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《圣女贞德》是英国著名戏剧家萧伯纳的一部历史剧,并获得了1925年诺贝尔文学奖。本文从波伏瓦的存在主义女性主义角度出发,通过分析贞德这一新女性形象的重构过程,从而展现出女权主义运动下新女性形象。  相似文献   

贞德(1412-1431)是法国女英雄。英法百年战争(1339-1453)期间,法国屡遭失败,丧失了北部大片土地,当时只有16岁的贞德,毅然说服国王,女扮男妆率领法国士兵英勇战斗,收复了包括奥尔良在内的很多失地。在巴黎战役中,她不幸被俘,以女巫的罪名被处予火刑,死时年仅19岁。  相似文献   

本课是全日制五年制小学《历史》教材中新增加的一课。为便于教师理解这一课的内容,特对课文作一些分析: 一、学生需要掌握的基础知识:(一)英法百年战争后期,贞德为拯救祖国投入战斗。(二)贞德在奥尔良战斗中的英雄事迹。二、学生需要认识的基本观点:(一)贞德是法国十五世纪的女民族英雄。(二)通过本课讲述,要培养学生从小热爱家乡,热爱祖国的爱国主义精神。本课教材可分三部分: 第一部分,即本课第一、二、三自然段,主要讲贞德生活的时代和她为拯救祖国,积极要求投入战斗。这部分讲了三个问题:(一)贞德从小热爱家乡,关心社会上的大事。贞德的家乡在法国东部香宾和洛林交界的杜列米村。她出生在一个农民家庭,从小过着牧童生活,没有受教育的机会。她的家乡景色如画,她爱家乡的一草一木。她还喜欢帮助别人,又听父母的话,村民们都说她是个懂事的好孩子。杜列米村处于交通要道,过往的商人、士兵很多。她从小喜  相似文献   

人无高低贵贱之分,追求平等是人与生俱来的内在精神要求.   读过这样一个故事.有一次,英国著名作家萧伯纳和一个小姑娘在一起玩了很久.分别时,萧伯纳对她说:"回去告诉你妈妈,今天同你玩的是世界著名的萧伯纳."……  相似文献   

贞德是欧洲基督教中重要的文学典型 ,很多作家以她的生平史迹进行文学创作。但由于各个作家所处的历史时代不同 ,阐释的方式不同 ,创作的角度不同 ,他们笔下的贞德也就不同  相似文献   

贞德是法国历史上的爱国者。英法百年战争期间,英国军队最初几度挫败法国军队,占领法国的大块土地。贞德奋起田间,请(?)杀敌。受到激励的法国军队在奥尔良城打败了英国侵略者,扭转了战争的局势,终于使法国赢得战争的胜利。她的英雄行为始终鼓舞着法国人民。法国人民把贞德作为自己民族的骄傲.一贞德的时代在贞德生活的十五世纪初期,英法百年战争已经断续地进行了八九十年。百年战争是英法两国封建主争夺领地的战争。早在十二世纪中期,法国安茹伯爵亨利二世入主英国。他在法国境内领有大批土地:安  相似文献   

赫伟 《下一代》2009,(11):21-21
有个故事很多人都知道。60年前,爱尔兰大作家萧伯纳到前苏联去访问。一天,他在公园里散步,遇到一个活泼大方又很有礼貌的小姑娘。萧伯纳觉得她很可爱,就与她攀谈起来,后来又与她一块做游戏,这一老一少都玩得很开心。分手时萧伯纳对小姑娘说:“你知道我是谁吗?回去告诉你妈妈,今天和你玩的是世界有名的萧伯纳。”  相似文献   

法兰西民族英雄贞德是世界上最光辉的妇女形象之一,但她在莎士比亚历史剧里却成了一个行为丑恶、荒谬的反面角色。笔者认为这是莎士比亚创作中的“白璧微瑕”,因为这一形象背离历史真实太远。而导致贞德形象失真的根本原因,在于剧作家世界观中民族偏见和英雄史观的局限。  相似文献   

世界上有十个价值可观的签名,全部出自历史名人之手。英国大文豪莎士比亚的签名价值最高,达二百万美元。十五世纪“圣女”贞德的签名,价值一百五十万美元。贞德是一个法国农民的女儿,她抗敌救国的业绩和视死如归的精神影响深远。  相似文献   

在历史的长河里,有许多"巾帼不让须眉"的女性英雄,贞德与花木兰便是其中的经典人物,她们同样是拯救祖国于危难的巾帼女英雄,贞德与花木兰之间有着太多的相同点与不同点,从她们身上,我们不仅看到了不论是东方还是西方的女性,她们都为争取与男性平等地位而做出了努力与抗争,更看到了中西方政治、文化、宗教对其命运产生的巨大影响。本文选取英国戏剧家萧伯纳的历史名剧《圣女贞德》中的贞德与中国艺术家言慧珠改编的《新花木兰》中的花木兰为研究对象,通过比较她们之间的相同点与不同点,分析中西社会、文化、宗教对她们女性形象的影响,进而引发对女性问题的再思考。  相似文献   

肥胖是阿特伍德的长篇小说《神谕女士》的中心意象,女主人公琼先胖后瘦的过程是小说的叙事主线与焦点。事实上,琼的"增肥"与"减肥"两种行为的背后都隐含了心理与文化层面的寓意:"增肥"的实质是出于自我身份的危机感而来增加存在感;"减肥"则是西方主流审美观主导下的"自我消灭"。而琼成功减肥以后依然无法摆脱的"胖女人"幽灵,其实是她另一个自我的化身。这是阿特伍德"双胞胎"主题的又一次体现。  相似文献   

邪教犯罪不是一般的有组织犯罪,而是对社会危害特别严重的有组织犯罪。邪教犯罪的危害与一般的有组织犯罪不同,它至少侵害了四种刑法法益:对其成员实行精神控制,非法限制他人的宗教信仰自由权;进行恐怖暴力活动,破坏社会秩序和公共安全;制造故杀、自杀、自焚、自残事件,直接或间接地剥夺他人的生命权、健康权;疯狂的敛聚财物,侵犯他人的财产权。打击邪教犯罪,必须正确理解邪教犯罪的犯罪构成和有关的司法解释,正确区分罪与非罪,此罪与彼罪的关系,这样才能发挥刑法打击罪犯,保护社会利益的功效。  相似文献   

尤氏在《红楼梦》中是一个尴尬人的形象。她的尴尬不仅表现在她尊上敬长而不得宠 ,携幼助弱而不得尊 ,善待奴仆而不得敬 ,凡事任劳任怨而不得怜 ,甚至常遭到排挤和欺辱。形成尤氏在贾府中的尴尬地位的原因 ,既有她的容貌、才干和德行等个人表层的原因 ,也有社会出身、嗣下无子、一味顺应丈夫自保的深层家庭和社会方面的原因。曹雪芹通过尤氏塑造了封建大家庭中少奶奶群像中的一个典型 ,是有审美价值的  相似文献   

艾米莉·狄拿森,是美国最富传奇性的女诗人。她生前默默无闻,死后名声大作。艾米莉·狄金森终身未嫁,其爱情生活的失意,带给她巨大的痛苦,但诗人追求爱的永恒信念始终不渝,对爱的专注与真诚在其诗作中处处可见。艾米莉·狄金森的爱情诗描绘各种爱情生活体验,细致入微,蕴涵丰富,激情澎湃。  相似文献   

Nelly and her children live in Queensland, Australia. When it came time for her second youngest son to start school, Nelly was not prepared for the difficulty that she had enrolling him at the school of her choice. In spite of her son's disability, Nelly thought that it was natural that he would go to his local school with his sister. It is not surprising that she expected this, given the legal and policy endorsement of inclusive education that exists in the Queensland education system. What unfolded in Nelly's life as she pursued this enrolment is the subject of this article. This is the story of a mother who believed in and hoped for inclusive schooling for her son but who found herself caught in a series of events and experiences which ultimately led to the decision to transfer him into a special school. This is also the story of how, disillusioned and regretful, she went on to undo that decision. Told primarily in Nelly's own words, this narrative provides a deep insight into one mother's efforts to exercise her parental authority, the difficulties she encountered in trying to do so, and the consequences for her son.  相似文献   

在<呼啸山庄>中,艾米莉·勃朗特对人性进行了深刻的探索,成功地塑造了一位奇异而又真实的悲剧女主人公凯瑟琳.在凯瑟琳身上存在着人格的分裂.她一方面想忠于自己的灵魂,一方面又受到外部世界的诱惑."自我”与"超我”在她身上并存,并发生矛盾和冲突.由于贪慕世俗的有形的欢乐,她背叛了自己的灵魂,并因此铸造了她的悲剧.她的困扰、反抗、痛苦,甚至死亡都是由她的双重性格、她的人格的分裂造成的.这样真实的人性也同样寄居在这个世界每个人的形体之内,并不断地进行交锋和斗争.  相似文献   

Kate Chopin's The Awakening,is a portrayal of the life of the well-to-do but unhappy married woman Edna Pontellier.Edna enjoys all the advantaged provided by her husband and ahs two lovely children.She is unhappy because she is confined to her house and expected to be a dutiful wife and a loving mother.When she begins to change her way of living,to live for herself instead of her husband and children,she is opposed by her family,her friends and others.To finds her freedom,she drowns herself in the sea.The tragedy of Edna is the tragedy of most women in a patriarchal society,and the novel which caused a storm of criticism at its publication has been considered to be a pioneer work in feminist movement.  相似文献   

I don't think that the late Dr Ruth Wong has really left us. Physically, yes. But, in spirit, she is very much with us, in the sense that many of us are still guided by some of her seminal ideas. Unfortunately, many of her ideas could not be implemented during her lifetime, for she was too far ahead of her time, but, with patience and perseverance, it might yet be possible to advance some of her valuable ideas.  相似文献   

During the interview ‘Mary’ – who had last year been a school pupil and this year is a first‐year undergraduate on the new degree in Education (with Teaching Certificate) – talked at some length, and with considerable feeling, about how her main frustration as a female pupil had been what she saw as her systematic disenfranchisement from influence over the content and process of the schools' curricula which she had pursued over the previous thirteen years. Although she felt that all pupils suffered this lack of influence she was convinced that girls suffered disproportionately. [Some time later in the interview], when talking about the ‘teaching practice’ she had recently completed, ‘Mary’ described how her ‘music and movement’ work had met with ‘loud and disruptive’ reaction from some of the boys in the mixed class of 7–8 year‐olds, even though the majority of the children had clearly enjoyed and been engaged by the scheme she had designed. Faced with this rejection, and experiencing some anxiety about how the teachers and her tutor would assess her potential as a future teacher if she was not seen to be exercising what they would count as ‘good control’ of the class, ‘Mary’ resolved her ‘problem’ by designing an alternative scheme which the few boys would not (and did not) reject. Although the girls had ‘subsequently shown less interest’, their quiet acquiescence to what she offered them reduced her anxiety about her assessment as a teacher. When she related her pupil experience to her teaching practice experience ‘Mary’ was dismayed to realise that she had ‘reproduced for others precisely that frustration which [she herself] had experienced as a pupil’.

Extract from author's notes when evaluating a new pre‐service degree course, June 1983.  相似文献   

Jokes and Humour     
幸运的母亲 一位年轻的母亲认为,世界上还有许多受饥饿的人,浪费食物真不应该。有天晚上,在安排幼小的女儿睡觉之前,她给女儿喂夜宵。她先给她一片新鲜的黑面包和黄油。但孩子说她不喜欢这样吃。她还要一些果酱涂在面包上。  相似文献   

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