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本文着重探讨如何激发职高生数学学习动力的问题.提出要从八个方面来激发学生学习动力:优化学生认知结构、进行数学思维策略训练、培养学生数学能力、培养学生数学学习兴趣、激发学生学习动机、培养学生良好的情绪情感、培养学生良好的意志品质和进行学习方法的指导等.  相似文献   

This study was designed to examine the relative contributions of student and parents’ socio‐demographics, students’ beliefs about learning, parental support of children’s learning, peers’ attitudes towards learning, teacher–student interaction and curriculum content to students’ motivation to learn. The sample consisted of 275 school‐age children ranging from 12 to 16 years old. All measures were constructed for the purpose of this study. Hierarchical multiple regression was used to predict student motivation to learn. Results indicated that students’ beliefs about learning, teacher–student interaction and curriculum content contributed to the United Arab Emirates middle and high school students’ motivation to learn. Implications for research are discussed.  相似文献   

通过对福建省5所大专院校学生生命质量的状况进行调查和分析,了解了福建省医学生生命质量情况,希望为高校心理健康教育和生命教育提供理论依据。  相似文献   

There is a common perception that Asian students relyupon rote learning and prefer passive forms oflearning, though, this appears to be incompatible withevidence of their high levels of achievement. Thisapparent dichotomy is explained by showing thatmemorisation can occur in conjunction with theintention to understand. It could also result fromstudents learning material by heart because theyperceive that is what the course and assessmentrequire. Evidence from over 90 action researchprojects is used to disprove the common assertionsthat Asian students prefer passive learning and resistteaching innovations. It is argued that motivationdisplayed by Asian students is not well described byconventional definitions in psychology textbooks.Courses which provide good career preparation are asource of motivation but it is not an extrinsic formof motivation which depresses intrinsic motivation.There are high levels of achieving motive, but itfrequently has a collective nature rather than beingindividual and competitive.  相似文献   

This study investigated the hypothesis that prompting students to self-assess their interest and understanding of science concepts and activities would increase their motivation in science classes. Students were randomly assigned to an experimental condition that wrote self-assessments of their competence and interest in science lessons or a control condition that wrote summaries of those same lessons. Writing activities were 10?min long and were given approximately once a week for eighteen weeks. Student motivation was assessed via self-report surveys for achievement goals and interest in science before and after the intervention. Students in the experimental condition showed higher endorsement of mastery goals and reported greater situational interest in science topics after the intervention compared to students who summarised the lessons. Increases in situational interest predicted higher individual interest in the domain. Results indicate an instructional practice requiring just 3?hours out of a semester of instruction was sufficient to achieve these effects on motivation in science classes.  相似文献   

对医学生进行生命伦理教育,就是要充分发挥医学院校生命伦理教育的育人功能,帮助医学生认识生命的意义、生命的价值,正确对待生与死的问题,构建健康的人生价值观、良好的职业素养、科学的理想信念、正确的婚恋观。这对于将来从事医疗工作的医学生来说显得极为重要,将有助于医学生生命伦理素养及思想政治素质的提升,做到全心全意为患者服务。  相似文献   

动机时间视角的研究在日语二语习得领域尚属空白。本文以跟踪访谈的形式,在对日语学习动机阶段性特点进行简要概述的基础上,探讨这些特征形成的原因,希望能够对动机研究的积累和日语教学实践有所助益。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of 5E learning cycle model oriented instruction (LCMI) on 11th-grade students' conceptual understanding of acids and bases concepts and student motivation to learn chemistry. The study, which lasted for 7 weeks, involved two groups: An experimental group (LCMI) and a control group (the traditional teacher-centered instruction [TTCI]). Based on multivariate analysis of covariance results, the LCMI students outperformed the TTCI students in terms of conceptual understanding about acids and bases. Similarly, the students from the experimental group scored higher motivation and this difference was found to be statistically significant. These findings demonstrated that instruction based on learning cycle model provide students a deeper conceptual understanding, foster high-order thinking, engage them in the learning process, and influence their motivation to learn by increasing the relevance of school chemistry to their daily lives.  相似文献   

差生问题是教育领域中最难啃的一块骨头。多年来教育家们不间断地从不同角度探讨解决措施。文章就英语教学 ,从动机角度入手 ,分析差生的特征 ,介绍英语学习动机类型 ,提出了转化英语学习差生的措施 ,以求有益于英语教学中的差生转化  相似文献   

指导学生学会学习   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在物理教学中如何根据学生心理特点和认知规律,调动学生“要学”、“爱学”的积极性,增强学生求知、创新的动力,我采用“满足心理需求,激发学习兴趣”的方法,取得了较好的效果。 一、激发学生好奇心,提高“我要学”的积极性 好奇心是指新奇刺激的注意和追求。当刺激、新奇的事物与个体需要相符合、相联系时容易发生兴趣、引起活动,并  相似文献   

This is a mix methods follow‐up study in which we reconfirm the findings from an earlier study [Vedder‐Weiss & Fortus [ 2011 ] Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 48(2), 199–216]. The findings indicate that adolescents' declining motivation to learn science, which was found in many previous studies [Galton [ 2009 ] Moving to secondary school: Initial encounters and their effects. Perspectives on Education, 2(Primary‐secondary Transfer in Science), 5–21. Retrieved from www.wellcome.ac.uk/perspectives ; Osborne, Simon, & Collins, [2003] International Journal of Science Education 25(9), 1049–1079], is not an inevitable phenomenon since it appears not to occur in Israeli democratic schools. In addition to reinforcing previous results in a different sample, new results show that the differences between the two school types are also apparent in terms of students' self‐efficacy in science learning, students' perceptions of their teachers' goals emphases, and students' perception of their peers' goals orientation. Quantitative results are accompanied by rich verbal examples of ways in which students view and articulate their own and their teachers' goal emphases. Content analysis of students' interviews showed that students in traditional schools are directed more towards goals that are external and related to the outcome of learning in comparison to democratic school students who are motivated more by goals that are internal and related to the process of learning. Structure analysis of these interviews suggests that democratic school students experience a greater sense of autonomy in their science learning than traditional school students do. Implications for research on students' motivation are discussed, such as considering not only the teacher and the classroom but also the school culture. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Res Sci Teach 49: 1057–1095, 2012  相似文献   

学习动机与外语教学效果有密切的联系,在讨论Williams M.和R.L.Burdan及Dornyei的学习动机理论的基础上发现:学习动机的激发与学习者需求关系紧密。本文结合教学实例,阐述了在教学活动中如何利用学习者的需求激发其学习动机。  相似文献   

We implemented a "how to study" workshop for small groups of students (6-12) for N = 93 consenting students, randomly assigned from a large introductory biology class. The goal of this workshop was to teach students self-regulating techniques with visualization-based exercises as a foundation for learning and critical thinking in two areas: information processing and self-testing. During the workshop, students worked individually or in groups and received immediate feedback on their progress. Here, we describe two individual workshop exercises, report their immediate results, describe students' reactions (based on the workshop instructors' experience and student feedback), and report student performance on workshop-related questions on the final exam. Students rated the workshop activities highly and performed significantly better on workshop-related final exam questions than the control groups. This was the case for both lower- and higher-order thinking questions. Student achievement (i.e., grade point average) was significantly correlated with overall final exam performance but not with workshop outcomes. This long-term (10 wk) retention of a self-testing effect across question levels and student achievement is a promising endorsement for future large-scale implementation and further evaluation of this "how to study" workshop as a study support for introductory biology (and other science) students.  相似文献   

在英国的外国留学生们得学学排队上车的"社会礼仪"了,因为当地居民抱怨他们上车时不自觉排队.  相似文献   

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