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中德文化与语言差异简析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国人和德国人在哲学思想、文化理念、语言使用、生活习俗等方面的某些认知差异具体表现在:对哲学思辨、皇帝宗教、道家理论等问题的看法各异, 在做客、送礼、饮食、服饰等方面的生活习俗不同,从而使得中德两国的跨文化交际不时出现误解或者障碍.认真分析对比这种民族文化差异,有助于进一步了解日耳曼民族的文化内涵与风土人情,掌握德语的使用特点.  相似文献   

In the contemporary culture of accountability and the 'economy' of education this generates, pragmatism, as a philosophy for ordinary practice, needs to resist the totalising force of an ideology of practice, one that distracts us from the rich qualities of daily experience. In response to this need, and in mobilising Dewey's pragmatism, this paper introduces another standpoint in American philosophy: Stanley Cavell's account of the economy of living in Thoreau's Walden. By discussing some aspects of Cavell's The Senses of Walden that suggest both apparent similarities and radical differences between Thoreau and Dewey, I shall argue that Cavell discovers rich dimensions of practice in Thoreau's American philosophy, ones that are overshadowed in Dewey's pragmatism: that he demonstrates another way of 'making a difference in practice'. Cavell, as a critical interlocutor of Dewey, from within American philosophy, offers a way of using language in resistance to the rhetoric of accountability and in service to the creation of democracy as a way of life. I shall conclude by suggesting that the enriched tradition of American philosophy from Dewey to Cavell is to be found in their promotion of philosophy as education and education as philosophy.  相似文献   

从李贽哲学自身的逻辑出发,可以发现,李贽哲学以其苦难意识作为背景,在无一有合一本体论基础上,主张道非一途,性非一种,从而表现为追求自由,宽容学术和相对主义的品格。  相似文献   

教学理念向教学行为的转化一直是学术界比较关注的问题。国外学者的研究主要集中在教师课堂教学行为标准和师生互动行为两个方面,尚未发现教学理念向教学行为转化机制的研究成果。国内学者对教学理念与教学行为的内涵与关系、教学理念向教学行为转化的影响因素、转化过程、路径与策略等基本问题的研究,已形成较为丰富的研究成果,但仍存在众多分歧。如何科学地分析教学理念向教学行为转化的制约因素及其作用机理,从发生学视角透视教学行为的转化生成过程,揭示教学理念向教学行为转化的内隐机制,理应成为基础教育理论研究和实践探索的重大课题。  相似文献   

吕凤子的美育思想是中国近现代美育思想史上最有现代意味和创造精神的理论体系之一。这个体系的形成来源于吕凤子对中国儒、道、释三家主体文化的精深研究,同时也接受了西方哲学、心理学和美学的影响。吕凤子的美育观倡导的是为人生而艺术、尊异成异、就异成异、还人为人的非物教育,其中蕴含着丰厚的佛学思想。  相似文献   

There is an apparent tension between Immanuel Kant's model of moral agency and his often-neglected philosophy of moral education. On the one hand, Kant's account of moral knowledge and decision-making seems to be one that can be self-taught. Kant's famous categorical imperative and related 'fact of reason' argument suggest that we learn the content and application of the moral law on our own. On the other hand, Kant has a sophisticated and detailed account of moral education that goes well beyond the kind of education a person would receive in the course of ordinary childhood experience. The task of this paper will be to reconcile these seemingly conflicting claims. Ultimately, I argue, Kant's philosophy of education makes sense as a part of his moral theory if we look not only at individual moral decisions, but also at the goals or ends that these moral decisions are intended to achieve. In Kant's case, this end is what he calls the highest good, and, I argue, the most coherent account of the highest good is a kind of ethical community and end of history, similar to the Groundwork 's realm of ends. Seen as a tool to bring about and sustain such a community, Kant's philosophy of moral education exists as a coherent and important part of his moral philosophy.  相似文献   

宪法学可在宪法科学和宪法哲学两层次上独立地展开,宪法科学以实然宪法的应用为中心,宪法哲学以宪法的应然为中心。我国传统宪法学含有科学主义的倾向,不仅影响了宪法科学的发展,而且严重妨碍了宪法哲学的产生。我国宪法学的未来走向是要在宪法科学和宪法哲学两个领域加大研究力度,一方面推进宪法科学的实证化,一方面提高宪法学的哲学品位。  相似文献   

亚里士多德是西方实践哲学的创始人,他最早明确地着眼于实践来研究人的行为,使"实践"成为重要的哲学范畴和实践哲学的主题;而康德是德国古典唯心主义哲学创始人,实践思想是其哲学的重要内容。着重对康德和亚里士多德哲学实践范畴进行较为详细的比较,试图理清两位哲学家哲学实践范畴之间的共同点与差异点。  相似文献   

The purpose of the study was to establish developmental norms for maternal-rated problem behaviors within a disadvantaged group of preschool children. The sample included 406 children between two and five years of age from lower socioeconomic families. Mothers completed the Behavior Problem Checklist (BPC) reporting the frequency of conduct (acting-out) and personality (inhibition) problems. The analyses investigated differences for males and females among four age groups for frequency of behavior problems. No significant age differences were found for either sex on the acting-out or inhibition dimensions of the BPC. The results revealed that the frequency of behavior problems becomes apparent at an early age and remains consistent throughout the preschool years. The consistency across age levels of these maternal-reported behavioral difficulties suggests that early screening with BPC is a viable procedure. The data are discussed in terms of their utility in assisting the school psychologist to select appropriate intervention strategies for the preschool child.  相似文献   

章太炎、刘师培、梁启超对戴震理欲观的评析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
理欲观是戴震义理思想的核心内容,也是戴震义理学区别于程、朱正统理学的关键 所在。清末民初,章太炎、刘师培、梁启超等学者大力阐扬戴氏义理学,力图恢复戴震的完整形 象,促使戴学成为显学。他们所共同关注者即为戴震的理欲观。由于阐释角度不一,所作的评析 差异较大。章太炎从政治视角理解戴震理欲观,认为戴震与程、朱并无根本冲突,双方是在政治 和伦理的不同层面上阐发各自观念。刘师培则分别用中、西学两种标准衡量戴震理欲观,既赞赏 其义理基于训诂,从而能超越宋儒的长处,又点明其不及西学严密的瑕疵所在。梁启超以哲学概 念评判戴震义理学,认为戴氏之理欲观是用“情感哲学”代“理性哲学”,与欧洲文艺复兴思潮在本 质上“绝相类”。这些评析,皆对中国近代思想、学术界产生了深远影响,甚至成为规范戴震研究 的某种“范式”。  相似文献   

以彰显个体生命意识为目标的人学转向,在掩埋大写的“人”的同时又使哲学的阶级意识黯然失色;对日常生活世界的还原,又悄然消解了它关怀终极、安立生命的人学理想;而哲学在特种语言学上的努力和对人提供的虚幻幸福期许,又使它成为生活中一道多余的手续。那么,哲学如何向生活还原才能将人的生命本质引向人自身,又依凭什么去尉强人的生存力量并使之勇敢地担当起全部生活重负,对人的生存与发展来说,这将成为一个性命攸关的哲学问题。  相似文献   

谢林是德国古典哲学和美学的著名代表人物之一.他的美学思想对当时及后世都产生了极大的影响.与谢林关系最密切的莫过于德国耶拿浪漫派.谢林的一系列思想,包括自然哲学、艺术哲学和神话观等都极大影响了德国浪漫派.但他们在目标和观念上还是存有分歧的.  相似文献   

家庭教养方式是影响个体孤独感的核心因素,同时也是影响个体亲社会行为的主要因素。本文以在校大学生作为调查对象,采用随机分层抽样的方法,对大学一年级到四年级的学生进行抽样调查。结果显示:性别在孤独感、亲社会行为、家庭教养方式上并不存在差异;不同的家庭教养方式在大学生的孤独感、亲社会行为上存在显著性差异;父母的文化程度会影响其教育理念,进而影响大学生的亲社会行为、孤独感;通过父母教养方式、亲社会行为,能够准确预测大学生的孤独感。进而可知,性别消解与群体再制是三者互构的机制原理。社会分工引发的社会性别消解了群体的生理性别,代之的是极为相似的社会性别。家庭教养方式中父母的教育理念、参与程度等都会再制着孩子的理念,进而影响其社会身份的认同和社会结构中的格局序列。  相似文献   

在中国处于社会转型发展的今天,如何认定自然科学与哲学的联亲,则是至关重要的问题.该文以自然科学史与哲学史的相关材料为佐证,力足全面展示和论证自然科学与哲学的血缘关系,以强化促进二者的相互作用.认为哲学作为自然科学发展的理论前导,因在不同的历史阶段存在哲学自身的本性差异,故对自然科学具有不同方面和不同程度的促进作用,也对自然科学具有不同方面和不同程度的误导.  相似文献   

赋形·路径·策略·文本--人类广义写作思维的基本原理   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文认为 ,人类广义思维就是人类的精神生产行为。在这个思维过程中有着自己一套普适性的思维操作模型 ,即以赋形思维为终极目的的路径思维、策略思维和文本思维的四位一体的自组织生长和谐调的过程。在人类广义写作 (精神生产 )中 ,“秩序化”和“知行递变”不仅是写作思维、广义写作思维的哲学 ,而且也是人类认识、实践活动在本体和行为两个层面上的哲学 ,它是中国传统知行哲学的现代阐释。  相似文献   

The concept of dispositions has commanded considerable attention in both philosophy and education. In this essay, Laurance Splitter draws on philosophy to take a fresh look at dispositions in education, specifically teacher education. Bypassing the pitfalls of both subjectivity and crude behaviorism, he proposes a conceptual framework in which dispositions figure as drivers or triggers of our intentional behavior, one that gives prominence to language in general and to dialogue in particular. Splitter draws on an emerging school of thought that treats classrooms as inquiring communities to argue that students at all levels—including teacher education—should engage in dialogue about what does or does not, and should or should not, move them to behave in certain ways. Finally, Splitter offers a way through the sociopolitical battleground on which the topic of dispositions in teacher education has recently found itself.  相似文献   

老子哲学最简要有力的人生哲理就是“无为”“,无为”虽然也是一种处事的方法,但在很大程度是针对“君人”而言。试结合老子的整体哲学理论体系,从老子“无为”思想产生的原因、内涵、意义以及与孔子的“无为而治”的比较中,解析老子“无为”思想的真正含义。  相似文献   

The philosopher Richard Rorty once remarked that the genre of philosophy writing is an extended conversation that can be traced to the dialogues of Plato. All the foundational questions of philosophy can be found in ancient philosophy texts. The subsequent history of philosophy is a dialectic progression on these questions. I argue that reading the great works of philosophy and engaging in this conversation has something to teach us about autonomy, leadership and citizenship. Reading these works, and also great works of creative literature, nurtures the imagination and interiority, and cultivates perspective on world history, politics and culture. I first elaborate the genre and styles of philosophy writing and then argue for its relevance to a civic model of education.  相似文献   

Preschool children from economically disadvantaged families often experience difficulties in developing prosocial behavior. Risk associated with depressive symptomatology in caregivers (parents and guardians) may further compound these difficulties. The overall objective of the present study was to examine the compensatory effect of Head Start classroom environments on the development of prosocial behavior among children with caregivers high in depressive symptomatology. We initially examined the association between caregiver depressive symptoms and children's starting levels of prosocial behavior and then tested classroom emotional support as a moderator of the relation between caregivers’ depressive symptoms and children's prosocial behavior development during the school year. The sample of 194 Head Start preschoolers in 28 classrooms was part of a larger study designed to test the effects of an emotion-based prevention program. As expected, caregivers’ levels of depressive symptoms predicted lower starting levels of prosocial behavior. However, classroom emotional support promoted improvements in prosocial behavior for the children of the caregivers high in depressive symptomatology. The implications of these findings for the development of preventive interventions are discussed.  相似文献   

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