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激进理想主义政治哲学主张以一种极端的手段对社会进行改造,用道德和理想重构一个合法性。激进,一般就其手段而言,激进理想主义在打碎旧有制度的同时会许愿一个更美好的新社会。但是在社会实践中往往会走向它的反面,背弃了自己原先追求的目标。它的背后隐藏着的是理性主义的思维方式和至善论的预设前提,它所以能构筑成大规模的社会运动不仅以深重的苦难作为社会背景,还与自启蒙之后宗教淡出社会之后普遍的信仰真空有关。  相似文献   

过河问题是操作系统中进程同步和互斥的一个重要问题,传统的解决方法虽然解决了进程死锁问题,但当一面的过河者源源不断的到来时,另一面要求过河者会发生“饿死”现象,本文对原有算法进行改进,给出了一种新的算法,避免了“饿死”现象.  相似文献   

The field of management education has been the focus of much debate in recent times. Issues relating to the real world and a lack of relevancy in business schools have caused much of this debate. In particular, questions have been raised regarding why business schools should endeavour to bridge this relevancy gap? However, it is important to define what is meant by relevance. How we define relevance has implications for all stakeholders of management education. As a result, this raises questions about the content and process of management education. For example, how applicable are the alternative approaches to management education such as action learning. How does such an approach translate into the professional practice of educators? What are the benefits and challenges of engaging in such an approach? In particular, what impact does it have for both management educators and their students? When we question what and how we teach it has the potential to open up new questions to be explored and insights to be revealed. This paper reveals a side of management education that is ever present in the philosophy and practice of action-learning practitioners. By exploring the impact of their practice it can inform our understanding and shape future practice. Management education like all education should be open to such exploration. Such an exploration is both timely and relevant for today's educators, students, managers and ultimately society.  相似文献   

To be understood, visually, often depends on how skilled one is in catching form and translating it into a two‐dimensional surface. This is a challenge we are confronted with early in life. Children's learning strategies in drawing are not always understood or encouraged. This article presents a socio‐cultural analysis from Norway of a pedagogical practice that attempts to shed light on the question, How does the preschool teacher support 3–5 year old children when they are drawing something they see, and how do children in this age group respond to this support?  相似文献   

《水浒传》中的李逵应该定位在悲剧人物而不是喜剧人物,尽管他具有喜剧性格,而且头脑简单、蛮干粗鲁、嗜酒贪赌、耍乖撒泼等,确乎是他落后的一而,然而所有这些,只是他思想性格中次要的一面,真正占主导地位的是他的憨直、勇武、豪气和反叛的精神,是他对梁山事业的忠诚和对梁山弟兄的最真纯的义气。但是,恰好是讲义气的哥哥宋江以不放弃忠孝为原则,讲义气的弟弟李逵以不放弃反叛为原则,于是义气就降为附属物了。由于义气与忠孝发生对抗性矛盾,执意实行招安投降的宋江就与反对皇权、反对招安的李逵之间的关系发生了裂变:两人一面是“兄弟”.一面是“对头”。李逵的悲剧正在于:梁山事业最终没有实现的可能性。害死李逵的人,除了他的敌人.竟还有他的同志、朋友、兄弟!还可以说,除了大宋皇帝是罪魁祸首,宋江的忠孝思想与李逵的义气失误也充当了刽子手。这就是李逵悲剧的审美意义之所在。  相似文献   

我国现行刑法第十二条规定我国刑法采用“从旧兼从轻”的溯及力原则。但是审判实践中,却存在着一些具体问题,在“处刑较轻”的理解上有两个方面:对于同一种犯罪,新旧刑法规定的主、附加刑互有轻重时应当以主刑轻重为判定依据;新旧刑法规定的法定刑完全相同时,则应当以法定刑适用条件较宽的刑法作为“处刑较轻”的刑法。在对“已生效的判决继续有效”的理解上,对尚未执行或未执行完毕的应当适用“从旧兼从轻”原则。而对于继续犯、连续犯跨越新旧刑法时域的应当适用新刑法,当旧法对该罪规定的法定刑较轻时,可以采用旧法。如此,从立法原意和实践需要出发,才能准确把握“从旧兼从轻”溯及力原则的内涵。  相似文献   

中国传统家庭深受儒家文化的影响,自古就有深厚的崇老、尊老、敬老的文化底蕴和悠久的家庭养老传统,家庭处于社会的中心地位。在家庭管理结构上奉行以年长者为尊,在生产上是以家庭为单位的手工业和小农经济模式,在生活上基本也以家庭为单位进行,家庭承担着所有成员养老和社会保障的各种责任,赡养父母是子女义不容辞的责任,并由此而形成了根深蒂固的家庭养老和土地养老的观念。这种传统的养老方式在当前的农村养老保障上还发挥着巨大的作用,但它也从观念层面上制约着农村社会养老保险制度的建立,需要妥善处理两者的关系。  相似文献   

从梁济“自沉”看中国近代遗老的文化心态   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
近代遗老梁济的"死义",表明一心期望"旧学复兴"的近代遗老们,所缺乏的是一种扬弃和批判旧文化所必需的心理承受力,他们承受不了一种非中国化的价值体系在生活中成为普遍观念的中心。在他们的心目中,"圣学"乃是具有超时空的、绝对合理和完美的、自我和谐的有机体系。这些晚清遗老们以一种潜逻辑的形式将各种文化信息、文化刺激归类到旧的认知框架中———这也正是许多晚清遗老在新旧嬗替之际始终能够保持一种以尊临卑、虚矫自大的文化优越感的深层原因。深入探析梁济"死义"过程的文化心态,足可启发我们深思具有悠久文明遗产的中国何以在近代落伍于世界潮流,何以难于开发出民主和科学这类现代思想资源,并在此基础上,获得实现传统文化与道德的时代转换的必然性认识,而不是一味地沉湎在道德理想主义之中。  相似文献   


In the favourable circumstances of highly competitive international political, economic and cultural conditions, thanks to the latest results of technology and science, the 60-years old teachers' reform movement has achieved a major break-through. The most important technical instrument of this success is the ‘greatest invention since the invention of the alphabet’, the tape recorder, and its extension in the language laboratory.

Fortified by the new insights into the structure of language and the teaching/learning situation, progress after the initial skirmishes has been so rapid that long-term planning, including training and research, has not kept pace with the speed of developments.

If one were to hazard a forecast at the future, one might say that within the next 2 years we shall see the emergence of a new criterion of the quality and suitability of the equipment, its life expectancy. This will impose new problems on manufacturers and may lead to the elimination of some types of equipment and the emergence of others on considerations of quality/cost ratio. As teachers and manufacturers gain experience, and as publishers of course material are drawn more closely into active participation, improved design and teaching material and methods will ensure the vitality of the language laboratory into the seventies and the maintenance of the market or its extension. In line with technical progress it seems likely that the traditional equipment will be supplanted thereafter by new audio-visual aids, capable of a greater measure of control, which already announce themselves.

For all that, the continued domination of language teaching by the reform methods cannot be regarded as guaranteed as the challenge of new bottles for old wine is gaining momentum. At a time when language teaching is spreading into the primary school it seems worth recording that according to the movement's concepts the acquisition of the aural/oral skills by his students is the teacher's first task, and that it is the teacher who produces the teaching material or, through teaching method, puts it to use in the teaching aid.  相似文献   

编辑活动是人类重要的文化活动之一。一方面,编辑活动要收集、判断所有文化产品中的精华,通过创造性的编辑活动,将其纳入传播渠道,使其对社会产生积极的影响,推动社会的进步与文明的发展;另一方面,当已有的文化结构阻碍了社会发展的车轮时,编辑活动就要兴利除弊,积极传播新思想、新文化、新观念,破除旧思想、旧文化、旧观念,推进文化的革新,进而推动社会的发展、历史的进步。从三方面阐述了编辑活动的文化建构功能,以期探索在我国改革开放所处新的历史时期编辑的文化特征和经验。  相似文献   

元代的乐府诗,无论是旧题乐府还是新题乐府,大都是可以配乐而唱的。在"乐府音节,自宋已失其传,生今之世,无复能辨之者"的文化背景下,元代乐府诗所具有的这一特点,成为了乐府诗史上的一个奇迹。元代乐府诗所配唱之乐,主要是诗人们(含坊间乐工)创制的"今曲"。因而,"今之曲歌于古,犹古之曲也,古之词歌于今,犹今之词也",就成为了当时诗人们的共识。在这种乐府观念的指导下,元代诗人们无论是于乐府诗还是古诗,大都称之为"歌",即认为其都是可配乐而唱的。于是,元代乐府诗可入乐而歌的现实,与盛行于当时的散曲、杂剧、词体艺术等互相融合,从而构建了中国文学史上的第一个"音乐文学王国"。  相似文献   

Education is today in question, both in its institutional forms and in its conceptual remit. The sense of a knowledge explosion and a world in rapid change challenges the curricula of schools, universities, vocational colleges. And the institutions seem to have to account for themselves in new ways, as if their purposes have subtly shifted. Outside formal institutions the possibilities of new technologies and new forms of communication are highly visible. Do we need education when we have information? What happens to education when it is all about learning? And what is the role of education research in any of this? In this 2011 Radford Lecture, Lyn Yates discusses challenges and transformations evident across the education spectrum today, and why, in the flux of new possibilities and new kinds of institutions, there is a need to talk again about the distinct purposes of education and education institutions.  相似文献   

我国正处在经济体制转变的深刻变化中,旧的体制还没有完全破除,新的体制还没有完全建立起来,各种矛盾相互交织、磨擦,各种文化思潮相互碰撞。这就决定了现代中国人的理想人格模式也处于一种转变、整合状态之中,而现代的中国是历史的中国的继续,建构现代中国人的理想人格不可能割断与传统的联系。那么,追溯在中国历史上最具影响力的儒家理想人格之源——孔子理想人格,并对它进行现代的诠释就成为了必要之举。  相似文献   

The humble multiple-choice test is very widely used within education at all levels, but its susceptibility to guesswork makes it a suboptimal assessment tool. The reliability of a multiple-choice test is partly governed by the number of items it contains; however, longer tests are more time consuming to take, and for some subject areas, it can be very hard to create new test items that are sufficiently distinct from previously used items. A number of more sophisticated multiple-choice test formats have been proposed dating back at least 60?years, many of which offer significantly improved test reliability. This paper offers a new way of comparing these alternative test formats, by modelling each one in terms of the range of possible test taker responses it enables. Looking at the test formats in this way leads to the realisation that the need for guesswork is reduced when test takers are given more freedom to express their beliefs. Indeed, guesswork is eliminated entirely when test takers are able to partially order the answer options within each test item. The paper aims to strengthen the argument for using more sophisticated multiple-choice test formats, especially for high-stakes summative assessment.  相似文献   

Research News     

In secondary schools, subjects dominate teaching and also the organizational structures. Typically, subject department heads perform a middle-management role in secondary schools and often this role is taken-for-granted and unquestioned. In this article, we examine the impact on secondary school culture and the resulting changes to practice when the department middle-management structure and roles are open to revision. We investigate the experiences of two schools that are part of a longitudinal study on reculturing and restructuring in all secondary schools in one school district in Ontario, Canada. Our research indicates that structural change initiated by school level participants is a prerequisite to real change and that structural changes preceded cultural changes. However, it is the process of creating the new structures that is the key consideration as mandating an alternative might not be facilitative of cultural change. The primary research question guiding this article is: what impact does involvement in restructuring a middle-management organizational model have on the culture of a school and the change process experienced by staff members?  相似文献   

Early Childhood Education Journal - How can we prepare the young children of today for the future, when 20 percent of all Americans will be old? Education about the process of human aging can help...  相似文献   

在人类传播发展史上,出现了三种类型的传播媒体:一是以报纸、广播、电视等传播媒介为基础的传统媒体;二是以互联网、手机媒体等新兴媒介为主兼容多媒体发展技术的新媒体;三是以web2.0应用技术为基础的微博,我们称之为自媒体。文章着重辨析了以微博为代表的自媒体发展和定义,并将自媒体与传统媒体和新媒体进行比较,进而分析得出它的传播特点。  相似文献   

孔子“温故而知新”是对人认识世界的一种真理性概括,具有方法论的意义。孔子思想的形成就是他对传统的继承与超越,是温故而知新。“温故而知新”统摄了孔子对待整个传统、对待一切知识形态的态度。他是通过言说“为师”的具体事实来阐发其认识论的一般。  相似文献   

刘炜评的《半通斋诗选》是一部情怀毕现、个性鲜明的旧体诗选集。要而言之,其个性表现有五:常在“诗酒相娱”的文字形式下,灌注了颇为饱满的情感与形象意涵:大小事皆可入诗,少难言之隐,多必达之能;善于旧典新用和新典活用,有书卷气而不掉书袋;美而不谀,不失风雅之旨;善于揽镜自照、反躬自嘲和会心自乐,时见幽默风趣的精神格调。作者在对诗坛前贤的转益多师中,已经大有所成,但尺以更高要求,还须在多元整合师承所得的基础上。找到一套真正适合于自己的话语系统。  相似文献   

在高职新专业可行性论证中,需要对人才需求、培养方案、师资队伍、实验实习条件、图书资料、办学设施、办学经费等方面进行评估.这些指标都是一些模糊的量.借助于模糊综合评判数学模型,能为新专业决策提供一种较为科学的量化方法。  相似文献   

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