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Within the context of a widespread concern with children's antisocial behaviour, especially bullying, the development of ‘whole‐school’ policies on bullying, and also recent national guidelines which emphasise the importance of fostering children's prosocial behaviours, this research examines the extent to which children, parents and teachers exhibit within‐ and between‐group consensus, both in their perceptions and relative judgements of different forms of child prosocial and antisocial behaviours, and in their responses to such behaviours. Less consensus was found in judgements of prosodal than of antisocial behaviours, both within and between groups, and significant between‐group differences are discussed in the context of the teaching of social behaviour.  相似文献   

罪犯反社会人格障碍的调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用问卷法对866名罪犯进行反社会人格障碍调查,结果表明:(1)罪犯中反社会人格障碍发生率存在显著性别差异,男性罪犯高于女性罪犯。(2)罪犯中反社会人格障碍存在年龄差异,随着年龄增大,反社会人格障碍的发生率逐渐降低。18-24岁罪犯的反社会人格发生率最高,45岁及以上罪犯反社会人格障碍发生率最低。(3)罪犯中反社会人格障碍发生率在受教育程度上存在差异,大专及以上文化程度罪犯的反社会人格障碍发生率低于其他文化程度组。(4)未婚罪犯中反社会人格障碍发生率显著高于已婚和离异罪犯。(5)两次及多次入狱的累犯反社会人格障碍发生率显著高于初犯。  相似文献   

反社会人格障碍研究进展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文从诊断标准、流行病学调查、影响因素三个方面综述了反社会人格障碍研究的进展情况,并在此基础上探讨了今后进一步研究的方向。  相似文献   

Children's lie-telling is surprisingly understudied among children with significant behavioral problems. In the present study, experimental paradigms were used to examine antisocial lie-telling among ethnically diverse 5- to 10-year-old children with disruptive behavior disorders (DBD;= 71) and a typically developing (TD) comparison sample (= 50) recruited from a southeastern state from 2013 to 2014. Children completed two games that measured the prevalence and skill of their lies: (a) for personal gain and (b) to conceal wrongdoing. Children with DBD were more likely to lie for personal gain than TD children. With age, children were more likely to lie to conceal wrongdoing, but the reverse was true regarding lies for personal gain. Results advance knowledge concerning individual differences in children's lie-telling.  相似文献   

在学校教育过程中,有不少教师会遇到这样的学生,他们表现反叛,动辄离家出走、与人斗殴,甚至毁坏他人或公共财物;还经常说谎、偷窃等.这类学生患有反社会型人格障碍,如果得不到及时的预防和矫治,他们很容易走上严重违法犯罪道路.因此预防和矫治反社会型人格障碍,是中小学德育急待研究的重点课题.  相似文献   

反社会性人格者在我国不属于限制、无刑事责任能力者,但其控制能力及生理指标与常人还是有区别的。反社会性人格者原则上应属于完全刑事责任,但能证明缺失的能力与他实施的行为有联系时,应认定为限制行为能力人。反社会人格障碍者的行刑应该秉着帮助其回归社会的目的,政府应该对其进行强制医疗以及必要的心理疏导。  相似文献   

弗洛伊德的人格发展理论对儿童心理健康教育的启示   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
弗洛伊德的人格发展理论孕育着丰富的心理健康教育思想。本文简要阐述了弗洛伊德的人格发展理论,并探讨其对儿童心理健康教育的积极启示:一是优化人格构建的初始环境;二是建立健康心理防御机制;是倡导儿童游戏,重视情绪疏导;四是构筑适合儿童年龄特点的道德观念。  相似文献   

留守儿童的反社会行为是指留守儿童表现出的违反社会公认行为规范、损害社会和公众共同利益的行为。与一般儿童相比,留守儿童的成长环境相对不利,更容易受到外界的不良影响或诱惑而表现出反社会行为并产生不良后果。科学评估与有效预防留守儿童的反社会行为有助于推进平安中国与健康中国的建设,因此日益受到政府和研究者的关注。在系统梳理留守儿童反社会行为的概念、风险因素和保护因素的基础上,通过概述留守儿童反社会行为的普遍性指标和特异性指标、不同严重程度反社会行为的风险评估框架以及不同等级的反社会行为预防体系,对留守儿童反社会行为的评估和预防问题予以探讨。未来应通过多种形式完善指标体系,推进风险评估和科学干预,并深化社会治理创新下的预防工作,以实现对留守儿童各级和各类反社会行为的精准应对。  相似文献   

人类社会之所以能有序地存在和发展,一个重要的动因是社会道德规范和道德控制系统在起作用,它们维系和调节着人与人、人与社会之间的关系。在传统的、稳定发展的社会中,道德规范的调节和控制作用十分明显和有效;在现代的稳定发展的社会中,也应不断加强道德教育以提升儿童的道德水准,而弗洛伊德的人格结构理论是他的精神分析理论成熟的一个标志,对儿童的德育具有一定的启示。  相似文献   

童年时代是一个人心灵成长的关键期,也是个性和世界观最终形成奠基的时期,这个阶段的心理成长直接影响到日后的心理健康状态,所形成的行为将会影响到以后的身心发展.随着社会的发展,儿童的行为问题受到越来越多的关注,近年来儿童行为问题的检出率有明显上升的趋势,且因区域差异而有所不同.  相似文献   

Antisocial behavior exhibited by children and youth has been an issue of concern for societies throughout history. Events of recent years in the United States (e.g., school shootings, increases in criminal adjudication among children and youth, escalation in violent behavior within this age group) have galvanized public concern and raised antisocial behavior among children and youth to a national health care issue. The purpose of this article is to briefly review the social skills training knowledge base and describe social skills training considerations for at-risk and antisocial children and youth at 3 grade levels: (a) preschool and elementary, (b) middle school, and (c) high school. Characteristics of students, composition of model social skills interventions, and, where possible, efficacy data are reviewed and discussed. We conclude the article by discussing recommendations for future research in this area.  相似文献   

Aggression, the behaviour that is intended to cause harm to persons or property, not socially justifiable, a problem of modern society and education, has been a research focus of developmental psychologists and educators in the last few decades and has been extensively studied, because of its consequences in our life. This aspect of emotional expression in young children seems to take different forms in different cultures.

At the opposite end of the spectrum from the antisocial behaviour is the prosocial behaviour, the aspect of moral contact that includes socially desirable behaviour (such as sharing, helping and cooperating). Prosocial behaviour or altruism has also attracted recently the interest of the researchers as it seems to be a human characteristic of high value that emerges from a very early stage of child development.

In this paper we present the results of an empirical study in which we try to show the ways that the young Greek children of preschool age express aggressiveness and altruism. Actually we combine the results of two pieces of research. One that has been conducted in a natural setting by observing antisocial behaviour of the children in a nursery school and the other by asking about 300 mothers of young children to prescribe the ways their children display prosocial behaviour. The results will be discussed in connection with some aspects of the early childhood moral education.  相似文献   

心理学家勒温曾把解释策略分为亚里士多德式和伽利略式,当代科学哲学也有类似的划分,把解释策略分为自上而下式和自下而上式。从解释策略看,人格五因素理论是亚里士多德式或自上而下的,而人格的社会认知理论则是伽利略式或自下而上的。正是由于解释策略的不同,才导致两大人格理论在人格结构和行为倾向的关系、人格的指标以及情境在人格评估中的作用等问题上存在差异。由此可见,解释策略在人格理论的比较和评价中具有重要意义。  相似文献   

20世纪中国学术理论中的原创性匮乏是与人们由来以久的依附式的思维方式和人格实际密切相关的。所以,希望产生我们具有原创性的理论成果,需要重视独立人格的培育。而培育的途径主要是客观的环境营造和个体的自我塑造。  相似文献   

This study investigated the relationship of personality, ability and school achievement. The findings here were that:
  1. intelligence is the major determinant of school achievement;

  2. bright children tend to come from smaller families than dull children;

  3. relatively unstable children have a better level of school achievement than stable children;

  4. extraversion‐introversion had no effect on school achievement.


This study compares the subject matter acquisition of a lecture-discussion group and a game-playing group in a graduate course in personality theory. The performance of the group which played only two personality theory games during the five-week summer session was at least as good as that of a lecture-discussion group attending the same session. An additional, unanticipated gain for the game-playing group was consistently high motivational level and esprit de corps.  相似文献   

通过运用弗洛伊德的人格理论对小说《光明天使》中的人物形象进行解析,指出小说中的几个主要人物分别是弗洛伊德人格理论中"本我"、"自我"和"超我"的代表,揭示人格三结构之间的激烈冲突与斗争,体现了小说的主题,展现作者欧茨对人性的深刻挖掘与反思。  相似文献   

论弗洛伊德的人格理论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
弗洛伊德认为完整的人格结构由本我、自我和超我三大系统组成,人格的形成与发展既取决于内部的能量宣泄与反能量宣泄之间的关系,又取决于人对外部环境的求同、移置和升华等。毋庸置疑,弗洛伊德的人格理论对后人研究人具有重大的启发意义,尤其对于构建以人为本的和谐社会具有重要的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

孟子以“人性善”为基础,以“仁义”为价值内涵,构建了关于理想人格的理论。孟子还提供了“存心养性”、“善养浩然之气”、“舍生取义”、“明善诚身”、“以天下为己任”等实现理想人格的途径。孟子所构建的理想人格是对孔子理想人格全面的继承和深化。同时为后世的志士仁人提供了一个能够追求的理想人格模式,并提出了一条通向儒家理想人格的途径。  相似文献   

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