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初探英国开放大学个性化教育思想 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
司海艳 《南昌教育学院学报》2011,26(4):15+17-15,17
本文首先阐释了个性化教育理论的渊源、形成及内涵,其次简要介绍了英国开放大学的办学理念、课程设置和服务体系,并在此基础上深入挖掘英国开放大学个性化教育的思想。 相似文献
《British Journal of Educational Studies》2012,60(3):211-224
ABSTRACT Widening participation – though it has only recently been labelled as such – has been a continuing concern for policy makers and higher education institutions in the United Kingdom since 1945 (and before). This article reviews the evidence for four key target groups – women, lower socio-economic groups, mature adults and ethnic minorities – to produce an overall assessment, a score card, of what has been achieved, and what remains to be done. It concludes that, while progress in the recruitment of women, mature adults and ethnic minorities has been substantial – though with some qualifications – it has been much less so for lower socio-economic groups. 相似文献
现代教育技术在高职实训教学中的应用 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
虚拟现实技术、视频技术、仿真技术以及计算机相关应用技术是现代教育技术领域不可分割的组成部分,他们在高职实训教学中的应用,对于提高学生动手能力、规范操作、丰富学生的实践阅历以及实施素质教育都起着积极的推动作用。 相似文献
在当今的现代教育技术环境下,只要教师备课时多思考、多想办法,是可以让教学中遇到的学生厌学、求知欲望不强、不想自主学习等问题在很大程度上得到解决,关键是要把好现代教育技术这把金钥匙。 相似文献
The economics of the open university 总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2
Leslie Wagner 《Higher Education》1972,1(2):159-183
邓寿群 《河南职业技术师范学院学报(职业教育版)》2005,(6):65-68
新的环境要求当代大学生全面发展,成为综合性人才。心理健康教育、道德教育是具有同等重要地位,又相互渗透的两种教育,可以通过相关结合点,形成一种有效的一体化教育模式,即“心理-道德”教育模式。双向结合是道德教育与心理教育关系的最终“归宿”。 相似文献
该文认为,高校资助工作是党和国家科教兴国战略与人才强国战略的重要组成部分,是贯彻以人为本的科学发展观的重要体现,认识高校资助工作在学生成长成才过程中的重要功能,对于高校今后做好资助工作、创新资助方式、充分发挥育人功能具有深远影响。 相似文献
任学文 《南京广播电视大学学报》2007,(4):1-3
现代远程教育是建立在自主化学习基础上的一种教育和学习形式。但结合电大的实际,其自主化程度值得商榷。是自主与面授结合制,还是主辅结合制,或是完全自主制,由结合制到主辅制到完全制的基本条件是什么,这是电大远程教育过程中必须认识的实际问题。明确这一认识对电大现代远程教育的发展具有一定的现实意义。 相似文献
The economics of the open university revisited 总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2
Leslie Wagner 《Higher Education》1977,6(3):359-381
Revision of earlier cost calculations for the Open University and Conventional Universities in the U.K. for 1973 confirms the findings of a significant cost advantage to the Open University. An analysis of developments at the Open University since 1973 indicates, however, that there has been little reduction in average cost in real terms and no improvement is likely on known developments to 1979. This is surprising for it might be expected that as student numbers rise average costs would fall. A more detailed analysis of the structure of Open University costs indicates why this has not happened. A major determinant of costs is the number of courses and these have continued to grow rapidly since 1973. The rate of increase of new courses has been faster than the rate of increase of new students. In effect the University has been using the economies provided by increased student numbers to increase student choice through the provision of more courses rather than reduce average cost.Average cost could be reduced whilst keeping the same number of courses by changing the components of the teaching system such as broadcasting. If such fundamental changes were not acceptable then an alternative would be to change the mix of courses between the relatively expensive science and technology areas and the cheaper arts and social science areas. A further alternative is to keep the same mix but ensure a longer life for science and technology courses. 相似文献
Jeremy Knox 《Teaching in Higher Education》2013,18(8):821-832
This paper will review existing literature on Open Educational Resources (OER). It is intended to examine and critique the theories which underpin the promotion of OER in higher education, not provide guidance on their implementation. (1) I will introduce the concepts of positive and negative liberty to suggest an under-theorisation of the term ‘open’. (2) OER literature will be shown to endorse a two-tiered system, in which the institution is both maintained and disaggregated. (3) I will highlight a diminishing of the role of pedagogy within the OER vision and the promotion of a learner-centred model for education. (4) This stance will be aligned with humanistic assumptions of unproblematic self-direction and autonomy. (5) I will discuss the extent to which the OER movement aligns itself with economically orientated models of the university. I offer these critiques as a framework for the OER movement to develop as a theoretically rigorous area of scholarship. 相似文献
Ferenc Genzwein 《International Review of Education/Internationale Zeitschrift für Erziehungswissenschaft/Revue internationale l'éducation》1979,25(2-3):249-266
Changing social needs, and especially the rate of change itself, demand a fresh approach to educational theory and practice. Just as theory must draw on the findings of a wide range of sciences, so must practice ensure activity by the student and a reliable system of assessing attainment. Given the constraints to educational development, whether economic or behavioural, the author sees the introduction of educational technology as the only course for improving conditions. He adopts a wide definition of educational technology, to embrace a new applied pedagogical science and conceives it systemically.On the basis of this analysis, he describes as a practical example the creation of the Hungarian National Centre for Educational Technology in the 70's. With its main function in the area of research and development, the Centre carries out wide-ranging studies, ensures the collaboration of the specialists concerned in development of curricula, and then proceeds to the preparation of learning packages with a multi-media composition. After testing, the new materials and methods are disseminated, and here the Centre also plays an active role. It has promoted courses on educational technology at the pre-service and in-service teacher education levels, and carries out follow-up studies on the extent of application of the innovations it launches.
Zusammenfassung Sich ändernde soziale Bedürfnisse und insbesondere das Tempo der Veränderung selbst erfordern einen neuen Ansatz in Theorie und Praxis des Bildungswesens. Genau wie die Theorie auf den Ergebnissen einer ganzen Reihe Wissenschaften aufgebaut werden muß, hat die Praxis die Aktivität der Studenten zu gewährleisten sowie ein zuverlässiges System zur Evaluation des Erreichten. In Anbetracht der wirtschaftlichen oder durch Verhaltensweisen bedingten Beschränkungen einer Bildungsentwicklung sieht der Verfasser in der Einführung einer Bildungstechnologie den einzigen Weg zur Verbesserung der Bedingungen. Er definiert den Begriff Bildungstechnologie in sehr weitgefaßtem Sinn, so daß er eine neue angewandte Erziehungswissenschaft umfaßt und diese als System versteht.Aufgrund dieser Analyse schildert er als praktisches Beispiel die Schaffung des Ungarischen Nationalen Zentrums für Bildungstechnologie in den 70er Jahren. Während seine Hauptaufgaben im Bereich der Forschung und Entwicklung liegen, führt das Zentrum weitgehende Studien durch, sichert die Mitarbeit von Spezialisten auf dem Gebiet der Curriculum-Entwicklung und befaßt sich dann weiter mit der Vorbereitung von Lernmaterial in multi-medialer Zusammensetzung. Nach entsprechenden Tests werden die neuen Materialien un Methoden verbreitet, und auch dabei spielt das Zentrum eine aktive Rolle. Es hat Lehrgänge über Bildungstechnologie auf der Ebene der Vor- und Weiterbildung von Lehrern gefördert und führt danach Untersuchungen darüber durch, wie weit die von ihm in Gang gesetzten Neuerungen angewandt werden.
Résumé L'évolution des besoins sociaux et particulièrement la rapidité de cette évolution, exige une approche nouvelle de la théorie et de la pratique de l'éducation. Tout comme la théorie doit exploiter les découvertes d'un large éventail de sciences, la pratique doit assurer l'activité de l'étudiant et fournir un système éprouvé d'estimation des connaissances acquises. Etant donné les contraintes qui brident le développement de l'éducation — qu'elles soient provoquées par l'économie ou par le comportement — l'auteur estime que l'introduction d'une technologie de l'éducation est le seul moyen d'améliorer les conditions. Il définit largement la technologie de l'éducation comme une nouvelle science pédagogique appliquée et la conçoit de façon systématique.Se basant sur cette analyse, il donne en exemple la création, dans les années 70, du Centre National Hongrois de Technologie de l'Education. Ce Centre, dont les activités s'appliquent principalement au domaine de la recherche et du développement, et embrassent un champ très étendue d'études, s'assure la collaboration de spécialistes du développement des curricula puis procède à la préparation de packages avec un ensemble de moyens d'enseignement. Après expérimentation, les nouveaux matériels et les nouvelles méthodes sont disséminés et, à ce stade encore, le Centre joue à nouveau un rôle actif. Il crée et développe des cours de technologie de l'éducation aux niveaux de la formation professionnelle initiale ou en cours d'emploi des enseignants, et il organise des études longitudinales afin d'évaluer l'application des innovations apportées.相似文献
WANG Wei-jia 《高等教育研究》2008,29(4):92-98
上海震旦大学是与圣约翰大学齐名的西方教会大学。在发展演变过程中,震旦大学从天主教大学逐步转变为一所世俗性的高等教育机构,而且具有鲜明的法国教育特色,反映了法兰西民族对文化教育事业的一贯重视。震旦大学在学科设置上与法国传统学科的呼应、对本国语言的重视,政府和工商界对文化活动的参与和支持,是法国从古至今一以贯之的传统,充分体现了植根于法兰西民族的一种文化禀性。震旦大学是近代中法教育交流史上的一项重要合作案例。 相似文献
李静 《佳木斯教育学院学报》2011,(1):111-111
山西农业大学是一所以农科为优势的教学科研型农业大学。山西农业大学以甘于奉献、敬业乐教的教风,勤奋学习、注重实践的学风,形成了以崇学事农,艰苦兴校的农大精神。对青年学生进行农大精神教育具有十分重要的意义。 相似文献
高校后勤管理是高等教育的重要组成部分,它姓"教",在管理与服务过程中渗透出育人功能,高校后勤工作人员不仅仅是工作者,更是一名教育者。因此,探究后勤管理所蕴含的教育功能,对提高学校后勤管理水平有着重要的意义。 相似文献
Samuel Jacob Grubbs 《Learning, Media and Technology》2012,37(1):105-118
There have been many reports indicating that there are differences between male and female students in various issues in education. This research examined the preferences for various forms of educational media by freshmen students studying English in Thailand. Approximately 3000 students at seven university campuses in central Thailand were surveyed on their preferences for the media used in and out of English classes. The results indicate many similarities between the male and female choices. Overall, students believed that traditional media were effective for in-class learning, but the media used in alternative classroom activities are more enjoyable. The students thought that entertaining media and the internet are popular ways to learn English and can be better utilized in classes. There was a stronger interest in the internet among male students. Overall, this study shows that there is a great interest from all students to have more technologically focused media available to help them learn. 相似文献
体育,大学宝贵的教育资源 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
体育中蕴含着丰富的文化学意义(哲学意义、美学意义、伦理学意义),社会学意义,经济学意义,及教育学意义。体育巨大的文化价值和深远的社会意义,使其成为大学宝贵的教育资源。体育是大学文化的有机组成部分。 相似文献