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在我国基础教育正在进行一场重大改革的今天,多元智力理论帮助幼儿教师树立新的教育观念,引导幼儿教师反思自身的教育教学实践,为幼儿教师改进教学行为提供有益指导。  相似文献   

Performance Technologists view discrepancies in human performance as products of the system (the set of interrelated components that work together to achieve a common purpose). Before designing, developing, implementing, or evaluating an intervention, Performance Technologists first identify and analyze all relevant aspects of the system. Consequently, to make significant and lasting improvements to public education, Performance Technologists must have knowledge of essential educational system elements and their interrelationships. This paper is divided into two parts. Part One specifies ten essential components of an educational system within the context of; the family and community, the public schools, business and industry, government agencies, and institutes of higher education. It describes the function of each component and examines related trends and issues, illustrating both the complexity and necessity of approaching educational improvement from a systemic perspective. Part Two discusses the implications of the systemic perspective for the professional development and training of Performance Technologists. Together, both parts provide a model for organizing and applying information related to key contextual factors in public schools for those interested in preparing PTs for work in K-12 education.  相似文献   

The new Advanced Placement (AP) Computer Science (CS) Principles course increases the need for quality CS teachers and thus the need for professional development (PD). This article presents the results of a 2-year study investigating how teachers teaching the AP CS Principles course for the first time used online PD material. Our results showed that the teaching and computing background of teachers had a significant impact on the teachers' need for and use of online PD material. More specifically, novice CS teachers needed and used PD for developing their pedagogical content knowledge (PCK). Non-CS teachers needed and used PD materials emphasizing content knowledge. Experienced CS teachers believed they had little need for PD even though they were teaching a new course. Our study makes three recommendations for designing effective online PD for CS teachers: match PD to teachers' background, align PD with the course curriculum, and use effective motivational design to enhance teacher engagement. (Keywords: computer science education, online professional development, K–12, AP computer science principles course)  相似文献   

This article discusses some of the findings pertaining to how teachers see their work which were produced by a comparative study of 360 French and 360 English primary school teachers. The sample was drawn from schools in four different types of matched catchment areas—rural, inner‐city, average suburban and affluent suburban— in Avon, UK and Bouches du Rhone, France. Four major dimensions of difference between the two national contexts are identified in terms of the range of professional activities undertaken; the ambiguity of the teacher's task; the style of pedagogy and the relative importance to teachers of the process as against the products of learning.

Against a background of contemporary policy changes which seem likely to render the teaching context increasingly similar in the two countries, the article argues that attempts to change teachers’ practice without due regard to those conceptions of professional responsibility which are deeply rooted in particular national traditions as well as more general classroom realities, will result in a lowering of morale and decreased effectiveness.  相似文献   

信息技术教师职业发展刍议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从信息技术教师的来源入手,就信息技术教师职业发展中存在的问题提出把好入口,做好信息技术课程师资培养,开展协作活动,让信息技术教师"走出去",把专家学者"请进来"等多方面的解决思路和建议.  相似文献   

论科学课程教师专业素养:挑战与发展   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
师资问题能否解决好关系到课程改革的成败。当前,初中《科学》课程已经在全国各试验区开设,但随着课程改革的进行,师资问题尤其是教师的专业素养已经成为制约科学课程改革的瓶颈性因素。先进的教育理念和课程观念、融合的知识结构、不断发展的教学技能和教学研究能力等是构成科学课程教师专业素养的重要内容。提高科学课程教师专业素养是一项复杂、长期、艰巨的系统工程,需要从教师自身和外部环境两方面着手。  相似文献   

教师有自己的理想追求,有自身的理论武装,有自觉的职业规范和高度成熟的技能技巧,具有不可替代的独立性.教师专业成长是教师的知识结构、教育能力和教育思想的不断发展,是教师不断接受新知识、提高专业能力的过程.教师只有经过相关理论知识的学习,并有足够的实践经验,逐渐形成良好的教师德性,从而达到专业成熟的境界.最终成为专家型的教师.  相似文献   

高校学生评教与高校教师专业发展有着紧密的关系,教师专业发展需要通过学生评教来及时作出诊断,并判断专业发展活动是否满足教师的需要。而学生评教只有以促进教师专业发展为目的,强调教师在评价中的主体地位、尊重教师的个体差异,才能充分发挥它的导向、激励、推进的功能,才能真正对教师的专业发展起到促进作用。  相似文献   

王国维在《人间词话》中用精辟形象的语言概括了学者治学从立下大志到不懈努力最终获得成功的三个过程。纵观历来中外教育大家成长与发展的历程,青年教师更应该抓住专业成长和发展的黄金期,以王国维的"三境界"来勉励和要求自己,在专业成长和发展的道路上树立目标,付出艰辛,收获硕果。  相似文献   

自我导向性学习与教师专业发展   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
教师专业发展具有个体性、主动性、内在性等特征,而自我导向性学习则能很好地适应教师专业发展的这些特点。文章在介绍自我导向性学习的含义与特点的基础上,对自我导向性学习与教师专业发展的关系以及如何促进教师的自我导向性学习进行了阐述。  相似文献   

An ongoing research project has been focusing on the changing roles of colleagues based both in school and in college who are involved in the supervision of students in school and on their professional development needs.

This article focuses on three elements of the research findings which we have obtained from the collation and analysis of the evaluations of the programmes so far. box Aspects of the training which have been most useful

box Issues arising from the meetings of the mentor support groups

box Implications for the continuing professional development and career development of the mentors

The findings have been further informed by a series of semi‐structured interviews.  相似文献   

王国维在《人间词话》中用精辟形象的语言概括了学者治学从立下大志到不懈努力最终获得成功的三个过程。纵观历来中外教育大家成长与发展的历程,青年教师更应该抓住专业成长和发展的黄金期,以王国维的"三境界"来勉励和要求自己,在专业成长和发展的道路上树立目标,付出艰辛,收获硕果。  相似文献   

教师解放主要指破除阻碍教师专业充分、自由发展的诸种束缚,解除影响教师专业发展的各种依附,还教师以自由选择、自主创造的权利,拓展教师专业发展空间,让教师有效地行使专业权力.教师解放包括外在制度的解放与内在自我的解放.立足专业发展的教师解放策略主要有:物质条件的解放、发展时间的解放、发展空间的解放、考评制度的解放、培训制度的解放与教师自我的解放.  相似文献   

教师专业化是国际教师教育改革和发展的趋势,也是我国保证和提高教师队伍整体素质、实施科教兴国战略的重要举措.新课程实施以来,教师作为课程改革的核心因素,面对新课程提出的挑战,教师的教育观念、教学技能、教学方式、教师的角色都将发生改变.新课程能否顺利实施,关键在于教师的素质能否适应要求.因此,教师专业发展成为推进新课程的焦点而备受关注.  相似文献   

论幼儿教师的专业发展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
幼儿教育课程改革的推进,幼儿教育质量的全面提高在很大程度上取决于教师的专业素养。因此,为了顺应幼儿教育课程改革,全面提高幼儿教育质量,促进幼儿和谐发展,我们有必要对幼儿教师的专业发展作一番新的思考。  相似文献   

青年教师应当勇于承担教师的职责,担起推进素质教育、实施科教兴国的重任.在目前教学追求"统一"的格局下,教育教学工作中的赶潮之风比较盛行,缺失问题比较突出.  相似文献   

从历史上来看,人们一直重视增加职教教师的职业经验,已找出了从企业引进有经验的工作者担当教师等三种方法,但这些方法大多终止于职业经验的增加,至于职业经验对教师专业发展的作用则考虑不多.通过分析两个案例提出对教师的培训应能促进职业经验与教育经验的融合,要把单纯的师资培训改造成教师专业发展项目.  相似文献   

教师的专业化发展是促进基础教育发展的关键,它是教育事业发展的重要组成部分,而基础教育作为培养人才和提升国民素质的奠基工程,是终身教育的起点,它在当代社会中的作用日益彰显,教师的专业化发展和基础教育发展之间的关系是无法割裂的。随着我国教育改革的深化与发展,教师作为实施教育的主力军,成为基础教育事业发展的关键,所以让教师专业化水平更好地上升到一个新的高度,成为当代基础教育发展的趋势和潮流。拟从教师的专业化发展历史、时代赋予教师专业化的新要求及发展策略等方面做一些认识与分析。  相似文献   

高职院校教师专业发展浅说   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
高职院校教师的专业发展是高职教育改革与发展的重要内容,是每一个高职教师职业生涯中的核心问题。高职院校教师专业发展的终极目标是成为两个专家——教育教学专家和领域工程专家,达到这一目标的途径主要有校本培训、个人教学反思、专业学习共同体、科研活动、网络资源、企业实训等.高职院校教师的专业发展应立足教学,强调实践,终身学习。  相似文献   

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