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This study compares the reading performance of adolescent and adult neoliterates in Burkina Faso who participated in one of three experimental educational programs with the reading performance of neoliterates who took part in a standard (control) educational program. The experimental programs involved training in phonological awareness, training in the rapid identification of reading material and an approach that involved both phonological-awareness and rapid-reading training. Results show that students enrolled in the experimental programs made greater gains in reading skills than did students enrolled in the standard educational programs.  相似文献   

王椰林 《培训与研究》2002,19(3):98-100
在英语教学中,学生阅读能力的提高是一个关键的问题,而速度、理解和词汇是阅读技能的三个基本要素。抓住这三个要素进行训练,对于提高学生的阅读能力有着非常重要的作用。教师在教学中,使这三种基本要素联系得越紧密,教学的综合效果就越好。  相似文献   

分析性阅读是指对材料进行全面分析,从而推理性的间接理解文字材料,在各种性质的外语教学中都被视为主要的阅读教学形式。文章探讨了阅读过程的本质,提出在分析性阅读阶段阅读技巧培养的重要性和方法。最后举例并评价了在分析性阅读阶段,以培养阅读技巧为目的两个课堂教学活动。  相似文献   

Recent research has indicated that the frequently noted relationship between spatial skills and reading comprehension may be the result of a functional dependency, rather than an instance of “third variable causation.” The current study was an attempt to test this hypothesis experimentally within the context of a remedial reading program for rural, low-SES adolescents. Comparisons of Gates-McGinitie reading test scores of an experimental group drilled on map-graph interpretation tasks, in addition to reading, and control group receiving only reading instruction significantly favored the experimental group. The results thus suggested that spatial skills operate causally on subsequent verbal acquisitions, and may be central to the amelioration of reading deficits among low-SES children.  相似文献   

This article reports data from a training study of morphological awareness involving 33 dyslexic students in grades 4 - 5. The dyslexic students received 36 lessons of morphological awareness training each of about a quarter of an hour. The training was oral and focused on semantic aspects of morphemes. During the training period, the experimental group gained significantly more than a similar group of untrained controls (n = 27) on one of three measures of morphological awareness. Both groups, however, made equal gains on measures of phonological awareness, phoneme discimination and picture naming. The experimental group progressed significantly more than the controls in reading comprehension and in spelling of morphologically complex words. The results of the study suggest that it is possible to develop dyslexic students' morphological awareness. Furthermore, awareness of morphemes, the smallest meaningful units of language, may support the development of meaning - oriented decoding strategies in reading and spelling.  相似文献   

逻辑思维与英语阅读技能培养   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
语言和思维是两种不同的社会现象,语言作为交际的工具,离不开思维,人们一方面用外部言语来表达,另一方面也用内部言语进行思考.在大学英语教学过程中,思维差异问题要"融入"思维差异教学,采取不同方法,挖掘深层思维差异,特别是在阅读的过程中,应深度挖掘英语逻辑思维,以期对大学生的英语阅读技能的培养有所帮助.  相似文献   

影响阅读能力的因素很多,如文化背景知识、知识结构、认知水平、文化影响以及阅读技巧等。但语言本身是影响阅读能力的最直接因素。从词汇、句法、篇章三个层次阐述了提高语言能力的重要性及方法。  相似文献   

An equation useful for predicting the performance of PhD’s during their careers in research is developed, using information available at the time applications are submitted. A quality-adjusted index of research is used to measure performance. Undergraduate grades, age at time of application, and previous graduate training appear to be important for the prediction. Scores on standardized tests do not discriminate within the range covered by the sample.  相似文献   

文章在简析目前国内外思辨能力培养现状的基础上,分析了英语阅读理解对培养高职学生思辨能力的重要性,并提出了通过改变英语阅读理解目标设置,教学模式,评价与反馈模式的方式来培养高职学生的思辨能力。  相似文献   

魏芬 《黄山学院学报》2013,15(1):112-115
技能大赛是专业建设与改革的风向标,如何依托技能大赛平台,深化专业人才培养是专业发展中需要研究和探索的问题.通过大赛的实践,构建合理的人才培养模式、改革现行的教学模式、完善实习实训条件、增强师资团队的建设等环节势在必行.  相似文献   

近年来,教师在自己的课堂内进行研究受到教育的广泛重视和提倡,被称为"教师行动研究".教师本人参与从发现问题,提出假设,制定解决方案,实施解决方案,直至最后搜集数据以验证措施的有效性的整个研究过程.在这个过程当中,教师身居教育者和研究者的双重身份,将教育理论和实践结合为一体,既有利于教学的改进和提高,又有助于教师自身的成长和发展.本文作者即对成人学生听力技能的培养进行了一次教师行动研究,本篇文章报告了整个研究过程.  相似文献   

阅读能力是一种语言的综合能力.结合大专学生的实际情况,从扩大学生阅读量、掌握快速阅读方法和阅读技巧三个方面进行探讨,以期帮助学生能运用阅读技巧来提高阅读能力.  相似文献   

本文从职前成人学员个性化技能培训的美国范例入手,结合本国职业教育的本土特色,从理论基础、实践需要以及内在动因着手,探讨个性化职业技能培训的实施路径,并对实施过程中有待突破的难点问题进行思考。  相似文献   

大学英语精读教学与学生写作技能培养   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
解决英语写作中存在语言和内容两个方面的问题,要从精读课课前词汇巩固、课中语篇分析和课后背诵监管三个方面培养学生的大学英语写作技能。  相似文献   

职业技能导向的成人教育培训策略研究   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
成人教育培训为更多的学习者提供了提升或改善职业技能的机会,也使个体的学习保持着一种可持续的状态。因此,提升对成人教育培训的认知,大力发展职业技能导向的成人教育培训,是社会对劳动力技能需求的必然结果。本文认为,以职业技能为导向并能够满足雇主需求和个体发展需要的成人教育培训,对于提升人力资本并增强企业和国家的竞争力具有十分重要的战略意义。  相似文献   

Designed to investigate the impact of service-learning on developmental-level students' success and retention, this study reports the results of pre-and postcourse surveys with service-learning and nonservice-learning sections of developmental courses at Miami-Dade College. Knowledge gained, course pass rates, and both in-class and semester-to-semester retention are reported.  相似文献   

通过实证及非正式访谈,研究口译笔记法对提高英语听力水平的作用。两个平行组(实验组和控制组)学生接受了相同的英语授课内容,但实验组接受了口译笔记法培训,结果显示:口译笔记法有助于实验组学生提高听力成绩,因此建议在听力教学中溶入口译笔记法的讲授以提高学生听力水平。  相似文献   

Speaking and listening are important to them who wants to improve their ability in English.It is the same to reading.The paper focuses on the skills of improving reading ability.An efficient reader determines beforehand why he is reading a particular selection and he decides which strategies and skills he will use to achieve his goal.There are two basic skills: language skills and reading skills.  相似文献   

阅读策略训练对大学生阅读水平的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
提高学生的阅读水平是外语教学的重点之一。“以策略为基础的外语教学”的训练方法,对学生进行阅读理解策略训练。实验结果表明,这种训练有助于学生对策略的掌握和使用,从而提高阅读水平。  相似文献   

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