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Although there is no agreed definition of teaching excellence, ‘excellent teaching’ is an accepted notion. However, recent discussion about the recognition of quality teaching and the rise of standards frameworks has challenged the notion of teaching excellence as rewarded in teaching excellence schemes. It has raised questions about how we evaluate quality teaching and whether, and how, excellent teaching, as awarded in such schemes, differs from good teaching. Applicants for teaching awards are required to present themselves and their teaching for judgement in a prescribed genre. This article analyses two national teaching excellence award schemes which were established as comparable in geographical, temporal and socio-political terms. Erving Goffman’s theory of presentation of self is used to investigate the way in which university award winners have responded to the criteria required by the schemes. The task for the teachers is dual in that they must present themselves as excellent teachers and provide relevant evidence in a compelling presentation of self. The research approach was primarily interpretive, involving the close analysis of award winners’ texts from a period of five years. Discourse analysis was undertaken of both the criteria required for excellence and the response of applicants to the criteria in their presentation of self in the citation which accompanies the application. Adherence to the prescribed genre and skilful presentation of self are revealed as key determinants of the recognition of award-winning teachers as excellent teachers. Paradoxically, while the awards are for excellence in teaching, the mediation of the written word in skilful presentation of self is essential in order to receive an award.  相似文献   

计算机辅助教学的深层开发和利用就是对数学软件的再次编程,让数学推演过程得以展示.Mathematica(5.0版本)的编程体系融入了C语言和Basic语言.通过编程,使原来只有运算结果的数学题,增加了中间的解题步骤,更加适合教学应用.  相似文献   

This article examines the possibility of a ‘Teaching Assessment Exercise’ and attempts to quantify teaching quality as part of performance management schemes for academics. The primary sources of data are identified as student evaluation of teaching (SET) and peer observation of teaching (POT). The conceptual and empirical issues in developing valid and reliable teaching quality indices from SET and POT are critically reviewed. The difficulties of using such data for academic performance management are discussed, focusing on the tensions between using such data both formatively for professional development and summatively for decisions about employment.  相似文献   

Whilst peer observation of teaching is well established as a practice that can enhance teaching quality, the challenge to fully embed this practice in universities remains unresolved. This article analyses the perspectives of 18 university leaders (nine Australian and nine English) drawn from a range of school-based leaders to senior leaders of learning and teaching. Our study indicates that some of the challenges associated with leading such schemes can be mitigated through approaches to educational leadership that enact a respectful and collegiate ethos. This we suggest can support developmental academic engagement in peer observation for positive and lasting change.  相似文献   

This article will review and evaluate the response of academics working in higher education institutions (HEIs) in the UK to the experience of teaching quality review. It will do so by gathering the viewpoints and opinions of academics from a particular source over a specific time period: the Times Higher Education Supplement (THES) between January and August of 2001. Before presenting and then evaluating these viewpoints, the paper will discuss the development of teaching quality assessment methodologies in UK HE within the context of the increasing importance and embededness of quality assurance and enhancement values and processes within the practices of HEIs. It is argued that this is both a recent and contested phenomenon. The article finds that the concerns of academics with the teaching quality review exercise fall under a number of headings: (1) administrative/cost burden; (2) grade inflation/gamesmanship/ organisational learning; (3) elitist bias within the system; (4) system impact of quality review; (5) reliability of the system; and (6) philosophical objections to the system. The implications of these concerns are discussed. The article's conclusion is that if academics are not convinced of, or do not actively support, the values and methodologies associated with teaching quality review, then there is little chance that these will either produce accurate or meaningful assessments of teaching quality, or act as a spur to the quality enhancement of this aspect of individual and institutional activity. This is an important point within the context of the recent review of the Quality Assurance Agency's Subject Review methodology, and the new institutional audit methodology.  相似文献   

分级教学是大学英语教学改革的重大举措,有利于教学模式的转变和教学水平与质量的提高.通过回顾本校大学英语分级教学的利弊得失,分析分级教学对高专院校英语教学的积极作用,以期能探讨出更完善更科学的分级模式,探索高职高专英语教学发展方向,展望学校进一步深化改革的新局面,以提高大学英语教学水平和质量,为本校大学英语教学跃上一个新台阶.  相似文献   

The article analyses the role of peer review within broader external quality assurance schemes. Based on an analytical framework emphasising that modern quality assurance schemes are designed as a balancing act between standardised guidelines and professional judgement, the article uses data from a recent evaluation of NOKUT, the Norwegian Quality Assurance Agency, to investigate whether and how the peer review process has maintained its central role in quality assurance, not least with respect to promoting excellence and diversity. The findings indicate that what is presented as judgements based on peer expertise, turn out to be a rather technical process in which pre-defined rigid criteria and standards are imperative. In the conclusion, the role of peer review is discussed in relation to developments in European higher education.  相似文献   

This article reports on the results of two international systematic research reviews which focus on different aspects of teaching grammar to improve the quality and accuracy of 5–16‐year‐olds' writing in English. The results show that there is little evidence to indicate that the teaching of formal grammar is effective; and that teaching sentence‐combining has a more positive effect. In both cases, however, despite over a hundred years of research and debate on the topic, there is insufficient quality of research to prove the case with either approach. More research is needed, as well as a review of policy and practice in England with regard to the teaching of sentence structure in writing.  相似文献   

研究生教育质量既是研究生教育的重要概念,又是教育质量的一种特殊类型,在理论研究与教育实践中广受关注。通过梳理近十年研究文献发现,一方面研究生教育质量的核心内容趋向于多元化与功用化,另一方面其概念边界趋于广泛化、模糊化,呈现出多元与泛化共存的局面。然而,多元与泛化共存容易引发认识纠缠,不利于把握研究生教育质量的基本特征,难以认清其内在逻辑和发展机制。因此,有必要探索一条既有基础性又具整合性的理解进路,使研究生教育质量成为一个具有稳定核心、开放边界和过滤吸纳机制的基本概念;而从知识论出发,以知识与学术系统为基点的考察是一种可行的尝试。  相似文献   

动物细胞与胚胎工程是一门实践性、应用性很强的学科,其实验技术课程内容紧密联系生产实际和科学研究前沿。通过对近几年生物技术、生物工程和动物医学专业人才培养质量的剖析,发现运用原有的课程体系、教学方法和实验、实习方案等培养出来的专业人员已不能很好地适应日新月异社会发展的需要,各个教学环节都需要进一步完善和改进。因此,为了培养出高素质的复合型人才,我们根据农学专业特色对动物细胞与胚胎工程实验教学进行了探索性的改革和实践。结合专业特色改革其实验教学内容,通过精选基础性实验,增加综合性、科技创新型实验,在教学过程中运用现代化教学手段,且以学生为主,强化能力和素质的培养,同时引入研究生当实验助理,改良实验评价体系,取得了良好的效果,提升了实验、实习教学质量。  相似文献   

对外汉语专业人才培养模式的实践与思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对外汉语专业人才培养模式的构建,必须创新人才培养目标,优化人才培养方案,强化教学教改,突出实践教学。浙江财经学院对外汉语专业以“了解需求,突出特色”为前提,培养基础扎实、知识面广的应用型、复合型、创新型、国际化“三型一化”人才,搭建教学平台,形成科学课程体系,突出财经优势,打通学科壁垒,多种渠道办学,丰富培养形式;改革教学内容,创新教学方法,革新教学手段,完善教学评价并结合实践教学而完成。  相似文献   

Peer Observation of Teaching has raised a lot of interest as a device for quality enhancement of teaching. While much research has focused on its models, implementation schemes and feedback to the observed, little attention has been paid to what the observer actually sees and can learn from the observation. A multidisciplinary peer observation of teaching program is described, and its data is used to identify the pedagogical aspects to which lecturers pay more attention to when observing classes. The discussion addresses the valuable learning opportunities for observers provided by this program, as well as its usefulness in disseminating, sharing and clarifying quality teaching practices. The need for further research concerning teacher-student relationships and students’ engagement is also suggested.  相似文献   

Although there is lack of agreement as to what constitutes teaching excellence, there remains a steady effort to make an intangible, ambiguous, multifaceted concept incarnate in the form of ‘student-led’ teaching awards schemes within higher education institutions. What teaching staff say about such schemes have largely been ignored. This article attempts to address this gap in knowledge by accounting for the extent that academic teaching staff at one higher education institution in the UK value and perceive their teaching awards scheme. At the same time, this article presents some challenges in implementing a student-led teaching awards scheme for higher education institutions.  相似文献   

教育督导深入教学第一线听课、评课,而且参加全院的教学检查、质量评估以及“评建”工作,在教学工作及其质量监控中发挥了积极的作用。主要为:一是深入课堂,开展听课、评教活动,二是深入各系、部,进行教学质量检查、评估;三是参与“评建”工作的督促检查,四是督导青年教师培训提高工程。这些工作,都对学院的教学管理和质量监控起了积极重要的作用。  相似文献   

高职精品课建设探究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
精品课程建设是推动教改,提高教学质量的"推助器",目前,高职精品课建设已取得一定的成效,但在具体建设过程中还存在着各种不足与问题。基于此,对高职精品课建设过程中存在的问题进行剖析的基础上,就精品课建设过程中应如何确保精品课的质量提出若干思路。  相似文献   

针对传统实践教学中存在的问题,提出了基于虚拟实验室的计算机专业实践教学改革的思路与方案,改革传统的实践教学模式和手段,优化实践教学环境和过程,创新实践教学的内容和方法,培养人文素质高、专业基础扎实和实践能力强的高级应用型人才,适应社会对计算机专业人才需求改变的新形势。  相似文献   

高职院校商科专业实践教学不完善会降低高技能人才的培养质量,要改变这一状况,必须转变观念,切实突出实践教学的地位和作用,具体应从资金投入、实训基地建设、教师实践教学能力的提高、人才培养方案、课程体系、教学方法、考核方法以及对实训的监管等多途径入手,形成实践教学的综合应用体系。  相似文献   

王勇 《中国地质教育》2008,17(2):99-101
针对中国地质大学(武汉)电类专业理论基础课程教学的实际情况,对专业基础课程教学方法、实践教学环节、课程考核评价指标等方面进行了研究和探索,提出了课程教学与改革的方案,在教学实践中取得了明显的成效。  相似文献   

The evaluation of teaching quality in mathematics has become increasingly important following research reports indicating that preschoolers are developmentally able to engage in mathematic thought and that child performance in mathematics at this level is a strong predictor of later school achievement. As attention turns to early mathematics education, so too does the focus on teaching quality. This paper reviews nine instruments designed to measure mathematics teaching quality—their theoretical bases, foci, and psychometrics—and examines their appropriateness for administration in early childhood settings. Three of the nine measures are identified as having highly desirable characteristics, with one of them specifically designed for early childhood administration. The measures, our review process, and our recommendations for practice are presented. As school divisions and teacher educators examine teaching quality, they will be better able to support their teachers’ practice, and better able to reap the benefits in improved child outcomes.  相似文献   

针对目前高职经济数学教学中存在教学内容的"数学化"、"共性化"和教学方式的"传统化"等问题一一给出了解决方案,即采用基于工作过程的教学模式,将"数学化"的知识专业化,采用微型课的教学模式补充"个性化"的专业数学知识,采用Matlab上机辅助教学弥补教学方式的"传统化"。这是一种面向专业需求,贴近专业教学,科学合理的教学新模式。  相似文献   

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