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智障儿童青少年的健康问题越来越被社会所关注.采用针对性的干预措施,提高智障儿童青少年基本运动技能,对于促进其体力、心理、认知发展及提升其社会参与度等具有重要意义.研究利用Web of Science、EBSCO、Pub Med等8个数据库,搜索了国内外1990-2020年间发表的有关智障儿童青少年基本运动技能干预的文献...  相似文献   

Many adolescents, particularly adolescents with disabilities, have difficulty with literacy tasks such as reading and writing. Yet research has found that when students with disabilities receive appropriate instruction, they typically are able to improve their overall writing outcomes. This study explored the effectiveness of a summary writing strategy taught through a mnemonic device (WINDOW) with prompts for self-regulation on the summary writing and reading comprehension of high school students with disabilities. Results indicated that the students who received the intervention wrote longer and higher quality summaries and improved their reading comprehension scores after learning the strategy when compared to a control group. These outcomes indicate that the WINDOW strategy may have the potential to improve reading and writing outcomes for high school students with disabilities. Implications for practice and future research are discussed.  相似文献   

成熟的自我意识对学习不良青少年形成健康的心理及增强学习适应性具有重要意义.本文从学习不良青少年自我意识内容、自我意识形成和发展的影响因素等方面,总结了学习不良青少年自我意识研究的状况,指出了已有研究的问题及今后的研究方向.  相似文献   

Increasing evidence indicates that individuals with Intellectual Disabilities (ID) might benefit from phonics‐based reading instruction. However, research and instruction in this field has predominantly focused on sight word reading. Models for complex interventions recommend that feasibility research be conducted prior to conducting randomised studies to assess efficacy of interventions (Thabane et al., 2010). The aim of the current paper is therefore to investigate feasibility questions relating to conducting a full‐scale randomised controlled trial (RCT) evaluation of an online, phonics‐based reading programme (Headsprout? Early Reading; HER) with children with ID. Employing a randomised pre‐test post‐test group design, this study explores and trials important aspects of a RCT evaluation to inform a full‐scale RCT. We also found that HER had a significant effect on reading skills when compared with ‘education as usual’, with large effect sizes on the main outcome measure. This indicates that further, more robust evaluations using HER with children with ID are a worthwhile pursuit.  相似文献   

In April 1971, responsibility for the education of all children with intellectual disabilities in England and Wales passed from health to education authorities at national and local level. From that date, no child could be declared to be "ineducable," regardless of the nature or severity of their disability or whether they were living with their families or in residential institutions. The former Junior Training Centres were redesignated as special schools and were administered by the same Local Education Authorities who were responsible for all other publicly funded schools in the community. This paper highlights major developments in the education of children with intellectual disabilities in the light of an early review of progress and problems and subsequent reforms to the education system as a whole. Key issues include access to the National Curriculum, prospects for the education of children with intellectual disabilities in mainstream schools, and the implications of these developments for the professional development of all teachers.  相似文献   

Risk taking may be regarded as a normative behavior in adolescence. Risk-taking behaviors may include alcohol, smoking, drug use, delinquency, and acts of aggression. Many studies have explored the relationship between adolescents and risk-taking behavior; however, only a few studies have examined this link in adolescents with learning disabilities. The purpose of this study was to compare the risk-taking behavior of adolescents with learning disabilities ( N  = 307) and without learning disabilities ( N  = 307) over time. Specifically, this study investigated changes over time in adolescents' substance use, engagement in major and minor delinquency, acts of aggression, and gambling activities. Results indicated that, compared to their non–learning disabled peers, adolescents with learning disabilities engaged more frequently in some risk-taking behaviors including smoking, marijuana use, acts of delinquency, acts of aggression, and gambling. The results also indicate that for some risk-taking behaviors adolescents with and without learning disabilities differ in their trajectory of engagement. Implications of this study point to the importance of supporting adolescents with learning disabilities when they are faced with difficult decisions around risk taking.  相似文献   

以动态的、主体性的社交活动过程为模型,通过自编问卷调查和因素分析技术探讨青年学生社交能力的构成。结果表明,青年学生社交能力结构由自我监控能力、社交态度、解决社交问题的能力、社会洞察能力、人际管理能力和人际沟通能力6个因素构成。  相似文献   

篮板球技术在攻防中都占有非常重要的地位,对比赛中篮板球环节的技术统计进行了数据分析并提出几点改进建议。  相似文献   

Rankings of liking for nine curriculum subjects were obtained from 93 middle school pupils aged 11‐13 years, who also completed the Children's Sex Role Inventory. Statistically significant gender differences in the rankings of English and humanities were found, which were both preferred by girls, and for physical education (PE) and science, which were preferred by boys. Some statistically significant associations between subject rankings and sex typing measures also emerged. Higher rankings of music and humanities were associated with higher Femininity scores, while higher rankings for PE were associated with lower Femininity scores. The only significant association with Masculinity was for English, where higher rankings were associated with lower Masculinity. No significant associations with Masculinity or Femininity were found for science, a traditionally male‐stereotyped curriculum area. Associations found between the rankings of the different subjects indicated a tendency for pupils to prefer either more academic or more practical subjects, but there was no indication from the limited data available on their performance that this could be related to their academic ability. The implications of these preliminary findings for future investigations are discussed.  相似文献   

上海市"阳光之家"智障人士生活质量调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:调查上海市成年智障人士进入阳光之家后生活质量的变化.方法:采用Cummins(1997)编制的<生活质量综合量表-智力/认知障碍第5版>(ComQol-I5量表),结合访谈,从物质、健康、成就、人际关系、安全感、社区参与、情感等方面对阳光之家的40名全日制智障人士的生活质量进行了调查,然后将此样本的结果与澳大利亚居家生活的成年智障人士样本(对照组)进行比较.结果:阳光之家智障人士在ComQol-I5的七个方面的客观评价和满意度评价得分均高于理论均分;除了社区参与以外,其它六个方面的重要性和"重要性×满意度"加权评价得分高于理论均分;除了社区参与,阳光之家的成年智障人士在生活质量的许多方面得分显著高于居家生活的成年智障人士.结论:阳光之家对智障人士生活质量改善有积极作用,但有必要进一步促进智障人士参与社区生活.  相似文献   

In recent years, we have come to appreciate the close parallels in the development of children with and without intellectual disabilities. Nonetheless, there are a set of behaviours found with so much greater frequency among children with intellectual disabilities that they are commonly considered characteristics of the condition. These include repetitive behaviours, also described as perseverative and passive behaviours or disengagement from activity. The repetition and passivity are manifest during spontaneous play and cognitive activities. Thought to be maladaptive impediments to developmental progress, they are generally targets of educational intervention. In this article we raise the possibility that repetition and passivity, though clearly present in young children with intellectual disabilities, may be misconstrued as always being an impediment to progress. Indeed, these behaviours may at times be appropriate and adaptive responses to coping in a world that moves quickly with a mind that moves slowly.  相似文献   

Students with intellectual disabilities aged 18–21 are increasingly receiving transition services on college campuses during the last years of public schooling. These students may attend college courses, work in the community, access community recreational activities, and engage in age-appropriate experiences with peers without disabilities. However, there is little research that documents the types of practices included, the perspectives of consumers, or the outcomes of these transition services. Results from this case study depict how one public school program on a community college campus incorporated recommended transition practices and how students with intellectual disabilities and their families perceived these practices.  相似文献   

研究使用跨行为撤回实验设计,以功能性行为评估为基础,在培智学校自然教学情境下对一名智障儿童严重的课堂问题行为进行积极干预.研究在自然教学情境下对被试课堂问题行为的功能进行分析,并以此为依据制定并实施以积极行为支持导向的干预.视觉分析、简化时间序列的C统计与社会效度分析结果表明,以功能性行为评估为基础的前事控制、后果控制等干预策略在改善智障儿童课堂问题行为中显示出良好效果.  相似文献   

Differences between religious and secular people in their attitudes towards persons with disabilities may originate in social-cultural factors, such as values and norms, as well as in personality factors like dogmatism. Since religious and secular people differ in these characteristics, it was expected that they would differ in their attitudes as well. Attitudes towards persons with disabilities reflect complex interpersonal and intrapersonal processes and therefore should be assessed with multidimensional measures. In the present study the attitudes of 83 religious and 51 secular Israeli adolescents were measured with Siller's Disability Factor Scale–General (DFS-G). The questionnaire included seven factors that reflect psychodynamic processes operating to protect the individual against the threat and anxiety associated with the presence of a person with a disability or even by the mere consideration of his/her condition. Level of dogmatism was measured as well. No differences in dogmatism were found between the two groups. Secular participants expressed more positive attitudes than religious participants on two attitude scales—Generalized Rejection and Authoritarian Virtuousness. These two scales express special, segregative, and unequal attitudes. The findings give some support to the claim that religious affiliation, even if it encourages care for persons with disabilities, is associated with segregation and attribution of unequal social status to these people.  相似文献   

IN THIS STUDY the relationship between perceived competence and performance was addressed, notably with respect to motor behaviour. In addition to Harter's (1985) perceived competence questionnaire, a motor skills test was administered to a group of 128 4th grade children of regular elementary schools. From this sample two samples were chosen. One group (N= 40) was involved in motoric remedial teaching classes, a group of classmates (N =38) was selected as a matched comparison group from the remainder of the sample. Both groups were compared on each of the measuring instruments. The motoric remedial teaching group scored significantly lower than the group of classmates on perceived athletic competence and on motor skills performance. Further, a significant difference was observed between both groups on the correlation coefficient between perceived athletic competence and motor skills performance. The results provide information which externally validates the notion of perceived competence; they also underline the relevance of the concept of perceived athletic competence in the field of motoric remedial teaching.  相似文献   

Adolescents with disabilities in developing countries frequently have limited access to sporting opportunities and comparatively little is known of their lived experiences and preferences. We set out to understand what a group of adolescents with cerebral palsy (CP) living in South Africa perceive to be important components of programmes developed to increase their participation in sport. We conducted in-depth interviews with 15 adolescents with CP. Data were analysed using Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis. Congruent with existing research, our findings suggest that sporting programmes should allow participants choice, provide physical challenges and present opportunities to socialise and experience mastery. Participants ask for: variety and a wider range of sports; greater recognition; coaching; and competition within programmes which are inclusive and fair. The data highlights the need for advocacy work and draws attention to the challenges of responding to participants’ requests when developing sports programmes for adolescents with disabilities in resource-scarce countries.  相似文献   

The present study used a multiple probe across subjects design to evaluate the effectiveness of a multimedia computer-based instructional program in establishing match-to-sample skills, as well as to evaluate the subsequent generalisation of those skills to the natural setting. Specifically, the program used photographs depicting target stimuli (i.e., cereal boxes as they appear on grocery store shelves) in an attempt to increase the likelihood that selection of specified cereal boxes would generalise to the grocery stores in the community. In vivo probes were conducted to evaluate any generalisation of the discriminations. Results indicated that the mean and median durations to find target cereals decreased concomitant with an increase in the number of cereals found. The results are discussed in relationship to using computer-based instruction to increase the degree to which learners' skills generalise to community settings.  相似文献   

The social acceptance of a group of Zambian primary school children with intellectual disabilities by two groups of nondisabled children was examined. One group were in direct contact with the children with disabilities over a period of six months while the other was not. Nondisabled boys who had been in contact with children with disabilities had more positive attitudes than boys who had no direct contact, while no exposure effects were observed amongst girls. Gender differences amongst nondisabled children who had contact with peers with disabilities were not significant. Amongst the nondisabled children who had no contact with children with disabilities, girls had more positive attitudes than boys. The findings are preliminary, but offer directions for further research and have some implications for integrating children with disabilities into mainstream schools.  相似文献   

The present article aimed to explore how the development of reading comprehension is affected when its cognitive basis is compromised. The simple view of reading was adopted as the theoretical framework. The study followed 76 children with mild intellectual disabilities (average IQ = 60.38, age 121 months) across a period of 3 years. The children were assessed for level of reading comprehension (outcome variable) and its precursors decoding and listening comprehension, in addition to linguistic skills (foundational literacy skills, rapid naming, phonological short-term memory, verbal working memory, vocabulary, and grammar) and non-linguistic skills (nonverbal reasoning and temporal processing). Reading comprehension was predicted by decoding and listening comprehension but also by foundational literacy skills and nonverbal reasoning. It is concluded that intellectual disabilities can affect the development of reading comprehension indirectly via linguistic skills but also directly via nonlinguistic nonverbal reasoning ability.  相似文献   

采用试卷分析的方法,以265名3—5年级随班就读轻度智力残疾学生为对象,研究其在词语、句子、修辞格、段落以及篇章理解等五个层面的阅读能力,并与634名年级匹配的普通学生的阅读能力进行比较。结果显示,随班就读轻度智力残疾学生的阅读能力普遍偏低,个体间差异较大,与普通学生存在极其显著的差距;基础知识及阅读技能的不足、智力与非智力因素欠缺等是随班就读生阅读能力较低的主要原因。  相似文献   

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