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Aversive conditioning was studied in individual honeybees flying back and forth between the hive and the sill of an open laboratory window, where they took sucrose solution from a target so constructed that shock could be delivered while the proboscis was in contact with the solution. During feeding, a conditioned stimulus—substrate vibration or airstream—was paired with brief shock avoidable by interruption of feeding. In Experiment 1, unreinforced preexposure of the conditioned stimulus was found to retard acquisition (latent inhibition). In Experiment 2, which was designed to inquire into the stimulus specificity of the effect, differential conditioning was found to be impaired by unreinforced preexposure of the positive stimulus and facilitated by unreinforced preexposure of the negative stimulus. In Experiment 3, a summation experiment designed to test various alternative explanations of the effect, a preexposed stimulus was found to suppress response to an excitatory conditioned stimulus when the two stimuli were presented together.  相似文献   

Extinction of inhibition was examined in three pigeon autoshaping experiments. In Experiment 1, a sequential conditioned inhibitor (CI) lost inhibitory power after extinction trials. In Experiment 2, this loss of inhibition was replicated, and the effect was general to both the original target and a transfer target that was separately trained in an inhibition design. In Experiment 3, two CIs were trained simultaneously and two sequentially, and one of each was extinguished; all were tested simultaneously and sequentially. The results show that sequential testing is a necessary component for observing loss of inhibition. This is not consistent with an actual loss of inhibitory associations. It is suggested that the extinction trials either decrease processing of the CI, or extinguish its excitatory properties, to which some of the inhibition may be conditioned.  相似文献   

Prior research has demonstrated renewal, which is the ability of contextual cues to modulate excitatory responding to a Pavlovian conditioned stimulus (CS). In the present research, conditioned lick suppression in rats was used to examine similar contextual modulation of Pavlovian conditioned inhibition. After Pavlovian conditioned inhibition training with a CS in one context, subjects were exposed to pairings of the CS with an unconditioned stimulus (US) either in the same or in a second context. Results indicated that, when the CS was paired with the US in the second context, the CS retained its inhibitory control over behavior, provided that testing occurred in the context used for inhibition training. However, when the CS-US pairings occurred in the inhibition training context, the CS subsequently proved to be excitatory regardless of where testing occurred. These observations indicate that conditioned inhibition is subject to renewal.  相似文献   

In the present experiments, the outcome specificity of learning was explored in an appetitive Pavlovian backward conditioning procedure with rats. The rats initially were administered Pavlovian backward training with two qualitatively different unconditioned stimulus conditioned-stimulus (US-CS) pairs of stimuli (e.g., pellet --> noise or sucrose --> light), and then the effects of this training were assessed in Pavlovian-to-instrumental transfer (Experiment 1) and retardation-of-learning (Experiment 2) tests. In the transfer test, it was shown that during the last 10-sec interval, the CSs selectively reduced the rate of the instrumental responses with which they shared a US, relative to the instrumental responses with which they did not share a US. The opposite result was obtained when the USs (in the absence of the CSs) were presented noncontingently. In the retardation test, conditioned magazine approach, responding to the CSs was acquired more slowly when the stimulus-outcome combinations in the backward and the forward conditioning phases were the same, as compared with when they were reversed. These results are collectively in accord with the view that Pavlovian backward conditioning can result in the formation of outcome-specific inhibitory associations. Alternative views of backward conditioning are also examined.  相似文献   

Two lick suppression experiments with rats were conducted in order to determine the nature of the temporal information that is encoded as a result of Pavlovian conditioned inhibition training (conditioned stimulus {CS} A→unconditioned stimulus {US}/AX→noUS). After inhibition training, the conditioned inhibitor (X) was paired with the US in order to measure inhibition, as assessed through retarded behavioral control by CS X. Three temporal relationships were manipulated: the A-US interval, the X-A interval of inhibition training, and the X-US interval of the retardation test pairings. Retardation was greatest when the X-US temporal relationship matched the time at which the US was expected (but not delivered) on the X-A inhibition training trials. Thus, the present experiments provide evidence with retardation tests that, during conditioned inhibition training, subjects encode the temporal location of the omitted US relative to the inhibitory CS. These findings complement those of previous studies using summation tests of conditioned inhibition (Barnet & Miller, 1996; Denniston, Blaisdell, á Miller, 1998; Denniston, Cole, & Miller, 1998).  相似文献   

The present experiment compared two methods of eliminating a classically conditioned response in dogs, extinction and reinforcement of nonsalivation, using both a within- and between-subjects experimental design. Eighteen dogs were trained for 16 days in Phase I, 16 days in Phase II, and 8 days in Phase III. In Phase I, each subject received classical conditioning training to two stimuli. In Phase II, Group 1 received extinction training to one stimulus and reinforcement of nonsalivation to the other stimulus. Group 2 received continued classical conditioning training to one stimulus and reinforcement on nonsalivation training to the other. Group 3 received continued classical conditioning training to one stimulus and extinction training to the other. In both the within- and between-subjects comparisons, responding to the stimulus associated with extinction was eliminated faster than responding to the stimulus associated with reinforcement of nonsalivation.  相似文献   

Rats were used in a conditioned-suppression paradigm to determine whether an extinction treatment would enhance a moderately developed conditioned inhibitor (CS?). To dissipate unconditioned suppression to the training stimuli, the subjects were first habituated to the stimuli and then given Pavlovian conditioned-inhibition (CI) training involving reinforced presentations of a clicker and nonreinforced compound presentations of that stimulus and the intended CS?, either a light or a tone. Thereafter, experimental subjects received presentations of their CS? by itself, whereas controls received no further training. Following the occurrence and loss of conditioned suppression to the CS? in the extinction phase, summation and retardation tests showed enhanced CI for the experimental subjects relative to both the controls and their own earlier levels of inhibitory performance. In fact, the enhanced inhibition for the experimental subjects approximated that shown by a comparison group for which the CS? had been strongly developed as an inhibitor. These findings suggest that an excitatory representation is associated with the CS? early in CI training, and that subsequent presentations of the CS? by itself strengthen its inhibitory effect by allowing it to be nonreinforced in the presence of that representation.  相似文献   

Rats were trained to associate artificial cherry or grape flavors with 1% starch suspensions. Conditioning was assessed by offering the rats a choice of the cherry versus grape flavors without starch. Conditioned preferences were moderately strong and persistent; 3 days of conditioning produced a preference that did not fully extinguish within 18 days. Food deprivation substantially increased intake of 1% starch suspension, However, the degree of preference conditioned was not influenced by the availability of food during the conditioning period; the rats that had been food deprived during training acquired as strong a preference as did those fed freely during training. The degree of preference obtained was similar in the rats given reinforcing and nonreinforcing fluids simultaneously or sequentially. Starch conditioned a slightly stronger preference than did the same concentration of glucose, even though these substances contain the same amount of calories. A statistically significant, but weak, preference was conditioned by 0.5%, but not by 0.25%, starch. It is proposed that the flavor of starch, independent of its calories, is reinforcing to rats.  相似文献   

Two experiments investigated extinction and blocking of a conditioned inhibitor in a human contingency learning task. Lotz and Lachnit (2009) and Melchers, Wolff, and Lachnit (2006) reported extinction of inhibition only when participants experienced outcome levels lower than those used in training. In Experiment 1, which used more neutral instructions than the previously mentioned studies, we found that extinction of inhibition occurred, whether or not participants experienced lower outcome levels. In Experiment 2, we applied this outcome manipulation to blocking of a conditioned inhibitor. We found blocking of inhibition both when participants had experience with lower outcomes and when they did not. The results of our two experiments are consistent with Rescorla and Wagner’s (1972) associative model, and inconsistent with an inferential account of causal learning (De Houwer, Beckers, & Vandorpe, 2005).  相似文献   

In three conditioned taste aversion experiments with rats, latent inhibition (LI) was examined as a function of the time interval (1 or 21 days) between the conditioning and the test phases. In Experiments 1 and 2, the effects of US intensity on LI were examined. LI increased in the 21-day condition, as compared with the 1-day condition, with medium and high US intensity, but not with weak US intensity. Groups not preexposed to the CS flavor had similar aversions when testing was conducted 1 day after conditioning, as compared with 21 days. In Experiment 3A, delay-induced super-LI was obtained when the delay was spent in the home cage and the experimental stages took place in a different context (as in Experiments 1 and 2). In Experiment 3B, when all the stages, including the delay period, were conducted in the home cage, there was no super-LI effect. The modulation of delay-induced super-LI as a function of US intensity and context extinction is discussed in relation to association deficit and retrieval interference theories of LI.  相似文献   

For some decades, failures to find extinction of inhibition through unpaired presentations of the inhibitor were taken as evidence against conceptualizing inhibition as the symmetrical counterpart of excitation. Recently, however, our group has demonstrated successful extinction of inhibition in human causal learning. In two experiments, we replicated and strengthened this finding by using an outcome continuum that could take on negative, neutral, or positive values. In contrast, the use of a dichotomous outcome continuum (either neutral or positive) resulted in the well-known nonoccurrence of extinction. Extinction of inhibition through the pairing of inhibitors with neutral outcomes was assessed by (1) comparing the (presumably) extinguished inhibitor with a second inhibitor that had not been presented with a neutral outcome in the extinction stage, and (2) demonstrating the course of extinction in participants’ predictions.  相似文献   

Two experiments were performed using rats in a conditioned suppression procedure to test two different methods for extinguishing Pavlovian conditioned inhibition. In both experiments, a target stimulus, X, was made inhibitory by giving discrimination training of the form A+ AX?. Then, in Experiment 1, an attempt was made to extinguish the inhibition conditioned to X by presenting nonreinforced occurrences of X, of AX, and of A. Testing for conditioned inhibition took the form B+ BX?. It was found that the extinction procedure did not weaken the inhibitory properties of X. Experiment 2 attempted to extinguish the inhibition conditioned to X by presenting X randomly and independently of the reinforcer, electric grid shock. This procedure appeared to weaken inhibition quickly and permanently.  相似文献   

The existence of a sexual dimorphism in the extinction of conditioned taste aversions in both fluid-deprived and nondeprived rats was investigated. When nondeprived rats were poisoned with LiCl after consuming a sucrose solution, males extinguished the subsequent conditioned taste aversion more slowly than females. There was no difference in the rate of extinction of a LiCl-induced conditioned taste aversion in fluid-deprived rats. Using marihuana extract distillate as the toxin, it was shown that the dimorphism found in the nondeprived rats is not a toxin-specific effect, and does not appear to be due to the males being made more ill. Possible explanations for the appearance of the dimorphism and its relation to the deprivational state of the organism are discussed.  相似文献   

Rats were trained to avoid unsignaled shocks with response-shock intervals of 30, 60, or 120 sec. When CSs of 60 sec duration paired with unavoidable shocks were then superimposed upon the avoidance baseline, responding decreased during the CS. Reductions in responding resulted in extra shocks which were potentially avoidable in all response-shock interval conditions, with the greatest increase in shocks in the response-shock 30-sec condition. Decreases in responding were greater when the CS was paired with a 2.0-mA unavoidable shock than with a 1.0-mA shock.  相似文献   

Latent inhibition of conditioned taste aversion (CTA) is sensitive to changes in the temporal context. A change in the time of day of conditioning with respect to the time of day of the preexposure can disrupt the latent inhibition. This contextual change in the time of day may reveal a temporal specificity of latent inhibition. The optimum procedure to induce this temporal specificity is not well established. For example, it has been shown that a long period of habituation to temporal contexts is one factor that can determine the effect. However, the experimental conditions on the conditioning day that facilitate this phenomenon are unknown. The aim of this study is to elucidate whether a restriction in the intake of the conditioned taste stimulus affects the temporal specificity of latent inhibition. Two main groups of Wistar rats were tested in a latent inhibition of CTA paradigm, in which the temporal specificity of this phenomenon was analyzed by a change in the time of day of conditioning. The intake of the taste stimulus was restricted in the conditioning day in one of the groups, but this restriction was not applied in the other group. The results indicated temporal specificity of latent inhibition only in the group without restriction, but not in the group with limitation in the intake of the taste stimulus during conditioning. These findings can help to elucidate the characteristics of the procedure to induce temporal specificity of latent inhibition.  相似文献   

This report is part of a larger project examining associative interference as a function of the nature of the interfering and target associations. Lick suppression experiments with rats assessed the effects of context shifts on proactive outcome interference by latent inhibition (LI) and Pavlovian conditioned inhibition (CI) treatments on subsequently trained Pavlovian conditioned excitation treatment. LI and CI were trained in Context A during Phase 1, and then excitation treatment was administered in Context B during Phase 2, followed by tests for conditioned excitation in Contexts A, B, or C. Experiment 1 preliminarily established our LI and CI treatments and resulted in equally retarded acquisition of behavioral control when the target cue was subsequently trained as a conditioned excitor and tested in Context A. However, only CI treatment caused the target to pass a summation test for inhibition. Centrally, Experiment 2 consisted of LI and CI treatments in Context A followed by excitatory training in Context B. Testing found low excitatory control by both LI and CI cues in Context A relative to strong excitatory control in Context B, but CI treatment transferred to Context C more strongly than LI treatment. Experiment 3 determined that LI treatment failed to transfer to Context C even when the number of LI trials was greatly increased. Thus, first-learned LI appears to be relatively context specific, whereas first-learned CI generalizes to a neutral context. These observations add to existing evidence that LI and CI treatments result in different types of learning that diverge sharply in transfer to a novel test context.  相似文献   

Rats (Rattus norvegicus) that received a taste cue (saccharin, saline, quinine, or sucrose) paired with a lithium chloride (LiCl) injection displayed a robust decrease in consumption of that taste, relative to controls that had the taste unpaired with LiCl. Consumption of the paired taste increased with each nonreinforced presentation (i.e., extinction). After asymptotic extinction, rats that had had a 0.1% saccharin cue paired with LiCl consumed less of the saccharin solution than did controls. A similar data pattern was observed with a 10% sucrose solution. These results are consistent with the view that some aspect of the excitatory CS-US association remains after extinction. On the other hand, rats that had a bitter (0.005% or 0.001% quinine) or salty (1% or 0.5% saline) solution paired with LiCl drank similar amounts of the fluid as controls after asymptotic extinction treatment. Together, these experiments suggest that a taste that is either sweet or preferred is required in order to demonstrate the chronic decrease in fluid consumption after extinction treatment. The data suggest that the conditioning experience prevents the later development of a preference for the sweet taste, rather than there being a retained aversion that suppresses fluid consumption.  相似文献   

Two experiments using garden snails (Helix aspersa) showed conditioned inhibition using both retardation and summation tests. Conditioned inhibition is a procedure by which a stimulus becomes a predictor of the absence of a relevant event—the unconditioned stimulus (US). Typically, conditioned inhibition consists of pairings between an initially neutral conditioned stimulus, CS2, and an effective excitatory conditioned stimulus, CS1, in the absence of the US. Retardation and summation tests are required in order to confirm that CS2 has acquired inhibitory properties. Conditioned inhibition has previously been found in invertebrates; however, these demonstrations did not use the retardation and summation tests required for an unambiguous demonstration of inhibition, allowing for alternative explanations. The implications of our results for the fields of comparative cognition and invertebrate physiological models of learning are discussed.  相似文献   

If freezing underlies barpress conditioned suppression, then it seems odd that auditory cues paired with shock evoke more freezing than do visual cues, yet evoke similar suppression. Bevins and Ayres (1992) found that auditory and visual cues also evoked similar withdrawal from the bar and dipper areas and suggested that such withdrawal could explain the similar suppression. Seeking to understand that withdrawal, we found evidence in the present study that it was due either to adventitious punishment or to place-aversion learning. The cue for shock seemed to set the occasion for such learning. For example, we found that, as training progressed, rats’ tendency to leave the bar area during the cue first increased, then decreased, then increased again, reflecting, presumably, shock occurrence first inside, then outside, then inside the bar area again. Despite these changes in the rats’ location, barpress suppression remained stable, implying that leaving the bar area, though sufficient for barpress suppression, is unnecessary.  相似文献   

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