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杨磊  辛磊 《大学时代》2006,(9):36-37
《哈克贝利·费恩历险记》是英国著名现实主义小说家马克·吐温的代表作。小说通过哈克帮助黑奴吉姆摆脱被奴役,被出卖的命运的故事,塑造了哈克这样一个与当时社会离经叛道的艺术形象。在哈克身上,我们可以看到既他软弱的一面,也有叛逆的一面。这部小说在美国文学史上乃至世界文学史上都具有杰出的成就。  相似文献   

《金色笔记》是英国小说家多丽丝·莱辛的一部代表作.在小说中,作者采用大胆创新的叙述方式,以其深度和细节,写出了她那个时代女性的复杂自我,通过这部“跨国度的百科全书”,将作品的主题深刻地表达出来.本文试图从象征手法运用的角度来解读这部小说.  相似文献   

《理智与情感》是英国著名作家简·奥斯汀的小说代表作之一。小说以18世纪末英国乡村生活为背景,讲述了一对姐妹花曲折的择偶经历,塑造了个性鲜明的女性形象,展现了作者对理智与情感的态度,对女性婚恋的态度。本文将从解读简·奥斯汀在这部作品中展现出的女性主义观入手,以期让大众更好地理解这部作品的内涵。  相似文献   

《傲慢与偏见》是英国女作家奥斯汀的代表作.这部作品以日常生活为素材,生动地反映了18世纪末到19世纪初处于保守和闭塞状态下的英国乡镇生活和人们的婚姻价值观.这部社会风情画式的小说是当时英国社会婚姻爱情的一面镜子,引人深思.  相似文献   

萧红作为一名作品寥寥的作家,她的作品在中国现代文学史上久据一席之地,与她饱含深情的乡土文字有着密切关系。《呼兰河传》属于萧红晚期的作品,无论是在人物、剧情,还是语言方面都已经臻于完备,堪称炉火纯青之作。这部作品里对东北当时当地的社会状况有着深刻的揭露和反思。本文从多个角度解读了萧红代表作《呼兰河传》,从而更为具体地探析了萧红小说的艺术特征。  相似文献   

《阿Q正传》是鲁迅的代表作,也是中国现代小说的典范之作。在这部小说中,鲁迅用他的惊人的艺术才能成功地塑造了阿Q这一不朽的形象。几十年来阿Q一直活在人民心间。因为阿Q不仅充满精神胜利,更反映出某些人性弱点,揭示了国民的劣根性,在文学史中焕发出迷人的艺术魅力,也给中国文学史上这些不朽的篇章注入了鲜活的生命力和强烈的时代气息。  相似文献   

弗吉尼亚.伍尔夫(1882—1941)是西方意识流小说作家的杰出代表之一,也是英国现代文学史上最重要的女作家。《到灯塔去》(To the Lighthouse)是她的代表作之一,被誉为意识流小说的经典力作,她在小说中娴熟地使用自由联想和象征手法来揭示人物变化多端的内心世界,从而达到了真正表现生活的目的。  相似文献   

谢晓芳 《海外英语》2015,(3):198-199,205
《呼啸山庄》是英国女作家艾米丽的代表作,也是她的惊世之作,在英国文学史甚至世界文学史上闪耀着不朽的光辉。这部作品之所以经久不衰,是因为其丰富的思想内涵和独特的写作技巧。该文拟以"梦"为切入点,以弗洛伊德的精神分析引论为指导,从叙述者洛克伍德的梦、人物凯瑟琳的梦及作者艾米丽的宗教观这三个方面研究《呼啸山庄》中女主人公"我要回家"的深刻涵义。  相似文献   

托妮·莫里森是世界文学史上第一位获得诺贝尔文学奖的美国黑人女作家。《宠儿》作为莫里森的代表作在美国文学史上影响巨大。本论文尝试用巴赫金的狂欢化理论,解读该小说中的活动场景、写作方式的文学狂欢化特征。  相似文献   

《呼啸山庄》是英国女作家艾米丽的代表作,也是她的惊世之作,在英国文学史甚至世界文学史上闪耀着不朽的光辉。这部作品之所以经久不衰,是因为其丰富的思想内涵和独特的写作技巧。该文拟以“梦”为切入点,以弗洛伊德的精神分析引论为指导,从叙述者洛克伍德的梦、人物凯瑟琳的梦及作者艾米丽的宗教观这三个方面研究《呼啸山庄》中女主人公“我要回家”的深刻涵义。  相似文献   

Invasive alien species are a growing conservation problem, worldwide. There are over 200 invasive plants in India, of which Lantana camara is one of the best known. This article looks at a brief history of Lantana’s arrival and spread across the Indian subcontinent and the lessons that conservation biologists can learn from it.  相似文献   

A wide variety of American Indian tribal codes on child abuse and neglect are currently in effect. They range from anachronistic codes that were promulgated about fifty years ago and have never been revised to recently enacted codes that are innovative and incorporate the best practices in the field of protective services. The efforts, now underway, to collect and analyze Indian tribal codes on child abuse and neglect is supportive of the national interest to improve Indian child welfare services. The knowledge gained will be helpful to Indian tribes as they assess their own codes and will provide a new body of information on the laws in the U.S. on child abuse and neglect. In the past few years, increased national support in the United States has been focused on the protection of the best interest of Indian children with specific resources provided for the support of local Indian children and family programs operated by Indian tribal governments. Many Indian tribes are using these resources to develop and revise their child welfare codes, including those elements pertaining to child abuse and neglect. The momentum under way in the United States to improve Indian child welfare services can be expected to continue to include developments in Indian tribal codes on child abuse and neglect.  相似文献   

人们普遍认为,印巴分治是艾德礼政府实行英帝国传统的“分而治之”政策的结果,实际上,艾德礼政府推出蒙巴顿方案并非其主观意愿,艾德礼政府的主要成员一直主张维持印度的统一,并为之尽了自己最大的努力,因为分治既不符合工党传统的对印政策主张,也不符合英国的长远利益。实行印巴分治实为印度当时的局势所迫。  相似文献   

1946年5月16日,艾德礼政府公布了解决印度问题的“内阁使团方案”。方案设计了一个中央权力比较微弱而各省享有较大自治权的联邦体制,希望既能维护印度的统一,又能满足穆斯林的自治要求。国大党和穆斯林联盟虽然对方案没有满足自己的意愿而表示不满,但是都先后通过决议,部分地接受方案,以共同制定新的印度宪法。无论印度还是英国和美国的政治领袖都认为这是当时情况下英国政府能提出的最好方案。正确地认识这一方案的性质是非常重要的,因为它直接影响到人们对艾德礼政府的对印政策的评价。  相似文献   

马克思主义与后殖民英语文学的关系,至今仍然是值得研究的问题。作为印度英语文学的奠基人,安纳德及其创作颇能说明这个问题。由于接受了马克思主义的影响,安纳德给印度文学带来了两个变化:拓宽了社会题材,重塑了西方人形象。  相似文献   

通过水煎剂法提取野黄菊花和猫眼草的有效成分,采用滤纸片扩散法检测它们对大肠杆菌、金黄色葡萄球菌的抑菌效果.结果表明:野黄菊花和猫眼草对两种菌均有明显的抑制功效,猫眼草对大肠杆菌和金黄色葡萄球菌的最佳抑菌浓度是1.0 g/mL.野黄菊花对大肠杆菌的最佳抑菌浓度是1.0 g/mL,对金黄色葡萄球菌的最佳抑菌浓度是0.25 g/mL.  相似文献   

Snow leopard     
Snow leopard, an elusive mammal species of the cat family, is the top-predator of the Central and South Asian, high-altitude ecosystem. Snow leopards occur at low densities across the Central Asian mountains and the Indian Himalayan region. Owing to their secretive nature and inaccessible habitat, little is known about its ecology and distribution. Due to its endangered status and high aesthetic value, the snow leopard is considered as an ‘umbrella species’ for wildlife conservation in the Indian Himalayas. This article summarizes the current knowledge on snow leopard ecology and conservation issues in the Indian context.  相似文献   

In 2001, for the first time in the history of the International Association for Counselling, International Conference was held in a developing Asian country–India, with the theme Families in Transition–Counselling in Transition–Meeting the Challenges Ahead. This special issue contains some of the presentations made by Indian participants during this conference which best reflect the challenges and diversities of counseling efforts with families in India. The first article was specially written for this issue in order to give an international relationship of this journal an in depth contextual understanding of Indian families in transition and the challenges they pose to the contemporary Indian counselor. Two articles are reflected to counseling families affected by socio-politial and economic changes. Five authors have written on counseling related to physical and mental disability/addiction and last two articles are reflected to authors experiences as family counselors.  相似文献   


The history of education for native American (Indian) children has been significantly affected by the shifting policies of Republican and Democratic administrations in Washington, DC. For more than a hundred years the resources allocated to educate Indian children have increased and diminished according to the political philosophies and whims of the political party in power. The resulting confusion of policy, best described as a quagmire, has been that Indian children have been victims of a federal neglect that has led to near cultural genocide. No authority maintains that Indian children have received the educational support, health services, and vocational training necessary for them to have a chance to become productive and contributing citizens in the general society. Today, American Indians are among the most poorly educated, least vocationally trained, and most unemployed of minority groups. This paper attempts to show the relationship between political philosophies and acts of federal administrations and their impact on education programs for Indians across the nation. The reader will be able to see a pattern of policy development based more on political needs rather than educational needs of Native Americans.  相似文献   

余刚 《课外阅读》2006,(3):37-38
我勇敢地投入战斗,可白人的枪炮瞄准了我和战士们。子弹如鸟儿一般射出来,从我们耳边呼啸而过,就像冬日的寒风吹过森林一样。战士们一个接一个地在我身边倒下。早上的太阳异样地昏暗,夜晚它就躲到黑暗的云层里面,像一堆燃烧的火焰。这将是照在我黑鹰身上的最后一丝阳光。虽然现在已经成了白人的阶下囚,可是我从来没有做过任何一件令印第安人蒙羞的事情。  相似文献   

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