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In 2015 the government initiated reforms to GCSE English Literature which included a shift from open book to closed book examinations. This change, now being implemented in schools, has been overlooked in research and policy discourse. This study compares government intentions for the reforms with teachers’ experiences of teaching poetry, using data drawn from interviews with seven teachers. Teachers felt the demands of closed book examinations affected their autonomy, distribution of classroom time and students’ creative relationship with poetry. This study raises questions as to whether closed book examinations are appropriate for assessing poetry and are conducive to a fulfilling poetry education.  相似文献   

清初特殊的时代及诗学背景,使得社会迫切需要弘扬诗教以整顿世风、诗风,而这在唐、宋诗选本中也有鲜明的体现。  相似文献   

Attitudes to poetry teaching in schools are investigated and relevant studies are shown to highlight reluctance to teach poetry. The study reports an exploratory questionnaire of middle school teachers which reaffirms teachers’ lack of confidence in encouraging classroom work on poetry. A sample of 100 middle school pupils, on the other hand, indicate interest and receptiveness towards poetry despite its neglect by their schools. Implications are raised for in‐service training and for the implementation of National Curriculum requirements.  相似文献   

This article reports on a participant‐centred research project with English teachers in a senior secondary college in Melbourne, Australia. It builds on previous research (Weaven and Clark 2009, 2011), which showed a low take‐up of the opportunities to teach poetry in Victoria's senior secondary English curriculum. This study explores the reasons why teachers of English are unwilling to use poetry texts in their senior classes. The teachers who participated in this study discussed and documented their attitudes towards the teaching of poetry and explored with each other the pedagogical challenges associated with teaching poetry. Their discussions – an analysis of which forms the empirical core of this article – reveal a range of explanations for teachers' reservations about offering poetry to their students. Importantly, these teachers were able to use professional discussion as a means to consider what changes in teaching practice could be successfully developed to facilitate more time spent on the teaching of poetry in senior secondary classes.  相似文献   

《晚清四十家诗钞》精加评点,分别涂径,以师友源澜为主,收录近代旧体诗人诗作,从编辑体例、选辑原则等方面表现桐城诗派的诗学观。辑者吴闺生继承桐城诗学并兼容当时各旧体诗派的诗学观,总结了晚清桐城诗学特色和创作方法,将桐城诗学提升到一个新的境界。  相似文献   

"清初诗宗"王士禛《十种唐诗选》是依据他人选本(主要是唐人唐诗选本)删纂而成的一部综合性唐诗选本。在康熙四十七年该选便已"风行天下、供不应求",由于四库馆臣的偏见,该选逐渐被后世忽视。《十种唐诗选》价值巨大,在选诗上也有鲜明特征。该选对唐人唐诗选本的选录略重于对(蜀)韦谷、(宋)姚铉两人选本的选录,对古体诗的选录略重于对近体诗的选录。整体上体现出王渔洋高超的鉴别能力,也反映出王渔洋自我的鉴定取舍。  相似文献   


In response to a perceived reluctance to engage with poetry on the part of teachers and trainee teachers, a questionnaire was administered to a group of 48 trainees in their second year of training, before they undertook the part of their course dealing with the teaching of poetry. Their responses indicated that they had had a positive experience of poetry during their own primary education but had ceased to enjoy or understand poetry at secondary level. In discussing the responses, attention is drawn to the importance of understanding the difference between poetry as a specialist subject and as a vehicle for teaching other things. The difference between ‘enjoyment’ and ‘appreciation’, as outlined by Wittgenstein, is defined and applied to the study of poetry. Ways of extending trainees’ understanding and ability to teach poetry are explored. It is concluded that in order to get ‘on the inside of the subject they should (a) be allowed to respond freely to poetry at their own level and (b) be initiated into the kind of skills and knowledge which will enable them to identify the progressive features of poetry itself as well as the instrumental aspects of poetry teaching in the primary school.  相似文献   

《砚池诗笺》是楚雄师范学院中文系曹晓宏教授在新世纪之初出版的一部古典诗词集。该书的出版具有三层意义:第一,它表明尽管古典诗词在当代很不景气,但仍有人在诗词的园地里孜孜不倦地耕耘着。第二,在古典诗词倍受冷落的今天,它凸现了一位年轻学者对中国传统诗学的关怀之情。第三,在理论与实践相脱离的当代语境里,它是将学者与诗人的角色相结合的一次有益的尝试。  相似文献   

晚清诗学大家王闿运之《唐诗选》是晚清著名的唐诗选本之一。通过对选本所选诗歌及其评语的双重解读,不难发现该选本并非如王闿运自己所云的"不能出八代之外",亦非仅备诗歌之"美",而是一部力求展现唐代诗歌之流变、以求能为后学者呈现更多诗歌创作视角的诗歌教材,从中亦不难看出王闿运并非一食古不化墨守汉魏六朝五言古诗的文人。  相似文献   

Drawing on Vygotsky’s notion, developed by Bruner, of learners growing into ‘the intellectual life of those around them’, this paper reports on a small-scale questionnaire survey of teachers’ thinking about poetry writing and their instructional practices of teaching it. Thirty-three teachers, with a range of teaching experience and service, took part in the study. This paper presents, analyses and evaluates the central metaphor of ‘freedom’ used by teachers. This presents poetry writing instruction in four contrasting ways: as freedom to explore personal creativity; as a site of integrated thinking; as a rejection of ‘formulaic writing’; and as freedom from curricular ‘directives’. The paper argues that these metaphors indicate considerable personal investment by teachers of poetry and that they consider the teaching of poetry writing to have impact as much on themselves as on pupils.  相似文献   

诗意化教学能够激励教师成长。用诗意化打造心理健康课堂教学,教师教学语言要诗意化,导语语言要精心打磨,评语语言让学生快乐;走进文本方式要诗意化;课堂对话层面要诗意化,采用教师引领、学生参与、环境契合等策略;课堂教学环节要诗意化,要精心设计课堂结构,仔细雕琢课堂导入,巧妙抓住重点难点,科学选择提问内容。  相似文献   

清词选本作为词总集中一个独特的类别,对清词的传播和中兴具有重要的作用。在清词选本的编选过程中,通过序、跋以及词作数量多少的安排,编选者得以表达自己的词学主张和创作实绩。词选往往成为开宗立派的一个标志,同时词选的编纂也为编纂者赢得了名声,所以在词的选本中编者的词作通常明显多于其他的词人。更为重要的是,词选的刊刻折射出了词学发展的演变史,通过对词选的梳理我们可以了解当时人们对词学名家的接受程度,以及词学风气的演变过程。  相似文献   

卢聪勇 《成才之路》2021,(15):128-129
古诗词是语文教学的重要内容,其短小精悍,韵律优美,意境深远,对提升学生语文素养、人文素质具有重要作用。在语文古诗词教学中,教师要以诗演绎,以画配诗,以诗解诗,以声配诗,尝试作诗,让学生得其趣而领其味,科学记诵古诗词,深入理解古诗词,提高古诗词教学质量。  相似文献   

李良彦 《海外英语》2012,(14):96-97
在大学英语课堂中,诗歌教学一直被广大师生所忽略。诗歌是一种最纯粹的语言艺术,学习英语诗歌能有效地提高学生的英语水平,文化素养,培养其人文精神。在教学策略上要注重鼓励学生反复朗读,发挥想象,尝试改写简单易懂的诗歌,并且利用现代多媒体技术,培养学生的学习兴趣,调动其学习积极性。  相似文献   

罗桂花 《成才之路》2020,(8):106-107
随着信息技术在教育领域的广泛应用,微课作为一种新兴的教学方法受到广大教师的关注。微课应用于诗歌教学,能激发学生学习兴趣,调动学生学习的积极性和主动性,提高教学效率和教学质量。在诗歌教学中,教师要科学设计微课,激发学生学习兴趣;科学利用微课,提高诗歌教学效果;科学设置微课,提升学生朗读和理解能力。  相似文献   

古诗词是中华民族传统文化中的一颗璀璨明珠,是语文教学的重要组成部分.加强古诗词教学,能丰富学生语言积累和写作素材,有利于传承和弘扬优秀传统文化,培养学生人文精神,提升学生文学素养.在古诗词教学中,教师要推荐更多的优秀作品,以开阔学生视野,陶冶学生情操,培养学生正确的世界观、人生观和价值观.文章论述古诗词教学的意义和价值...  相似文献   

在高校古典诗词教学中,教师结合教学内容和学生实际进行一定的诗词"下水"创作,是一种新颖的、有益的教学辅助方式。结合教学与创作实践强调了高校教师"下水"创作的必要性,阐述"下水"创作的内容类型和审美追求,总结了教师"下水"创作对古典诗词教学的有益启示。  相似文献   

In a previous article (Benton, 1999) which focused on the teaching of poetry in secondary schools, teachers' responses to a survey undertaken in 1998 were compared with those of a similar survey in 1982. It was suggested that a major change was that where the teachers registered concern it was a concern for poetry itself rather than a concern about poetry teaching. By and large they were much more confident in handling the reading and writing of poetry in class than formerly: what appears to exercise them most now are the effects of the National Curriculum and of SATs on their teaching and of changes in the way poetry is examined. These, taken together, are seen by some as having a detrimental effect on the students' experience of poetry. Others, however, see positive advantage in some of the changes. It is these concerns which are the focus of the present paper.  相似文献   

发掘古诗词的语言美、意境美、文化美,有利于打造丰富多彩的古诗词教学课堂,能让学生感受古诗词的魅力,提高学生学习兴趣。教师在古诗词教学中不仅要带领学生品味诗人遣词造句的精妙,还要创设教学情境,丰富学生想象,加深学生对古诗词的理解。文章结合教学实践,对突破古诗词教学难点提高学生学习兴趣进行论述。  相似文献   

唐诗经典的基本属性是典范性和不确定性:典范性表现为能够代表某种范式的成熟,为后世创作提供借鉴;不确定性是由于审美思潮与价值标准会随着时代和个人而不断变化,并直接影响经典的建构。唐诗经典的形成主要取决于特殊的发现人,通过发现人而被广大读者所接受的。发现人对唐诗经典的标举是通过诗选、诗话、笔记和其他一些论诗杂著而实现的,其中诗选所建构的经典体系最为系统。  相似文献   

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