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Much has been made about the difficulties students have in transferring their learning from one context to another. We suggest that students learning from examples use imitation, a subtype of analogical problem solving (APS). Whereas APS involves manipulating a mental representation, imitation involves mapping the surface features of a source example to a target problem and no assumptions are made about what a student knows. Often imitating a close variant of a source problem is likely to be relatively successful; however, trying to solve a distant variant by imitating an example creates difficulties in mapping values and adapting the source example to the target. In this paper we argue that some students' inability to transfer their learning is very often due to the teaching material rather than any failure on the part of the student. To this end, we have developed an interpretation theory based on the proportional analogy framework (a:b::c:d) which can be applied to text analysis. The theory is demonstrated using examples taken mainly from computer programming textbooks.  相似文献   

Cle continues its series of accounts of classroom practice with books that teachers have found successful as class readers with their students.Stephen Wicks is Head of the English Department at Camborne Comprehensive School in Cornwall. He has chosen an American novel, Theodore Taylor'sThe Cay, which he reads with classes of thirteen-year-old boys and girls drawn from the whole ability range.Barbara Hall is in her second year of teaching at The Woodrush Comprehensive School, near Birmingham. She teaches Stan Barstow'sA Kind of Loving to classes of average ability who are taking the Certificate in Secondary Education in English Literature.  相似文献   

Foreign study is a multifaceted phenomenon - its impact is felt on academic institutions in both the host and sending countries, on the economies of nations, and of course on the individuals involved. With more than one million students studying abroad, foreign study has assumed considerable importance in higher education planning. This article considers the many aspects of foreign study and discusses the interrelationships of these elements. The policies of the host nations, for example, have an impact on higher education planning in the sending countries. The non-return of foreign students, traditionally referred to as the brain drain, is considerably more complex than was once thought since Third World graduates settled in the industrialized nations often retain contacts with their home countries and increasingly return after a period abroad. This article also considers the various push and pull factors which determine the constantly changing flow of foreign students.This study was supported by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, Centre for Educational Research and Innovation. It was presented at the International Seminar on Higher Education and the Flow of Foreign Students, convened by the Hochschul-Informations-System, with support from the Federal Ministry of Education and Science and the Lower Saxony Ministry of Science and Arts in Hannover, Germany on 26th–28th April 1990.  相似文献   

We studied a group of fourth grade students identified by their classroom teachers as having above average ability in mathematics who were participating in pull-out enrichment sessions. We sought to test, using observational and microgenetic methods, hypotheses regarding students' measurement strategies that have been generated post hoc by other research teams. These above-average mathematics students did not show initial difficulties with turn commands previously reported in mixed populations. They created strategies to accurately determine the correct direction of turn and to estimate the amount of turn. They did follow a similar developmental order as students in previous work: They synthesized and integrated two schemes, turn as body movement and turn as number. Analyses extending this work revealed a process of psychological curtailment in which students gradually replace full rotations of their bodies with smaller rotations of an arm, hand, or finger.This revised version was published online in September 2005 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

An earlier research project, the Concepts in Secondary Mathematics and Science (Mathematics) project, identified both a hierarchy of levels of understanding in different areas of secondary mathematics, and a number of particular errors which were made by significant proportions of the children tested. Preliminary consideration of these errors and the strategies which appear to have given rise to them suggests that the use of informal naive methods which are limited in their applicability is widespread even at fourth-year level. The suggestion is made that there may be two systems of mathematics coexisting in the secondary school classroom: the formal taught system, and a system of child-methods which are based upon a counting, adding-on or building-up approach, and by which children attempt to solve mathematical problems within a human-sense framework. The difficulties which some children appear to experience in mathematics is suggested to be due in part to these children's non-initiation into the formal taught system. The implication of such a view for teaching and research are indicated.  相似文献   

Résumé Les difficultés scolaires éprouvées par les élèves immigrés ont été généralement étudiées en mettant l'accent sur leurs carences ou sur les stratégies d'adaptation dont ils se servent. Le travail qu'on présente ici vise à renverser cette optique — en inserant cette problématique dans le cadre théorique de la Transculturation, et en étudiant la façon dont ces élèves perçoivent l'institution scolaire.Une étude de l'énonciation porte sur 101 entretiens dans la langue d'origine, avec des sujets hispanophones et lusitanophones, garçons et filles, âgés de 10 à 17 dans.Sur la base d'une analyse statistique informatisée on a établi des indices visant à saisir (a) les rapports chercheur/sujet dans l'entretien; (b) les liens qui rattachent l'individu à son groupe (moi — nous); (c) sa perception de l'autre; et (d) la façon dont il se situe par rapport à son expérience (assumée ou subie, actant ou acté). Des mots-clé illustrent et soulignent les difficultés éprouvées par ces sujets et par l'institution scolaire pour appréhender les normes temporelles comme un modelage culturel et en saisir leur relativité.
The difficulties of immigrant children at school have generally been studied with the emphasis either on their deficiencies or on the schemes which they devise to enable them to adapt. The study which is presented here, however, aims at a radically different approach by viewing the problem within the theoretical framework of transculturation and by examining the way in which the pupils themselves perceive the French school system.A study is made of the outcome of 101 interviews which were conducted in their mother tongue with Spanish- or Portuguese-speaking boys and girls aged between 10 and 17 years old.On the basis of statistical analysis by computer, indices were formulated with the intention of establishing (a) the relationship between the researcher and the subject during the interview; (b) the links between the subject as an individual and his/her peer-group (me — us); (c) his/her perception of others; and (d) the way in which he/she relates to his/her experience (as something to be positively accepted — or to be suffered; active or passive). Keywords illustrate and underline the difficulties encountered both by pupils and by the school to grasp the idea of time norms as a cultural shaping and to perceive how relative they are.

Zusammenfassung Die schulischen Schwierigkeiten von Einwandererkindern sind allgemein entweder mit Schwerpunkt auf ihren Unzulänglichkeiten oder auf den von ihnen gewählten Anpassungsstrategien untersucht worden. In der vorliegenden Untersuchung jedoch wird ein radikal anderer Ansatz beabsichtigt, indem das Problem innerhalb eines theoretischen Bezugsrahmens der Transkulturation betrachtet und indem die Art und Weise geprüft wird, die die Schüler selbst dem französischen Schulsystem gegenüber empfinden.Die Studie wurde aufgrund von 101 Interviews von in ihrer Muttersprache spanisch- und portugiesisch-sprechenden Jungen und Mädchen im Alter von 10 bis 17 Jahren erstellt.Auf der Grundlage statistischer computergestützter Analyse, wurden Indices mit der Absicht formuliert, folgendes nachzuweisen: (a) die Beziehung zwischen dem wissenschaftlichen Befrager und dem Befragten während des Interviews; (b) die Verbindungen zwischen dem Befragten als einem Individuum zu seiner/ihrer Gruppe von Gleichaltrigen (ich — uns); (c) seine/ihre Wahrnehmung der Anderen; und (d) die Art und Weise auf der er/sie sich in Beziehung zu seiner/ihrer Erfahrung sieht (als etwas, das als positiv erleb wird, oder an dem man leitet; aktiv oder passiv). Schlüsselworte veranschaulichen und unterstreichen die Schwierigkeiten, auf die sowohl die Schüler als auch die Schule stossen, um die Vorstellung der Zeitnormen als Kulturform zu begreifen, und um ihre Relativität zu empfinden.

The Cultural Grid suggests a structure for interpreting a person's behavior in the context of culturally learned expectations. When two persons' expectations are similar, but their behaviors are dissimilar, cross cultural misunderstanding is likely to result. When their expectations are dissimilar, the result is likely to be a personal misunderstanding even though their behaviors are similar. This article introduces a framework for differentiating personal and cultural differences in the interview which is essential for appropriate multicultural counseling. The alternatives are to allow apparent and obvious cultural differences to mask underlying personal differences or to incorrectly assume that two persons who appear culturally similar are having a personal disagreement.  相似文献   

Culture shock has been identified as a psychological reaction to a change in cultural environment. The main symptoms of culture shock are reported to be psychological disturbance, a negative reaction to the new surroundings and a longing for a more familiar environment. Research has identified culture shock as a component in the difficulties that international students face when studying in another country. One way that institutions of higher education have responded to these difficulties is to provide initial cultural orientation. In the study reported here, a group of post-graduate students who had participated in a study skills and cultural orientation course at a British university were compared with a group who had not. Contrary to the research hypothesis, the group that took part in the orientation course were significantly more homesick and reported more psychological difficulties. The overall findings cast doubt on the received view of culture shock as it affects international students. They suggest that culture shock is exacerbated by personal and social factors and this has implications for the way that international students may be helped through the experience.  相似文献   

It has been said that a school that does not emphasise technology will miseducate students for the future. Many informed observers believe that to achieve this emphasis, it is very important for the principal and his/her assistants to act as role models (for the use of information technology). The use of school-based microcomputers for instructional support provides an excellent opportunity for them to do so. All too often, however, the promises of technological innovation are not delivered upon. After briefly reviewing the procedure for selecting the most appropriate system, this presentation will compare and contrast the multi-year experiences of high schools in one of the largest school districts in Canada. The experiences of these schools indicate that for this significant application of technology, the promises are realizable. The paper will conclude by discussing issues and challenges relating to the use of school-based microcomputers for instructional support.  相似文献   

The idea of bringing children, students, and teachers into contact with living writers was initially implemented by the Literature Panel of the Arts Council of Great Britain in 1969, but since 1980 the scheme had devolved upon the Regional Arts Associations, embracing single visits, workshop sessions, talks, readings, and short-term and long-term residences and attachments of various kinds, with the Regional Arts Association generally bearing half the cost of fees, plus travel. The scheme now operates in a wide range of venues in addition to schools and colleges, incorporates in-service and residential courses, and includes illustrators, storytellers, dramatists, and performance poets alongside novelists, poets, and short-story writers.Fay Sampson is the author of 16 books for young people. For many years she has combined teaching and writing in England, winning awards from the South West Arts regional council for her work. She is currently a full-time writer and an adult education tutor in writing.  相似文献   

The results from an experiment analysing hypertextual semantic linking is reported. In the study participants are asked to describe logical relationships between related, semi-related and unrelated paragraphs of text. It is concluded that existence and themes of relationships are (as expected) fairly consistently recognised, however, specific relationships do not readily fall into natural predicate like statements. Purely thematic relationships, or a palette of available relationships might be the more practical approach. Further work on dynamic linking in hypertext documents is also reported. Dynamic linking eliminates some of the problems associated with a mismatch between the mental models of authors and readers and allows the readers to construct their own hypertexts from linear documents. This approach offers useful data on logical connectivity in hypertext documents but also represents an alternative to conventional hypertext authoring and reading.  相似文献   

The decline of the nation-state and the education of national minorities   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Many forces are shifting the role of the nation-state and altering our fundamental understanding of how it should function. The author argues that the transplanted European model of the nation-state has become dysfunctional, creating national minorities, serving as an ideological cloak for various forms of oppression and opposing forms of education that would promote diversity of languages and cultures. The decline of territorial sovereignty under the forces of globalization, the move to supranational forms of organization and the emergence of sub-national areas of economic and social development (often city-regions) provide a new range of opportunities for development of minority schooling.
Zusammenfassung Viele Kräfte verändern die Rolle des Nationenstaates und ändern damit auch unser grundsätzliches Verständnis zu dessen Funktion. Der Autor argumentiert, daß das übertragene europäische Modell des Nationenstaates außer Funktion gesetzt und damit nationale Minderheiten geschaffen wurden. Somit besteht ein ideologischer Deckmantel für verschiedene Arten von Unterdrückung und Widerstand gegen Erziehungsarten, die eine Vielfalt der Sprachen und Kulturen fördern würden. Der Verfall territorialer Unabhängigkeit unter den Kräften der Globalisierung, die Bewegung hin zu einer supranationalen Form der Organisation und die Schaffung regionaler Gebiete wirtschaftlicher und sozialer Entwicklung (oft Stadtbezirke) bieten neue Entwicklungsmöglichkeiten hinsichtlich der Schulbildung für Minderheiten.

Resumen Son muchas las fuerzas que están cambiando el papel que desempeña el estado-nación y que alteran nuestro concepto básico de cómo este debería funcionar. El autor argumenta que el modelo europeo trasplantado del estado-nación se ha vuelto disfunctional, creando minorías nacionales y sirviendo de manto ideológico para encubrir diferentes formas de opresión y de oposición a una educación que intenta promover la diversidad de lenguas y culturas. El ocaso de la soberanía territorial bajo las fuerzas de globalización, el cambio hacia formas de organización supranacionales y el surgimiento de sectores subnacionales de desarrollo económico y social (frecuentemente en regiones urbanas) proveen un nuevo tipo de oportunidades para el desarrollo de una educación escolar de minorías.

Résumé De nombreuses pressions modifient le rôle de l'Etat-nation et transforment notre conception fondamentale de son fonctionnement. L'auteur expose que le modèle européen d'Etat-nation qui a éé transposé dans d'autres régions est maintenant atteint de dysfonctionnement, car il crée des minorités nationales, sert de prétexte idéologique à différentes formes d'oppression et fait obstacle à des modèles d'éducation qui encourageraient la diversité des langues et des cultures. Le déclin de la souveraineté territoriale sous la pression de la mondialisation, l'évolution vers des formes d'organisation supranationales et l'apparition de concentrations régionales du développement éconnomique et social (souvent en tant que régions urbanisées) constituent de nouveaux stimulants pour l'élaboration d'une scolarité adaptée aux minorités.

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The present study retrospectively examined early difficulties with phonological coding and phonemic segmentation of German children who after four years in school were diagnosed as dyslexic. German, in comparison to English, exhibits rather simple and straight-forward grapheme-phoneme correspondences, and the initial teaching approach was phonics oriented. Despite these favorable circumstances for the acquisition of phonological coding, the majority of the later dyslexic children had particular difficulties with the accurate reading of nonwords and of unfamiliar words after about seven months of reading instruction. However, there were enormous differences between the dyslexic children. Two of them were completely unable to blend phonemes into pronunciations, another seven were slow and error prone decoders, and three children had slow and laborious pronunciation assembly as the core problem. The majority of the later dyslexic children also exhibited phonemic segmentation deficits as tested with a nonword spelling task and a phoneme reversal task. In correspondence with findings from older German dyslexic children, the early difficulties with accurate phonological coding and phonemic segmentation were no longer found at the end of grade four. Children then suffered from very slow reading and poor spelling. In general, the difficulties of German dyslexic children emphasize the phonological impairment account of dyslexia. More specifically, these findings suggest that the assembly of letter sounds into pronunciations is particularly affected in the early phase of learning to read a consistent orthography.  相似文献   

Expectations and experiences of the interpersonal behaviour between the counselor and the client were investigated in an exploratory study, and related to the evaluation of career counseling sessions with adolescents in a secondary school context in Sweden. The relationship was measured by using the Structural Analysis of Social Behaviour model (SASB). In general, positive evaluation as judged by the clients was found to be related to the clients having more positive expectations and experience of their own and counselors affiliative behaviour. No positive associations between own expected and experienced behaviour and evaluation were found as judged by the counselors. Affiliative behaviour was found to be the most important dimension in predicting evaluation of sessions in a positive way for the clients.  相似文献   

Aid to African education often involves the imposition of conditions that create dependency and undermine indigenous educational patterns. Such conditions can include the insistence on textbooks written and published abroad, the use of examination systems devised in Europe or North America, and the neglect of African culture and languages. In the first part of this article the author examines the attempts at educational reform after the African states had achieved independence. The second part highlights the renewed dangers of educational dependency following the 1990 World Conference on Education for All, held in Jomtien, Thailand. The last part of the article discusses whether there is such a thing as educational aid for empowerment and gives some examples of good educational aid projects in Africa.
Zusammenfassung Hilfeleistungen für das afrikanische Bildungssystem rufen oftmals Bedingungen hervor, die zu Abhängigkeiten und der Unterminierung einheimischer Bildungsmuster führen. Solche Bedingungen können das Bestehen auf der Benutzung von im Ausland geschriebenen und veröffentlichten Textbücher sein, die Anwendung von in Europa oder Nordamerika üblichen Bewertungssystemen und die Vernachlässigung afrikanischer Kulturen und Sprachen. Im ersten Teil dieses Artikels untersucht die Autorin den Versuch einer Bildungsreform nach Erlangung der Unabhängigkeit der afrikanischen Staaten. Der zweite Teil unterstreicht die neuerliche Gefahr einer Abhängigkeit im Bildungssystem nach der Weltkonferenz: Bildung für Alle in Jomtien, Thailand 1990. Im Schlußteil wird die Existenz einer Bildungshilfe zur Selbsthilfte diskutiert und beispielhafte Hilfsprojekte in Afrika angesprochen.

Résumé Les mesures d'assistance à l'éducation en Afrique impliquent souvent le diktat de conditions qui sont génératrices de dépendance et annihilent les modèles pédagogiques autochtones. Elles imposent par exemple l'utilisation de manuels rédigés et publiés à l'étranger, l'application de règlements d'examens élaborés en Europe ou en Amérique du Nord, et négligent les cultures et langues africaines. Dans une première partie, l'auteur analyse les tentatives de réforme pédagogique entreprises par les Etats africains après leur indépendance. Elle se concentre ensuite sur les dangers de dépendance pédagogique ravivés par le Congrès mondial sur l'éducation pour tous tenu à Jomtien en Thaïlande. En dernier lieu, l'auteur pose la question de savoir s'il existe une aide pédagogique pour l'autonomisation, en donnant quelques exemples réussis de projets d'assistance pédagogique en Afrique.

Sumario La ayuda concedida a Africa en el área de la educación está frecuentemente supeditada a condiciones que crean dependencia y que socavan los patrones educacionales indígenas. Entre ellas, la insistencia en el uso de libros de texto escritos y editados en el extranjero, el requerimiento de evaluar según sistemas concebidos en Europa o América del Norte, y el desprecio de las culturas y lenguajes africanos. En la primera parte del artículo se examinan los intentos de reforma educative posteriores a la independencia de los países africanos. En la segunda, la atención se centra en los peligros de dependencia educacional que nuevamente surgen tras la Conferencia mundial sobre educación para todos, celebrada en 1990 en Jomtien, Tailandia. En la última parte se pregunta si existe algo parecido a la ayuda educativa para la habilitacion y describe algunos buenos proyectos de ayuda educacional en Africa.

Swedish universities are required to change towards more effective self-regulation as the government has recently reduced state steering and devolved further responsibilities to them. In this paper, self-regulation is related to the concept of autonomy, a concept which is analysed on the two dimensions of purpose and authority, resulting in four models of state governance and consequently in a different space of action for the institutions. However, in order to develop self-regulation, the space granted must also be used effectively to realise autonomy. Six Swedish higher education institutions are analysed concerning how they have used their new space of action and what restrictions they have met in their efforts for self-regulation.  相似文献   

For a number of years the University of Lethbridge has been working to develop a model for experiential education which is appropriate for liberal arts students. To this end, a four-year experimental project was initiated in 1973 to develop such a model, adapting already established principles of Cooperative Education. The result of this experiment—that traditional Coop was not the appropriate vehicle—led to a more inclusive experiential educational model, which allows for both employment and volunteer experiences, involves the awarding of academic credit, and places the onus on the student to demonstrate through various forms of documentation the relationship between his or her field experience and academic program. While there always will be difficulties in assessing the credit value of learning gained from a practical experience, the University of Lethbridge has, through an approach that involves the realization of specific learning objectives, developed a program that fits well into the liberal arts framework.  相似文献   

Truisms have the disadvantage that by dulling the senses they obscure the truth. Almost nobody will become alarmed when told that in times of continuity the future equals the past. Only a few will become aware that from this follows that in times of socio-cultural change the future will not be like the past... At any moment we are free to act toward the future we desire. In other words, the future will be as we wish and perceive it to be. This may come as a shock only to those who let their thinking be governed by the principle that demands that only the rules observed in the past shall apply to the future. For those the concept of change is inconceivable, for change is the process that obliterates the rules of the past (Von Foerster, 1972).  相似文献   

The question of education in India cannot be properly discussed without referring to its socio-linguistic context. This paper provides background information on the linguistic profile of India. The term minorities in the Indian context is defined, and the protection offered to linguistic minorities in the Indian Constitution is examined. A discussion of language policy in Indian education follows in which the recommendations of the different education commissions are analysed. The important issues covered include: the number of languages that are taught, the medium of instruction, and the educational policies regarding speakers of minority languages. The article also discusses different language movements and their impact on Indian education.
Zusammenfassung Die Frage der Bildung in Indien kann ohne einen Bezug zum sozial-linguistischen Kontext nicht hinreichend diskutiert werden. Dieser Artikel liefert Hintergrundinformationen zum linguistischen Profil Indiens. Der Begriff Minderheiten wird im Zusammenhang mit Indien definiert und der den Sprachminderheiten in der indischen Verfassung zugestandene Schutz untersucht. Anschließend wird die Sprachpolitik im indischen Bildungssystem angesprochen und die Empfehlungen unterschiedlicher Bildungskommissionen werden analysiert. Die wesentlichen abgehandelten Themen beinhalten folgende Bereiche: die Anzahl der unterrichteten Sprachen, die Unterrichtssprache und die Bildungspolitik hinsichtlich der Sprachminderheiten. Der Artikel befaßt sich außerdem mit unterschiedlichen Sprachbewegungen und ihrem Einfluß auf die indische Bildung.

Resumen La cuestión de educación en la India no podrá discutirse adecuadamente sin hacer referencia a su contexto sociolingüístico. Este trabajo provee informaciones de fondo sobre el perfil lingüistico de la India. Define el término de minorias en el contexto indio y examina la protección que la Constitución de la India ofrece a las minorías lingüísticas. A ello se agrega una discusión de la política lingüística en la educación india, en la que se analizan las recomendaciones de las diferentes comisiones de educación. Fntre otras cosas, los puntos tratados son: el número de lenguas que se enseñan, el medio de instrucción, y las políticas de educación referentes a las personas que hablan lenguuas minoritarias. El artículo también trata los diferentes movimientos lingüísticos y sus impactos en la educación en la India.

Résumé On ne peut vraiment débattre la question de l'éducation en Inde sans la replacer dans son contexts socio-linguistique. Cet article fournit une information de base sur le profil linguistique de l'Inde. Il y définit le terme de minorités dans le contexte de ce pays et étudie la protection que la Constitution indienne assure aux minorités linguistiques. Il s'ensuit un exposé de la politique linguistique dans l'enseignement de ce pays, incluant une analyse des recommandations des différentes commissions pédagogiques. Les points essentiels traités portent sur le nombre de langues enseignées, la langue d'enseignement et les politiques pédagogiques touchant les locuteurs de langues minoritaires. L'article analyse enfin les différents mouvements linguistiques et leur influence sur l'éducation en Inde.

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Examination of data from several mathematics education research projects has led the author to postulate a form of mathematical reasoning that learners engage in spontaneously and that is not inherently inductive or deductive. Transformational reasoning is generated through the learner's inquiry into how a mathematical system works. This sense of how it works may lead to a sense of understanding that may not be provided by inductive and deductive reasoning.  相似文献   

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