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当代中学生人际交往的表现、特点以及归因分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章以调查问卷为基础,分析当代中学生人际交往的表现及其特点,并对之进行文化、心理及教育归因,为正确对待青少年的人际交往及其在学生成长过程中的影响提供了理论上的可能性和实践中的必要性.  相似文献   

在人际交往过程中,个体会对彼此的行为进行归因。本文基于归因理论把大学生的人际交往理解为结果一归因一情绪、期望一行为抉择这两种过程。对大学生人际交往障碍的表现主要从归因方式,归因目的以及元认知水平等方面进行了分析。进而提出家庭教育、学校教育、社会教育应当为大学生创造良好的环境,重视大学生的人际交往的归因训练和指导,帮助纠正归因偏差,促使建立积极合理的归因模式,从而使大学生减少人际冲突,获得更好的发展。  相似文献   

大学生人际交往对其大学学习、生活有着重要的影响,关系到大学生全面健康发展,对其在未来社会生活中的人际关系处理也具有重要的影响。当前,在大学生人际交往中存在一些障碍和不足,这与大学生社会需求、认知程度和性格特点有关。应当从提升大学生全面素质出发,加强对大学生人际交往的教育和引导,促进他们人际关系的协调。  相似文献   

陈晓红 《成才之路》2012,(17):14-I0009
对于处于成长旺盛期的中学生来说,人际关系的困惑对他们的精神世界构成很大的冲击,如果不加以正确辅导,轻则影响他们当前的学习,重则会给正在成长期的他们的心灵造成严重伤害,进而影响他们以后人生观和价值观的形成。因此,要了解中学生人际交往的特点,理解他们困惑的原因,对症下药,必然会药到病除。  相似文献   

文章对中学生物理考试成功归因方式进行了探讨.以物理考试归因量表为工具,采用方差分析方法探讨了山东省某中学253名中学生的物理考试归因特点.结果表明,中学生物理考试归因为稳定、可控的因素,成绩水平对中学生的归因方式、成功期望及情感的影响较大,成功后都愿意为下次考试努力,考试成功后感到欣慰与惊喜,其后是感激与自豪.  相似文献   

交往归因是在交往过程中交往主体对自己或他人行为结果的原因知觉或推断,教师在对中小学生交往问题进行指导时,要注意了解学生的归因特点,教会学生学会一定的交往方法和技巧,并在合作学习中,适时进行归因训练。  相似文献   

小学生人际交往问题的表现及其归因心理分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本通过对小学生群体人际交往的问卷调查及自然观察,发现小学生人际交往的主要问题为四种类型:攻击型,差生型,吵闹型,孤僻型。其主要心理问题表现为依赖,自我中心,不合群。对之进行心理归因分析,表现为交往技艺因素、交往行为因素、交往心理因素,这三个层面构成了小学生人际交往问题的归因整体。  相似文献   

现在有的中学生,上学一个人,放学一个人,遇上周末或是放假,干脆一个人呆在家。其实,他们不少人并不是喜欢独来独往,而是有着交往的恐惧,究其原因,是缺乏跟同学交流的技巧。以下五个建议性技巧值得你试一试,说不定,你能因此而拥有许多朋友。  相似文献   

Objective: To explore the characteristics of the spiritual beliefs among junior high school students. Method: 431 junior high school students are measured by Students’ Basic Information Questionnaire (SBIQ) and Middle School Students’ Spiritual Beliefs Questionnaire (MSSSBQ). Results: (1) The overall characteristics of the spiritual beliefs among junior high school students are as follows: social beliefs rank first, practical faith second, and supernatural beliefs last. The ranks of the seven beliefs from high to low are nationalism, political conviction, family’s doctrine, life worship, religious beliefs, money/material and gods worship. (2) Boy students have higher political conviction and money/material faith than girl students. Girl students have higher religious beliefs than boy students. (3) On the beliefs of money/material and life worship, students in Grade 9 take the first place, Grade 8 second and Grade 7 last. (4) Non-student cadres have stronger money/material faith than cadres. (5) League members have higher political beliefs than non-members. (6) Students who are good at studies have stronger national faith than students who are average or poor at studies. Students who are poor at studies have stronger money/material faith than other students. Conclusion: The spiritual beliefs of junior high school students are positive. __________ Translated from Psychology Development and Education, 2005:2.  相似文献   

Maltreated youth have higher rates of school dropout than their non-maltreated peers. School connectedness is a modifiable predictor of school success. We hypothesized maltreated youth’s school connectedness (supportive relationships with adults at school and participation in school clubs) would be positively associated with high school graduation. We included youth with at least one Child Protective Services (CPS) report by age twelve from Longitudinal Studies of Child Abuse and Neglect, a prospective cohort study. Participation in extracurricular activities and adult relationships reported at age 16, high school graduation/General Education Development (GED) status reported at age 18, and demographics were provided by youth and caregivers. Maltreatment data were coded from CPS records. The outcome was graduation/receipt of GED. Multivariable logistic regressions examined the association between school connectedness and graduation/receipt of GED, controlling for confounders. In our sample of 318 maltreated youth, 73.3% graduated. School club was the only activity with a statistically significant association with graduation in bivariate analysis. Having supportive relationships with an adult at school was not significantly associated with graduation, though only 10.7% of youth reported this relationship. Maltreated youth who participated in school clubs had 2.54 times the odds of graduating, adjusted for study site, gender, poverty status, caregiver high school graduation status, and age at first CPS report (95% CI: [1.02, 6.33]). Few maltreated youth reported relationships with adults at school, and additional efforts may be needed to support these vulnerable youth. School club participation may represent an opportunity to modify maltreated youth’s risk for school dropout.  相似文献   

论职校生健全人格的塑造与完善   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
人格完善是指个体有自觉的自我认识,维持身心相对平衡的状态,促使自己向着能充分发挥自身潜能的方向发展,为人类作出一定贡献的过程,是伴随一个人终身的过程。我国的职业教育不仅应重视学生职业知识与技能的学习训练,而且更应重视其健康职业心理与职业伦理道德的形成,重视健全人格的塑造与完善,最终把他们培养成为21世纪成功的劳动或创业。  相似文献   

通过对高中生在生物学学习中对不同学习方式的兴趣的调查研究 ,发现学生们对不同学习方式的兴趣水平差异显著 ,最感兴趣的学习方式是体验式学习 ;其次是接受式学习 ;再次是讨论式学习 ;兴趣水平最低的学习方式是读写式学习。对这四种学习方式的兴趣 ,男女生之间以及选修不同科目的学生之间的差异均不显著 ;对体验式学习和接受式学习的兴趣 ,不同年级学生之间的差异均不显著 ,而对读写式学习和讨论式学习的兴趣却是高三年级显著低于低年级学生。  相似文献   

初中生父母教养方式对子女个性影响的研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
为了解初中生父母教养方式对子女个性形成和发展的影响,本研究采用父母教养方式量表和艾森克个性问卷(儿童版)对石家庄市城市、农村两所中学389位在校初中生进行了调查,结果发现:第一,初中生的个性特征存在性别和来源差异;第二,初中生父母教养方式对子女的个性有显影响。  相似文献   

搞好初中与高中数学的衔接,是高一数学的一项重要内容。首先要处理好初高中教材的衔接点:"集合与函数概念","平面及其性质";其次是以旧导新,以旧带新,新旧对比,注意揭示新旧知识的内在联系,使新知识顺利地同化于原有的知识结构之中;第三是充分利用数形结合(即几何直观);第四是引导与督促。  相似文献   

Recent education policy places a heavy emphasis on parents in relation to students' success at school. This paper explores how parents and teachers account for school success. Using membership categorisation analysis, it interrogates data collected in different interview situations across sites over a period of 20 years. The analysis shows how parents and teachers use talk as moral work to conversationally constitute particular agreed versions of the category ‘parent’. This category is interactively assembled through the use of category-bound attributes that construct deficit discourses of parents that explain student achievement. The analysis demonstrates that parents are complicit with teachers in producing versions of being a good parent wherein they are held responsible for their children's school success and that minimises the responsibility of the school. These findings raise questions both about who is responsible for schooling and about current contradictory policy emphases on parent and teacher responsibility for school success.  相似文献   

Using the method of purpositive sampling, this research makes an empirical study on the relationship between the schooling for education and democratic qualities of public high school students in Beijing. The results show that the democratic qualities of the students in public high school of Beijing are better as a whole, but they are still lack of democratic knowledge and abilities, etc. The results of correlation analysis, multiple regression analysis and independent-samples T test show that there are four different kinds of relationships between the schooling for education and democratic qualities of students. Firstly, there is little distinct correlation between school reputation and democratic knowledge, attitude and abilities of students. Secondly, there is little distinct correlation between prospective achievement and democratic knowledge and attitude of students, but have a large correlation with the democratic abilities of students (P<.001). Thirdly, there is a large correlation between teaching and democratic knowledge, attitude and abilities of students (P<.001). Lastly, there is a large correlation between activities participation and democratic knowledge, attitude and abilities of students (P<.001) __________ Translated from Jiaoyu Xuebao 教育学报 (Journal of Educational Studies), 2008, 4(1): 14–18, with updated and additional content  相似文献   

目的:了解中学生理想和拖延行为的现状,探讨中学生理想和拖延行为的关系.方法:采取分层整群抽样方法抽取1048名中学生,用中学生理想问卷和Aitken拖延问卷(API)进行调查,运用Spss17.0对调查数据进行统计分析.结果:中学生在自我理想、社会理想、生活理想维度及理想总分上存在着显著的性别差异,且女生的水平高于男生.而在拖延总分和理想的学业维度、职业维度和道德维度上没有显著的的性别差异.在理想各维度和拖延总分上均有一般中学学生高于二类重点中学学生.且在学业理想和理想总分上一类重点中学也高于二类重点中学学生.中学生理想各维度与拖延行为存在显著正相关.结论:中学生理想和拖延行为存在显著正相关,在性别和学校层次上也存在着显著差异.学业理想和职业理想对拖延行为有显著的正向预测作用.  相似文献   

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