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The cheap and powerful personal computer (PC) has become an important and efficient tool for supporting engineering education. In this paper a PC‐based training module, AIROBOT,is presented. The purpose of this module is to provide a platform for students to develop and experiment with artificial intelligence techniques.

The training module, AIROBOT,utilizes an electronic noughts and crosses game board which is interfaced to the Scorbot‐ER VII robot and a PC. The development and implementation of the module are discussed. Two techniques developed by the students are presented to illustrate the utilization of the module. The first technique involves searching a game tree data structure. The learning involves the on‐line generation of the game tree as the games are played. An evaluation function is used to facilitate the search. The other technique is based on the artificial neural network approach using the backpropagation paradigm. The structure of the neural networks, training and performances are presented. The PC‐based training module has the potential to enhance the student understanding through the practical application of artificial intelligence. It is envisaged that similar modules can be easily integrated into most engineering undergraduate robotics courses.  相似文献   

茅炫 《西北师大学报》2004,41(4):111-113
科学研究作为一种社会性的实践活动,从科研目的、科研目标的确立,到科研手段的应用、科学研究的过程和科学研究的后果,以及作为科学研究活动主体的科学家,都不是与伦理无涉的纯粹客观的,因此科学研究是涉及伦理评判的社会实践活动。  相似文献   

This paper returns to two key texts in the history of linguistic theory: Saussure's Course in General Linguistics (1916) and Ogden and Richards' The Meaning of Meaning (1923). While Saussure's linguistic model is dialectical and synthetic, with the two elements of the linguistic sign (signal and signification) being compared to the two sides of a sheet of paper, Ogden and Richards' is tripartite and analytic, with the three elements involved in the language situation (word, thought and thing) being represented as the three points of a triangle. Moreover, while Saussure sees language as turning in upon itself, with the sign referring not to things in an extra‐linguistic reality but to other signs within the same linguistic structure, Ogden and Richards see language as referring beyond itself, to a reality outside language. These differences are related to differences in how the human mind is conceived: while Saussure sees thought as embedded in language, and while he invests the mind with the power to order and regulate the chaos inherent in language, Ogden and Richards, writing very much in the wake of the new psychology of stimulus–response behaviourism, separate thought from language, and divest the mind of any power to resist ‘the power of words’. Interestingly, though, Ogden and Richards show signs of an early cognitivism, which raises the question of whether contemporary cognitive science is perhaps more indebted to the stimulus–response paradigm than it would care to admit.  相似文献   

凯洛夫《教育学》曲折地反映了20世纪二三十年代苏联社会主义的教育实践,其独特的学术旨趣深深地烙上了特定的时代印记。由于在一定程度上满足了我们建国初期的社会历史需要,不仅直接辐射了刚刚起步的新中国教育学探索,对当时国人自编《教育学》的理论架构起到了某种示范作用;而且对当时中国中小学的教学实践运行和管理制度建构均产生了广泛而深刻的实际影响。反思20世纪50年代的中国教育经验与教训,对于推动和深化当代中国的基础教育改革显然不无启发。  相似文献   

主体教育实验历经18年,检验了实验假设,取得了诸多预期的成果,其重要成果之一,就是促进了教师的发展和提高。在主体教育实验中,不只是一个或几个教师成长起来,而是一大批教师在成长在提高。教师的发展提高既是主体教育实验的目的又是主体教育成功的重要标志,教师作为主体教育实验的主体,最大限度地开挖出了主动性和创造性。实验探索表明,教师的发展提高是在他们对现行教育教学进行改革的实践中实现的,是在自觉主动的教学实验活动中实现的,是在系统的理论学习研究中逐步地、长期地实现的。主体教育实验探索出的这样一种教师专业发展的机制,不同于传统的个别教师自然成长的机制,而是现代教师实现自觉成长的机制,是培养一支优秀的、有创造性的、有活力的高素质教师队伍的机制。  相似文献   

批评的历史维度   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文针对20世纪文学批评领域出现的热衷于自我证明并拒绝历史语境的倾向,通过剖析文体学批评、道德批评、神话批评、精神分析批评和结构主义批评等五种批评方法,说明没有一种阐释模式是完全自足的,它们所谓的自主性来自阐释过程中的任意限定和设界。如果将其中的任何一种方法延伸,即使完全用它自身的术语,也会再次进入批评的历史维度。  相似文献   

文学活动作为一种精神生产活动,如同物质生产活动一样,也存在着一个从生产到消费的完整过程。在这个过程中,文学批评处在文学消费的一极,是一种特殊性质的文学消费活动。本文从文学产品的价值实现、文学创造活动的最后完成,以及对文学产品的再生产的反作用等角度,论述了文学批评作为一种特殊性质的文学消费的诸般功能。  相似文献   

批判与反思:实践哲学视野中的中国教育学   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
教育学在诞生之初就与实践哲学结下了不解之缘。日后的教育学因遗忘了实践哲学而走入了迷惘之境,同时也因实践哲学的复兴而走向新生。面对西方实践哲学的复兴,当下的我们该如何让教育学说中国话?为此,本文在阐述中国哲学和“教育学”的实践特质的基础上,从实践哲学的视角对中国的教育学进行了批判反思,以为中国教育学的未来发展寻找新的价值坐标。  相似文献   

金圣叹的《水浒》评点之所以很大程度上超越前人,根本原因在于评点思路的转变:中国古代小说观念受史传影响,长期以来的评点者多站在读者角度从外部对其进行人物品评、事件议论与思想升发;而在金圣叹的评点中,由于对"文"、"事"观念的辨析,形成了对小说文学本质的重新定位,从而"由其文而测其意"、"由其意而观其法"、"由其法而言其效",走上了与前人截然不同的评点道路。这种评点方式以作者的创作意图为解释根源,有利于深入探寻作品的文学特征、作者的创作技巧和文本的内在肌理;但阐释者的固有观念与创作者的创作意图之间往往存在偏差,这也导致了评点中的一些曲解和误读。  相似文献   

针对教育部颁布《中小学班主任工作规定》所引发的关于班主任有对学生进行批评教育的权利问题,展开了必要的分析和逻辑追溯。在揭示传统批评教育中存在弊病的同时,强调了批评是面向事实的对话。指出教师开展批评教育必须基于客观事实,帮助学生运用理性预判后果,引导他们自我矫正与自我完善,自觉走向健康人生之路。  相似文献   

Practical Examples of the Practical Argument: A Case in Point   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Relevance is an ill-used, slogan-like word which scholars eschew but which tertiary students persist in using as a criterion for success or failure of their classes. Those who would improve college instruction can facilitate student acceptance of their recommendation only by seeking to understand what relevance means to the learner, and by tailoring reforms to meet the learner's conceptions. Defining relevance as a kind of goodness-of-fit in teacher-student interaction, the author elucidates its cognitive, affective, and technological dimensions in the light of psychological research and theory. Students who demand relevance are asking for meaningful content which is appropriate to their developmental level and which is conveyed by media to which they naturally respond. The problems faced by teachers and curriculum planners include: (1) understanding the nature of the students' classroom experience; (2) designing curricula and instructional procedures which are congruent with, rather than antagonistic toward, the aspects of that experience which facilitate learning; and (3) finding ways of implementing those procedures within a system not easily turned from its traditional path. Specific suggestions for attaining relevance are made; but the strongest recommendation is for increased understanding of the meaning of the word relevance itself - a development which would bring vigor to an important word now vitiated by misuse.  相似文献   

CIA does not stand for what you ordinarily would think, The Central Intelligence Agency! These initials can be quite meaningful to caregivers and definitely beneficial to school-agers who are involved in before and after school care. CIA—Creativity, Imagination and Anticipation! These are key words and functions which can enhance a school-age program.  相似文献   

安·塞·布拉德雷作为20世纪被阅读最多的莎评家和浪漫主义及维多利亚莎评的集大成者,传统上被认为是性格分析的代表人物.不过,在20世纪莎评的发展中,历史主义莎评和形式主义莎评阵营中的许多莎评家都通过反对布拉德雷的性格分析来阐述自己的批评方法;同时,布拉德雷也获得了来自不同方面的支持,批评家们甚至在他身上发现了新的莎评方法的踪影.布拉德雷就这样在争议中融入了20世纪莎评.  相似文献   

20世纪90年代散文全面升温,“学者散文”、“新生代”散文最具活力的文类。当一切尘埃落定,我们却不无遗憾地发现:90年代文表面的繁荣并没有带来质的突破,散文评论更是滞后于散文的发展。面对新的世纪,散文应有更高层次的繁荣和发展。  相似文献   

就目前的翻译批评现状进行了实事求是地分析,提出翻译批评实践倘若离开历史语境就可能出现谬误的观点,把历史语境视为翻译批评的具体参数,从历史语境化的角度审视翻译批评及其标准,并认定将翻译批评事件或对象历史语境化为翻译批评的重要途径,是翻译批评实证性的重要参数,有助于翻译批评实现公允、客观与准确。  相似文献   

作者张京媛在"镜与妖女:对女性主义批评的反思"的艺术再现理念影响下女性主义批评赖以形成的系统,为现在的文本分析提供了较为全新全面的视角,为女性主义批评家自成体系、建立统一规范和真实反映女性批评本质有重要意义.  相似文献   

控制性教学批判:实践审思的视角   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
教学中的控制常以两种形式表现:显性控制和隐性控制.前者直接指向学生的身体,多以点名、批评、体罚、放晚学等方式体现;后者指向学生的理智思维,是对教学的行为和结果的预成式控制,主要表现为虚假的教学对话和虚假的课堂探究.  相似文献   

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