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Birthday Party     
马研 《阅读》2013,(30):44
I have a birthday party at home every year.I often invite some good friends.They give me many small presents.My mother often makes a big cake for me.My father often gives me some books.At the party,they sing the song"Happy Birthdy"to me.We sing,dance and eat cakes at the party.We always have a  相似文献   

Birthday Party     
任存金 《阅读》2012,(11):41-42
小兔子菲菲带着妈妈写好的购物单来到水果超市.但一到超市,菲菲傻眼了。原来.购物单上水果单词的字母顺序全乱了。小朋友们,你们能帮助菲菲整理一下购物单吗?请在横线上写一写。  相似文献   

汤旭涛 《阅读》2011,(11):45
Yesterday was my birthday.I invited many friends to mybirthday party at KFC Pozi Street Shop.At half past five,they came to my party with a big birthday cake and many presents.The presents were a toy Kitty cat,a lovely toy Snoopy dog and so  相似文献   

文苑 《阅读》2011,(10):41

A Birthday Party     
俞凯玲 《阅读》2014,(19):45-45
<正>May is one of my cousins.She is nine years old.Today is her birthday.It is nine o’clock in the morning,many relatives and friends are coming to her birthday party.Look,my mother is giving her a big doll.And she is getting some storybooks from me.May  相似文献   

陈欣妤 《阅读》2014,(43):44-44
<正>My birthday is on the twenty-second of November.Last year all my good friends came to my home and we played together from morning to the evening.We played lots of games.Some of us liked the game"who is the undercover(谁是卧底)",some of us liked"truth or dare(真心话大冒险)".The two games were  相似文献   

My Birthday     
陆子怡 《阅读》2011,(3):44
Hi, boys and girls! I’m LuZiyi. I like playing volleyball verymuch. I’m a good player. Mybirthday is on the second of September.I usually have a birthday party.  相似文献   

My Birthday     
陶思涵 《阅读》2010,(3):44-44
My birthday is on the firteenth of December. On that day, many friends come to my house and bring me so many gifts. So I am excited. My mother buys us a big birthday cake and cooks a lot of delicious food for us. My father calls me and says "Happy Birthday" to me. I feel love and happiness from my parents and friends. I want to say "thank you" to them.  相似文献   

My Birthday     
周心愉  陈蕾 《阅读》2006,(11):45-45
Today is myeleventh birthday.I getupearly in the m orning.A fterbreakfast,seven classm atesofm ine com e to m y house.They are Qian Yuting,BoYum eng,Zou Y uxin...Theybring m any sm all presentsto m e.They are cards,abag,and m any school★指导教师:陈蕾things.I like these presents very m uch.W e share a big birthdaycake and play m any interesting gam es together in m y room.A llofus are very happy today.难度系数:☆☆My Birthday$苏州工业园区新城花园小学五(4)班@周心愉…  相似文献   

My Birthday     
沈佳阳  施莉娜 《阅读》2006,(1):46-46
Today is the 18th of Septem ber. It is m y birthday. There are one big birthday cake and som e birthday pre- sents on the table. They are from m y parents and m y friends. Oh,the doorbellis ring- ing. M iss Panda com es. She gives m e som e notebooks as a present. I like them very m uch.Butw ho is she? she is m ybestfriend,Gao Tianlin. Now ,allofus are singing the song“ Happy Birthday to You”.Im ake a w ish and blow out (吹灭)the candles on the cake.Let'shave the cake now . How happyI…  相似文献   

A Birthday Wish     
徐子怡 《阅读》2012,(6):45
If today was my birthday, I would ask my mother if I could get a birthday present.I wish I could have a pet. Maybe it is a dog. If my wish comes true, I’ll be very happy. In the morning, I’ll take him outside for a walk, and then we come back. We’ll have breakfast  相似文献   

陈玥 《阅读》2012,(Z1):78-78
<正>I’m a rabbit. I have got four short legs. I like eating grass and rabbits. I have got red eyes, long ears and short nose. My fur is white, it’s nice. I like my fur! I’m smaller than a tiger and a lion. So they like eating me  相似文献   

黄一鸣  刘静 《阅读》2009,(4):44-45
本文是黄一鸣同学根据6A前三个单元的话题编写的课本剧。是三个单元四会句型的综合,是复习的较好方式。复习不是机械的重复,而是要在理清知识体系的基础上综合地使用所学知识。  相似文献   

孔子生年问题的研究具有重要的学术意义。孔子生于鲁襄公二十二年之说一方面系由实岁与虚岁转换所致误,另一方面系由周正与夏正转换所致误。孔子生于夏历八月二十一日或二十七日皆不可信。一言以蔽之,孔子当生于鲁襄公二十一年夏历十二月二十三日。  相似文献   

丹增先生发表于《十月》杂志2009年第3期的散文《生日与哈达》,以忠实于自己的思想感受为根本,以生动的记忆,热烈的情感,用诗一般的语言,书写了从爱母亲发展到爱家乡、爱民族、爱国家、爱苍生、爱大自然的伟大情怀,表现出作者凭据着哈达一样的心,而形成的以仁爱为基础的一种历史通观感。《生日与哈达》的成功之处就在于她充满了真爱!  相似文献   

A Great Party     
张颖 《阅读》2014,(12):44-44
Today,we have a party in our classroom.It is really wonderful!Our parents come to the party and join us.So we try to do our best.At the party,we show our talents.First,we sing our class song.We sing loudly.Then,we take part in a dancing contest.Look,we dance beautifully!  相似文献   

在国际形势日趋激烈的今天,党建工作已经成为我们国家发展的必由之路。而大学生党员,作为党建工作未来的主人,更应该树立起责任意识和使命意识,不断提升自己的党性修养。本文旨在从大学生党性修养存在的问题出发,探讨如何有效改善这种现状,为党建事业尽绵薄之力。  相似文献   

A Nice Party     
赵瑜 《阅读》2014,(10):45-45
Hello, everybody. I'm Rose, welcome to my birthday party. Look, there is a big cake and some picture books on the table. They are the gifts from my parents. On the cake, you can see eleven candles. Guess, how old am I now? I'm are here birthday so happy, because my friends too. We play games, enjoy the song and share the birthday cake.How happy I am!  相似文献   

在"四个全面"战略布局中,全面从严治党涵盖了思想政治文化建设、组织建设和反腐败建设的各个方面,将从严治党的理念发展了一个新的高度,实现了对从严治党的理论创新、实践创新和体制创新。  相似文献   

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