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"一律"与"一概"的对比分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在大规模语料库的基础上,比较分析现代汉语副词"一律"与"一概"在句法特征和语义特征上的差异.通过分析认为:在句法上,两者都可以做状语和定语,而"一律"还可以做谓语;"一律"可以直接加名词或数量词,而"一概"不能.在语义和语用上,"一概"和"一律"都表示适用于全体,没有例外,"一律"主要表示主观规定性,而"一概"主要表示客观陈述性.  相似文献   

总括范围副词的语义特征是表示总括无例外,语义指向都是谓语中心词的语义相关项。"都""皆"是两个非常典型总括范围副词,本文主要从语法组合功能和语义指向来分析二者的异同。  相似文献   

汉语史上,"莫"具有名词、代词、副词三种词性。在三千多年前的殷墟甲骨文中"莫"用作时间名词;在上古汉语中"莫"主要用作否定性无定代词;在中古汉语中"莫"用作副词的用例明显增多,而且根据其在句中的不同作用,又细分为否定副词、劝戒副词、表揣测性疑问的语气副词三种情况。  相似文献   

"一概"是现代汉语表全部总括性的范围副词,对范围副词语义所步及的全部对象进行总括,意思是总括对象都是如此.本文主要从句法、语义、语用三个层面,对现代汉语总括性范围副词"一概"进行多视角的考察.其中句法方面,考察其充当状语和定语的句法功能及与其它同类副词、特殊句式如"把"字句、"被"字句的连用情况;语义方面,"一概"多为前指,偶尔也后指,具有表指向成分的多成员性及所修饰动词性成分的受事性弱的语义特征;语用方面,比较分析"一概"与其他类副词"都、全、全部、一律"的差异,发现"一概"具有表客观陈述的语用特征.  相似文献   

《儿女英雄传》中新旧总括范围副词同时存在,但旧的使用频率偏低,而新兴的"都"、"全"等已经占主要地位,其发展趋于成熟,已经十分接近现代汉语的用法。另外,中古以来新产生的总括范围副词都是双音词,这是适应汉语词汇双音化的趋势所致。  相似文献   

汉语总括副词大多来源于动词或形容词,还有一些是由动词引申为形容词再虚化为副词。本文考察了皆、尽、毕、俱、具、都、总、全等8个古汉语和现代汉语中常用的总括副词,探究总括副词用法的来源方式及在各个时期的使用情况。从整个汉语发展中分析汉语总括副词的产生、发展和演变过程。  相似文献   

古汉语兼语式、处置式中,"指宾"副词主要有两种排列方式:1.V1之前;2.V1之后、V2之前。从上古汉语至近代汉语,"指宾"副词序位变化的趋势是:从V1之前向V1之后、V2之前移动;引起这种变化的内因是V1的虚化,不担任句中主要谓语。这是汉语"事理常规语序"原则及副词"语义接近原则"的双重体现。"指宾"副词序位的调整与处置式的发展也有一定关联。副词的"隐性"位置研究需要重视。  相似文献   

<春秋经传集解>总括范围副词主要有"皆"等十五个,常用于动词谓语句,修饰动词;部分还可以用于形容词谓语句,名词谓语句.就其语义指向而言,多数可以前指主语,部分可以后指宾语,"皆""同""俱""备"等语义还可以指向上文的动词谓语.部分先秦常用总括范围副词在<集解>中已经消失,中古新的总括范围副词在<集解>中尚未出现.  相似文献   

北京话"赶紧"类副词主要包括"赶紧""赶快""赶忙"等三个。它们产生的时间较晚,大约在清中期分别由各自的动补短语虚化而来。其中,"赶紧"还有可能来自于"紧赶紧X"结构的演变。从古至今,"赶紧"类副词的用法并非一成不变,在语法功能和语法意义上都发生了一些变化;三者之间也产生了竞争关系。  相似文献   

在汉语发展史上,中古汉语处于承上启下的阶段,汉语各要素在中古时期既有继承也有发展。就总括副词来看,中古汉语除沿用先秦汉语常用副词之外,总括副词的变化主要体现在两个方面:一是个体成员的增加;二是复合总括副词的大量使用。中古汉语双音总括副词主要以同义并列构词为主,大多数双音词成为中古汉语的特定词汇,到了中古晚期或近代汉语中不再使用。《汉语大词典》《汉语大词典订补》仅收录其中的一小部分,失收词条应根据实际情况予以增补。  相似文献   

The term ‘hypervideo’ has different interpretations in the scientific literature. The aim of this contribution is to define hypervideo as it is and can be (more optimally) used for teaching and learning purposes. Videos can promote learning by recreating real experiences and dynamic processes, although they do not necessarily enable students to interact with contents and to self-regulate their learning. Hypervideos technically overcome these limitations and add further benefits. However, even though some literature on the topic exists, the concept of hypervideo is not well represented in the scientific community and lends itself to different interpretations. Results show that hypervideo is defined as a dynamic artefact, it should allow navigation control and include additional material; it could also integrate individual or collaborative annotation and automated or manual feedback. So far, most studies have been conducted in artificial settings involving tertiary-level students. Finally, its use is beneficial for students’ learning.  相似文献   

The decline in the popularity of physics over the period of secondary schooling and its consequent low uptake at A‐level and beyond continues to cause concern on educational and economic grounds. The aim of this study is to explore whether physics might be made more attractive to students by employing an extended range of classroom and laboratory activities to teach it. Specifically, the study scores the popularity of a range of activities, students’ perceptions about how often these activities are used to teach physics, and whether students consider them educationally useful. Students appear to think in terms of written activities, passive activities, social activities and constructive activities. Written activities are relatively unpopular and seen as educationally less effective, but students perceived them as used frequently. Social activities such as group work are more popular. The most popular activities are constructive activities, such as doing experiments; these are seen as educationally useful, but are perceived as being used less often than other activities. While there are legitimate limitations on the types of activities that can be used, these findings add to our appreciation of which teaching activities students like and value.  相似文献   

结合例句探讨了汉语四字结构的英译。一般来说,汉语四字主谓结构译成英语时也是一个主谓结构;动宾结构中若动词和名词在句子中分别作谓语、宾语,则仍译为动宾结构,若动宾结构在句中作主语或宾语,则往往译为一个名词短语;偏正结构如果表达的是修饰和被修饰的关系,英译时常采用“形容词/名词+名词”的结构,其它情况则灵活处理。四字并列和排比结构中,经常出现同义反复的情况,这时只要部分译出即可。  相似文献   

修辞是一种在书面表达中广为使用的手法,对其巧妙地运用能使文章收到画龙点睛的效果.隐喻和明喻作为最为常用的修辞手法,在激活英文语句这一方面发挥着至关重要的作用.以隐喻和明喻的使用为着眼点,重点鉴赏激活英文语句的实例以及探讨激活英文语句的方法,旨在让读者更好地理解并借鉴运用隐喻和明喻激活英文语句的方法和技巧.  相似文献   


Debate about manpower forecasting has continued for 25 years or more. The investigation reported here is an attempt to add to the debate. It focusses on the provision of secondary technical education in Egypt and the demand for technical school graduates, especially graduates from courses in agriculture. Egypt's secondary school system is more strongly vocationally oriented than that in most other developing countries. The approach used in the investigation has two components: interviews with potential employers and interviews with secondary school graduates. The supply of graduates from agriculture schools is seen to be far greater than likely demand. Severe constraints on the effective working of the labour market are apparent.  相似文献   

网络组建中常用路由器、单臂路由、三层交换机等三层设备连接不同的网段,上述网络设备之间互连并运行路由协议可以实现设备之间所连网段的互访,因此三层网络设备之间正确互连是网络组建的基础。对初学者来说路由器之间互连比较易于理解,但路由器与三层交换机或单臂路由与三层交换机等其他情形的三层设备之间如何互连就不易掌握。利用“功能等价法”可以解决这一问题,即将物理端口充足的路由器之间的互连方法确定为标准方法,通过和标准方法进行功能类比来确定其他情形三层设备互连的配置方法。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: This article presents an updated review of the literature of Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy (Factitious Disorder by Proxy, MBP). METHOD: Four hundred fifty-one cases of MBP were analyzed from 154 medical and psychosocial journal articles. RESULTS: Typical victims may be either males or females, usually 4 years of age or under. Victims averaged 21.8 months from onset of symptoms to diagnosis. Six percent of victims were dead, and 7.3% were judged to have suffered long-term or permanent injury. Twenty-five percent of victims' known siblings are dead, and 61.3% of siblings had illnesses similar to those of the victim or which raised suspicions of MBP. Mothers were perpetrators in 76.5% of cases, but as knowledge of MBP grows a wider range of perpetrators is identified. In a small number of cases, MBP was found to co-exist with secondary gain or other inflicted injury. CONCLUSION: Although published cases form a non-random sample, they add to knowledge about MBP and validate claims that it occurs. More knowledge about non-medical aspects of MBP, and more pooling of data, is desirable.  相似文献   

“全”是既有分配解又有聚合解的总括副词。“全”在单用时根据不同的谓项,或作分配解,或作聚合解。与表统指的表达式共现时,如果一个统指表达式单用时既可以作聚合解又可以作分配解的,“全”与之共现时则作分配解;如果一个统指表达式单用时是总括整体的,那么“全”与之共现时也总括整体。与逐指或任指表达式共现时,“全”作分配解。有时还起到提供量化动力的作用。“全”与“凡(是)”搭配使用,还起关联结果的作用;与“都”搭配使用时的位置比较灵活,可前可后。  相似文献   

故意利用顿读、顿说而改变词语和句子表达意趣的修辞现象,称作"趣顿"。它属于别解辞格的一个特殊分支。"趣顿"的最显著特点是改变原有词语的内部结构,有些词性也会做相应变更。有的"趣顿",不仅利用了词语内部结构的变化,而且与其他辞格搭配,比如双关辞格兼格,从而增加了妙趣。由于电脑上百度搜索或其他搜索利用"快照"点击时,会出现一些阴差阳错的"标红"笑话,反而有利于趣顿的发现或构成。  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to study whether moral stress is a phenomenon relevant to teaching practice and which may make a significant contribution to understanding why teachers repeatedly reported feeling burdened by work. Moral stress can be caused by acting in conflict with one’s own conscience, e.g. when one knows the right thing to do but institutional constraints make it difficult to act in a way that is consistent with one’s morals. The method used in this study is critical incident technique focusing ethical dilemmas in teaching. The findings add a phenomenon to previous research of moral stress in other professions; moral stress can be caused not only by external regulations, but also by internal moral imperatives in conflict with one another.  相似文献   

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