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A systematic study was carried out to investigate the basic counting and number skills, and the strategies used in counting and number tasks of students with moderate intellectual disabilities at different age levels. Using Fuson's (1988, 1992) number–word model, students' understanding and use of number words were examined in four situations (sequence, counting, cardinal, and symbol). Thirty students with moderate intellectual disabilities (IQ of 36–54) aged between 7 and 18 years were interviewed individually and their counting skills and concepts of number assessed by various number tasks. Results showed a significant difference between the three age groups on all the number skills assessed. Specifically, the learning pattern for the sequence of number–words and the kinds of correspondence errors made were similar to those of students with normal intelligence; one-to-one correspondence and stable-order principles were used and the cardinal principle was understood. Recommendations were made concerning the education of students with moderate intellectual disabilities in aspects of numeracy.  相似文献   

Students with mathematics learning disabilities (LD) exhibit difficulties with retrieval and cognitive skills that impede their ability to perform basic mathematical skills. Instruction in mathematical procedures (i.e., procedural knowledge) is necessary to help students learn and apply skills such as basic facts and whole-number computation. Division is a skill that is identified in curriculum across the grade levels; yet, it is a skill that is often taught last in instructional sequences because of its complexity and prerequisite knowledge. Reviews of research have revealed that students with LD benefit from a combined model of academic instruction that includes both explicit and strategic instructional procedures. This article presents an overview of division instruction and a sample of interventions for teaching division that include explicit and strategic instructional procedures, which are found in the combined model of teaching.  相似文献   

The present study used a multiple probe across subjects design to evaluate the effectiveness of a multimedia computer-based instructional program in establishing match-to-sample skills, as well as to evaluate the subsequent generalisation of those skills to the natural setting. Specifically, the program used photographs depicting target stimuli (i.e., cereal boxes as they appear on grocery store shelves) in an attempt to increase the likelihood that selection of specified cereal boxes would generalise to the grocery stores in the community. In vivo probes were conducted to evaluate any generalisation of the discriminations. Results indicated that the mean and median durations to find target cereals decreased concomitant with an increase in the number of cereals found. The results are discussed in relationship to using computer-based instruction to increase the degree to which learners' skills generalise to community settings.  相似文献   

Increasingly, students with intensive educational needs are receiving special education services in general education classes. This level of heterogeneous grouping poses curricular and instructional adaptation challenges. Variations of the Osborn-Parnes Creative Problem-Solving process are presented as methods for meeting the educational needs of diverse groups of students within general education activities. Specific examples are provided based on field testing in elementary schools. An evaluation component and future implications are discussed.  相似文献   

对133名中重度智力落后学生陈述、祈使和反问三种句类指令的理解和反应进行实验研究,结果表明:随着年龄的增长,智力落后学生对不同句类的理解能力和反应能力都有显著提高;智力落后学生对陈述句和祈使句指令的理解和反应能力都显著优于反问句;在三个句类中,智力落后学生的反应能力都显著优于理解能力.教育者应提高学生对各种句类的理解水平,并在日常用语中多使用反问句.  相似文献   

Task analyses are useful when teaching children how to complete tasks by breaking the tasks into small steps, particularly when children struggle to learn a skill during typical classroom instruction. We describe how to create a task analysis by identifying the steps a child needs to independently perform the task, how to assess what steps a child is able to do without adult support, and then decide how to teach the steps the child still needs to learn. Using task analyses can be the key to helping a young child become more independent.  相似文献   

采用试卷分析的方法,以265名3—5年级随班就读轻度智力残疾学生为对象,研究其在词语、句子、修辞格、段落以及篇章理解等五个层面的阅读能力,并与634名年级匹配的普通学生的阅读能力进行比较。结果显示,随班就读轻度智力残疾学生的阅读能力普遍偏低,个体间差异较大,与普通学生存在极其显著的差距;基础知识及阅读技能的不足、智力与非智力因素欠缺等是随班就读生阅读能力较低的主要原因。  相似文献   

This article describes the implementation of a module that utilizes drama students to teach social work students how to use active listening skills in an interview environment. The module was implemented during a semester‐long micro skills practice course taught to 13 undergraduate social work seniors in a western liberal arts university. Four drama students attending the same university served as clients. Clients evaluated the social work students' active listening skills at the end of the interview, and social work students completed self evaluations and evaluations on the module. Results indicated that the module was effective in helping students to learn interviewing skills and identify strengths and weakness regarding use of skills. Implications for social work education are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper reports on the social skills and social status of 22 students with mainly moderate intellectual disabilities who had received an inclusive preschool intervention and were subsequently followed up from 18 months to more than five years later in their mainstream classrooms. Measures included direct assessment of social interaction in the playground, social status obtained by interviewing classmates, and the ratings of classroom teachers, parents and school principals. Large differences were found between the students with disabilities and their typical peers for amount of time spent interacting with peers and amount of time spent in isolation, with a moderate difference found for interactions with teachers. However, no difference was found between the social status of the two groups, and the students with disabilities were still spending more than half their time in the playground interacting with typically developing peers. Parents generally rated their children as having better social skills than did principals or teachers. A moderate relationship was found between the direct measures of peer interactions and teachers' perceptions of peer interaction skills. The relationships between the parents' and principals' perceptions of peer interaction and direct measures of the interaction were only small. Some of the implications of these findings for integrating students into mainstream schools and classes are discussed.  相似文献   

利用质的研究方法,研究了—位随班就读学生在普通学校的学习情况。结果发现,学校和部分教师对此学生的态度不够积极,对他的教育教学缺乏针对性。研究结果启示我们要加强对随班就读学生的个别化教学,以满足他们的特殊教育需要。  相似文献   

Project TEAM teaches transition-age youth with developmental disabilities (DD) to identify physical and social environmental barriers and supports, generate solutions to barriers, and request modifications to increase participation. Establishing the social validity of this environment focused intervention with youth and their parents is critical, given the significant shift the intervention represents from rehabilitation’s more traditional focus on body structures and function. University researchers and youth research collaborators conducted a participatory evaluation of the purpose, procedures, and perceived benefits of Project TEAM. Youth with DD (n = 42) provided feedback using three methods: activity voting, a survey, and a focus group. Parents (n = 37) also provided feedback. Results suggest that both youth and parents find Project TEAM acceptable and relevant to youth’s current and future lives. The majority of youth and parents felt Project TEAM fostered independence and empowerment, although some youth and parents reported challenges with the unique environment-focused approach.  相似文献   

This quasi‐experimental field study assessed whether group viewing of television in a day‐care setting can be used to encourage prosocial behavior in young children. Drawing from social learning theory and cognitive‐developmental stage theory, four short‐ term programs were designed and tested. Children (aged 3‐5 years) from eight day‐care centers in Montreal (n = 150) were part of the study. Intact groups (two settings randomly assigned to condition) participated in 8 days of intervention consisting of group viewing of video‐taped segments of Sesame Street, followed by participation in activities. The programs were evaluated using a 2 X 2 X 2 factorial pretest—post‐test design with video‐type (prosocial, cognitive), activity‐type (cooperative, individualistic), and gender as the three factors. Measures included free‐play observations, a perspective‐taking ability test, and two qualitative measures describing the context. Analysis of covariance (pretest and age combined as covariates) revealed a significant main effect for video‐type on prosocial behavior, and a significant interaction between video‐type and activity‐type on antisocial behavior. Results suggest that prosocial modelling using television can encourage prosocial behavior in the day‐care setting. A group‐viewing context, with or without post‐viewing enactive prosocial training, may enhance prosocial modeling effects.  相似文献   

运用文献研究法,从研究者来源和研究内容两个维度对近二十年我国智力残疾儿童随班就读研究的现状进行梳理与分析.结果表明:研究者地域分布不均,东、中、西部差异较大;研究者单位分布不均,单位间合作少、学段分布不平衡;研究内容分布不均,教学和心理健康研究多、行为和支持研究少;研究内容呈现出阶段性,由关注安置模式转向关注教育教学质量.  相似文献   

Computer science teaching is often based upon the traditional lecture format. However, this methodology may not be the best way to help many students actively understand underlying concepts. This paper explores an alternative pedagogical approach that emphasizes constructive and collaborative learning in CS1 classrooms. After briefly discussing constructivism and providing examples of constructivist techniques in CS1, empirical research results are provided. These results arise from a study that compares different CS1 sections that utilized the techniques at varying frequencies. A positive correlation was found between frequency and mean final exam scores. However, no pair-wise differences between sections were statistically significant. These outcomes and others are discussed in addition to future research design implications.  相似文献   

研究使用跨行为撤回实验设计,以功能性行为评估为基础,在培智学校自然教学情境下对一名智障儿童严重的课堂问题行为进行积极干预.研究在自然教学情境下对被试课堂问题行为的功能进行分析,并以此为依据制定并实施以积极行为支持导向的干预.视觉分析、简化时间序列的C统计与社会效度分析结果表明,以功能性行为评估为基础的前事控制、后果控制等干预策略在改善智障儿童课堂问题行为中显示出良好效果.  相似文献   

残疾儿童随班就读质量影响因素的调查   总被引:5,自引:9,他引:5  
对全国三类经济发展水平不同地区的14个县(市、区)的674名教育管理人员、教研员、校长和教师进行了问卷调查。结果表明:当前我国残疾儿童随班就读质量的提高受到政府部门的政策制定与执行、普校师资特教专业水平、特教中心(特教学校)的指导作用、普校对残疾儿童的接纳程度、资源教室的建立以及家长和社区的支持等各方面因素影响。因此,随班就读质量的提高应是一系统工程,应建立涵盖各方面因素的支持体系。  相似文献   

Writing standards and objectives outline complex skills for narrative essay writing at the secondary level. Students with disabilities often produce disorganized narratives with fewer narrative elements than their peers without disabilities. A multiple-probe design was used to examine effects of Self-Regulated Strategy Development for the Pick my genre then idea, Organize my notes, Write (POW) + Setting, Tension, rising Action, Climax, Solution (STACS) strategy on narrative essay-writing skills for 6 secondary students with disabilities. Results indicated students improved the quality of their narratives and included a greater number of strategy-specific and story grammar elements following instruction. Students were also able to transfer skills across a history or social studies setting and could more accurately differentiate narrative writing prompts from expository and persuasive writing prompts. Treatment acceptability results indicated students found instruction beneficial.  相似文献   

“教有法而无定法”是教师的“日常教学生活概念”,缺少反思和确证,长期起主导作用的哲学教学论的引导以及以教为要点的教师课堂教学实践是其认识来源,结果导致教学方法选择的随意和教学效率和质量的低下。教学方法的选择受制于教学价值观、学习内容和学习材料的结构体系,应该建立在把握学习方法、学习内容分类和学生学习的规律基础之上。反思“教有法而无定法”,构建“学有规律,教有优法”的教学方法观是重建课堂教学的必然要求。  相似文献   


Use of instructional technology in social work has grown rapidly in recent years. Despite this increase, there is limited empirical investigation of its impact. In this paper we describe the use of a virtual agency for the teaching of research methods and program evaluation at a school of social work. Evaluation of the virtual agency showed that students in general were satisfied with its use and that higher satisfaction led to higher satisfaction with the overall course. The authors also discuss some of the strengths and weaknesses of using a virtual agency for teaching research and program evaluation.  相似文献   

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