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Transition from education to practice can be troublesome for many early-career engineers because expectations, habitual work practices and values tend to conflict with realities of engineering workplaces. Emerging technologies referred to as ‘Industry 4.0’ or the ‘fourth industrial revolution’ have prompted many to argue for students to develop improved socio-technical skills. Understandings of practice emerging from contemporary research could help educators shape a new generation of engineers with more appropriate abilities to restore global productivity growth and transform economies to eliminate greenhouse emissions in a short enough time to limit human-induced global warming. However, so far, explicit curriculum reforms addressing graduate attributes and workplace skills have not resulted in significant employability improvements. This paper argues that assessment practices and curriculum gaps may be acting as an implied or hidden curriculum shaping student expectations and values. This paper proposes ways to overcome these curriculum deficits in higher education institutions and also workplace education interventions. These changes could help educate engineers about productivity improvement, commercial and social value generation, business requirements and entrepreneurship. Changes like these will be needed to achieve sustainable development goals, especially in developing countries.  相似文献   

Given US students’ lack of international competitiveness in mathematics and science, many states have adopted the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics (CCSSM). To help ensure that the Standards for Mathematical Practice within the CCSSM and effective teaching practices are implemented appropriately, many teachers are emerging as teacher leaders with the intent of supporting teachers with this implementation. Unfortunately, not all of these teachers are necessarily prepared in the field of teacher leadership. Recognizing the importance of having well-prepared teacher leaders, this article describes the case of Ms. Hodges, as she transitioned from mathematics teacher to teacher leader. Data revealed that several factors affected Ms. Hodges’ transition, some positively and others negatively. These results as well as implications for teacher leader development are provided.  相似文献   

传统上开放及远程学习意味着学习者与教师会得到一些协助,使他们可以克服由于空间、时间和学习步调而引致的沟通障碍,从而更好地教授和学习相关的内容(Churton,2000).简单来说,当一位教师和一位或多位学生面对地理上的隔离,我们就可以说远程教育已经发生.由于教育方面的发展,以及各种新的教学技术和教学设计的出现,实时的沟通已经成为可能.谭尚渭(Tam,1998)指出,远程教育已经历了几个阶段的发展,并在名称、形式、取向、传递、应用和服务范围方面出现了很大的变化.由于开放及远程教育发展迅速并日趋多元化,因此不少人已经对这些课程的质量提出质疑,人们希望可以建立一些标准或基准,去评估课程的质量和可靠程度(Churton,2001).随着全球化与市场化的发展,开放及远程教育的机会越来越多,国际之间的联系也日益紧密,许多大学都在本国以外建立了分部,或者与其他大学建立伙伴关系,因此,教学的质量和可靠性对课程的效能和持续性是相当关键的.由于存在着基本设施、文化多元性、教育规章、语言和成本等问题,要提供优质和全面的远程教育,挑战可以说是相当大的.不少发展中国家和过渡型经济体系现正考虑发展和扩大开放及远程教育,所以,提供质量方面的控制以及必要的支持系统,确保课程合乎标准,是值得关注的课题.政策制定者有责任去清楚地指出课程设计、发展、支持和评价方面所采用的原理,并且把它们应用到实际教学上,确保远程学习者和教师能够顺利地从传统教育方式过渡到远程教育的环境.远程学习者在学术上的可靠性应该与传统校园课程的学习者无异.草率地构思和设计的远程课程不单令教师和学生受害,甚至会带来政治方面的后果(Churton,2000c).本文对课程设计、发展、支持和转变的基准提出了一些建议,这些基准可望确保开放及远程课程能够带来有效的学习效果.  相似文献   

Individuals with disabilities are attending postsecondary institutions and successfully completing both 2-year and 4-year degrees. Although current literature identifies numerous factors associated with success for 2-year college transfer students in general, given the unique needs of individuals with disabilities, it is possible that other factors play important roles in their postsecondary experience. Through phenomenological research, we explored the experiences of a diverse group of 10 academically successful students with disabilities who transferred from 2-year to 4-year postsecondary institutions. Our findings reveal that although their experiences in many ways paralleled those of students without disabilities, our participants identified positive and negative experiences specifically related to their disabilities. We offer recommendations for 2-year college programming and support services.  相似文献   

柯岩同志是深受广大青年喜爱的著名作家,她的诗歌《周总理,你在哪里》、《又见蔗林,又见蔗林》,长篇小说及同名电视剧《寻找回来的世界》、《他乡明月》,报告文学《船长》、《美的追求者》等作品脍炙人口,有着广泛的社会影响。今年年初,柯岩同志应邀参加了首都高校中青年马克思主义研究会的联欢会,应会议组织者的邀请作了简短的即席演讲,演讲在与会者中引起了很大反响。为此,本刊记者就柯岩同志在演讲中未及展开的话题采访了她。  相似文献   

Interchange - Change is an inevitable part of life, more so for gender non-conforming students who have to confront prejudice and hostile environments as they transition from school to university....  相似文献   


Foundations studies programs (FSPs), sometimes termed pathways programs, seek to prepare international students for an undergraduate education. While enrolments in these programs continue to grow in Australia, there has correspondingly been little research exploring how FSP students experience their transition into university life and study. In seeking to fill a gap within the literature, this study investigated this issue by focusing on international students from mainland China. 23 FSP alumni were interviewed and asked to describe their expectations and experiences of secondary schooling in China, and their subsequent FSP and university studies in Australia. The analysis revealed that the most salient feature of participants’ transition into their Australian undergraduate courses was their emphasis on interpersonal relationships and social interactions. In particular, interviewees emphasised the importance of social exchanges with local peers and teaching staff, and their general disappointment or frustration with these interactions. While this study echoes previous investigations relating to international students’ (lack of positive) intercultural interactions within HE settings, it more importantly challenges the notion that FSPs can be assumed to adequately prepare international students for the nature of these relationships at university. Recommendations regarding FSP practices and policies are posed at the end of this article.  相似文献   

内隐学习和外显学习是两种不同类型的学习方式,同时也是当前教育领域研究的热点之一。外显学习是认知的基本途径,内隐学习是认知必要的有益补充。在语言学习过程中并不存在截然分开的内隐学习和外显学习,而是两种学习方式的有机结合。如果能在外显教学之前先让学生获得内隐知识,并在学生获得外显知识之后再让学生体验鲜活语言从而将外显知识内化,简言之,就是应在大学英语教学中采取内隐-外显-内隐的顺序,这样大学英语教学效率才会大大提高。  相似文献   

Within the field of victimology, teaching can occur at many levels: from on-the-job training of victim assistance practitioners; to agency-specific training, usually for one week to learn basic job competence; to more formal teaching for two years at the undergraduate level; or for four years at the baccalaureate level at a university; and finally, to advanced graduate work, leading to either a master’s degree or a doctorate degree in victimology or a related discipline. The dynamic evolution of victimology and victim services beginning in the early 1970s was followed by the education of university students interested in understanding victims and victimization, as well as the training of practitioners wanting to help relieve victim suffering and facilitate victim recovery. Victimology education and training offers a bright prospect both for those interested in studying victims, those hoping to find social solutions to interpersonal conflicts, and those wanting to help their fellow human beings.  相似文献   

从验证性探究学习到探索性探究学习的转变   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
一、验证性探究学习及其存在的问题 在科学和数学学习中,学生对知识的理解是在自己先前经验的基础建构而成的,而学生的先前经验有些是与科学概念大体一致的,有些却可能与科学知识不一致的、  相似文献   

Early Childhood Education Journal - The transition from Early Intervention (EI) to Early Childhood Special Education (ECSE) is a stressful time for caregivers of children with disabilities....  相似文献   

In recent years, there has been a rapid increase in the number of children diagnosed with autism spectrum disorders (ASD), worldwide. Since children with ASD have limited social interaction and communication skills, they tend to lag behind their peers without disabilities in many areas. In particular, they are unable to easily transition smoothly from one stage of their life to another. Transitions from preschool settings to kindergarten and beyond should be a critical issue of concern for educators and parents of young children with ASD. The results of a survey completed by 65 preschool teachers from Ghana and 210 of their counterparts in the United States of America, about characteristics of effective transition programs for children with ASD, are presented. Implications for preschool teacher preparation and transition planning are discussed.  相似文献   

大学新生英语学习应从应试性学习向自主性学习转变。成功的教学依靠的是学生的积极参与。只有在自主学习的情况下,学生的学习才会是真正有效的学习。自主学习既是达到大学英语课程教学要求的有效手段,又是大学生喜欢运用的学习方式。因此,做好中学英语学习和大学英语学习上的互相衔接,帮助学生逾越学习障碍就显得尤为重要。  相似文献   

The argument of this article is that whilst humanity has evolved for millions of years as a single species, different groups have developed their own cultural differences as they live in different parts of the world, and we learn within our cultures. Research has demonstrated that we do learn differently, in East and West, since we are brought up in these different cultures. However, in lifelong learning, we do have to learn to live together. To be delivered in Seoul at the East–West Dialogue Conference October 2008.  相似文献   

什么是教学?过去往往理解成“教师教-学生学”,现代教学论认为应是“教师-教学生学”。学生的学习固然需要教师的指导,但归根结蒂要靠自身的努力和能力。教师的“教”只有通过学生主动的“学”才能起作用。离开了学生的自主学习,实现教学目的将是一句空话,学生在校期间获得的知识是有限的,大量的要靠离校后的体现,因此,掌握学习本领至关重要,教师“教”学生“学会了”学习(即掌握了学习本领)。并养成自我学习的习惯,那么,教学目标才以实现,教学的价值才得以真正的体现,本文从教师要教“学”的理由(转变观念)、如何教“学”(改革教法)、完成教学轨道转移的标志(达到效果)三个方面探讨教学的成功模式。  相似文献   

时下教育界倡导的“自主学习、研究性学习、合作学习”理论,不仅给中小学教育带来冲击,同时对高师教育是一个挑战和要求。迎接挑战,本文认为高师院校就要更新教育观念,立足于学生主体,发展学生的个性;建构师生平等对话、交流的范式;采用多样化的教学形式,建立合理的评价体系等来促进高师院校大学生学习方式的转变,提高大学生整体素质。  相似文献   

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