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词义在不断的发展中难免会出现扩大、缩小、转移等情况。"老乡"的词义发展演变至今,最主要的特点是多层级性,其词义范围随说话者所处行政地域、籍贯的不同而扩大和缩小;词义伸缩性使其语用交际功能也随语言环境的改变也发生变化。其功能的变性主要体现在词义无限扩展时,为改善交际双方之间的关系,有效地缩短说话者与听话者之间的心理距离,以使交际目的得以及时实现。  相似文献   


It has been proposed that there is a relationship between grammatical aspect and event conceptualization. In addition, it has been proposed that grammaticized concepts that do not have obvious counterparts in the world, like aspect, would be more resistant to restructuring when acquiring a second language. Russian and Catalan both have grammatical aspect, though their habitual uses do not completely overlap. In two studies, we analysed the oral narrative production in Catalan of advanced L2 speakers of Catalan whose L1 is Russian and of native Catalan speakers. In study one, we analysed the aspectual framing of the narrative, while in study two, the participants described 48 short video clips depicting different types of translational movement. Although Russian L1 speakers have acquired the means to express aspectual nuances in Catalan, they consistently differed from Catalan native speakers.  相似文献   

通过综述国内跨文化语用学领域关于言语行为的部分研究,说明我国学习者与本族语者在言语行为实施和言语行为理解两方面的语用系统是不同的。讨论造成这种差异的四个主要原因:推理能力欠缺、语用负迁移、泛化、教材中语用指导不足,并从语言能力、课堂教学和语用意识等方面提出了语用教学建议。  相似文献   

英汉化不同导致了它们的语用差异,从而引起了跨化交际的语用失误。在英语教学中,应注意英汉化的差异和语用原则,以利培养学生的交际能力。  相似文献   


In this study we provide evidence for the influence of L1 typological patterns in elicited narratives in Catalan by bilingual speakers of three different typological languages. The expression of the semantic components of Path and Manner of motion of Russian L1 speakers and Mandarin L1 speakers was compared to that of native Catalan speakers. Following the Thinking for Speaking framework, it was hypothesized that if the preferred semantic structure of L1 is transferred to the L2, then productions would be organized and structured differently according to the typological characteristics of L1. Results show different patterns of expression in L2 with regard to lexical choice and syntactic-semantic structure. We argue that the results provide empirical support for the Thinking for Speaking hypothesis.  相似文献   

英语附加疑问句是一种较为特殊的句法结构,不同的语调表达具有不同的语用功能。本文通过对比21位本族语者和32位学习者的朗读语音数据,研究中国学习者表达英语附加疑问句的语调特点。研究发现附加疑问句主要体现为降调型和升调型,分别体现说话者的确定和疑问的态度。本族语者和学习者在调群边界特点、调核位置以及调型三个方面都存在异同点。  相似文献   

For heritage speakers, the Spanish classroom is not the first point of contact with their native language. Though such learners would benefit from an educational philosophy that affirms the heritage language as a springboard for learning and increased self‐awareness, there has been little support for non‐dominant language research in the USA. This inattention breeds negative consequences not only for heritage speakers themselves, but also for national economic concerns as well. This study takes a phenomenographic approach to reveal the experiences of adult heritage Spanish speakers in programs designed for monolingual English speakers. The data gleaned from this research sheds light on the educational, social, and individual challenges faced by the adult heritage speaker in their quest to improve literacy skills in their native language.  相似文献   

中介语语用学视角下大学生语用能力的培养及其测试   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国大学生英语语用能力的现状令人忧虑,大学生语用能力差与我们的教学理念、教学模式直接相关。必须积极探索培养大学生语用能力的有效途径,在大学英语考试中增加语用测试有其现实必要性。  相似文献   

语用学作为语言学一个新的分支,研究的是语言的实际运用及其规律。在以英语为主导语言的交际中,中国学生往往因为中文话语行为,或是使用了不恰当的语言形式,或是错误的理解了语言形式,或是受了文化因素的影响等原因,导致了交际的失败。本文试图对中国学生和英语本族语使用者在语用差异和交际中的语用失误进行研究,解决上述问题。  相似文献   

回顾近30年来中介语研究的主要内容,探究影响学习者中介语语用习得的主要因素,发现有三种因素会产生语用迁移和语用失误:语用迁移、语用泛化和教学导致的偏误。提出用显性渠道和隐性方式来增加学生语用知识,避免语用失误,提高语用能力。  相似文献   

"语用失误"由英国语言学家托马斯于1983年在<跨文化语用失误>一文中首次提出.其危害性在于会引起操本族语者与外语学习者之间的误会,破坏人们之闻的交际,使和谐的人际关系变得紧张.托马斯把语用失误划分为两类:语言语用失误和社交语用失误.语用失误是跨文化交际失败的重要根源,可以反映学习者语用能力的强弱.  相似文献   

This study investigated the influence of cognitive and linguistic skills on the reading comprehension performance of a group of learners from diverse linguistic backgrounds. The study also compared the reading comprehension performance of grade 4 children who entered kindergarten with little or no experience with English (ESL) to that of a group of native English speakers. Examiners administered various tasks of reading, language, and memory to the children in the study (n=480). The sample included three comprehension groups: (1) children with poor comprehension in the absence of word reading difficulties (Poor Comprehenders; PC), (2) children with poor word reading and poor comprehension (Poor word Recognition and comprehenders; PR), and (3) children with good word reading and comprehension abilities (Good Comprehenders; GC). Due to the small sample size of PR reader group, no comparative analyses were conducted. However, the results indicated that within the GC and PC groups there were no differences between the ESL and L1 children on measures of reading and phonological processing. Further, within the GC and PC groups, on measures of syntactic awareness and verbal working memory, the ESL speakers performed at significantly lower levels than the L1 speakers.  相似文献   

语际语用学的有关研究结果表明,与说本族语者相比,外语学习者在语用能力方面远远滞后,而另一方面,语用能力是可以通过语用教学培养的。本文在总结国外语际语用学研究成果的基础上,探讨我国外语环境下开展英语语用教学的必要性和可行性,并对我国外语语用教学提出了一些建议。  相似文献   

英语口语交际中跨文化语用失误探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在跨文化交际中,语用失误是日常交际中的一种普遍现象。本文旨在探讨英语口语交际中的跨文化语用失误现象及其分类,进而探讨其成因,解释这些成因如何导致英语本族语者与非本族语者之间产生交流障碍,并提出相应的解决对策以提高跨文化交际的效率,力求从跨文化语用学的角度为英语口语教学带来启示。  相似文献   

拒绝是日常交际中有损对方面子的一种言语行为。调查证明母语为英语的英美人士的策略模式为"积极性观点(I'd like to...) 原因 道歉",而母语为汉语的中国人则是"道歉 积极性观点 原因"。不同的拒绝模式反映了不同社会的文化心理。研究发现二语为英语的中国学生在用英语进行拒绝时存在明显的语用迁移现象,即他们在用英语实施拒绝言语行为时受到了汉语思维方式的影响,且随着英语水平的提高语用迁移程度随之减小。  相似文献   

浅谈语用学与大学英语教学   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
我国的大学英语教学普遍存在着重知识轻能力的弊端.长期以来以教授语法、词汇为中心的教学模式,培养的学生只会做各种试题,机械地应付考试,面对实际应用时,听不懂,说不出,常常犯一些语用错误.在大学英语教学过程中应该注重培养学生的语用能力,从而提高学生的跨文化交际能力.  相似文献   

节奏特征对于语音的自然度有直接影响。针对普通话语音,本文比较了普通话母语者、母语为粤语的二语学习者、母语为英语的二语学习者的节奏模式。研究从含有轻声的孤立词开始,重点考察连续语流,通过11种时长指标的测量从客观上分析节奏模式。针对连续语流的研究发现,基于语速无关的或者语速归一化的时长指标,作为二语的普通话显示出与母语普通话非常接近的节奏模式;而基于未做语速归一化处理的时长指标,作为二语的普通话则向重音节拍模式的方向迁移,与说话人母语的节奏模式无关。这一结果,与孤立词情形下的结果并不一致,也违反了母语迁移效应的一般假设,但是与我们的听感基本吻合,其原因可以用二语与母语的语速差异、以及韵律结构变化带来的停延频次的差异来解释。  相似文献   

运用对比语言学理论从宏观和微观两个视角对比分析国内英语专业硕士论文致谢辞和英语本族语硕士论文致谢辞.研究国内英语专业硕士生致谢辞所出现的语用失误。这种对比研究旨在认清国内英语学习者的不足之处,提高语用能力,也有利于提高英汉民族的相互了解与交流。  相似文献   

The target of much language teaching and learning is to make students approximate to native speakers.The only rightful speak ers of a language are its native speakers.Contrary to these contemporary views,however,this paper argues that the obligation of the lan guage teacher is to help students to use L2 effectively not to simply imitate native speaker.A successful L2 user who comes from the group of L2 learners can be a model for students.Therefore,non-native teachers with a high degree of language proficiency and good teaching skills can be ideal and qualified language teachers.  相似文献   

This study examines imagined professional and linguistic communities available to preservice and in-service English as a second language and English as a foreign language teachers enrolled in one TESOL program. A discursive analysis of the students' positioning in their linguistic autobiographies suggests that the traditional discourse of linguistic competence positions students as members of one of two communities, native speakers or non-native speakers/L2 learners. The analysis also suggests that contemporary theories of bilingualism and second language acquisition, in particular Cook's (1992, 1999) notion of multicompetence, open up an alternative imagined community, that of multicompetent, bilingual, and multilingual speakers. This option allows some teachers to construe themselves and their future students as legitimate L2 users rather than as failed native speakers of the target language.  相似文献   

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