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我国中小企业集群创新网络理论和实践研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文介绍、评述了国内有关中小企业集群创新网络理论和实践的某些最新研究进展,辨明了下一步需要着力研究的关键问题及其研究线索,提出了根据中小企业集群创新网络的发展趋势,必须重视加快培育和提升我国中小企业集群创新网络的国际竞争力。  相似文献   

网络监督是人民群众通过互联网了解国家事务,发表意见和建议,提供信息和线索,对国家的政治、经济、文化、法律、教育、行政等方面进行褒贬与评价,依法行使民主权利的行为,它的形成是依赖互联网的各种功能而实现的。网络监督是现代社会民主化发展进程的必然要求,也是宪法赋予我国公民的基本权利。网络监督扩大了公民的知情权、表达权、参与权、监督权,对于促进社会主义民主政治建设,有效遏制腐败具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

林纾的《韩柳文研究法》是一部专以韩柳文作为研究对象的论著,打破了自唐以来韩柳文批评多限于书话、文选、评点的散乱局面。“韩柳并举”和“韩柳相较”是贯穿全书的基本理念与线索,韩柳选文各有侧重,韩文取道胜,柳文取文胜。此书分类论文,梳理韩柳文承上启下的渊源关系,归纳其创作手法,彰显其艺术特色,对柳宗元山水游记的高度赞赏表现了对近代文学风尚的追随。林纾的韩柳文研究应在韩柳文研究史上占有一席之地。  相似文献   

音乐剧《红船往事》以中国共产党第一次全国代表大会召开前后的历史史实为背景,借助具有现代风格的戏剧表现手法进行重构和演绎。创作立意力求突破创新,提炼深层人文元素,避免与已有作品之间产生重叠。剧本结构采用散化织体,夹叙夹议,将具有审美触动感的微小事件紧密串联在一处。作曲风格既有气势磅礴的厚重感,又突出地域色彩,特别注重情感线索的音乐表述。在舞美制作方面,多元化的创意构想在舞台陈设、多媒体应用及灯光管控方面得到具象显示。整部作品张弛有度,特征鲜明,是一部优秀的"红色主题"戏剧佳作。  相似文献   

《桃花扇》艺术结构的成功向来为人所激赏。历来论者多论其借侯李离合之情以写兴亡之感的结构线索、作为主题意象的"龙珠"——"桃花扇"在剧中的作用,而事实上,《桃花扇》艺术结构的精妙并不仅限于此。细读文本,可发现该剧的艺术结构还有如下特点:作者善于预设埋伏、伏线千里,以其运思之谨严、针线之绵密,构成了该剧内在结构上的精巧与缜密;柳敬亭、苏昆生、杨龙友等线索式人物的穿针引线,使全剧在结构上形成一个脉络贯通的有机整体;老赞礼形象的精心设置,使全剧形成了独特的以抒情结构统辖叙事结构的双重套式结构。  相似文献   

短篇小说就是结构的艺术。“三言二拍”是中国古代白话短篇小说的典范之作,其结构技法理应成为我们关注的课题。其中,“草蛇灰线”、“鸾胶续弦”和“勺水兴波”是“三言二拍”运用较为广泛的三种技法。  相似文献   

改革开放近三十年以来。我国党报体育评论在发展演变过程中不管是数量还是质量较之以前相比.出现了质的飞跃;与此同时也出现了缺乏个性化的评论。评论主体科学认识论亟待加强,评论的专业性不强等一些不尽人意的问题;针对上述问题,从宏观上党报体育评论的发展要增进体育评论的亲和力、提高评论主体的专业素质、增强报纸体育评论与网络的互动以及加强利用集团的优势。期望为丰富和完善党报体育评论的发展有所裨益。  相似文献   

Online supervision mainly focuses on written communication and electronic drafts, while offline supervision comprises physical and social clues, verbal communication, and drafts of texts. This article focuses on supervisors’ written online communication about drafts of undergraduate student dissertations. Theoretically, these utterances form part of the communicative exchanges performed in the practice of supervision. This means that supervision is an emergent phenomenon that relates to its past, current, and future states. The setting was a dissertation course within a bachelor programme in behavioural science. The data consists of 423 utterances from four supervisors. The utterances were analysed and categorised, and the results show different qualities and degrees of identifications in the supervisors’ communicated utterances. The study shows that the quality of supervisors’ utterances embraces the difference between the application of comments, points of view, instructions, and questions. This implicates the importance of supervisors’ awareness of the nature and the combination of their utterances if they want to increase the student autonomy when supervising online.  相似文献   

试题命制是考试的基础要素和关键环节,体现着考试作为测量手段的科学理性。试题的结构要素分别是刺激情境(线索材料)、设问(作答指令)、分值赋予、答案及评分标准等。试题命制的科学性指试题整体及其结构要素所涉及的情境素材、概念原理和推理论证等准确可靠,没有错误或者歧义。科学性维度的技术规范要求命题时首先明确测试的"构念",即测试要测的到底是被试哪方面的特质,"构念"相对抽象,需要在内容领域和认知能力等方面对"构念"进行分解使之具体化;基于测试"构念",考核重要的而非无关紧要的学习内容;其次要求试题刺激情境自身的合理性与科学性,要求试题的作答指令清晰明确无歧义,要求分值赋予合理,要求参考答案与评分标准精确并与情境素材保持逻辑一致。试题命制还需要关注试题的局部独立性。科学性是任何考试都必须遵循的基础性原则,试题命制自始至终都必须规避因科学性错误带来的测试偏差和风险。  相似文献   

Student comments are routinely collected in university evaluation surveys for the purpose of improving teaching and learning. Whilst student comments provide valuable insights into their experiences, there is limited published research reporting the extent to which student comments are offensive and professional. The aim of this study was to investigate the number of student comments that were identified as being offensive or unprofessional in an online unit evaluation survey collected in a semester in 2010 from an Australian university. One person read 30,684 comments taken from 17,855 surveys and identified comments considered to be abusive or unprofessional. Comments were categorised as either abusive or unprofessional and by the intended target (that is, teacher, unit, resource). Thirteen abusive comments (0.04 % of the sample) were identified. Five abusive comments were directed at the teacher and eight were targeted at teaching and learning experiences. Forty-six comments (0.15 % of the sample) were identified as unprofessional. Of these, seven comments were directed at the teacher and 34 were about units. This suggests that the vast majority of students do not abuse the privilege of giving anonymous feedback. Strategies identified in this paper to educate students and give appropriate feedback can be adopted by universities to minimise offensive comments. Universities can educate students and teachers in appropriate and professional ways of working together, in providing professional feedback to improve the student experience in teaching and learning and to support and mentor teachers in their academic careers.  相似文献   

《林家铺子》属短篇复杂结构,线索是三条而非一条,除主线林家铺子倒闭始末外,另有林大娘打呃和林阿秀婚事两条副线。三条线索由三个中心人物构成,既是茅盾结构艺术的创新,又是《林家铺子》线索成功的奥秘。  相似文献   

新闻评论随着时代的发展、社会的变迁而不断变化 ,其发展趋势主要体现在 :小型化方面 ,短评论越来越多 ,长篇评论逐渐弱化 ;群众化方面 ,群众性的话题逐步增多 ,大量群众作者涌现 ,语言渐趋口语化 ;杂文化方面 ,语言日益尖锐 ,针对性加强 ,体现匕首和投枪的特色。这些发展趋势适应了时代、社会、群众的需要 ,可以使新闻评论更好地发挥政治性、倾向性、社会性等功能。  相似文献   

This study aimed to determine which types of context clues exist in children's texts and whether it is possible for experts to identify reliably those clues. Three experienced coders used Ames’ clue set as a foundation for a system to classify context clues in children's text. Findings showed that the adjustments to Ames’ system resulted in 15 clues that can be used to capture the majority of clues found in children narrative and expository text. This study adds to the limited empirically validated systems available for classifying different context clues. A usable classification of context clues has application to reading research that considers or controls for text factors as well as teaching reading strategies in K–12 classrooms.  相似文献   

在线评论是潜在学习者评估平台的重要依据,有关在线评论与用户使用意愿关系的研究对促进平台的普及和推广有着重要的现实意义。本研究首先基于双重加工理论构建在线评论对在线学习平台用户使用意愿影响的概念模型,然后通过调查发现,双面评论、评论来源可信度、评论来源专业性、受欢迎程度以及第三方推荐正向显著影响在线评论有用性。在线评论有用性正向显著影响学习者的在线学习平台使用意愿,并在一定程度上调节评论来源专业性、受欢迎程度与使用意愿之间的关系。因此,保证在线评论的真实性、秉持在线评论应“有用”的理念、管理和完善在线评论内容、提升和优化服务水平,有助于提高潜在学习者的使用意愿。  相似文献   

明清小说评点的商业价值   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
明清时期 ,最为通行的小说刊本是评点本 ,评点可以促进小说的传播。出于商业目的 ,书坊主利用评点的传播功能刊刻注有评点的小说 ,小说评点也就成了小说销售的促销工具和商业手段 ,具有了商业价值  相似文献   

课程政策:问题与思路   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对课程政策展开研究需要明确三大类问题,把握三条基本思路。这三大类问题是:为什么中外程政策的发展变化会出现两极融合的趋势,如何建立有效的课程政策分析的框架以及什么是好的课程政制定思路;三条基本思路是:解决好课程权力的着眼点———集中与分散的基本问题,把握住课程权力分配着力点———合情与合理的根本要求,实现课程权力的着陆点———分享与共有的原则或目标。  相似文献   

有关建国前江青的评述 ,历年来众说纷纭 ,褒贬不一 ,主要集中在江青入延安的动机、与毛泽东结婚以及婚后生活三个方面。这些观点大多受到江青在“文革”期间所作所为影响 ,因而带有很大的片面性  相似文献   

刘美凤 《比较教育研究》2004,25(8):33-37,32
美国是教育技术领域或学科的发源地,其教育技术的三条历史发展线索一直是中国学界探索教育技术本质的一个参照.[1]那么,美国教育技术的三条历史发展线索的具体内涵是什么?如何从中形成对教育技术领域或学科更为本质的认识呢?这是本文力图解决的问题.  相似文献   

Institutions are understandably interested in the profile of their own reputations based upon publicly available data about student experiences. The UK’s National Student Survey (NSS) metrics are integrated into several ‘Good University’ calculations, whereas teaching teams most often use the survey’s text comments to change practices, rather than the metrics directly. There is little information about how messages from the national survey’s text comments relate to the accompanying numerical ratings, partly because text comments are confidential to the institution and unavailable for wide-scale research. We categorised institutional NSS text comments into themes that mirrored those of the original questionnaire. Comparisons were made between frequencies of thematic comments and the national ratings of satisfaction for several subject areas. For the first time, we demonstrate broad agreement between comments about measures of teaching staff and course organisation with the performance of the subject areas (compared to metrics of their national counterparts). These findings are consistent with previous quantitative models predicting the most important factors that most influence overall satisfaction ratings. We intend this study to be a catalyst for other institutions to explore their non-publicly available, textual returns in a similar way. The outcomes of this type of work are pertinent to all countries that use large-scale surveys. However, institutions will need to release findings to a public audience if we are to gain a national/international perspective on this key linkage between publicly available metrics and the associated text comments.  相似文献   

明代《水浒传》的评点从余象斗批本开始,最后的定型由金圣叹主笔完成,而其批评也成为后世小说评点家之圭臬。这中间虽历经近五十年时间,版本的更迭也曾几变,然而其间评点的历史变迁轨迹却清晰可见。无论是从评点的形式上(包括批语的样式、批语的条数及字数),还是从评点的内容上(包括批语的语言、批语的内容),明代《水浒传》评点都体现出大众化、通俗化一精致化、文人化一专业化、才子化这一脉络。  相似文献   

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