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Minds, modules, and meta-analysis   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Wellman and colleagues' meta-analysis of performance on the false-belief task is methodologically useful, but it does not lead to any theoretical progress concerning the nature of the mechanisms that underlie the existence and development of "theory of mind." In particular, the results of this meta-analysis are perfectly compatible with "early competence" accounts that posit a specific, innate, and possibly modular basis for theory of mind. The arguments presented by Wellman and colleagues against such views stem not from their meta-analytic data, but from mistaken assumptions regarding the requirements of such theories (e.g., that there exist manipulations that improve performance only, or to a greater degree, in young children). Contrary to what Wellman and colleagues claim, their meta-analysis, while consistent with conceptual change, does not lend any new support for such theories.  相似文献   

If education is to make a difference it is widely acknowledged that we must aim to educate for understanding, but this means being clear about what we mean by understanding. This paper argues for a concept of personal understanding, recognising both the commonality and individuality of each pupil's understandings, and the relationship between understanding and interpretation, analysis and synopsis, and the quest for meaning.

In supporting this view, the paper advocates an emergentist notion of person‐hood, and considers the neurophysiological reasons for asserting the individuality of human minds, brains, and the creation of personal meanings. The notion of personal meanings would, however, seem to run counter to the post‐modern denial of the autonomous self, and the tradition in philosophy, most recently stemming from Wittgenstein, that insists that meanings and understandings are essentially social, and not personal—a view also advocated by John White in regard to education. In contrast, this paper argues that meanings and understandings are both social (interpersonal) and personal. Once we reinstate the notion of personal minds and personal understandings, alongside the social, we may see more clearly what it means to educate for understanding, and why this might begin to make a difference.  相似文献   

Moving Minds     
This paper explores and examines a case study based at Ivy Bank Business and Enterprise College, The Imperial War Museum North, and Liverpool John Moores University. This collaboration took place from November 2004 until February 2005 culminating in an exhibition of children's artwork as part of the ‘Moving Minds’ project at the IWM North. This project was built upon a firm foundation of common goals; an investment in educational and curriculum development; learning through an engagement with contemporary art practice; learning within the context of the museum and a belief that working collaboratively can act as an effective antidote to a perceived orthodoxy in art and design education (Steers 2004). Through practitioner enquiry this paper presents three distinct perspectives. The voice of the trainee teacher, the classroom teacher and the university lecturer demonstrate both elements of commonality and difference within the shared experience of this enterprise.  相似文献   

《幼儿园教育指导纲要》指出:幼儿园的教育是为所有幼儿的健康成长服务的,教师要以关怀、接纳、尊重的态度与幼儿交谈,耐心倾听、仔细理解幼儿的想法和感受,支持、鼓励他们大胆探索与表达,关注幼儿在活动中的表现和反应,敏感地察觉他们的需要。及时以适当的方式应答,形成合作、探究式的师幼互动。师幼互动的过程既是教师职能发挥的过程,同时也是教师、幼儿共同成长的过程。师幼互动贯穿于孩子的一日活动之中。随着《纲要》的落实,教师的教育观念、教育行为、教学手段已不断改进和完善,教师的身份也随之发生变化。  相似文献   

This article reviews the theoretical backgrounds, methodological solutions and preliminary results of the research “What teachers think about power”. The study is based on a theoretical analysis of the relations between power and education (Nuutinen, 1994). This analysis is briefly introduced with emphasis on four aspects of power and its relation to education: (1) power as a part of the basic existential needs and control of life; (2) power as relations; (3) power as a problem of the formation of personality (subjectivity); and (4) power as a determinant of action. The empirical study will be carried out among kindergarten and comprehensive school teachers in three stages including qualitative interviews and a survey. In the present article the teachers' answers from stage 1 are described, summarized and discussed.  相似文献   

Instructional Science - Teams become a key resource for organisations to meet different challenges. Thus a high team performance is essential in work context. The aim of this study was to...  相似文献   

动物也有思维吗?答案是步定的.它们比我们人类所能想象到的更加聪明,有记忆,会模仿,会开心,会生气,有多种技能,让我们大开眼界.……  相似文献   


This article takes ‘measurement’ as a will to determine or fix space and time, which allows for a comparison of ontological models of space and time from Western and Māori traditions. The spirit of ‘measurement’ is concomitantly one of fixing meaning, which is suggested as the essence of the growth of the scientific genre of language that has taken place alongside the growth of science itself, since the European Enlightenment. ‘Measurement’ and ‘metaphor’ are posited as an original binary for classifying thinking and language, updating classical educational models of thought by drawing on recent results in brain and cognitive science, and recognising that basic cognitive resources, such as logic and rationality, power all forms of thinking. The article suggests that the notion of ‘cultural worldview’ may involve different balances of left and right brain thinking, embedded in the discourses, lexicons and grammars of each language, and that Western domination of left brain thinking (through the influence of science on the European languages, particularly English) may be a useful viewpoint on the philosophical dead end of the West.  相似文献   

周颖 《南平师专学报》2006,25(1):45-46,14
本文立足于语文作文教学实践,努力探究当前新课程理念下的写作观,为学生的自主写作构建平台,给学生以心灵的自由,并提出几种设想。  相似文献   

In a recent essay, Tasos Kazepides has used the later Wittgenstein's account of religious beliefs as either 'superstitions' or non-rational to condemn such beliefs as 'doctrines'. By this term he means teachings which close minds to alternative truth-claims. In this paper we criticise his interpretation and use of Wittgenstein and argue that, far from closing minds, an appropriate education in religious beliefs can open minds to possible realms of existence unconsidered in other subjects of the curriculum.  相似文献   

The present authors wrote a paper on cognitive neuroscience (i.e., Byrnes and Fox, 1998) that spawned a number of commentaries. In the present paper, they respond to these commentaries. Using a theme-based approach, they reveal an emerging consensus regarding the educational relevance of neuroscientific research.  相似文献   

点燃思维之火:开放教育,长尾理论和学习2.0   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高等教育需求和服务供给的矛盾为基于新技术的学习模式提供了空间.基于实践社区支持,强调参与、建构和兴趣驱动的社会化学习等非正式学习开始从边缘走向中心.本文讨论技术支持下的学习模式变革,强调整合社区支持和资源共享的重要性,从学习知识(Learn about)向学会生存(Learn to be)转变,并指出以资源共享为主的开放教育资源在社区支持方面的薄弱.开放教育资源的价值在学习的长尾中得到了揭示和体现,而建立社区与共享资源同样重要.通过建立参与性学习生态系统,推动从Web2.0发展到Learning2.0.  相似文献   

This paper problematizes contemporary cultural understandings of autism. We make use of the developmental psychology concepts of ‘Theory of Mind’ and ‘mindblindness’ to uncover the meaning of autism as expressed in these concepts. Our concern is that autism is depicted as a puzzle and that this depiction governs not only the way Western culture treats autism but also the way in which it governs everyday interactions with autistic people. Moreover, we show how the concepts of Theory of Mind and mindblindness require autism to be a puzzle in the first place. Rather than treat autism as a puzzle that must be solved, we treat autism as a teacher and thus as having something valuable to contribute toward an understanding of the inherent partiality and uncertainty of human communication and collective life.  相似文献   

要完善社会主义市场经济体制,必须更好地运用解放思想这个法宝.要认真贯彻落实科学发展观,着眼于解决现实经济生活中的矛盾,把思想从传统的市场经济观、从现代资本主义的市场经济观、从西方资产阶级经济学的教条中解放出来,以马克思主义为指导,在深化改革的实践中促进公有制与市场经济的有效结合.  相似文献   

解放思想与主体性的发挥   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
主体性是主体在对象性活动中自主地使用自身的本质力量,能动地作用于客体,影响客体和使客体为主体服务的性质。主体性的发挥受多种因素制约,其中调整主体的认识结构,更新观念、改变思维方式是充分发挥主体性的关键。解放思想的实质是不断更新观念和转变思维方式。不做习惯势力和主观偏见的奴隶,不断研究新情况,解决实践中出现的新问题,是解放思想的核心和灵魂。  相似文献   

高考是目前我国进行人才选拔和实现教育公平的一条主要途径.高考前学生的不良心态直接影响他们在高考时的临场发挥.导致高考成绩不佳甚至失败,是一个亟待解决的现实问题.本文通过对高考前学生不良心态的表现形式及其成因的研究分析,就如何加强学生的心理健康教育和心理调适,以良好的心态应对高考提出了见解.  相似文献   

创新人才的心智模式是影响创新人才成长和发展的内在心理机制,国内外心理学界的相关理论和实证研究表明,人类从事创造性的活动所需要具备的核心特质可以归纳为六种心智。这六种心智包括专门领域知识心智,内在动机心智,多元文化经验心智,问题发现心智,专门领域判断标准心智,以及说服传播心智。在创新人才成长过程中,这六种心智有一定的阶段性和动态性,知识和经验心智是基础,标准判断、问题发现和内在动机心智是动力,而说服传播心智则是创新产品由个体扩展到群体的保障。深入分析和探讨这六种心智模式,将会给我国创新人才的教育与培养实践带来有许多积极的启示。  相似文献   

主体性是主体在对象性活动中自主地使用自身的本质力量,能动地作用于客体,影响客体和使客体为主体服务的性质。主体性的发挥受多种因素制约,其中调整主体的认识结构,更新观念、改变思维方式是充分发挥主体性的关键。解放思想的实质是不断更新观念和转变思维方式。不做习惯势力和主观偏见的奴隶,不断研究新情况,解决实践中出现的新问题,是解放思想的核心和灵魂。  相似文献   

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