理;要制定切实可行的管理制度,规范教师行为,提高教师的素质,从而使“双师型”师资队伍建设的各个方面都能够制度化。  相似文献   

在改革开放、市场经济高速发展的今天,职业学校实施素质教育势在必行。为此,必须通过加强师资队伍建设,全面提高教师素质;改革完善激励机制,提高学生学习积极性;加快实验建设,培养学生动手能力;以及针对学生的个体差异,采取因材施教等措施,把素质教育真正地落实到实处。  相似文献   

高等教育的发展需要一支相对稳定、结构合理、精干高效、适应性强、高素质的师资队伍作为支柱。为此,我省各高校在师资队伍建设方面下了很大的功夫,也取得了不少成绩,但亦存在一些比较突出的问题,主要是:(1)教师年龄偏大,队伍不稳,断层现象仍然存在;(2)近两年将面临高校教师退休高峰期,如何承接好教师梯队,是一个急待解决的问题;(3)培训工作如何提高现有教师的学历层次,还缺乏有效措施;(4)培训经费投入仍然不足;(5)评聘分开后,聘任与岗位职数相对定额的矛盾日显尖锐。而且,现有教师队伍还程度不同地存在“不够稳…  相似文献   

百年大计,教育为本;教育大计,教师为本。加强师资队伍建设,是实施学校教育可持续发展的重要措施。本从提高教师的素质、重视教师的培养与提高、调动教师的积极性、制定管理制度及办法等方面进行了论述。  相似文献   

师资队伍整体素质与水平,是影响电大单独考试招生教育试点改革任务能否完成的重要因素。当前高职教育普遍存在的现状是:师资队伍相对缺乏与教师素质相对偏低;“双师型”教师队伍尚未形成;教师的工程实践能力亟待提高;高学历、高职称的教师比例偏低;教师进修、培训的渠道不畅;现有体制不利于引导高职高专教师走“双师型”的发展道路等。深入研究师资队伍建设中存在的问题,制定相关政策,找到解决问题的途径,是当前我们必须认真研究的重要课题。  相似文献   

人才是第一资源,是关系到学校发展的关键问题。长期以来,华中科技大学一贯高度重视人才工作,从全局和战略的高度来认识人才工作,始终坚持教师是办学主体的理念;注重调查研究,规划超前,措施超常规;培养与引进并重,使用与稳定结合;依托学科建设,锤炼师资队伍;以拔尖人才为龙头,带动教师队伍整体水平的提高。人才兴校战略的实施,推动了学校的跨越式发展。  相似文献   

加强英语师资队伍建设不仅对大学英语教学质量提升具有决定性作用,而且对高校的发展也具有重要意义。高校和外语院系可以通过建立学习型组织,提高英语教师整体素质,让学习成为英语教师的习惯;通过构建科学的英语教师评价机制,发挥英语教师工作的主动性、积极性和创造性,促进高校英语师资队伍和谐发展。  相似文献   

Inspection Effectiveness: an analysis of an OFSTED inspection   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Barry Carpenter, Principal Lecturer in Education, Westminster College, Oxford and Chris Stoneham, Head of Learning Support, Henry Box School, Witney, Oxfordshire, build on the advice given by Maria Landy in Vol.9 No. 1 of Support for Learning , and show how an OFSTED inspection can be a rewarding experinece.  相似文献   

An online community of learning within a distance doctoral programme was explored to determine if and how the community evolved and transformed over time. This part-time doctoral programme gathers students into cohorts and runs a structured community with students and faculty for 18 months before students confirm candidatures and begin individual work with their own supervisors for the remaining 4–5 years of study. In particular, this study sought to determine if and how the community of learning continued and developed after the 18 months of shared structured learning had been completed. This research was initiated and conducted by the students, giving insights into the community from the students’ perspective. Findings are that the community has survived and will continue in the short-term at least, but with fewer members and operating in a different manner. There has been an ongoing transformation of the community, largely driven by choice and necessity.  相似文献   

拟议论文提纲与思维训练   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
拟议论文提纲主要应拟好分论点,提高思维能力是关键。训练抽象概括能力,以拟出正确观点;训练发散思维能力,以打开论证思路;训练辐合思维能力,以确定分论点最优方案;训练辩证思维能力,结合变形思维和顺序性思维,以推进论证深度。  相似文献   

设计一个符合实验银行业务自身特点的实验考核系统,科学评价学生的银行业务操作技能不仅能够体现出银行会计实验的学科特点,而且大大减轻了实验教师的出题、考试、阅卷、成绩统计、试卷评析等工作量。重点阐述了实验银行考核系统的试题库模块、组卷模块、评分算法模块、查询报表模块的设计方案,以及系统实现的关键性问题;为其它学科的操作题的评分提供良好的借鉴。  相似文献   

Cultural Studies of Science Education - With growing evidence demonstrating the impact of undergraduate research experiences on educational persistence, efforts are currently being made to expand...  相似文献   

奇素数的平方都是孤立数   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
设P是奇素数.本文证明了:P^2是孤立数.  相似文献   

The author raises questions about ethnographic methodology through exploring the implications of using observations produced by his colleagues about his office as data for his research. This process blurred the boundaries between researcher, method and the object and subject of research. It meets some criteria for ethnography and not others, and does not evidence clear definitional boundaries for any sub-genre such as autoethnography or collaborative authoethnography. Besides raising definitional challenges and the blurring of roles in research, the study also illustrates how the methodology revealed tensions over collegial trust, boundaries and privacy. The author's colleagues exposed aspects of the author's identity that were opaque and even invisible to the author. The author accordingly raises questions about the locus of ethical concern. Thus, issues of roles, definition, trust, boundaries, privacy and method were entwined.  相似文献   

本文介绍一个结构简单但应用广泛的不等式。定理 设a >0 ,b >0 ,n∈N ,则an + 1/bn≥ (n + 1 )a -nb ( )当且仅当a =b时 ,等号成立。证明  ( ) an + 1≥ (n + 1 )abn-nbn + 1 an + 1+nbn+ 1-(n + 1 )abn≥ 0 (an+ 1-bn + 1) + (n + 1 )bn·(b -a)≥ 0 (a -b) [an+an - 1b +an- 2 b2 +… +abn- 1+bn-(n + 1 )bn]≥ 0①若a >b >0 ,则an+an - 1b +an - 2 b2 +… +abn - 1+bn-(n + 1 )bn>(n + 1 )bn-(n + 1 )bn=0 ,从而①式成立。若 0 <a <b,则a…  相似文献   

The British novelist Nicky Singer talks about becoming a writer, the role of editors and about who decides what can—and what can’t—be published either side of the Atlantic. Her three novels explore territory which can make publishers nervous: Feather Boy (initiation rites and domestic violence), Doll (self-harm) and The Innocent’s Story (terrorist suicide bombing). The sharply contrasting responses from publishers in the United Kingdom and the United States are described. Through Nicky Singer’s sometimes extraordinary experiences with publishers runs the implicit question, perhaps as important now as it has ever been: What constraints should there be on what is explored in books for young readers?  相似文献   

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