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In this paper, we examine the challenges faced by faith-based institutions in a low-income, predominantly Black community seeking to take advantage of grants provided through the White House Office of Community and Faith-Based Initiatives (FBCI). FBCI is an e-Government program that assists nonprofit organizations in competing for Federal dollars with fewer bureaucratic barriers. Informed by the design-actuality framework, we interviewed clergy at seven faith-based organizations. The intent of this analysis is to juxtapose the design intentions of the government officials with the actualities expressed by the intended benefactors of the initiative. Our findings suggest that this e-Government initiative may unwittingly exacerbate existing disparities in the strategic use of information and communication technologies (ICT).  相似文献   

《Communication monographs》2012,79(4):501-525

Change is a constant feature of organizing and one that requires resilience, or the ability to effectively face challenges. Although research demonstrates important findings about resilience during chaotic change like crises, less is known about resilience in mundane situations like planned change. This study explores team-driven planned organizational change, offering insights about how team members metaphorically frame change, analyzing how their framing fluctuates over time relative to perceptions of team success. Our three theoretical contributions extend theory about metaphors and organizational change, showing how negative framings of change are endemic to teams, regardless of perceived success; generate knowledge about resilience in organizing by showing how metaphors both build and undermine resilience; and extend applied theory about stakeholder participation in bureaucratic organizations.  相似文献   

论数字图书馆的用户研究与关系管理   总被引:35,自引:1,他引:34  
分析了数字图书馆用户研究与关系管理的特点,论述了用户关系管理在数字图书馆建设与管理中的意义,讨论了数字图书馆用户研究与关系管理的主要内容、方式以及实施的关键。  相似文献   

This study examined customer expectations for interactions with service providers in public, commercial service contexts. Two customer surveys revealed significant differences in expectations for "relationships" versus "encounters," and for personalized service communication in varied service contexts. The surveys also revealed that customers who expect relationships with providers tend to expect personalized service communication from those providers. Customers' current involvement in service relationships predicted their expectations for relationships versus encounters with service providers. Post hoc interviews also suggested that customers have distinct social expectations and time use expectations that coincide with their expectations for relationships or encounters and personalized service communication from different types of providers.  相似文献   

Facilitated by electronic government, public agencies are looking for transformational change by making a radical improvement. At first glance, this development is similar to the business process re-engineering (BPR) movement in the private sector. While policy makers and practitioners in the public sector have branded their recent improvements as BPR, the academic and research community have thus far eluded from making any comparisons. This has left a vacuum in terms of understanding the complexity of the challenges facing e-Government re-engineering and resultant change in public agencies. The aim of this paper is to translate the BPR movement findings to the field of e-Government induced change in the public sector. BPR characteristics and challenges are derived using normative literature and compared with two cases of public sector transformation in the UK and Netherlands. The results of these cases show that e-Government-induced change requires a plan for a radical improvement which, in contrast to BPR, is obtained by incremental steps and has a high level of participation. The findings offer policy makers valuable insights into the complexities and possible strategies that may need to be followed in order to succeed in e-Government implementation.  相似文献   

The field of public relations historically has been charged with managing relationships between organizations and publics. Those who build relationships with key constituents, however, struggle with determining whether relationship building activities influence key constituent behavior. The current investigation tracked college students in an attempt to better understand the role that relationship attitudes play in retention. The results showed that those respondents who identify themselves as in relationship with the university were much more likely to return. The investigation then sought to determine which university‐student relationship attitudes best differentiate those students who say they are in relationship with the university from those who say they are not or are uncertain. Those results showed that community relationships were strongly related, while the personal and professional relationships were substantially related to respondent self‐identification of being in relationship with the institution. The ramifications for relationship building, directions for future research, and limitations to the current investigation were presented.  相似文献   

毛军 《图书情报工作》2005,49(11):15-19
结合中国科学院国家科学数字图书馆(简称CSDL)实践,比较国内外数字图书馆的项目管理,阐述项目管理办公室(PMO)如何通过管理创新来建设和运行数字图书馆,并以项目管理知识体系为主线归纳CSDL-PMO的组织结构、工作内容和运行模式,最后从系统平台社会化招投标、项目联合工作组等方面总结经验。  相似文献   

One of the core functions of the electronic resources librarian (ERL) consists of managing various stages of the electronic resource lifecycle. In order to do this effectively, it is extremely helpful to have a detailed guide on hand. An e-resources acquisition checklist can assist the librarian in covering all aspects of evaluation, acquisition, renewal, and cancellation of e-resources such as databases, e-books, e-journals, and more. Such a tool can be indispensable, especially for new ERLs attempting to get a grasp on the logistics of electronic resources management. Using the newly created Techniques for Electronic Resource Management, the author details the process by which librarians navigate the e-resources lifecycle.  相似文献   

Encompassing both the controlled messages of values advocacy and less explicit rhetorical actions such as philanthropy, community programs, and volunteerism, organizational epideictic affirms common values. This essay argues that such common values are problematized by the presence of paradox even in seemingly innocuous epideictic subjects. Through a case study of the National Collegiate Athletic Association's “Stay in Bounds” program teaching children to be good sports both on and off the field, the essay demonstrates the challenges of organizational epideictic through the paradox of excellence. It also provides suggestions for the management—but not elimination—of paradox in organizational epideictic, particularly directed at external publics.  相似文献   

Encompassing both the controlled messages of values advocacy and less explicit rhetorical actions such as philanthropy, community programs, and volunteerism, organizational epideictic affirms common values. This essay argues that such common values are problematized by the presence of paradox even in seemingly innocuous epideictic subjects. Through a case study of the National Collegiate Athletic Association's “Stay in Bounds” program teaching children to be good sports both on and off the field, the essay demonstrates the challenges of organizational epideictic through the paradox of excellence. It also provides suggestions for the management—but not elimination—of paradox in organizational epideictic, particularly directed at external publics.  相似文献   

This article argues that the reference desk is a primary interaction point for direct marketing of the library and remains, despite all the other marketing methods (e.g., posters, speaker's events, email announcements, brochures, RSS feeds), an extremely potent agent to act as a physical point of sale for the library, so necessary in producing a loyal community of returning scholars. This method of marketing the library by the reference desk librarian has much to do with face-to-face interactions. Summaries adopted from Customer Relationship Management literature are discussed as marketing guidelines for the reference desk librarian.  相似文献   

大学研究数据管理作为开放科学进程的重要组成部分,越来越受到各国政府、科学组织、研究机构的重视。通过对德国波茨坦大学RISE-DE模型在制定RDM面向利益相关者参与的结构化战略流程中的应用进行分析,对基于CMM的美国雪城大学RDM模型,借鉴康奈尔模型的格拉斯哥大学CARDIO模型,以及基于DCC的RISE模型的德国RISE-DE模型进行对比研究,梳理三种能力成熟度模型的差异和特点,为我国高校开展研究数据管理服务工作提供借鉴。  相似文献   

生命科学和医学是学术不端行为频发的重灾区,是国家科技伦理治理的重点领域。目前生物医药期刊的作者、审者及编者的科技伦理意识普遍薄弱,制订符合期刊自身定位并与国际接轨的出版伦理政策具有必要性和迫切性。本研究结合《暨南大学学报(自然科学与医学版)》制订和实施出版伦理规范的实践,明确了出版伦理规范制订的意义、原则及注意事项;提出了期刊编辑在科技伦理宣传教育和协同把关中的作用及策略,旨在为生物医药期刊制订和完善具有针对性、引导性、前瞻性和可操作性的出版伦理政策提供参考,促进期刊在出版环节筑牢学术诚信和科技伦理底线。  相似文献   

《The Reference Librarian》2013,54(69-70):233-244

University 300, a course on research and Internet skills, was originally developed at Washington State University for the distance education program. Using a critical thinking approach to the contemporary information environment, the course has grown, evolved, and been transformed into a general education course for the main campus at the university. The course's history shows how strong administrative support and beneficial collaborations across the university transformed the course into an emerging key component of the university curriculum.  相似文献   

The article discusses the Jagiellonian Library's scanned version of its catalog of books published up to 1949. This case study analyzes the issue of information management in light of the history of the catalog from 1802 onwards and the process of making the catalog accessible via the Internet. It examines the consequences of the decision to scan the catalog on the various library departments' current procedures, as well as on library users.  相似文献   

生物标本资源作为典型的自然科技资源,其成果和经验对促进整个自然科技资源的有效利用和开发都有 着较好的参考和借鉴作用。依托中国数字植物标本馆(CVH)的发展历程和现状,就标本数据资源管理、共享和应用3 个方面进行了深入说明,总结了项目运行中取得成果和遇到的问题,并针对相关问题进行了讨论,提出了建议方案, 为下一步的平台建设提供参考。  相似文献   

The Brooklyn College Library's Reference Unit developed the Library's Online Orientation Program (LOOP) to provide freshman students with an entirely online, independent, flexible, and self-paced introduction to the library's resources and services. The implementation of the LOOP gave the reference librarians much-needed time to focus their teaching on classes that require research. The LOOP includes an assessment component that was created and is managed using Sakai. Sakai was found to be effective in creating and managing the assessment, with minimal ongoing maintenance required. Reference librarians with serious time constraints can look to this model as an alternative to in-person library orientation sessions. Since very little has been written about the use of Sakai as a means of creating and managing online assessment, its benefits and drawbacks are outlined.  相似文献   

姚树峰 《编辑学报》2007,19(4):309-311
从刊物特色、队伍建设、营造环境、协调关系等方面介绍了《空军工程大学学报(自然科学版)》的办刊体会.认为:抓好编辑队伍、稿源队伍、特约编委队伍建设是办好期刊的"基础条件",培养"服务,团结,进取,创新"的理念是办好期刊的"内部要素",协调好内外关系是办好期刊的"外部条件".  相似文献   

《The Reference Librarian》2013,54(83-84):33-39

Reference desk service is the public face of our fast-changing profession. Because libraries often have numerous librarians sharing desk duty, consistent service can be a worthy challenge. Practical tools for promoting consistency (in the context of collegiality and teamwork) are explored. Library “culture” and organizational structure influences our professional worklives and personal job satisfaction. Sharing knowledge with one another and interdepartmental collaboration contributes to the advancement of the profession.  相似文献   

Objective:There are no existing validated search filters for the group of 37 Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) countries. This study describes how information specialists from the United Kingdom''s National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) developed and evaluated novel OECD countries’ geographic search filters for MEDLINE and Embase (Ovid) to improve literature search effectiveness for evidence about OECD countries.Methods:We created the draft filters using an alternative approach to standard filter construction. They are composed entirely of geographic subject headings and are designed to retain OECD country evidence by excluding non-OECD country evidence using the NOT Boolean operator. To evaluate the draft filters’ effectiveness, we used MEDLINE and Embase literature searches for three NICE guidelines that retrieved >5,000 search results. A 10% sample of the excluded references was screened to check that OECD country evidence was not inadvertently excluded.Results:The draft MEDLINE filter reduced results for each NICE guideline by 9.5% to 12.9%. In Embase, search results were reduced by 10.7% to 14%. Of the sample references, 7 of 910 (0.8%) were excluded inadvertently. These references were from a guideline about looked-after minors that concerns both OECD and non-OECD countries.Conclusion:The draft filters look promising—they reduced search result volumes while retaining most OECD country evidence from MEDLINE and Embase. However, we advise caution when using them in topics about both non-OECD and OECD countries. We have created final versions of the search filters and will validate them in a future study.  相似文献   

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