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徐治立  殷优优 《科学学研究》2006,24(Z2):371-376
航天科学技术的诞生和发展,不仅使人类进入空间新环境,直接开发和利用其资源成为可能,而且提供了科学探索有效的技术手段。航天科技已经渗透到社会生活的各个方面,对人类社会的政治、经济、军事、科技、文化、生存方式和自然环境都产生了巨大的积极影响。同时,航天科技的负面效应是显要的,其未来发展目标必须合理设定。  相似文献   

知识经济是以知识和信息的占有、配置、生产、分配、使用为重要因素的经济,而教育和学习则成为这一新经济形态的动力"引擎".渴求信息开放获取、构建学习化社会、创造终生教育与终生学习的良好条件已成为知识经济时代的重要认知与理想诉求.在信息经济力量与技术力量的"双重"作用下,信息开放获取与学习化社会的"契合"不断加强.学习化社会的构建需要信息开放获取的支持,信息开放获取又将推动学习化社会的形成.  相似文献   

王婉君  陈伟强  汤林彬  熊慧  刘刚  石磊 《资源科学》2018,40(7):1319-1332
2018年初,美国发布了对8种进口铝产品征收10%的从价税的公告,给世界各国特别是中国的铝工业带来诸多潜在影响。本文以该公告中涉及的铝产品为研究对象,分析了美国铝产品的贸易格局,考察了美国征收铝关税的潜在影响,并提出中国的若干应对策略。研究显示:① 造成美国铝贸易逆差的关键产品是能耗和环境负荷高但附加值低的未锻轧铝(铝锭),而在其他7种附加值较高的铝产品中,美国的合计贸易额处于顺差状态,这是由美国自身的产业结构造成的。将造成美国铝产品贸易逆差的责任推给中国及其他国家的做法是荒谬和不负责任的;② 美国征收铝产品关税的真正目的可能是通过缩减进口量来加强国内高附加值铝产品的生产经营能力。存在贸易逆差的铝箔、铝丝和其他铝产品,以及贸易量较大的铝板带对美出口难度将会越来越大;③ 短期看,中国生产铝箔、铝丝、其他铝产品和铝板带的企业将面临较大困难;长期看,铝关税可能仅仅是美国贸易保护政策的开始,中国政府和企业必须做好打持久战的准备。近期,中国应采取有针对性的贸易报复措施,联合其他国家和在此次关税变化中可能受到较大负面影响的美国国内相关产业共同对特朗普政府施压。长期,中国要继续加强产品研发和自主创新能力,加快弥补产业链和技术短板,提高应对国际形势影响中国经济发展的能力。  相似文献   

Quantum computing technologies have become a hot topic in academia and industry receiving much attention and financial support from all sides. Building a quantum computer that can be used practically is in itself an outstanding challenge that has become the ‘new race to the moon’. Next to researchers and vendors of future computing technologies, national authorities are showing strong interest in maturing this technology due to its known potential to break many of today’s encryption techniques, which would have significant and potentially disruptive impact on our society. It is, however, quite likely that quantum computing has beneficial impact on many computational disciplines. In this article we describe our vision of future developments in scientific computing that would be enabled by the advent of software-programmable quantum computers. We thereby assume that quantum computers will form part of a hybrid accelerated computing platform like GPUs and co-processor cards do today. In particular, we address the potential of quantum algorithms to bring major breakthroughs in applied mathematics and its applications. Finally, we give several examples that demonstrate the possible impact of quantum-accelerated scientific computing on society.  相似文献   

建设节水型社会的思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
我国一方面水资源短缺,缺水问题越来越突出;另一方面用水效率不高.浪费严重.因此,建设节水型社会势在必行.但是,建设节水型社会的目标远大、任务很艰巨,必须通过发挥政府主导作用,加大支持力度;统一水资源管理主体,加强水资源保护;建立初始水权制度,完善水市场运行机制;加强节水工程建设,建立健全节水技术体系和服务体系等途径,加快节水型社会建设.  相似文献   

Discrete simulation modeling is a powerful tool used for evaluation and analysis. While it has been used extensively on mainframe computers, for a number of reasons it has not to-date been widely used on small computers. This paper addresses the issue of simulation on small computers by answering the following question: “Are microcomputers powerful enough to process a highly iterative simulation model in an accurate, timely and cost-effective manner?”  相似文献   

The impact of telecommunications technology on the information profession is reviewed. The potential for the application of “information intelligence”—using the considerable know-how of the information profession—to new technologies is explored. It is concluded that there is much more to be gained from the application of professional knowledge to systems design than to the perfection of searching techniques on behalf of end users.  相似文献   

谢鲁生 《学会》2003,(2):14-15
学会改革是一个大课题。学会工作目前存在诸多矛盾 ,改革从何处着手 ?笔者认为 ,应以强化民主办会 ,作为学会改革的切人点。一、民主办会是学会的生命线学会是科技工作者的群众组织 ,是依据我国宪法规定 ,公民行使结社自由的权利而自愿组成的社会团体。所以 ,学会的成立 ,是受宪法保护的 ,是公民的自由和人权的一种体现 ,是社会主义民主政治的组成部分。学会依法登记和成立后 ,会员自然就是学会的主人 ,就要依照章程对自己的组织进行民主管理、民主决策、民主监督。由此可见 ,民主是学会的灵魂 ,民主办会是学会工作的生命线。然而 ,按照计划…  相似文献   

Preprocessing is one of the key components in a typical text classification framework. This paper aims to extensively examine the impact of preprocessing on text classification in terms of various aspects such as classification accuracy, text domain, text language, and dimension reduction. For this purpose, all possible combinations of widely used preprocessing tasks are comparatively evaluated on two different domains, namely e-mail and news, and in two different languages, namely Turkish and English. In this way, contribution of the preprocessing tasks to classification success at various feature dimensions, possible interactions among these tasks, and also dependency of these tasks to the respective languages and domains are comprehensively assessed. Experimental analysis on benchmark datasets reveals that choosing appropriate combinations of preprocessing tasks, rather than enabling or disabling them all, may provide significant improvement on classification accuracy depending on the domain and language studied on.  相似文献   

人与自然和谐相处,是我国社会主义和谐社会的基本标志之一;统筹人与自然和谐发展,是我国扎实推进和谐社会建设、实现中华民族伟大复兴的理性选择。正确领会统筹人与自  相似文献   

技术和社会的相互影响和形成   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
技术研究和创新提高人民的生活水平,促进社会经济发展,形成社会的进步,当然也有负面影响。个人、群体和机构等形成的社会,为利益所在,对技术施加影响,形成技术创新。技术和社会是相互影响和形成的。我曾写信给《科学对社会的影响》编辑部,要发表科学对社会影响的文章,也要发表社会对科学影响的文章。  相似文献   

科学革命对社会的影响是两面性的,既会促进社会的进步,也会危害社会的发展.然而,社会对科学进步也存在或促进或阻碍的两种相反作用.科学革命与社会之间存在着互相影响、互为因果的互动关系.建立它们二者间的良性互动的目的应该一是遏制科学的有害影响,二是建立良好的社会环境.  相似文献   

Computers have been used in research in the humanities since the 1950's, but until fairly recently this remained rather a fringe activity confined to a small band of enthusiasts. But improvements in mainframe hardware and software, the introduction of microcomputers and intelligent terminals and developments in networking have all stimulated the range of applications of computers to the humanities for research, wordprocessing and computer aided instruction. The development of computing in the Arts in the UK is reviewed as a case study, and some of the implications of the recent increase in the use of computers in the humanities are discussed.  相似文献   

Existing literature has generally focused on organizational memory (OM) and workforce agility. Yet, less concentration has been devoted to the impact of workforce agility on OM. This research proposed a model that studies the impact of workforce agility on declarative OM and procedural OM. The model focused on aspects related to proactivity, adaptability, and resiliency. The study targeted the cell phone industry in Jordan. The study sample included 430 individuals involved in managerial and professional knowledge positions in mobile communications companies in Jordan. The article concluded that a proactive workforce has a significant impact on declarative OM and proactivity also improves procedural OM. Consequently, practical implications for managers, and suggested future research are presented.  相似文献   

在文献回顾的基础上,通过对20家高科技企业的356名科研人员及其直接主管的配对数据分析,对心理契约破裂、包容性领导和信任影响员工创新绩效的被中介调节作用模型进行检验。研究结果发现,科研人员心理契约破裂对其创新绩效有显著的负面影响;包容性领导对科研人员心理契约破裂和创新绩效之间的关系起明显的调节作用,而且包容性领导对科研人员心理契约破裂和创新绩效之间的调节效应以信任为部分中介。  相似文献   

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