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在历年高考中,状语从句一直是考查的重点,同时,由于状语从句种类繁多,因此也是高中英语教学的难点。在此笔者结合2005年全国高考试题,来探讨一下高考状语从句的考查热点熏以飧读者。考查热点一:状语从句中的连接词选择1.I alw ays take som ething to read when Igo to the doctor’s I have to wait.(2005全国2)A.in case B.so thatC.in order D.as if解析:答案为A。in case意为“以防、假使、万一……”,引导条件状语从句。从语意来分析,在这里表示条件上的可能性。so that表示结果或目的,in order表示目的,as if表示方式。2.I’d like to arrive20m inutes earlyI can have tim e for a cup of tea.(2005北京)A.as soon as B.as a resultC.in case D.so that解析:答案为D。so that意为“为了……”,在这里表示目的。从语意来分析,“我想提前20分钟到的目的是有时间喝茶”。as so...  相似文献   

1.Heilongjiang Province is north of Liaoning Province.Harbin,its capitalcity,lies the Songhuajiang River. A .to;on B .in the;in C.×;on D .to the;in 2.To fully understand the writer,wem ust read not only between the lines,but sometimes the lines. A .within B .beyond C .beside D .among 3.He gotto the station early, missing his train. A .in the case of B .instead of C.for fear of D .in search of 4.A lthough Tom agreed with her on most points,there was one point which he was unwilling to …  相似文献   

一、考查介词的用法1.—When do you go shopping?—I usually go shopping Sunday mornings.A.on B.in C.at D.for(湖北武汉市)解析:“在某年”常用介词in,在某天或某天的上下午常用介词on,“for+时间名词”表示一段时间,所以B、C、D都不合题意要求,答案应为A。2.My father will be back from Beijing a week.A.for B.in C.after D.on(四川省)解析:“after+一段时间”表示“在……以后”,是以过去的时间为起点,用于过去时态;“in+一段时间”表示“在……以后”或“在……以内”,是以现在的时间为起点来表达将来时间,所以答案为B。3…  相似文献   

第一部分听力(略)第二部分英语知识运用第一节语法和词汇知识从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。21. developm ent of nuclear weapons is threat to m ankind. A .The;a;/ B.A ;a;/ C.The;/;the D .A ;/;the 22. is no need for you to do the housework.I want to do it at the weekend. A .It B.There C.That D .This 23.I don’t think I need pocket m oney, but m y m other often gives m e som e . A .in case B.in tim e C.in case of D .at last 24.The com puter system suddenly while he was …  相似文献   

(续上期)E.介词30.Oh,it’s you.Ella!Your voicesounds very different______the phone.What’s happening?A.from B.in C.of D.on(2007年浙江省杭州市)[解析]答案为D。bedifferent from...“与……不同”;be different in...“在……方面不同”。本题考查on thephone“在电话  相似文献   

50.in charge of主管/负责/照料……1)John was in charge of the company while the manager was on holiday. 约翰在经理度假期间负责公司工作。2)The nurse is in charge of the patients.那位护士在照料那些病人。3)Who is in charge of the money for safekeeping?谁负责保管这笔钱?[注]in charge意为“负责(人),主管”。例如:Who is in charge here?谁是这儿的主管?[辨析]in charge of意为“负责……;照管……;监督……”,in the chargeof意为“由……看管;由……监督”。试比较:  相似文献   

一、单项填空 1.Although bought several years ago,the car is till in good . A.situation B.condition C.standard D.position【解析】 该题考查名词的固定搭配。“in good condition”意为“状况良好”,其余选项均与句意不符,答案为B。  相似文献   

一、选择填空1,The house must have been_for many years,beeause there 15 much dust on the desks and ehairs. A.lonelv B.deserted C.山ne D.enl】〕ty 2 .Not long ago,part of South一east Asia was strUek by lloods,加m—e互玉己Cts the People are still;ld介ring·AthaL B.whose C .whieh D.what 3 .Everyone fails now andthen.It 15 how you react that makes a in ljfe. A.idea B.Progress C .point D.diffe全enee 4.1 got to the station early,_missing histrain. A .in ease of B.insteadof C .for fear o…  相似文献   

NMET2002单项选择的一些题与教材中的内容有用法相同和结构相同的句子。现选择作一比较与分析。30.John shut everybody out of the kitchen__he could prepare hisgrand surprise for the party.A.which B.when C.so that D.as if 简析:答案C。考查状语从句连接词的选择。so that意为“以便”“为了”,引导目的状语从句。  相似文献   

1.问:He took arl interest__old coins and spent a lot of money onhis hobby.A.in search of B.in spite of C.in retum D.in the search for答案选D。为什么不选A呢?请区别A和D。 (福建漳平一中刘运发)答:介词短语in search of与in the search for均有“寻找,寻求,追  相似文献   

李芳  李泰国 《初中生》2015,(21):15-18
一、考查方位介词的惯用搭配 例1(2014年天津卷)Cambridge is a small city____the east of England. A.between B.with C.in D.under 解析:句意为“剑桥是位于英格兰东部的一座小城市”.根据地理知识可知,剑桥处在英格兰以东的位置.选C. 知识拓展:区别方位名词前介词in,to和on的用法:in表示在某范围之内;to表示在某范围之外的地方,常指两地相隔;on表示“毗邻;接壤”.如: Hainan lies in the south of China.(海南位于中国以南.) Fujian lies to the south of Jiangsu Province.(福建位于江苏以南.) Mongolia lies on the north of China.(蒙古位于中国以北.)  相似文献   

1. Great changes in China since 1978. A. was happened B. have happened C. have been happened D. happened (2005 年毕节市) 2. What to her yesterday evening? A. was happened B. happened C. happening D. happen (2005 年甘肃省) 【考点解读】happen 是不及物动词, 后面不能跟宾语, 也没有被动形 式。(sth)happen to(sb) 意为“(某人)发生了(某事)”。 3. A team of climbers reached the top of the mountain early this morn- ing.(词语释义) A. set off B. left for C. arrived D. got to (2005 年新疆维吾尔自治区) 4…  相似文献   

请看下面一道高考题: Everybody was touched ________words after they heard her moving stotry.A. beyond B. without C. of D. in答案解析:A。本题考查介词的用法。句意:听了她那感人的故事后,每个人被感动地说不出话来。beyond在这里表示“非……所能及;超出”的意思。  相似文献   

Q:The white jeans don’t look nice______Maria.I think she looks nicer______blue.(A.in;on B.on;in C.for;on D.to;in)请问哪个答案正确?(阜阳梓涵)A:此题应选B。其余几项都容易被误选。做好此题,要辨明以下两种结构:⑴sth.look good on sb.意为“某物穿戴在某人身上很好看”,主语是物;⑵sb.look good in sth.意为“某人穿戴某物很好看”,主语为人。比较:Red looks good on Kitty.红色穿在基蒂身上很好看。Kitty looks good in red.基蒂穿红色很好看。  相似文献   

1.【原句】I study by m aking flashcards.(U nit1)【真题】I study for a testworking with a group.(2005北京海淀区)A.in B.by C.at D.to【解析】选B。by是介词,意为“通过……”。by doing sth.表示“通过……方式(方法)”或“借助某种手段做某事”。2.【原句】I thought m y classm ates m ightlaugh at m e.(U nit1)【真题】W e are often told atpeople in trouble.(2005天津市)A.not to sm ile B.to sm ileC.not to laugh D.to laugh【解析】选C。laugh一般作不及物动词,后接宾语时,要用laugh at,意思是“嘲笑……”。该题…  相似文献   

请看在2005年高考试卷中考查有关动名词用法的试题:1.He got well-prepared for the job interview,for he couldn?t risk____the good opportunity.(2005上海卷32题)A.to lose B.losing C.to be lost D.being lost答案为B。risk后常接动名词作宾语。2.——You know,Bob is a little slow____understanding,so…——So I have to be patient____him.(2005重庆卷30题)A.in;with B.on;with C.in;to D.at;for答案为A。be slow in doing something意思是“做某事迟钝”。3.I really can?t understand____her like that.(2005安徽卷34题)A…  相似文献   

1.问:1)I don蒺t know what蒺s English for this?A.an B.in C.the D./答案是C,但B为什么不可以呢?2)He walked slowly he had been expecting me and he bent downhis head and said,“May I get in?”A.when B.as if C.even if D.just as答案为B,但我觉得C好像更恰当。(安徽舒城中学方武刚)答:1)选C。这是我们常听到的表达法。句中English 意为“英语中的对应词语”“英语译名”,如:What is the English for the Chinese“ding-hao”?汉语的“顶好”英语怎么说?Tell me the English for“民主”.告诉我…  相似文献   

1._the students likes the palntings.Whieh ofthefollowingisWRONG? A·The teaeher as wdl as B.Nobo街but C .The teaeher besides_D,All except2 .Hen仃,_Ma叮and Tom,15 eoming to China for a visit.Wlliehof the following 15 WRONG? A.together with B.like C .notD,but in addition to3 .Taiwan 15_一the east of Fujian, A .in B.at C.to D.on4 .His father will be baek from肠ndon_a few dayo. A.sinee B.in C.on D.aner5·The word“write”has the same卿nuneiation__the word“right”. A.of,B.as C.to D…  相似文献   

.单项选择1.That's an old picture his family.A.with  B.to  C.for  D.of2 .There is “e”and “u”in the word“excuse”.A.a,a  B.an,a  C.the,an  D.an,the3.L ucy her mother.A.looks the same  B.look the sameC.looks like D.look like4 . - Which is your friend over there?- in the black coat.A.That  B.One  C.The one  D.This5 .Is Mrs Green in or in now?A.China,English   B.Chinese,EnglishC.Chinese,England  D.China,England6 .It's time to go home now.A.a  B.an  C.the  D.×7.…  相似文献   

五、固定搭配例1.In a sudden——of anger,the man tore up everything、within reach. A.attack B.burst C.split D.blast (2000.1,60)(选B。aburst of anger“一阵愤怒”;A“进攻”;C“裂开”;D“爆炸”)译文:那人突然发怒,把手边的东西撕得粉碎。例2.On New Year’s Eve,New York City holds an outdoor——which attracts a crowd of a million or more people. A.incident B.event C.case D.affair(2001.1,59)  相似文献   

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